Theism, Atheism and Jainism
41 India.''} 28 Major General J.G.R. Forlong observes that, “Lofty ideas and high aescetic practice are found in jainism. It is impossible to know the beginning of Jainism."*134 He also wrote, “Instead of Jainism being as was formerly supposed an offshoot of Buddhism, it is shown to extend as far back as 3000 B.C. It is found flourishing alongside the nature worship of the rude tribes in Northern India.''130 Amongst the Indian scholars Dr. S.Rahdhakrishnan said, “There is nothing wonderful in my saying Jainism was in existence long before the Vedās were composed."*}31 Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak writes,” We learn from Šāstras and commentaries the Jainism is existing from beginningless time. This fact is indisputable and free from, difference of opinion. There is much historical evidence on this point.''!32 The late Sri Kumarswami Sāstri, chief justice of the madras High Court, asserts that, “The beginning of Jainism and its history are much older than the Smruti Sāstras and thair commentaries. Jainism is completely different from Hinduism and independent of it.'*133 Justice Ranglekar of Bombay High Court says, “From modern historical research we come to know that long before Brahmanism developed into Hindu Dharma, Jainism was prevalent in this country."*}34 Swami Rammisraji Shastri, Professor, Sanskrit College, Banaras says, “We are reminded of the antiquity of Jainism when we study the things obtained from the excavation at Mohan-Jo-Dero ancient inscriptions, caves and many ancient ruins..... Jainism began when this world began. I am of the opinion that Jainism is much older than the Vedic Darsana." Dus
The above mentioned are some of the views by the great scholars of the West and East. Moreover the reference in Yajur Veda (ch. 19 Mantra 14) or in Yoga vāsistha (ch. 15, verse 8) and a lot of other evidences discussed and presented by Dr. J.P. Jain in his highly scholarly book, “Jainism the oldest Living Religion' tell us of a clear fact that Jainism is very old and certainly not an offshoot of any religion or in revolt to any religion: It is an independent system, "a complete system with all the necessary branches such as dogma or
128. Harisatya Bhattacharya, The Philosophy of the Jains (1957), p. -(ix). 129. Harisatya Bhattacharya, The Philosophy of the Jains (1957), p. (x) 130. Dr. J. P. Jain, Religion and culture of Jains (1977) p. 2. 131. H.S. Bhattacharya, The Philosophy of the Jains (1958) p. (xiv) 132. Ibid., p. (xii)
133. Ibid., p. (xii) 134. Ibid., p. (xii)
135. Ibid., p. (xiii)
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