________________ शब्दकोशः जाव-यावत्, 7, down to, जोइन्ज-द्योतय् (कर्मणि धातु) up to (used to indicate 187, to appear,to seem. passages not given in °जोगी-योगिन्, 120, havfull in the text ). ing a योग, i. e., समाधि जावजीवाए-यावज्जीवम, 30, concentrated in mind. to the end of one's life. जोयण-योजन,५, a distance जासुमिणा-जपा, 45, a kind of eight miles. of flower of red colour' जोवण-यौवन, 9, youth. (जास्वंद in Marathi ). जाहे-यदा, 53, when. झिया-ध्यै (धातु), 40, to जिण-जिन, 198, a con- meditate, to grieve. queror. झूसे-शोषय् (धातु) 89, to जिब्मा-जिह्वा, 186, tongue. emaciate oneself. जियसत्तु-जितशत्रु, 20,name 'ठाण-स्थान, 198, place. of a king. ठिइभेअ-स्थितिभेद,६३, death जीवंजीवेणं-जीवंजीवेन, 187, 187, while standing, death by the force of spirit. ___on the spot. जीवाजीव-जीव+अजीव, 108. ठियअ-स्थितक,६३,standing living and non-living (the two classes of डहर-दहर, 120, child. Know a bles in Jain डिम्भअ-डिम्भ-क,१२६,child. philosophy ). डिम्भिया-डिम्भिका, 126, a जीविय-जीवित, 62, life. girl. जुण्ण-जीर्ण, 59, old, aged. दुहे-धा? (धातु) 87,to cover. जुवराया-युवराज, 83, heir टेणियालिया-? 186, pea. apparent to the throne. hen. जुवाण-युवन् , 120, young. जुहिटिल-युधिष्ठिर, 81, pro- णं-ननु, 3, indeed, verily. ण्हाय-स्नात, 38, bathed. per name.