Book Title: Antgadadasao evam Anuttaravavaidasao
Author(s): P L Vaidya
Publisher: P L Vaidya
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________________ 124 शब्दकोशः बलवग-बलवत्, 7, strong. बाहा-बाहु, 39, arm. बहिया-बहिस्, 6, outside. बाहिरिय-बाह्य, 39,outside. बहु-बहु, 7, many. बिल-बिल, 120, a hole. बहुपुण्ण-बहु-पूर्ण, 120, full, बुद्ध-बुद्ध, 198, wise, encomplete. lightened. बहुमाण-बहुमान, 38, res- बोद्धव्व-बोद्धव्य, 135, to be pect. known. बहुय-बहु-क, 53, many. बोरी-बदरी, 126, a kind बारत्त-वारत्त, 93, proper of plum tree. name. बोहअ-बोधक, 198, one बारवई-द्वारवती, 5, name who enlightens others. of a city. बारस-द्वादशन्, 13, twelve भउधिग्ग-भ यो द्विग्न, 36, बारसङ्गी-द्वा द शा ङ्गि न, 72, * disgusted, frightened. one who has studied भगवन्त-भगवत्, 167, a retwelve 815s of the Jain vered person. canon. भगवं-भगवत् ,129,revered. बारसम-द्वादश,८२, twelfth. भगिणी-भगिनी, 120,sister. बाल-बाल, 131, ignorant. भजणयकभल्ल-भर्जनक+कपाल बाल-बाल्य, 38, childhood. 186, a baking pot. बालत्तण-बालत्व, 9, child- भजा-भार्या, 120, wife. hood. भड-भट, 58, warrior. बालभाव-बा ल भा व, 22, भण्ण-भण् ( कर्मणि धातु)१८६, childhood. to be said. बावत्तरी-द्वा सप्त ति, 178, भत्त-भक्त, 35, food. seventy-two. भत्तघरअ-भक्तगृह-क, 33, बावीसइम-द्वाविंशतितम,१४२, kitchen. a fast broken at the भत्तया-भक्त-का, 38, detwentysecond meal. votee of.

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