Book Title: Jiva Vichar Author(s): Hemchandrasuri Acharya Publisher: Sanghvi Ambalal Ratanchand Jain Dharmik Trust View full book textPage 9
________________ JEEV-VICHAR JEEV-VICHAR CHATUSHPAD - Livingbeings with four limbs. e.g. elephant, cow, horse, bullock etc. URAHPARISARP - Livingbeings who crawl. e.g. snake, python etc. BHUJPARISARP - Livingbeings walking on forelimbs. e.g. rat, squirrel, lizard, mongoose etc. Jalchar 1 Garbhaj 5 Paryapta 10 Sthalchar 3 Sammurchhim 5 Aparyapta 10 Khechar 1 Total 10 Types 20 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) 18) 19) 20) Aparyapta Garbhaj Urahparisarp Aparyapta Garbhaj Bhujparisarp Aparyapta Garbhaj Khechar Aparyapta Sammurchhim Jalchar Aparyapta Sammurchhim Chatushpad Aparyapta Sammurchhim Urahparisarp Apatyapta Sammurchhim Bhujparisarp Aparyapta Sammurchhim Khechar 5 1) GARBHAJ - Livingbeings who are born from mother's womb due to the contact of their parents. SAMMURCHHIM - Livingbeings who are naturally born without the contact of parents. TWO TYPES OF KHECHAR Those who have featherwings - e.g. pigeon, sparrow, crow, parrot, peacock etc. Those who have leather wings - e.g. bat, flying fox etc. 2) 20 TYPES OF PANCHENDRIYA TIRYANCH TWO TYPES OF BIRDS FROM ANOTHER POINT OF VIEW. Paryapta Garbhaj Jalchar Paryapta Garbhaj Chatushpad Paryapta Garbhaj Urahparisarp Paryapta Garbhaj Bhujparisarp Paryapta Garbhaj Khechar Paryapta Sammurchhim Jalchar Paryapta Sammurchhim Chatushpad Paryapta Sammurchhim Urahparisarp Paryapta Sammurchhim Bhujparisarp Paryapta Sammurchhim Khechar Aparyapta Garbhaj Jalchar Aparyapta Garbhaj Chatushpad 1) Those with extended wings - Their wings are extended even when they fly or sit. 2) Those with closed wings - Their wings are closed even when they fly or sit. These two types of birds dwell outside the Manushya Lok (a region in which humanbeings can dwell). The two types of khechar haven't been counted among the 20 types of Panchendriya tiryanch. 5) 8) 9) 10) 11) MANUSHYA 12) The fourteen rajloks (world of livingbeings) are composed of three sections - the upper section is calledPage Navigation
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