त्यक्त्वा बन्धुजनं प्रियां च पितरं मुक्त्वा च जन्मावनिमुल्लंघ्याम्बुनिधि कठोरवचनं सोड्दा धनं सञ्चितम् । हा कष्टं न तथापि तिष्ठति चिरं कामं प्रयत्ने कृते, दुःखं सागरतुल्यमर्जितमभून्नो बिन्दुमात्रं सुखम् ॥३॥
Meaning :- Even though one might have accumulated wealth with very great difficulty undergoing separation from his parents, wife, son, and the family bidding farewell to the land of his birth, crossing the occean, pocketting harsh words of the masters and officers who may be wicked and even though he might have employed a number of means and remedies for its protection, the wealth does not abide with him for a pretty long time. What is a matter of regret is this that one has to undergo a great lot of hardships in procuring and preserving the wealth, while he does not get in return even the infinitesimal portion of happiness there from. That is to say, wealth, even if it is extremely taken care of, leaves its owner throwing him in miseries consequent upon his separation from it. (3)
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