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________________ Whether Soul Super ~ Soul Evil ~ Soul exists? Religion in practical life Author : Suvarna Jain For et sohal vate Use Only www.
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________________ Whether Soul Super-soul Evil soul exists? & Religion in Practical Life Suvarna Jain Rs. 150/ Eo.Estu. 1929 Poolsters Public For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ (c) Suvarna Jain 2501, Montreal, Shashtrinagar, Lokhandwala Complex, Andheri (West), Mumbai - 400 053. Tel. No. Mobile : 992018092 9819820758 -8976484216 First Edition : 2013 Disclaimer : Views expressed by the writer are her own views. Publisher does not accept any responsibility for actions taken by the reader based on the details given in this book. Puolett a r N. M. Thakkar Street, y033. M Printed by: Kalakruti Mumbai Tel. No.: 98200 54304. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Index Whether Soul, Super Soul, Evil Soul exists? 1. What is religion? Whether God exists? Whether Soul exists? Dream reveals..... Mystical experiences Whether Ghost exists? 7. Near death experiences. Religion in Practical life 1. Jainacara and health. 2. Social political and religious violence. 3. Ecological violence. Biological Violence , 1. Deleberate feticide is killing abortion. Life pass it on - organ transplant. 3. Death is certain but Euthanasia. Babies as fast food-surrogation. Aids. 94 105 117 150 155 Non-Violence 159 Political Violence .. 173 Writer in Suvarna Jain. B.Sc., LLB., M.A. (Philosophy Jainology.) Address - 2501, 25th floor, Montreal Tower, Shastri Nagar, Lokhandwalla, Andheri (West), Bombay - 400 053. Mobile : 9819820758. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ What is religion? Religion is quest for truth St. Augustine uses reason to justify faith. Religion is to follow valuable moral principles. Religion is human recognition of a super human : controlling powers who gives man a clear insight, a set of beliefs faiths practices, associated with supernatural powers which shapes, directs, human life & death, commitment to ideas that provide coherence for one's existence, divine force offering moral guidance for believers. Religion is to know, discover, appreciate, create beauty, to do justice, develop norms, conduct, to stop sinful activity like cheating exploiting & unhealthy desires. Religion is vision of something beyond, within & behind. Religion is religare means binds together, communicating with common goals values, which influences everything in daily life, house we stay, food we eat, books we read, knowledge, wisdom, rituals of marriage, death, birth; not mere personality but wholesomeness, intrinsic morality tradition, customs, ethics, ceremonials, worship. Religion is material framed in philosophy appraisal of higher values of life direction to lead our life, thoghts ideas, principles of unification, harmonisation is not mere conviction but conduct, not mere belief but behaviour, not mere faith but functioning. . Religion is morality touched with emotion which formulates laws of conduct for society, for personal & social good. Religion is truth, virtues which uphold, enhance, reinforce, support of sustain, is right way of living keeps harmony with environment. Religion is growth grom within, spiritual power which gives peace of mind & bliss. Religion is inspiration for worlds greatest art, archetecture like vatican city, temples of Mount Abu, Many stone-carving like Ajanta Ellora Elephanta caves, Canary caves, Stupas, icons, Calligraphy, Greek statues. Religion is duty obligation, responsibilities towards others, is an art of living, Religion is to remove defilement, perversion & making mind pure noble & kind, by cultivating lofty qualities like compassion, truth, duty, rightousness, & morality towards surrounding. Methew Arnold, "Religion is nothing but morality touched with emotion ideals & ethics." Kant, "Religion is based upon ethics & existence of God is due to existence of ethics. Religion is kernel education gives pleasure as contact with flower, it purifies life of community. Religion is the consciousness of universal good & not selfishness. Religiosity is not only visiting temples, Gurus, engaging in rituals For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ but is daily attitude, conduct towards life which is not indulging in bribe, fraud exploiting, cheating telling lies & encouraging social evils. Religion is to be based on right way of life; & examine ultimate nature of reality like existence of God, Creation of universe, value of man by using method of induction deduction, analysis & synthesis; & refine the religious belief by seperating essential from blind faith by. disentangling what is true of permanant value from admixture of superstition & crude fanatism; & by articulating insight; & guide to lead life of truth, goodness, & beauty Religion is faith, aspiration, insticts, emotions spiritual life in search of truth. How religion arose? Religion arose in an attempt to satisfy man's need for security for life & happiness & to avoid death & suffering. Thought of God is emerged out of fear, of unprotected & unsecured life. Morality is customs or habits of man. A check on desire based upon ethics attempts to achieve truth & beauty we should do our duties for happiness & Good for everyone. Aristotle, "man experienced rain drought, storm has greatly terrified with events of life, & Death mystify him He began to reflect over events sun moon stars appear wonderful & beautiful which reflected uncontrolled powers beyond his capacity, calamities natural disaster gave birth to religion & magic for uncontrollable natural powers. What religion has? Religion has their own scriptures rituals, beliefs, customs, moral codes, arts, archetecture dress, festivals, myths, deitics, gurus saints, temples churchjes, mosque Gurudwara. What religion provide? It provides hope for future comfort at the time of dispair, activities of worship; meditation arises from belief system. It seeks to determine morality, imaginative expression of arts, analyse God, dharma, deities, responsibilities toward others, soul salvation, worship nirvana, eternal life, liberation, recarnation rebirth etc. It elevates deep inside our soul purifies & spiritual power gives peace of mind & bliss. Wealth satisfies our material desire is