तनोर्दुःखं भुङ्क्ते विविधगदर्ज कश्चन जनस्तदन्यः पुत्रस्त्रीविरहजनितं मानसमिदम् । परो दारिद्रयोत्थं विषसमविपत्तिं च सहते, न संसारे कश्चित्सकलसुख भोक्तास्ति मनुजः ॥२४॥
Meaning :- Some suffer bodily unhappiness due to the occurrances of various types of diseases; some experience mental unhappiness on account of their relatives such as the wife, son, brother, sister and the like being unfavourable or being separated from them : some are afflicted with the misery of poverty brought abouř by the losses incurred in business; while there are some who undergo extreme pain due to calamities, as intense and virulent as poison, that might have befallen ihom through political developments. Really speaking, you will come across none in this world who might be enjoying only happiness and no unhappiness at all. On the contrary, there is the reign of misery prevailing in this world everywhere. (24)
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