Book Title: Aspects of Brahmanical Influence On Jaina Mythology
Author(s): Shaktidhar Jha
Publisher: Bharat Bharti Bhandar

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Page 238
________________ 220 Aspects of Brahmanıcal Influence on the Jaina Mythology Now, so far as the duties and privileges of the Brāhmanas are concerned, the works do not show any marked disagreement with the Brahmanical epic-Purānic tradition. Thcse texts, too, recognize this class as the highest among the three higher classes. Of all the works the MP appears to be the only Purana to have elaborately dealt with the rights and obligations of the Brāhmanas As in the Brahmanical sources, the Brāhmanas are exhorted to follow their duties consisting of Adhili (study). Adhyāpana (teaching), Dāna (giving gifts to the deserving', Pralicchā (receiving gifts from others), Igyano (sacrifice) and rāgang8! (sacrificing for others) Another special duty assigned to a Brahmana is the maintenance of the three sacred fires. The authors, like the Brahmanıcal ep2c-Purānic and Smrti-writers, exhort the Brāhmana to keep the three fires burning and perform fire ritual constantly.80 As enjoined by Jinasena "the three great fires, celebrated as Gārhapatya, Xhavaniya and Dakşına, should be consecrated in three hearths and the best of the twice-born, offering daily worship in the three sacred fires with the accompaniment of sacred formulas should be known as Ahuāgni, in whose house (there is) perpetual sacrifice "1 Before we proceed further, we must note that the 88 gatautahat ang talagafar aft' I -AP, 16 246b comp Manu X. 78-76 MBh XIII. 141.88, 89 MP 39 103 90. The Mahabharata (X11,59 69), for example enjoms a Brahmana househol der to be constant in offering oblations to the three sacred fires (aaglfaत्यश्च गृहाश्रमी स्यात) The fire ntual performed with the three sacred fircs, called respectively Gārhapalya, Ahavaniya and Dakşına, is called Vaitāna which is equivalent to Srauta Agnihotra Sce Paraskara, quoted by Kullura on Manu, V 84 Kullūka (on Manu VI 9), relying on the same source, explains the term Vitāna u the disposition of the fire of the Gärhapatyn hc rth in both the Xhavamya and Dakstna hearths The fires are collectively known as Treta and Agnitraya कुण्डपये प्रणेतव्यास्त्रय एते महाग्नयः । गार्हपत्याहवनीयदक्षिणाग्निप्रसिद्धयः ॥ मस्मिन्नग्नित्रये पूजा मन्त्र कुर्वन् द्विजोत्तम । प्राहिताग्नरिनि ज्ञेयो निस्येज्या यस्य समनि ॥ MP, 40.84-85. Also see Ibid. 47.861b-54,


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