Book Title: Jain Digest 1994 06 Special Issue
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 25
________________ the Sikhs in Punjab why can't he help us resolve some of our Hindu and Muslim disputes in other parts of the country? That was the beginning of a rebirth of hope and faith. Now let me tell you about the critical challenges we face today in our global crusade of love and peace against terrorism and violence. We have two main enemies, ego and fear. Through persuasion we have to change the hearts of men in power all around the world. We must urge them to surrender personal and collective egos for the sake of humanity. A large ego can turn a big man into a midget. The unrest, conflict and violence of thought, word and deed that we see in the world today are the result of individual and collective assertion of ego against reason, justice, freedom and human- ity. Ego deprives us of vision and often leads us into racial, communal and state terrorism. So, ego is the mother of terrorism. The second big enemy we face all over the world is fear. Those who kill are neither brave nor strong. They are very weak and frightened. They kill because they fear being killed. They hate because they suspect that others hate them. They are intolerant in their thought and speech because they nurse the suspicion that others are intolerant of them. They are greedy because they are deprived of the spiritual richness of generosity. So, I submit that in 1988, from here, the town of learning and understanding, this famous city of Oxford, let us launch an action program entitled FREEDOM FROM FEAR. Let mankind's hearts be free from fear, and many of our global conflicts will disappear. It is well known that fear breeds fear, and love breeds love. Let us use love and persuasion as our instruments. Let us consolidate the spiritual forces against material forces; compassion against prejudice and hatred; patience against anger; humility against egotism; and fearlessness against fear. Today when heads of state as Reagan, Gorbachev and Rajiv Gandhi are talking of a world free of nuclear weapons the signs are hopeful. But remember poisoned hearts and minds are more dangerous than poison gas. Let us rid human hearts of spiritual and intellectual pollution and we shall certainly be on our way to a pollutionfree and ecologically balanced mankind. Let us try to change the hearts of our so-called enemies and not to destroy them. We must remember that while wars are born in the hearts and minds of men, so are love and peace. This is our challenge. GLOBAL FIVE-POINT PROGRAM Taking advantage of the presence of the most respected spiritual and parliamentary leaders of the world at this unique Oxford meeting, I would like to propose a five-point program of global action for adoption and implementation in every country of the world. 1. The successful nonviolent experiment carried out by us in Punjab, India should provide an initiative for similar programs all over the world. We must meet face to face with those who are considered terrorists and extremists in order to understand the turmoil in their hearts. Terrorism and extremism born of feelings of injustice, prejudice and deprivation can be eliminated nonviolently if we elimi nate the causes. 2. Let us initiate a worldwide continuous campaign demand ing the ban of nuclear and non-nuclear lethal weapons. 3. Mankind must be made aware that armed threats and actions have never maintained lasting peace. Nonviolence and peaceful coexistence are the only hope for human survival. 4. The campaign of love and peace should be strongly supported by a campaign against drug abuse, child abuse and the immature, irresponsible attitudes that have caused the spread of AIDS, drug addiction and the general hopeless, helpless despair suffered by many which are as dangerous to mankind as the deadliest weapons. 5. Humanity must adopt an attitude of respect for life. When this respect encompasses not only humans but all beings; animal, vegetation and the very earth itself, an ecological balance can be restored and peace will reign. Let this program be adopted and implemented by you, the great parliamentary and spiritual leaders of the world gathered here at Oxford. Let this be our OXFORD DECLARATION to show the world the path to true and complete peace, love and nonviolence. Peace will never happen until we can laugh at the stitches in our maps where we think we really split the planet into parts.... - Joseph Pintauro Jain Digest June 1994 Page 23 Jain Education Interational 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only


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