disagreement, another man tells them they are correct from their own viewpoint. By combining these partial viewpoints, a more complete and accurate description can be formulated. When applying such a simple story to our own lives, we should reach a conclusion that everyone has a viewpoint which from their perspective makes sense. In understanding people, we need to realize each person has their own perspective, and combining perspectives can lead to a greater truth. It will undoubtedly calm you down in many situations and help you develop a deeper connection with others. If I have offended or hurt anyone through my words, Michchhämi Dukkadam! If you ever need any help or advice, I will do my best to help, and I will do so in a completely non-judgmental manner. Please feel free to e-mail me at: sonalivakharia@gmail.com. I am here for you! Good luck!
Sonali Vakharia