Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 1
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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are knotty from his angle of vision. At times he admits his ignorance by saying that the required sampradāya (tradition) is wanting. Anyhow it helps us in understanding the text and its svopajña commentary. From the puspikas of the supercommentary, it appears that the suopajña commentary is styled as either Anekāntajayapatākoddyotadīpikā or Anekāntajayapatākoddyotadipikavṛtii, and the supercommentary as its tippanaka.
This finishes the treatment of the exegetical literature so far published. Over and above this, we have Bhāvārthamātrāvedinī also known as Anekāntajayapatākāvacārņi which elucidates Anckantajayapatākā. It is an anonymous work. There is one MS3. of it deposited at the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute. It contains 41 folios with 17 lines on each page having about 48 letters per line. Anekāntavādapravesa3 is also useful in understanding Anekāntajayapatākā. It may be noted that this is not its commentary; but, even then, in a way it is so; for, it is like a boat to cross the mighty river of anekāntavāda flowing in full in Anekāntajayapatākā. It has many lines and phrases common with our text. In short, it is an epitome of our text and may have been compiled after this monumental work was prepared or this monumental work may be an extensive and exhaustive treatise developed from Anekäntavādapravesa.
Life and Works of Haribhadra Sūri
It may be mentioned that our author Haribhadra Sūri is well-known for his erudition and impartial attitude, both in the Jaina and non-Jaina circles. So it is no wonder, if, in modern times, we find that several scholars oriental and occidental could not help referring to him in their works etc. In order that this statement may be fully realized I try to give as under, a list of works, papers, articles and other materials throwing light on his life etc.—
1 See the ending portion.
2 This is described by me in my Descriptive Catalogue of Jaina Manuscripts (Des. Cat. of the Govt. Collections of MSS., Vol. XVIII, pt. 1, pp. 9-10).
3 This has been published along with an anonymous tippanaka in Samskrta by Hemacandracārya Sabha Patan, in A, D. 1919.