I have learned since coming to this conntry that the great shibboleth of the host of Christendom is, "The whole world for Christ.” What is that? What do you mean? Who is that cbrist in whose name you propose to conquer the world ? Is there a Christ of oppression ? Is there a Christ of injustice ? Is there a Christ sf misinterpretation ? Is there ! Chfist of denial of all rights ? Is there a Christ of destruction of all holy aims and humane immemorial institutions? Is there a Christ of 11njust and exorbitant taxatio:) for the support of a govern:neut, foreign to our knowledge, our thought, our religion and our consent ? Who of these Christs has inscribed his name on the baner of your conguests? If you seek to conquer us under such banners and in the name of such Christs, we refuse to be conquered. But, if you come to us in the naine and spirit of the Christ of Education of Brotherhood, of universal love, or in the name of that Christ, why, in the valley of the Ganges and on the shores of the sea of Tiberius more that 1800 years ago, taught and said: “A new commandment give I unto you, that ye love one another;" then I say we will welcome you, for Him we know and of Him we are not afraid. But all this must be understocd in the full freedom of it. We cannot recognize a creedal Christ, a limited Christ, an emasculated truth, whether it is viewed from an educational or from a moral and spiritual point of view, but the universal idea, without limit, without fetters-free.
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