4. Asti-năstipravāda Pūrva - It explained the existence
and the non-existence of the animate and inanimate matter with reference, respectively, of their own quartet (Svacatustaya) of matter (dravy), place (ksetra), time (kāla) and mode (bhāva) and that of the others
(Paracatuştaya). 5. Jñānapravāda Pūrva - describing the number, types,
subjects and effects of knowledge. 6. Satyapravāda Pūrva - describing various tendencies of
the truth and the untruth. 7. Ātmapravāda Pūrva – It described the qualities like
doership (Karttva), enjoyership (bhoktrtva), etc. of the soul (Jīva) from both, the absolute (Niscaya) and practical
(Vyavahāra) stand-points (Nayas). 8. Karmapravăda Pūrva- it contained the descriptions of
the bonding (Bandha), existence (Satta), fruition (Udaya),
premature fruition (Udīraņā), etc of karma. 9. Pratyākhyāna Pūrva – It describes various types of
renunciations. 10. Vidyānuvāda Pūrva -- It contained the descriptions of
700 types of petty and 500 types of great learning, procedures for perfecting various incantations for obtaining desired results (Mantra-siddhi Vidhāna), and
eight-fold prognostics (Astānga Nimitta). 11. Avandhya Pūrva - Describing the auspicious events in
the lives of sixty-three great personalities or torch-bearers
(Šalākāpurusa) of the Jaina faith. 12. Prānāyu Pūrva-containing the knowledge of the science
of healing and that of incantations (Mantra prayoga) for
relieving the spells cast by evil spirits. 13. Trilokabindusara Pūrva - containing the descriptions
of the three worlds - higher, middle and nether; and the Moksa (the abode of the liberated souls) as also the actions
that lead to Moksa. 14. Cūlikā Pūrva - detailing the procedures for attaining