the conflict complicates further rather than getting resolved. Such sheltering behind cleverly hidden lies becomes the greatest stumbling blocks in the process of achieving peace. It will also not be incorrect to say that creating markets for one's warlike merchandise by the manufacturing country is often based on its false propaganda and falsely instigating one neighbouring country against the other. It is not difficult to imagine that if a world order based on absolute adherence to truth could be created, it will be a world bereft of strife and full of peace and amity. Non-stealing - The Jaina concept of non-stealing is not only refraining from theft as such but also to refrain from taking or accepting anything, how-so-ever small and inconsequential, without the permission of its rightful owner. Such absolute adherence to respect for the others' property rights in the international dealings will not leave any room for disputes of territory and other economic conflicts. It can be said with some authority that if such a situation prevails, no conflicts will assume the proportions where wars may have to be fought and peace may have to be shattered. This applies equally to the matters of tangible as well as intellectual properties. Moderate Possessions And Inconspicuous ConsumptionImagine a world order where the developed countries moderate their needs, which often border on wasteful luxury and conspicuous consumption, and share their wealth with the underdeveloped countries. Will there be hungry and deprived billions in the world then? The answer is an obvious 'No'. Can there be any conflict in a world with no hunger and deprivation? The answer will again have to be a 'No'. This seems to be a Utopian ideal but that is what Jainism preaches to its followers. If the entire world were to follow the Jaina precept of moderate possessions and inconspicuous consumption, the world may well be rid of conflict and the peace may prevail. 350 : JAINISM: THE CREED FOR ALL TIMES