Hiranyakesi Grhya Sutra, Sacred Books of the East,
Vol. XXX. History of Indian Philosophy ( Vols. I & II )-- Jadunath
Sinha, Sinha Publishing House, Calcutta. History of Religion (Vos. I-V )--P.V. Kane, Bhandarkar
Oriental Research Institute, Poona. Holy Bible (Old & New Testament), London. Indian Philosophy --Dr. C. D. Sharma, Nand Kishore and
Brothers, Varanasi. Indian Philosophy (Vols I & II)–Radhakrishnan, London. Jaimini Grhya Sutra-Ed. Dr. W. Caland, Motilal
Banarasidass, Varanasi. Khadira Grhya Sutra-Sacred Books of the East, Vol.
XXIX. Maitrayani Samhita ( Vols. I & II ), Ed. Leopold Von
Schroeder, Leipzig, 1881, 1885. Paraskara Grhya Sutra, Sacred Books of the East, Vol
XXIX. Patanjali's Yoga Sutra-Trans. by Rama Prasad, Public
sher--Sudhindranatha Vau, Allahabad, 1910. Philosophy of the Upanisads--Suresh Chandra Chakra.
varti, University of Calcutta, 1955. Purana Index-V. R. Ramchandra Dikshitar, Madras,
1951. Quran--Tr.-E. H. Palmer, Sacred Books of the East, Vols.
VI & IX. Sankhayana Grhya Sutra, Sacred Books of the East, Vol.
XXIX. Satapatha Brahmana, Sacred Books of the East, Vol. XII Sribhasya of Ramanuja—R. D. Karmarkar, University of
Poona, 1959-64.
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