Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 1
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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Out of them syādväda is widely known. For the last decade or so, I find that some scholars draw a line of demarkation between anekāntavāda and syādvada. But I do not think that they are justified in doing so; for, (i) no Jaina author of olden days, so far as I know, has done so, and (ii) on the contrary we find several Jaina authors looking upon them as synonyms.' Nevertheless, I shall be glad if these scholars will be pleased to substantiate their statement and thus give me a chance of reviewing the situation in Volume II. I may however add that according to the samabhirūdha naya, it is possible to make a distinction but that applies to synonyms of one and all the words.
Definitions-Syādvāda is defined by Samantabhadra in his Aptamimāṁsā as under:
"स्याद्वादः सर्वथैकान्तत्यागात् किंवृत्तचिद्विधेः ।
सप्तभनीनयापेक्षो हेयादेयविशेषकृत् ॥ १०४ ॥" Mallişeņa Sūri in his Syâdvīdamañjari (p. 13) says:
"स्यादित्यव्ययमनेकान्तद्योतक्रम् । ततः स्याद्वादोऽनेकान्तवादः । नित्यानित्यायनेकधर्मशबलैकवस्वभ्युपगम इति यावत् ।
Guņaratna Sūri wbile commenting upon the 1st verse of Şaddars'anasamuccaya observes on p. 1':
__ "स्यात्-कथञ्चित् सर्वदर्शनसम्मतसद्भूतवस्त्वंशानां मिथः सापेक्षतया वदनं स्याद्वादः । सदसन्नित्यानित्यसामान्यविशेषाभिलाग्यानभिलाप्योभयात्माऽनेकान्त इत्यर्थः ।”
We may conclude this topic of definitions by noting the following verse from Vadin Deva Sûri's Syūdvādaratnākara (p. 2):
"प्रत्यक्षद्वयदीप्तनेत्रयुगलस्तर्कस्फुरत्केसरः __ शाब्दव्यात्तकरालवत्रकुहरः सद्धेतुगुजारवः । प्रक्रीडन् नयकानने स्मृतिनखश्रेणीशिखाभीषणः
सज्ञावालधिवन्धुरो विजयते 'स्याद्वाद'पञ्चाननः ॥ ५॥" Sphere—The sphere of anekāntavāda is unlimited. For, not
Our author, too, has done the same. See p. 19, 1. 20; p. 31, I. 233; snd p. 35,1. 16. This is a commentary on Anyayoyavyavacchedadvdtrindikā (v.6). Cf. the following verse of Anyayoyavyavacchedadvūtrinsikā:--