Book Title: Anekantajay patakakhyam Prakaranam Part 1
Author(s): Haribhadrasuri, Munichandrasuri
Publisher: Oriental Research Institute Vadodra
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(C) Samskrta (1) Tattvasangraha (XX; v. 1709–1785) by Sántarakṣita. (2) Sarkarācārya's Bhășya on Brahmasūtra (II, 2, 33).
(3) Vitarāgastotra (VIII) by Kalikālasarvajña Hemacandra Sūri.
:. (4) Gunaratna Sūri's com. (pp. 91a-103a) on Şaddarśanasamuccaya. (5) Rajasekhara Sūri's Syadvädakalikā.
(D) English (1) Outlines of Jainism (pp. 116-117) by J. L. Jaini.
(2) An Epitome of Jainism (pp. 103-117 and 136-171) by Nahar and Ghosh.
(3) Prof. A. Chakravartinayanar's introduction (pp. LXXVILXXXV) to Pañcāstikāya.
(4) Indian philosophy (vol. I, pp. 302–304) by S. Radha. krishnan.
(5) A History of Indian Philosophy (vol. I, pp. 179-181) by S. Dasgupta
(6) The Jaina Philosophy (pp. 23-24 and 238–240) by V. R. Gandhi. Vide the 2nd edition of A. D. 1924.
(7) Outlines of Indian Philosophy (pp. 163–166 and 173) by M. Hiriyanna.
(8) Dr. S. K. Belvalkar's Notes (pp. 182–184) on the Brahmasútra of Bādarāyana.
(9) Dr. B. Bhattacharyya's Foreword (pp. CXL-CXLI) to Tattvasangraha.
(10) Prof. A. N. Upadhye's introduction (pp. LXXXIII-XCI) to Pravacanasāra.
(11) Ganganatha Jha's English translation of Tattvasangraha (vol. I, pp. 835-860).
I may state in passing that I, too, have cursorily treated syādvāda in my English introduction (pp. 29-30) to Nyāyakusumāñjali and in my notes (pp. 192–214) on this very work, and in my Gujarātī notes (pp. 112-115) on Stuticaturvimsatikā.
With these words about anekāntavāda, I shall now deal with the present work itself.