Jain Theism
can "best accord with” the human freedom as appears to be in our experience as interpreted by ethics, psychology and natural science."**After a long discussion on determinism and indeterminism, as well as on indeterminism and God, W.K." Wright in his famous book ‘A student's Philosophy of Religion' concludes by writing that, “whatever theories may be favored regarding determinism and indeterminism, there can be no doubt that there is a very real and practical sense in which human freedom has actually been advancing with the progress of civilization. This is 'frecdom of opportunity."?! 25 “A life of religious devotion and communion with God will aid an individual in such efforts.'*126 2.3.3 JAINISM (1) Introduction
We have sufficiently discussed ‘religion as well as 'God'. We saw different theistic approaches regarding their interpretation of the meaning and nature of God. Now we will see Jainism, of course in general, with this reference. We have earlier examined Jainism with reference to God and the entire chapter 3,4, and 5 of this work discuss the Jain logic, Jain ethics and Jain philosophy of soul, in full details. Let us just go through a brief summary of Jain religion, in general. (2) Origin & Antiquity
"Jainism" is the religion as well as one of the nine main systems of the Indian philosophy. It is the religion of jains, a path practiced and preached by 'Jinas' which means the conquerors of self. “It is an important, fully developed and well established religious and cultural system."127
Jainsm, now no longer is considered as one founded by Lord Mahāvira. Its antiquity, as told to us by the Western as well as Indian Scholars, goes back to pre-Aryan and may be even pre-Vedic period. Given below are some of the views throwing light upon the antiquity of Jainism,. Dr. Harmann Jacobi says : “In conclusion let me assert my conviction that Jainism is an original system, quite distinct and independent from all others; and that therefore it is of great importance for the study of philosophical" thought and religious life in ancient
124. Taitreya Upanisad, p. 404 125. Ibid., p. 421 126. Ibid., p. 428 127. Ds. J.P. Jain, Religion and Culture of the Jains (1977) p. 1.
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