Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 1
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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(i) Several writers mention in their works that Haribhadra is an author of 1400 works. For instance, Abhayadeva Sūri says so in his commentary (p. 3010) on Paricāsages (XIX, v. 44 ), Municandra Sūri in his commentary (434") on Uvaisapaya, and Vädin Deva Süri in his Syaivādaratnākara (p. 86).
(ii) Rājaśekhara Sūri in his Prabandhakos'a (p. 52) informs us that Haribhadra. composed 1440 works.
(ii) Ratnasekhara Sūri in his Arthadipike (p. 201“1) says that Haribhadra is an author of 1444 prcikaranas (works), and 60 docs Vijayalakşmi Sūri in his Upadesaprāsāda (stambha III, vyakhyāna 30).
(iv) We come across 87 works of which the authorship is attributed to Haribhadra Sūri.
Our author has written works both in Saṁskệta and Paiya. Moreover, just as he has written original works, so he has furnished us with learned commentaries on canonical texts etc. In order that these remarks may be realised, I give here a tentativo list of the works of which the authorship is somehow attributed to him :(१) अनुयोगद्वारसूत्रविकृति
(१६) जम्बुद्दीवसङ्गहणी अनेकान्तजयपताका
(१७) जम्बूदीपप्रज्ञप्तिटीका (३) अनेकान्तजयपताकोद्योतदीपिका (१८) जीवाजीवाभिगमसूत्रलघुवृत्ति (४) अनेकान्तप्रघट्ट
(१९) ज्ञानपञ्चकविवरण (५) अनेकान्तवादप्रवेश
(२०) तत्त्वतरङ्गिणी (६) अर्हच्छ्रीचूडामणि
(२१) तत्त्वार्थसूत्रलघुवृत्ति (७) अष्टकप्रकरण
त्रिभङ्गीसार (८) आवश्यकसूत्रबृहद्वत्ति
(२३) दंसणमुद्धि आवश्यकसूत्रलघुवृत्ति
(२४) दरिसणसत्तरी (सावगधम्मपगरण) (१०) उपदेशप्रकरण
दशवकालिकवृहद्वृत्ति (११) उवएसपयपगरण
दिनशुद्धि (१२) ओघनियुक्तिवृत्ति
(२७) देवकेन्द्रनरकेन्द्र प्रकरण (१३) कथाकोश
(२८) द्विजवदनचपेटा (१४) क्षेत्रसमासवृत्ति
(२९) धम्मसङ्गहणी (१५) चेत्यवन्दनभाष्य
(३०) धर्मबिन्दु
On this page, the number 1444 is not given%3; but in 'हरिभद्रसूरिचरित्रम्' (p. 19) it is so mentioned.