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CHAPTER XXVIII. The Conceptions of Virtue and Vice.
Virtue and Vice-Distinctive Principle between them-Human conduct is essentially Teleological-Moksha is the Highest End of life and activity-Contrast between the Eilstern and Westera concep:ions of Vice and Virue—Virtue, Vice and Karma' Causality - The Problem of evil.
473-483. CRAPTER XXIX. On Punya and Its Fruitions. Punya and Papa in relation to 'Chåritra' ... Analysis of Charitra or Conduct -- Considertions of moral activity --Good and the Law of duty--Fundamental factors of Punya
-Koowledge, Faith and Will — Punyas as forms of service-Sincerity is the Soul of Religiousity-Sincerity and Punya--Psychical and Physical fruitions for the performances of Punya.
434-497 CHAPTER XXX.
Papa, Vice or Sin. Constituent Elements of Pàp:1—- Ananda’ is the Prime Good-Philosophy of PassionThe doctrine of Indolentin-Eighteen Kinds of 'Pâpa'-Their consequences.