43 The Argument of the book. 'आत्मा छ,' 'ते नित्य छ 'छे कर्ता निजकर्म । 'छे भोक्ता, वली 'मोक्ष छ मोक्ष उपाय सुधर्म'॥४३॥
जीवोऽस्ति स च नित्योऽस्ति कर्ताऽस्ति निजकर्मणः । __ भोकास्ति च पुनर्मुक्तिर्मुक्त्युपायः सुदर्शनम् ॥४३॥
(1) The soul is. (2) It is eternal. (3) It is the doer of its own actions. (4) It is the enjoyer (of the fruits of these actions). (5) There is Liberation, and (6) There is the means of Liberation, True Religion.
Commentary.-This verse gives the entire argument of the book. In its way, it gives the entire fundamental position of Jainism. Thus in the first century B. C. Sri Kunda Kundacharya in his Panchastikaya Gatha 129, wrote :
जाणदि पस्स दि सव्वं इच्छादि सुक्खं विभेदि दुक्खादो। कुव्वदि हिदमहिदं वा भुंजदि जिवो फलं तेसिं ॥ १२९ ॥
The soul knows and sees all, desires happiness; is afraid of pain, does good or bad actions, and enjoys the fruits of them.
Then about one millennium later, Sri Nemi Chandra Siddanta Chakravarti in his Dravya Samgraha Gatha 2 said :
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