Jain Theism
The Law of karma occupies a distinct place both in Indian philosophy and in Indian theology. It is known as karma märg, karma väda. Law or Doctrine of karma etc. But then it is found at its highest degree of minuteness and in its best form of preciseness in Jainism. To Jainas, in fact, the science of karma is the real science of spirituality, in so far as it tries to unfold the real nature of spirit or self." In Jainism every aspect related to karma and 'karma-vada' has been explored in its full details. Unlike the brahmanical notion that "karma is subservient to God and hence what is more important is not karma but compassion of God." to Jainas freedom from karma is the uncompromising condition for salvation. Jainism does not simply put the law of karma, or the meaning and classification of karmas only. It goes deep into the discussion of certain process to explain how the Karma attach to the soul i.e. the process of karma-bandha. Jainism accepts the postulate of nescience or 'mithyātva' without which the karma cannot be explained. It also discusses some of the vital issues like whether karma has beginning or is beginingless, whether karma is prior to self or self is prior to karma, how soul is considered as the possessor of material karma, the process of Asrava means' 'influx' or flowing' of karmic matter into the soul, as well as samvara, means the stoppage of the inflow of karmic matter into the soul. All these issues I have discussed at great length in chapter 4 in this work. What is of utmost significance is to note "the reasons behind the jainas putting greater emphasis on the doctrine of karma and working out a science of karma in greater details than what has been done by other systems.
Out of the reasons, the chief one is, rejection of a belief in God's grace as well as God regarded as the dispensor of fruits of action. It maintains that every soul in its pure form is God, having four infinites. The Jain approach to deal with karma through penances and austerities and its uncompromising sincerity and unshakable faith in the doctrine of karma opens the way to salvation. As the Law of karma is the explanation to the bondage, its total climination through spiritual practices is the attainment of emancipation. "Jainism does not preach that there is any special power ruling over the destinies of men from behind or above. On the contrary, it teaches that every individual works out his own destiny by his own mental and physical exertions
42. Ramji singh The Concept of omniscience pp. 109
43. Cp. Rg.veda X 19.3 Taitraya Upanisad III.1, Manu Smrti I:5;.9 44. Ramji Singh Jain Cencept of ommisciece pp. 107.
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