________________ 92 शब्दकोशः अङ्ग-अङ्ग, 87, a Vocative अट्ठ-अष्टन्, 9, eight.. particle. अट्ठट्ट-अष्ट + अष्ट, 9, in अङ्ग-अङ्ग, 3, a class of eights. books, eleven in num- अट्ठमी-अष्टमी-अष्टमी, 152, ber, of the sacred can- a period of eight days. on of the Jains. अट्टम-अष्टम,३, eighth-142, अङ्गली-अङ्गलि, 127, finger. a fast broken at the अच्चअ-अच्यत, 166, name eighth meal. of the twelfth heaven अट्टमअ-अष्टम-क, 16, eighth. of the Jains. अट्टमभत्त-अष्टम + भक्त, 42, अच्छी -अक्षि, 186, eye. a vow of taking food अज-आर्य, 2. no ble, at the time of eighth revered ; -41, to-day, meal, i. e. a fast of this day. three days and a half, अजय-आर्य-क,१००, grand- अट्टसअ-अष्टशत, 87, one father. hundred and eight. अजा-आर्या, 88, a nun.. अट्टाए-अर्थाय, 56, for the अजणअ-अर्जुनक; 99, pro- purpose of. per name. अट्ठारसम-अष्टादश, 142, a अज्झत्थिअ-आध्यात्मिक, 35, fast broken at the inner thought.. eighteenth meal. अज्झयण-अध्ययन, 4, a les- अट्रावीसइम-अष्टाविंशतितम , son, a section of a वग्ग. 142, a fast broken at अज्झवसाण-अध्यवसान, 57, the twenty-eighth meal. intention, resolve. अट्ठावीसा-अष्टाविंशति, 146, अञ्जलि-अञ्जलि, 42, folded twenty-eight. hands. अट्टि-अस्थि, 186, bone. अट्र-अर्थ, 3, contents, अड-अट् (धातु), 31, to matter, information. wander (Inf. अडित्तए).