Jain Theism
special reason. The real and deep understanding of Jain philosophy of non-absolutism, the theory of manyfoldness and Nayavāda (standpoint) would mean unfolding the fact that in number of ways Jainism is not atheism but theistic in its implication and presuppositions. It is here, to understand Jainism and its doctrine that Jain logic is warranted. It being sound and scientific, leads to such conclusions that bring us right into the inner core of Jainism which is highly ethical, highly religious and therefore highly theistic in color. 3.1.2 Jain Logic & Logicians
History of Jain logic and Jain epistemology goes as back as its canonical literature. We find the doctrines and the discussions as well as reasoning on the doctrines even in the philosophical works by Umāsvāti and Kundakundācharya. But then, logic, in its proper form, becomes evident with Siddhasena Divākar's Nyāyāvatāra and SanmatiTark. Dr. A.N. Upadhye, in his ‘Introduction to Siddhsena's Nyāyāvatāra and other works' says, “The Nyäyāvatāra, as far as we know, is the earliest manual on logic composed for the benefit and training of the Jain authors who till its time studied Nyāya possibly from other sources available to them.''3 Siddhasena Diwakar has been accepted as the first Jain writer on pure logic' who belonged to the Svetāmbara sect as mentioned by Pradyumansuri. This has been supported by scholars, like R.G. Bhandarkar, P. Peterson, S.C. Vidyabhushan, Jinavijay, H. Jacobi, P.L. Vaidya, Pt. Sukhlalji, and others, Thus with 'Nyāyāvātāra' and 'Sanmati-Tark' by Siddhasena Diwākara, we find an inauguration of Jain logic in its most formal and systematic exposition of the doctrines. Dr. A.N. Upadhye has discussed in a full length all about Jain logic, as well as about Siddhasena and his time in his most illustrious work “Nyāyāvatāra" and other works." With regards to time he concludes that the date of Siddhasena, earlier was assigned as between the 1st and 7th century, which, after Pt. D.M. Malvania's Survey of Jain Darshan was accepted as not later than 5th century." The history of Jain logic is the history of eminent Jain logicians from Siddhasena to Yashovijayaji. Of course, Umāsvāti and Kundakunda hold a high place but were earlier than Siddhasena. To Pt. Malvania and some others “Kundakunda cannot be put earlier than 5th Century." Without entering much into the history and dates, let us simply mention some of the noteworthy Jain logicians from Siddhasena to Yashovijayaji. They are Mallavadi,
3. A.N. Upadhye : 'Siddhasena's Nyāyāvatāra and other Works (1971) p. xxiii
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