1. Avaśyakasūtra, 2. Daśavaikālikasūtra, 3. Uttarādhyayanasūtra, 4. Nandīsūtra, 5. Anuyogadvārasūtra, and 6. Pindaniryukti-Oghaniryukti. Six Cheda Sūtras - 1. Nisīthasūtra, 2. Mahānisīthasūtra, 3. Vrhatkalpa, 4. Vyavahārasūtra, 5. Daśāśrutaskandha, and 6. Pañcakalpa. Ten Prakirnakas
Generally, “Prakīrņaka' means 'a treatise compiled on miscellaneous subjects'. According to Malyagiri, the commentator on the Nandīsūtra, the monks used to compose the Prakīrṇakas based on the sermons of the Tirtharkaras (the Prophets Propounders of the Jaina faith). Today, only ten of the twentytwo available Prakīrņakas are recognised amongst the forty-five canonical works. These are as follows :
1. Aturapratyākhyāna, 2. Bhaktaparijñā, 3. Tandulavaicārika, 4. Candravedhyaka, 5. Devendrastava, 6. Gani--vidyā, 7. Mhāpratyākhyāna, 8. Catuḥsarana, 9. Vīrastava, and 10. Samstāraka.