________________ 101 शब्दकोशः 123 पोर-पर्वन्, 186,knee joint. प्पि-अपि (after a short पोराण-पुराण, 6, old, vowel) 39, also. ancient. पोरिसी-पौरुषी,३१, a period फास-स्पृश् (धातु), 13, to . of time measured by measured by touch, to put into practhe shadow of a human tice, to observe. being ( i. e., a quarter फुट्टन्त-स्फुटत्, स्फुय्यमान 179, of the day ). playing, being played पोलासपुर-पुरु ष पुर, 37, upon. name of a city (modern फुट्टमाण-स्पृश्यमान, 22, bePeshawar). _ing amused. पोसहसाला-प्र + उपवसथ + फल्लिय-पुष्पित,५६, blossom शाला, 42, a hall for ob- ing, flowering. serving fasts. . प्पईव-प्रदीप, 198, lamp.: बत्तीस-द्वा त्रिं शत्, 179, °प्पगास-प्रकाश ( at the thirtytwo. end of a compound ) बत्तीसइम-द्वात्रिंशत्तम, 142, 38 resembling, like. a fast broken at the °प्पजम्पिय-प्रजल्पित, 40, thirty-second meal, talking. बत्तीसा-द्वात्रिंशत्,२२,thirtyपभणिय- प्रभणित, 40, two. talk, बन्ध-बध् (धातु) 56, to °प्पभिज्ञ-प्रभृति, 38, since, build, to form. . from. बन्ध-बन्ध, 106, bond. °प्पवर-°प्रवर,३७, excellent बन्धुमई-बन्धुमती, 99, pro°प्पहीण-°प्रहीण, 57, desti- per name. _tute of. बम्भयारी-ब्रह्मचारिन् , a per°प्पावेस-प्रवेश्यः (प्रवेशयोग्य), son leading a holy life. 112, fit for seeing (a बलदेव-बलदेव, 7, proper holy person). name.