Book Title: Aspects of Brahmanical Influence On Jaina Mythology
Author(s): Shaktidhar Jha
Publisher: Bharat Bharti Bhandar

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Page 207
________________ Sects of the Jaina Purānnkäras-Caritas and Purānas 189 simhall and Vamana,13 The latter incarnation, however, has been represented in a somewhat modified form.14 Vişnu recurs under various names as the husband of goddess Lakşmi In fact Ramā and Ramapalı are very favourite with the Jaina authors who refer to the pair frequently as the standard of conjugal bliss and harmony.15 Besides, Vişnu's mythical association with the ocean has also been acknowledged in a simile in which Vajrajangha residing for a while in a forest is likened to Vişnu dwelling in the ocean 10 Lakşmi She finds mention in the Purāņas under investigation with all her popular names, viz $11,17 Padma,18 Kamalā, etc. And in the incidental references to her associations, Lakşmi has been represented as the daughter of the personified ocean18 in the 12 (a) fuera fogy EETNATGE UITFür facoat --CMC, P 167. (b) विणियहिरण्णक्खस पुरिव्व मयाहिवसमाकुला। दाणवाहिवतणुव्व वियरियहरिणहा। -Ibid p 111 (c) Hemacandra ascribes the Nara-sımha incarnation to Krsna in a changed context According to his version Krsna assumed the form of the Manlion (Nara-simha) to punish onc Padmanabha or Amarakarka 10 Dhātakıl handa for the crime of abducting Draupadi TSPC, Vol V, PP 277-78 13 बद्धो तेणेव वली हरिणा जण्णम्मि पुहइदाणेण ।। -CMC, P 41, V 126a. 14 Cf JHV 20 15-60, UP. 70 274-298, TSPC, Vol IV, pp. 90-92, 99-102, 116 16 cg Lacchidda Mahumahassa --CMC, P 117 विष्णो श्रीरिव विष्णुश्री नाम्ना तस्य गृहिण्यभूत् -TSPC 475 10 उवास तत्रैव वने वनमालीव वारिधी -TSPC, 1.1 704a 17 DPC, 7 70 18 RPC, 7 162 19 मनोहरी च तनयामर्णवोऽपि यथा श्रियम्, --JHV, 17 8b. Also MP, 48 296, 297


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