Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 15
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 343
________________ OCTOBER, 1886.] THE FOUR PRINCES. 301 looking more like a porter than a king. The as she saw her own sons growing into mansoldiers at the gate, even, almost allowed him hood. She plotted in every imaginable way to pass in without the customary royal salute. against them. At first the king heeded not The queen at once heard of the king's her lying insinuations and unkind wishes, but plight and when, having changed his wet and afterwards overcome by her skill and charms muddy garments, he went to ber room she (for the queen was both very clever and very met him with a frown. “Wherefore this beautiful), he began to speak harshly to the frown, my wife ” he said. four princes, and now and again he looked “I like not,” she replied, that you, my with suspicion on them. The princes noticed lord and king, should do these things. They that the face of their father was being changed do not become either your position or your towards them, and that there was a marked age. Why don't you command your sons lack of the trust and affection that had hitherto to do this work? They are grown-up, and are encouraged them to prosecute unflaggingly good and wise enough to perform it. Command their arduous labours. them to do this work, I pray you. Thus shall This state of affairs went on for several I be saved much anxiety concerning you, while months. At last, worn out by unpleasantries the affairs of the kingdom will not suffer in by day and watchings by night, the four the least." princes met together to solemnly consider "You have spoken wisely," answered the what they should do. They appointed their king. “It is better that I should resign these meeting at midnight and in a most unfrequented duties to younger hands,- and who are more part of the jungle. Each prince told his tale wise and diligent than my own song? They, of sorrow, and each one except the eldest, too, will be kings and rulers some day, and on the conclusion thereof added, “And now ought to learn experimentally now, while I my counsel is, dear brethren, that we fly this am alive to direct and help them, what will be part of the country and go whithersoever expected from them hereafter. I will immedi. Parameswar may lead us. What will be, will be." ately call them and explain my wishes." "Not so," said the eldest prince. “Stay, my Accordingly the four princes were at once brethren. What foolishness is this that you summoned before the king; and when they entertain in your hearts ? Not so, not so, I appeared, His Majesty told them of his conver- counsel you. You know not what you are sation with the queen, and how that he had proposing. Deprived of sleep you have become determined to hand over this itinerating work deprived of your wits also. In a sane state of to them. “You are younger and stronger mind you would not speak thus. What I would than I am," he added. "I trust you will en- the sons of the greatest and holiest king that deavour to fulfil your duties to my satisfaction ever sat on the masnad* disobey their father, and to the people's profit." and run away like mean, spiritless, curs before The four princes expressed their pleasure at his commands ? No, never ;--this is not your this manifestation of their father's confidence meaning. Listen, O my brethren, I warn you in them, and assured him that he should never not to think any more about leaving your counfind that that confidence had been misplaced. try. Get to your beds and rest. I will watch Directly that day changed into night they for this night. To-morrow night another of commenced their work of secret supervision. us will watch; and the next night another; They each had a special round, and whatever and the night after that another. Thus shall was worth notice they reported to the king. we get more and abundant rest; and the work Under such a strict and regular supervision it of supervision will be regularly carried on." was no wonder that the kingdom continued Saying this, the eldest prince wished them increasingly happy and prosperous (1) all good-night, and started to fulfil his watch But seeds of mischief were being sown at The other princes also left, and being tho. the palace against these princes. The queen roughly impressed by their eldest brother's was getting more and more jealons of them, advice went home and soon forgot their • A large cushion of velvet, silk, and precious stones doing duty for a throne.


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