(Hoły Abu
now been removed on 26-3-1948 A.D. by an order of the then President of the Sirehi Stāte Regency council, the Dowager Queen Krishṇakunvarabā.
It is interesting to note that in the Delvādā shrines there are as many as four old inscriptions of earlier rulers over the area, removing such taxes or prohibiting them. In two inscriptions, of Chauhāņ Mahārāv Lumbhājī (an ancestor of the Sirohi rulers ), dated in V.S. 1372 and a third in V.S. 1373, his descendants are asked not to levy such taxes. There is similar inscription of Vishaladeva (during the reign of Mahārājādhirāja Sārangadeva) dated in V.S. 1350, another of Rāuta Rājadhara dated in V.S. 1497 and a third of Mahārāṇā Kumbhāji in V.S. 1506. The last two relate to relief from taxes on the Pittalahara Jaina shrine in the Delvāļā group. 1
1 The inscriptions are published (without plates ) in the Abu, Vol. II, by Muni Jayantavijaya.