Jaina Shrines at Achalagadh]
inscription on its pedestal,1 was installed on Saturday, the 4th day of Vaishākha, dark half, in the year 1518 V.S., at the hands of Sri Lakṣhmīsāgara sūri of Tapāgachchha, the expenses for the ceremony being met by Shah Sālhā, Oshvāla by caste, and chief minister of king Somadāsa, the ruler of the Dungarpur State (now in Rajasthan). The image was the gift of the Samgha or lay followers of the Tapagachchha, resident at Kumbhalameru and was originally intended for installation in the Chaumukha shrine at Kumbhalameru (Kumbhalagaḍh) in Mevāḍ. It was cast by the artists (Mistri-architect and sculptor) Lumbhā, Lampā and others, natives of Dungarapur. 2
On the southern face of the Chaumukha sits a beautiful figure Shri Shantinatha. This big bronze was installed" in V. S. 1518 at Dungarpur with a big festival by shrāvikā Karmade, the mother of minister Shah Salha of Chakreshvari-gotra. Oshval by caste. The gift was for the spiritual benefit of Shah Sabha, the husband of Karmade.
The inscription on the pedestal of the fourth bronze, * facing the west, shows that this sculpture of Ādishvara, was the gift of Shah Salha, the minister of King Somadasa of Dungarpur, and other Jainas. It was install
Gurugunaratnakara-kavya, sarga 3, verse 4.
2 Abu, Vol. II. Inscription No. 467.
According to the Inscription on the pedestal, see, Ābu, Vol. II. Inscription No. 469.
Abu, Vol. II. inscr. No. 472.
Mahārāval Somadasa succeeded Maharaval Gopinatha to the throne of Dungarpur State and ruled between years 1506 and 1536 V. S. According to the Tarikh-i-Ferishta, Sultan Mahmud Khilji of Mālvā attacked the fort of Kumbhalgaḍh in V. S. 1516 but failed. During his retreat he came to Dungarpur and camped near Gebsāgara. Being unable to fight against the superior strength of the invading army, Somadāsa ran away from his capital. The invading army carried on widescale