Book Title: Jain Digest 1994 06 Special Issue
Author(s): Federation of JAINA
Publisher: USA Federation of JAINA

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Page 23
________________ place. This is also the secret of the Mantra - any Mantra. beaten, killed or enslaved in the name of superiority. This We can awaken our own energy for healing. Anyone can be type of torture is going on in Africa, in America, in India or a healer. When we remove our ego, our existence, when we anywhere in the world. There is no country in the world don't think about ourselves, then we can be healers. If you where one person did not torture another person. By war, think “I am a healer," you won't be able to heal. Forget man has done so much; by slavery he has done so much; by yourself, become a channel or a medium. When you apply wealth he has done so much; but mostly in the name of this type of healing, magnetic current will occupy you. You religion he has done so many negative things. The maximum will feel so many vibrations. Anybody can be healed with amount of torture in this world has been done in the name of this type of power. Forget yourself completely, dissolve religion. Religion can be the purest thing - but it also has yourself, merge into an Ocean of Love. Ultimately you will been a big poison for the world. In the name of religion, be a channel. The energy will come and then you can heal people think that they are superior. They think “I am a Jain, anyone. I am a Buddhist, I am a Christian," and so on. Religion should But spirituality is more than just reaching toward the pranic be a uniting force. Instead, in the name of religion entire force. According to Raja Yoga, the Buddha, Patanjali and societies have been divided. These are our habits, this is how Jain systems, spirituality means awakening or awareness. It we think. We all think that we are different, that we are doesn't matter what type of activity you are engaged in, separate. We do different jobs, we have different organizashopping, working, cooking, meditating, etc., if you work tions, we belong to different communities. Ultimately, none with awareness, this constitutes spirituality. In our literature of us are superior or better. We are all one. we see and read of the great Masters doing different types of My dears, by spirituality we mean awareness and awakenwork. We see pictures of the Lords Krishna and Mahaviring. If you are aware of yourself, if you focus your entire meditating. We also see pictures of Christ doing work. All of concentration on one work at a time, if you can accept all as the great Masters worked with awareness and focus - this is one, then you are spiritual. spirituality. It is only our minds that make us think that when we recite a mantra, it can be any mantra or rhythmic meditation is more spiritual than physical work. But whether chanting, we receive so much help. The mantra vibrates and you work or meditate, only do one thing at a time; this is the inspires different parts of the body. You can open and rule. If you are working, concentrate. Do not talk with others, awaken yourself. This is a mysterious system of the physical do not waste your energy. Always focus and concentrate and subtle bodies. Ultimately, you will unlock your causal your mind on only one work - then you are a Yogi, then you body. You are purifying yourself. You are removing all are spiritual. negativities - the kind of materials that cause problems, But we ask why meditation is important. Our mind has the diseases, negativities, obstacles or sickness. Begin by chanthabit to run, to collect thoughts like a dumpster. We fill our ing OM - beautiful OM! minds with bad or dirty thoughts. By meditating one to two OM SHANTI hours daily, we can fill our minds with pure, clean thoughts. Our mind will become a temple of God. Our mind is so powerful. If you meditate, you can change anything in the world. Mind power is a big thing. But, if we don't care and fill our minds with useless, careless thoughts, the mind will become difficult to control. People today have great difficulty in stopping or controlling their minds because their negativity rules them. When reading the history of society, we see so much fighting and killing based on just one thought "I am superior to you." This is how so many people think. Look at what happened to the people in Africa. The men, women and children were collected, chained and sold to other nations. They were Who will use the sword will perish by the sword. Who will use peace will be blessed with peace --- Dr. Robert Muller Jain Digest June 1994 Page 21 Jain Education Interational 2010_02 For Private & Personal Use Only


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