कदाचिज्जीवोऽभूनरपतिरथैवं सुरपतिस्तथा चाण्डालोऽभून्नटशबरकैवर्ततनुमः । कदाचिच्छेष्ठोऽभूत्किटिशुनकयोनौ समभवन संसारे प्राप क्वचिदुपरति शान्तिमथवा ॥२०॥
Meaning :- This Jiva, due to the good Karmas done by him in the births before, took birth in a royal family and became a king some time. Some time it became Indra, the lord of gods also. The same Jiva become a pariah or a base fellow being born in the family of dancers, Kolis, fisherman and the untouchables due to the rise of bad Karmas when there were no good Karmas in store. Once it became a merchant prince while at the other time it was born as a begger or a pauper. At one time it took birth as a man in the human world while at the other it became a hog or a dog in the animal kingdom. This Jiva could not still work and breakless peaceful redemption from wanderings in the wordly cycle even though it has been undergoing them in it since time immemorial and with a variety of births. (20)
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