Book Title: Aspects of Brahmanical Influence On Jaina Mythology
Author(s): Shaktidhar Jha
Publisher: Bharat Bharti Bhandar

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Page 275
________________ The Putānas on Sacramental, Ethical and Philosophical Planes 257 res they did not slecp during nights 87 They neither rejoiced at gain nor grieved at non-gain. And viewing every thing alike, they looked at (the opposite pairs of) praise and reproach, pleasure and pain and honour and dishonour with equal spirit."99 Furthermore, Tirthadkara śāntinātha's sermon, as incorporated in thc TŞPC,100 reads like a commentary on the Gitā. In his discourse on the subduing of the senses the Jina says, "refraining from action always is not a victory over the senses 101 Action of those free from love and hate is real victory It is not possible for the senses to avoid contact with a sense object that has come near them But the wise person would avoid love and hate for it Subdued sense-organs lead to emancipation,102 but unsubdued ones lead to worldly existence "103 Therefore, "disregarding pleasures and lack of 97 FIETITYTTUAT Fagfa #gifagi -34 187a 88 न तुष्यन्ति स्म ते लब्धौ व्यपीदन्नाप्यलधिन । --bid 34 203a 99. स्तुति निन्दा सुख दु ख तथा मानं विमाननाम् । समभावेन तेऽपश्यन् सर्वत्र समदर्शिनः ।। -Ibid , 34 204 For the ideas contained in the foregoing lines we simply refer, for comparison, to the Gita II 66-67, 69, 71, III 30, IV 21-22, V 20, VI 7, 10, XII 13-14, 16, 18-19 100 Vol III pp 322-23 101 The Gitā (III R) says that "hc, who restraining the crgans of action sits mentally dwelling on objects of senses, that man of deluded intellect is called a hypocrite" कर्मेन्द्रियाणि सयम्य य प्रास्ते मनसा स्मरन् । इन्द्रियार्थान् विमूढारमा मिथ्याचार स उच्यते । Also sec ibid II 60-61, 68 102 “Whose senses are duly subducd”, says the Gitā, "his mind becomes stable' वशे हि यस्येन्द्रियाणि तस्य प्रज्ञा प्रतिष्ठिता II 61b 103 “Union with the supreme soul”, says Sri Krona, “18 difficult of achic vement for one whose mind is not subducd-such 15 my conviction "असयतात्मना योगो दुष्प्राप इति मे मति । Gita VI 36 Also sce V 22a.


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