Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 1
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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in the commentary on p. 3, I. 17 however forms an exception. Somo of the Jaina writers who flourished after Haribhadra Sūri have used it in their works. For instance, Malayagiri Sūri has done so, in his commentary (p. 33') on Nandi,
Sections—The text is divided into sections. The author calls them adhikaras as can be seen from his own commentary (pp. 96 and 134) on this text. Ncither in the text nor in its svopajña commentary, do we come across the names of one and all the adhikāras. In the last line of the commentary (p. 95) of the Ist aclhikīra, it is named as 464599437oC. Similarly the 2nd is named there as fadata on p. 133, whereas on p. 213 of the commentary, as BahraETETT. The 3rd adhikära is named in the supercommentary (p. 316) as amenazare, and 4th ag Bff Care (p. 403). The last is there named as pitals. But this is however preceded by Cath . So, if this is counted separately, we have six sections and not five.
Subject-The names of the sections are significant. So, therefrom wo learn that the text deals with the following topics :
(1) The existence and non-existence of an object (of
course, from different angles of vision ). (2) Its permanence and impermanence. (3) Its generality and speciality as well. (4) Its describability and non-describability. (5) An exposition of Yogācāra and its refutation. (6) The doctrine of liberation.
The governing principle underlying each of these topics is the emphasis laid on the examination and exposition of an object from all angles of vision, and thus anekantavāda permeates the whole work and justifies the title of the text.
Object-This work is written with a view to stop the dull
1 The pertinent line is as under:
"FACETE 30 , 7to inafer". 2 "af775HRE" (p. 96) and the same phrase on p. 134,