This type of ascetism is there only in Bharat Kshetra and Ayravat kshetra. It is not there in Mahavideh kshetra.
Ascetics possessing first sanghayan, 14 purvas and extraordinary labdhis (powers) have this type of
ascetism, women don't have this type of ascetism. 4) SUKSHMA SAMPARAAY:- An ascetism in which fruits
of extremely minute lobh (greed) passion are experienced is called sukshma samparaay. The other three
passions - anger, pride and deciet are absent here. 5) YATHAKHYAAT - Totally pure ascetism without any
exceptions, or an ascetism where there is total absence of experience of mohaniya karma. Here there are emotions of total indifference. Ascetism
(standards of virtues) Samaayik
6,7,8,9 Chhedopasthapniya 6,7,8,9 Parihaarvishudhi
6,7 Sukshma Samparaay Yathakhyaat
11, 12, 13, 14
NAV-TATIVA a) Itvar (temporary) :- Abandoning food for a small
period. e.g. Navkarshi (abondoning food for 48 mins, from sunrise), Porsi (abondoning food for nearly 3 hrs. from sunrise), Ekashana (eating just
once in a day), Fasting etc. b) Yavatkathik (permanent) - Abondoning food till
death. 2) UNODARI - Eating less than hunger. To possess less
things. VRITTISANKSHEP :- Taking vows of gochari (roaming for food as described in scriptures etc.) with respect to dravya (substance), kshetra (space), kaal (time) and bhav (emotions). • With respect to substances - Not to eat more than
certain substances. With respect to space - Not to roam in more than
certain houses. • With respect to time - Eating whatever is received
at or in certain time. With respect to emotions - Accepting food only if a crying child, angry man, diksharthi (a person
ready to accept ascetism) etc, gifts it. 4) RASTYAAG - Abandoning vigays (food materials
which push one in low classes). Milk, curd, ghee, oil, jaggery and fried items are six vigays. Honey, meat, butter, wine are four mahaviyas. One should totally abandon mahavigays and abandon vigays as many
and as much as possible. 5) KAAYKLESH - Torturing the body as mentioned in
[7] NIRJARA (OUTLETS) Departure of karma from soul is called Nirjara.
Nirjara is done by 12 types of penances. So, 12 types of penances are themselves 12 types of Nirjara.
BAHYA TAP (PHYSICAL PENANCE) - 6 TYPES 1) ANSHAN - Abandoning food according to religious
doctrines. It is of 2 types -