Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 18
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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________________ CONTENTS. PAGE H. G. PRENDERGAST, M.C.S.: Note on Names connected with the Telugu Country . .. . . .. . 61 G. H. R.: Rustio Customs in Oudh; LAkhil Bhat ... ... 386 PANDIT S. M. NATESA SASTRI, M.F.L.S.. Soms SOUTH-INDIAN LITERARY LEGENDE CURIOSITIES OF SOUTH INDIAN SANSKRIT LITE RATURE ... ... .. ... ... ... ... FOLKLORE IN SOUTHERN INDIA - No. 29. The Jesamine King ... 87 No.30. The Arch-Impostor ... 120 No. 31. The Four Good Maxims; First Variant 349 Madras Social Customs, Parturition ... ... 287 VenkatAchalapati; a Madras Legend ... ... 317 DR. ROBERT SCHRAM; VIENNA:TABLE FOR THE APPROXIMATE CONVERSION OF HINDU DATES... ... ... ... ... ... 290 E. SENART, MEMBRE DE L'INSTITUT DE FRANCE: THE INSCRIPTIONS OF PIYADASI : Chapter II. The Columnar Edicts... 1, 73, 105, 300 V. A. SMITH, B.C.S.: A DATED GROO-BUDDHIST SCULPTURE... ... 257 Archeological Survey of India, Vol. XXIII. ... 96 The Bodleian Collection of Coins ... ... 248 PAGE DR. H. W. SMYTH, BALTIMORE :SACRED LITERATURE OF THE JAINS, TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN OF PROF. WEBER... 181, 369 TAW SEIN KO, RANGOON :FOLKLORE IN BURMA :No. 1. Maung Pauk Kyaing, or the Dull Boy who became a King ... .. ... ... 275 CAPTAIN R. C. TEMPLE, B.S.C., M.R.A.S.:TEE COINS OF THE MODERN NATIVE CHIES OF THE PANJAB ... ... ... ... ... .. 321 PUTLIBAI D. H. WADIA :FOLKLORE IN WESTERN INDIA :No. 13. The Floating Palace, or the Three Wise Precepta ... ... No. 14. The Mistress of Light Ships; or the Discarded Wife ... ... .. THE BALLAD OF THE GUJARI .. ... ... SUNKUNI WARIYAR: A Variant of the Bloody Cloth ... ... ... 159 Perpetual Fire in Madras ... .. ... .. 352 PROF. E. WEBER, BERLIN : THE SACRED LITERATURS OF THE JAINS ... 181,300 ... .. 21 .... 145 CORRESPONDENCE AND MISCELLANEA. Progress of European Scholarship, Nos. 12, 14, 15 | Professor Kielhorn's Edition of the Mahabh Ashya, and 17, by G A. Grierson ... ... 26, 88, 125, 246 by Govinda Dasa . . ... ... ... 128 Progress of European Scholarship, Nos. 13, 16 and Corpus Inscriptionum Indicarum, Vol. III., "the 18, by W. R. Morfill ... ... . ... ..49, 152, 377 Gupta Inscriptions," by J. F. Fleet... ... Calculation of Hindu Dates, Nos. 1 to 31, by J. F. ... 219 Fleet ... ... ... 30, 55, 00, 187, 285, 310, 379A Now System of the Sixty-Year Cyclo of Jupiter, The Dates of Three Copper-Plate Grants of Govinda by J. F. Fleet ... ... ... ... ... ... 221 chandra of Kanauj, by F. Kielhorn ... ... ... 56 Onomatopoin in Hindustani, by J. G. Delmerick ... 224 The Spurious Gurjara Grants of the Saka Years 400, 415 and 417, by J. F. Fleet The Bodleian Collection of Coins, by V. A. Smith... 248 The Year commencing with the Month Ashidha, by The Tithi of a Sankranti, by J. F. Fleet..... ... 249 J. F. Fleet The Vikrama Year commencing with the Month Tho Ambarnáth Inscription of Mamvaņi, by J. F. AshAdha, by F. Kielhorn ... .. ... 251 Fleet A Literary Query, by Cecil Bendall ... ... ... 284 The Danish Royal Academy's Prize regarding the Philological position of Sanskrit in India, by Gastave Garrez, by G.A.G.... ... ... ... 378 G. A. Grierson ... ... ... 124 | The Sixty-Year Cycle of Jupiter, by F. Kielhorn ... NOTES AND QUERIES. Propitiatory Sacrifice of a Buffalo in the Perak Social Customs, Death, in Bombay, by H. E. B.... 287 Malay Peninsula, by C. V. Crongh ... ... ... 31 Social Customs, Death, in Kasmir, by J. Hinton Notos on Malacca Folk Medioino, by D. F. A. Knowles ... ... .. Harvey ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 59 Madras Social Customs, Parturition, by 8. M. Note on Names oonnected with the Telugu Country Nates Sestri ... ... ... ... ... ... 287 by H. G. Prendergast ... ... Veókathohalapati, a Madrus Legend, by S. M. Tests of Virginity amongst the Malays, by W.E.M. 61 Natesa Sastri ... A Variant of the Bloody Cloth, by Sankuni Wariyar 159 KA NAg, Kasmir Legend, by J. Hinton Knowles. 318 Bombay Social Customs, Pregnancy, by K. Jagan Perpetual Fire in Madras, by Sunkuni Wariyar... 363 nathji .. . .. .. 2571 Rustio Customs in Oudh; Lakhi Bhút, by G. H. B. 386 61 . .. 317


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