[Holy Abu
one easily reaches the cave. It appears that Västhānaji is a corrupt name of Vātsyāyaṇāji.
(84) Krodidhaja (Kanaridhaja, Kotidhvaja ).
About 2 miles from Aṇādara, village and about 1 mile from the foot of Abu towards Aṇādara, on a separate hill, is the famous shrine known as Kroḍidhaja. It is a temple dedicated to the Sun-god, with a black stone image of the Sun worshipped in it. But the image does not seem to be as old as the shrine. Outside the Sabhāmaṇḍapa of the temple on one side, is another smaller temple of Sun, in which is worshipped another image of the Sun-god. Near the entrance-door of this shrine is preserved a big marble sculpture of the Sun, partly mutilated, which seems to have been the image originally installed in the main shrine. On one of the pillars of the sabhāmaṇḍapa is carved a beautiful disc (chakra) of the Sun, while on two others are inscriptions dated in V. S. 1204. There are a few more smaller shrines, in this area, with images of some goddesses and Surya. There is a small dilapidated shrine of Śiva which has a Shiva-linga, and sculptures of Surya, Sheshshāyī Nārāyaṇa, Vishnu, Hara Gauri and others. Remains of buildings are scattered around the hill with mutilated sculptures lying amongst them. About half-a-mile from this area are the remains of an ancient city called Lakhāvati (now Lakhav) where bigsized bricks and old sculptures are still recovered. Every year on the full-moon of the month of Shravaṇa, a melā takes place at Kroḍidhaja.
(85) Devanganaji.
About a mile from the Kroḍīdhaja, near a nālā, at the foot of Abu, is an old shrine of Devanganaji, on a somewhat higher level. In it is enshrined a big sculpture of Vishnu standing but the image is later in age than the