________________ The best eternal saint, late gurudev acharyadev shrimadvijay Premsurishvarji was - 1) A practisioner of pure ascetism. 2) A protector of ascetism. 3) An executor of yog (gifting) and kshem (protecting) of saints. 4) A father, grandfather and forefather of many great saints of Jainism. 5) An idol of abandonment, penance and endurance. 6) A lustrous multitude of celibacy 7) A great effort-maker to maintain peace in the sangh. 8) Worshipped by acharyas, upadhyayas and saint. 9) A great warrior to fight peacefully against unascetic activities, speaking opposite to Jainism and wrong path. 10) Victorious over anger, pride, deciet and greed. 11) A scholar of Jain-agamas. 12) Everready to serve and make others serve the child, the old, the diseased monks etc. 13) A scholar of Karma-scriptures. 14) A composer of vast Karma literature. 15) Always aware about wakefulness of soul. 16) A possessor of the mantra 'Soul purity'. Infinite bowings in the pious feet of this great saint. 329_S BOWINGS 24132 We bow down in the pious feet of Loard Shree SHANKHESHWAR PARSHWANATH, Loard Shree STHAMBHAN PARSHWANATH, Loard Shree KALIKUND PARSHWANATH, Loard Shree SIMANDHARSWAMI, Shashanpati Loard Shree MAHAVEERSWAM. DIVINE GRACE May Y 1) The ocean of doctrines, creator of a huge TY group of ascetics acharyadev shreemadvijay u PREMSURISHVARJI Maharaja 2) The logic scholar, practisioner of vardhaman penance acharyadev shreemadvijay BHUVANBHANUSURISHVARJI Maharaja, and $ 3) The ocean of peace, practisioner of perfect ascetism, pannyasji shree PADMAVIJAYJI GANIVARYA shower their divine grace on us. DECENT BLESSINGS a May the mobile computor of scriptures, leader of the gutch acharyadev shreemadvijay JAYGHOSHSURISHVARJI Maharaja bless us. BY THE COUATESY OF Late Mooliben Ambalal and family Taraben Tarachand, Upendra, Dinesh, Pushpaben Bansilal, Mukesh, Nipun, Piyush, Rasilaben Dharnendra, Nilesh, Sandeep, Ramaben Pandrik, Sharmesh