रे रे मृढ जरातिजीर्ण पुरुषं दृष्ट्वा नताङ्गं परं, किं गर्वोद्धतद्दासयुक्तवचनं ब्रूषे त्वमज्ञानतः । रे जानीहि तवापि नाम निकट प्राप्ता दशेयं टुता, सन्ध्याराग इवेह यौवनमिदं तिष्ठेच्चिरं तत्किमु ||८||
Meaning :- Oh ! young man! Why dost thou scoff at an old man who has been doubled up on account of old age, who is able to walk with great difficulty only. tremblingly and leaning on the stick and who stumbles down while walking? Hast thou been so much puffed up with thy youthfulness or hast thou become so much stupid that thou hast come to lose sight of the fact that youth is one day to take leave of you ? Just wait ! and think ! This youth is only short-lived. It has a very temporary charm like the twilight. Thou shalt also be reduced to this very wretched condition of an old man when the youth will depart. Remember! thou shalt have to undergo the same sort of unhappiness as this old man has to, when he is mocked at by thee. Remember ! also that thou wilt have to pass through the same condition, one day or the other. (8)
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