( 312 ) I have read with great pleasure the work entitled "Jaina Dharma Men Ahimsa" written by Dr. Bashistha Narayan Sinha, M. A., Ph. D. It was submitted by him for Ph. D. degree of Banaras Hindu University. The problem of Ahimsa, non-injury to living beings has been approached from various angles of vision. Though professedly the subject is confined to the Jain religion which is conspicuous for its scrupulous observance of this ethical discipline, it has been shown by the author that almost all religions of the world including Vedic religion, Buddhism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity lay considerable stress on the observance of this principle of conduct. Brahmanism and Buddhism are noted for their expositions of Ahimså, as motivated by love and sympathy and benevolence, Gandhijee's conception of Ahimsă covers a wider scope and is intimately connected with Truth and universal Love. These religions and ethical speculations have been succinctly surveyed in this work. The book is noted for its thoroughness and wide range. It must be regarded as an original contribution. The study of this stimulating work will be rewarding and the reader's conception and thought will be enlarged by the array of facts and information culled together with critical judgement. I wish wide circulation of this esteemed work of research both to laymen and scholars.
Prof. Satkari Mookerjee
M. A., Ph. D. Retired Asutosh Professor of Sanskrit,
Calcutta University.
Ex-Director, Nava Nalanda Maha Vihar.
Jain Education International
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