Book Title: Aspects of Brahmanical Influence On Jaina Mythology
Author(s): Shaktidhar Jha
Publisher: Bharat Bharti Bhandar

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Page 32
________________ CHAPTER I THE EPICS AND THE JAINA PURĀŅAS The epics hold a unique position in India 1 Their imprint on Hindu life and culture is indelible, and on Jainism, too, the works have exerted a profound influence Although Jainism disapproves of the Brāhmanical way of life, yet popular Jainism seems deeply permeated by the ideals and messages set forth by the two national epics. And, almost every legend, myth and moral treasured up in them has penetrated deep into the mind of the Jaina laity A perusal of the early texts of Jainism irrevocably proves that during the period of the redaction of the Jaina canons, the epics occupied a prominent position among the Jainas and were included in the Jaina svstem of education to equip the learner with proficiency in practical wisdom 2 The works, however, served them not only as guides in mundane affairs but also as perennial founts of inspiration on ethical and spiri. tual planes As a matter of fact, the lay adherents of Jainism found the epic way of life more practical and for that matter more enjoyable than the one prescribed by the Jaina canons 3 This fact resulted in the influx of a substantial number of nonJaina customs and practices into the Jaina society, and the popular appeal of these clements was so great and pressing that thesc had to be formally sanctioned by the Jaina savants who flourished towards the end of the first millennium A D. 1 The Age of the Imperial Unily, foreword, pp XX-XXI, Preface, p XLVI 2. Anuyogadcāra (Su 40f), Nandi (Su 42), both quoted in Dr BC Law, India as described in Early Texts of Buddhism and Jainism, P 171, VM Kulkarni, Introduction • Paūmacarıyam, p 6 3 HIL, VOL. II pp 488-488 * सर्व एव हि नाना प्रमाणं लोकिको विधि । यत्र सम्यक्त्वहानिर्न यत्र न व्रतदूपणम् ॥ rasastilaka, Book VIIL, Sec 34, quoted by K K. Hapdiqui in Pasasmiaka and Indian Culture, p 332


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