Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 1
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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witted from being misled by the ekāntavādins (v. 6) and to enlighten them (v. 9).*
Basis-Neither Haribhadra Suri nor Municandra Sūri has specifically mentioned the work or works used as a basis for the compilation of this text. It is however true that Haribhadra Suri, in the beginning (v. 8) refers to works of certain Sūris who have therein refuted the ckantaväda, and in its commentary (p. 9) he specifically mentions the name of Siddhasena Divakara. So it may be that the 3rd (the last) kanda of Sammaipagaraṇa may have helped our author in compiling the present work.
Style-The text opens with 10 verses in Arya, the 1st being a mangalacarana as usual, and it ends also with 10 verses* in Arya. The rest of the portion is in prose which interspersed with quotations in verse. The treatment is very lucid though it abounds in, so to say, syllogisms where very often we come across a chain of hetus instead of only one. The style is concise but clear, argumentative but dignified and simple but refined, and thus it reminds one of works like Sankarabhāṣya. In the 1st chapter the entire purvapaksa is given on pp. 11-35. This is split up into 5 sections, and each forms a subject-matter of a different chapter by itself except that the 1st chapter deals with the 1st section of the opponent's views with arguments advanced by them and also with the refutation of the same. The subsequent chapters are mostly occupied by refutations only; for, the purvapaksa pertaining to them is dealt with, in the very first chapter.
" तस्मान्ममापि जाता शठोक्तिभिर्मोहितान् जडान् वीक्ष्य | प्रकरणकरणसभीहा पूर्वनिमित्तात् कृपातश्च ॥ ६ ॥ --P. I 2 " तत् तु शठोक्तिविमूढा न जटाः सञ्जानते यतस्तेन ।
सन्दर्श्यते समासस्थूरोक्तिश ठोक्तयपाकरणैः ॥ ९ ॥ -- p. 2 3 " तुच्छवं पुनरासां प्रदर्शितं पूर्वसूरिभिर्वहुधा
न्यक्षेण सूक्ष्मयुक्तिभिरतिगम्भीरं स्वशास्त्रेषु ॥ ८ ॥ - p. 2
The word viraha which occurs in several works of Haribhadra Suri is found in the last verse.
Such being the case, it will be a matter of great pleasure, if this Anekāntajayopatākā gets prescribed especially for students taking up Samskrta in B. A. and M. A. examinations.