[Holy Abu Maham. Dhandhala of the lineage of Nannācārya of Karaṇṭagaccha had installed two Kausaggiyās in the temple of Mahavirasvāmi at Muṇḍasthala. As has been shown before, another Kausaggiyā of this pair is at present worshipped in the guḍhamaṇḍapa of the Lunavasahi shrine. The sculpture in this cell shows a figure of Parshvanatha standing in the centre, with six small figures of different Jinas on each side, having an attendant flywhisk-bearer or Indra and a shravaka or shravikā on each side. The third cell, at a lower level, has a saparikara Tri-Tirthika sculpture of Shantinatha, the sixteenth Jina. The black-stone sculpture, worshipped as mulanayaka in the second cell, cannot be identified. In cell one, are two small images of Ambika, one of them bears a small inscription which shows that it was installed by Shravaka Chaṇḍasi of Porvāḍa caste.
It is not known when and by whom these cells were erected, at least they do not seem to be the work of Tejapāla. They might have been built during later repairs sometime before C. 1500 V.S.
1 Abu. Vol. II. Inscription no. 406,