Samutthānaśruta Nirayāvalikā Kalpikā Kalpāvatanisika Puspikā Puspacũlikā Vrsņidaśā
Vītarāgaśruta Vihārakalpa Caranavidhi Āturapratyākhyāna Mahāpratyākhyāna
The Four Anuyogas -
The third classification of the canonical texts is based on the subjects dealt with therein. All the āgamas were divided into four parts called Anuyogas. They are as under:1. Carana-Karanānuyoga - dealing with the rules of
monastic conduct, flaws and atonement therefor. The canonical works included within this anuyoga are – Kālika Sruta (Timely studiable canonical works), Mahā kalpa, Chedasūtras, etc. Dharmakathānuyoga – the canonical works that predominantly contain religious stories, such as – Rşibhāṣita, Uttarādhyayana, etc. are included within this
anuyoga. 3. Ganitānuyoga – the canonical texts such as Sūrya
Prajñapti, etc., which can be studied through mathematical
rigour, form the content of this anuyoga. 4. Dravyānuyoga - the canonical works dealing with the
material science, such as Drștivāda, etc., are included within this anuyoga.
The Latest Classification -
The latest classification of canonical works is in the form of Anga Sūtras, Upānga Sūtras, Mūla Sūtras and Cheda Sūtras. Thirty-two scriptures recognised by the Sthānakavāsi (Prayerhouse dwelling) and the Terāpanthi Svetāmbara (White-clad)