only on the sight, the person wishes to hear something, and then he begins to reason. In this country indeed there was a time and among ordinary people this is still a time when they are attracted by pictures; but the intelligent, thinking people have passed beyond that stage and wish to hear as well as to see something. This fact is true in this country as in any other, in India as in America. The very fact that we pass from that stage of attraclion of the eye to that of the ear is a sign of real progress. Today in India, if a person is given any newspaper in which there are pictures in connection with the advertisements, and is asked to purchase something from the store, he will say. "That person has spent so much money in advertising that his charges will be higher,” and in that way he will settle the business. He has passed from the stage in which the eye is attracted to that in which the ear is attracted. Later still we hear eloquent people, and they electrify us as it were on account of their pover of speech, and so neti nes we come to conclusions while heariug them which would not be our conclusions if it were not for this power. But if we have passed that stage, when we come hone we reason on those points and decide then for ourselves. Progress is, really speaking, the object of life. If the object of life is determined we can deal with the laws. First of all we know that life is eternal? second, we know that our object is progress and the
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