Book Title: Indian Antiquary Vol 15
Author(s): John Faithfull Fleet, Richard Carnac Temple
Publisher: Swati Publications

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Page 404
________________ 358 THE INDIAN ANTIQUARY. (DECEMBER, 1886. 7 sramaņas-tatah | Rahulo-Akhyar=cha tach-chhishya U pasênô yatir=yataḥ Maha námå kramad=Ovam=Upasónas=tató-parah 11 Vatsalyam" sarana. 8 gatasys Satatam dinasya vaiseshika vy&pat-sayaka-santati-kshata-dhritêr=arttasya ch-apatyakam krůrasy-ahita-kariņah pravitatam va(ba)ndhoreyathi9 bhåvatah évam sach-charit-8dbhavêna yasasa yasy=&chita bhůtalam | Åmradvip". Adhivâsî prithu-kala-jaladhis-tasya sishy mahiyên 10 Lanka-dvips-prasataḥ para-hita-niratah san-Mabânâma-nâmê tên=ôchchair-V yo(bbő). dhimaņde sasi-kara-dhavalaḥ sarvvató mandapêna 11 kantaḥ prasada esha Smara-va(bajla-jayinaḥ kåritô lôka-sastuh | Vyapagata". vishaya-snéhô hata-timira-daśaḥ pradipa-vad-a-sangah 12 kusalên=anëna jand (bô)dhi-sukhameanuttaram bhajatâm | Yavad"-dhvant apahîrî pravitata-kiranah sarvvatô bhati bhasvân=yâvat=purņņā=mva(mbu). 13 risih phani-phaņa-kațilair=ûrmmi-chakkrais-samantat yâvach=ch=Endr-adhivasó vividha-maņi-sild-chiro-sringah Sumêruh sôbb-Adhyam 14 tavad-êtad-bhavanam-uru-munôh sasvatatvam=prayâtu | Samvat 200 60 9 Chaittra su di 811 TRANSLATION. | unrivalled country at the feet of the mountains Om! Victorious for a very long time is that of Lanka; and in succession from them there doctrine, replete with fame, of the Teacher, were born, in hundreds, disciples and disciples' the chief kinsman of the Sakyas, by which, disciples, possessed of the virtue of (good) lustrous as the full moon, the inscratable pri- character, who, without the glory of (actual) mary substance of existence has been pervaded sovereignty, were the ornaments of a lofty in all directions ; by which the warriors, who race of kings. are heretics, obstructive of the path of beati. (L.6.1- Then there was the Sramana tude, have been broken to pieces, being assailed Bhava, whose welfare was effected by the with the weapon of logio ; (and) by which the development of abstract meditation; who diswhole treasure of religion, that had been stolen criminated between good and evil; who deby the enemy which is original nature, has been stroyed error; (and) who possessed an anrecovered for the welfare of mankind! equalled wealth of true religion. (L. 2.)-May he, Maha-Kasya pa, protect (L. 7.)-And his disciple (was) he who had you, who, for the purposes of praise, observed the name of Rahula, after whom (there came) the precepts of (Baddha) the chief of sainta; the ascetio Upas en a (I.); then in succe8who practised that auspicious habit of abstract sion (there was) Mahanaman (I.); (and) meditation which is of the nature of a trance; after him another Upasena (II.), wbose spewho overcame the anguish of successive states cial characteristic of affection, of the kind that of existence; whose wonderful subjugation of is felt towards offspring.--for any distressed the passions in final emancipation (is to be dis- man who came to him for protection, and for played in the hand of Maitrôya ;" and by any afflicted person whose fortitade had been whom the two pure feet of (Buddha) the saint destroyed by the continuous flight of the arrows were beheld at the time of attaining mirvana! of adversity-extended, in conformity with (L. 4.)-His disciples, endowed with a con- the disposition of a kingman, (even) to any nected tradition of doctrine, purified as to cruel man who might seek to do (him) harm; (their) emotions, (and) active in compassion for (and) by whose fame, arising from good actions, existing beings, roamed at one time over the the whole world was thus completely filled. 10 Metro, Sloka (Anushtabh). the injunction which Buddha, when on the point of 11 From the vowel & being partially engraved over this attaining nirvana, gave to Mahl-KAsyapa, to deliver over w, the engraver seems to have began to form the hero. his Adshaya or yellow robe (and with it the transmission Metro, Sardalsvikrldita. of the Buddhist doctrine) to Maitreys, when he should 13 Metre, Sragdhara. attain the condition of Buddhs (see Beal's Buddh. Rec. 1. This mark of punctuation is unnecessary. West. World, Vol. II. p. 142ft.) 1 MahA-K Myapa was sested in meditation, when 1 Metre, Aryl. suddenly bright light burst forth, and he perceived * Metre, Sragdhari. the earth shaking. And then, exerting his divine sight » Maitetya is Bodhisattra, at present in the Trushita in order to Moertain what wonderful event was indicated hesten, who is to be the next Buddha. And the present by this portent, he saw Buddha in the act of entering on passage, which is rather obscure, is perhaps explained by nirudna (see id. Vol. II. p. 161.)


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