indespensable in life for material well-being. But religion clears your internal heart & mind, grace of good deed & avoidance of evil. Provide answer to question in conflict & problem in moral delemma in choosing one of them. Religion inherent in very constitution of man's nature as feelingmystical or emotional, as cognitive-intellectual, as conative-volitional, as rituals-ritual practice which imposes self-restraint, is not without moral significance when seed sprouts its kernel is built up into tissue of plant outer covering is cast off likewise when new age of progress reached old is not discarded but incorporated its essence is taken from old For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ tradition & new era develops. Religion attempts for harmoney, unity, to transcend limitation of sense power of reasoning or pure intelectual deliberation. Religious conception is predominently moral, more than virtue. It erases dark spot on heart mind & soul & directing attitude towards purity from activities like untruth, greed, gossip, cheating stealing etc. in spiritual progress. Religion influences :- Every aspect of human society from social institution, politics, music, literature daily life from worship, revering parents, buildings, food, books, rituals, from birth to death are sixteen, customs, courtroom justice judicature, administration of government based on virtues, & ethics, conduct behaviour morality. Business ethics shapes belief code morals principles; National identity like Hindu-MuslimHindustan Pakistan, both individual & nation describe themselves in religious terms, myths, mantras, deities scriptures. Religion helps to look within realise personal values in life besides social & political values. It check-mates with biological & sensuous values of life. Religion offers moral guidance; binds people, community with common goal values, understanding vastness of complexity of universe reinforcing social stability & security. Religion begins with wonders, doubts, curiosity to wards life & universe. Religion concerns with soul, God, immortality world, knowledge, search of truth, conservation of values faith in deity, spiritual natural power, virtues like non-violence, tolerance, compassion, conduct austerity, truth, instincts, emotion, impulses, sensation. Religion gives strength vigour momentum which change our attitude turns the entire course of our life towards final goal, perfection & elixir of life & misindispensable provender. It diverts the attention of Jiva from worldly affairs to spiritual progress. Religion teaches how to live with Morals, customs, culture, tradition Rules helps in creating moral society Religious practices should be analyse, carefully evaluate with careful scrutiny, which guides, stabilize & bring equilibrium in human life. Erasing dark spot on heart, mind & soul & directing attitude towards purity from activities like untruth, greed gossip cheating stealing etc. is spiritual progress. Ghostly beastial attribute to balanced, constructive, responsive, social behaviours by good conduct, love, fraternity. No harm to self or others while exploring & using anything for survival, procreative & sustenance. . Jainas emphasis on rationality, nonviolence, simple living, charity discipline, respect for fellowmen achieve higher economic prosperity, help each other, take care of under priviledged, enrich humanity with violence-free, poverty free, disease-free, ignorance free world. Develop value based education, knowledge, institution, economic, empowerment For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ & perpectuate Jain principles of non-violence, nobel charity, to have peaceful world with compassion towards all living being, & simultaneously have harmonious, happy, health humanity contended & satisfying living. Life is intended to live with joy, wisdom, energy abounding. We have come to this world to experience our own reality who we are? & What is best for us. Life is not to be lived with fear, exhaustion, depression exertion beyond our capacity. Life is not to discomfort, discontentment in wrong profession at wrong place & for wrong purpose. It must be joyous walk on wonderful land of one's own capability & discover ability to walk through the true path & give sometime to world which gives pleasure to you. Adherance to religion is belief in divine force is potential in every human being in Jainism. While in other religion divine force is supernatural power, a perfect being God, designer, architect of world, who is originating, destroying & maintaining the world soul, universe & nature. Philosophy of religion is antidote to dogmatism irrationalism, superstition. Philosophy of religion is logical, deeply intellectual, interpretation of religious experience committed to reason & rationality, is affair of head then heart & rejects superstition, blind belief based on idealism & tradition. It involves epistemology & onto logical problems & is analysed, refined religious belief. Heart is place of faith, emotions, passions & feeling while head is for reason, understanding, knowledge & wisdom. Religious phenomena is to be analysed logically & rationally with head & not with heart, instinct, impulse, sensation & crude emotions. Elhics makes religion pure & refined. Modernity represents age of logic & reason & not of dogma & blind belief. We tend to be reluctant to accept any statement that lack logical support. We seek rational explanations for many concept which are accepted on mere faith in past generations. The spiritual Quest is still alive & new spirituality is emerging leaving dogmas & orthodoxy & are tending to highlight love, justice & mutual understanding, service to needy. Religion can give moral thoughts to lead your life action motivated by spirit of up liftment improvement & development of spiritual, ethical or moral life. In religion we are free to choose, decide, exercise think & enlighten our knowledge & select right path. Others judge you upon action done & words uttered. Attitude brings suffering although not exposed or expressed. Purpose of religion is peace, harmony salvation of soul to reach final destiny-moksa-heaven-paradise. There are many religion but one spiritual path is human nature- Systems of beliefs has nothing to do For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ with human mind or body. Person may follow any religion basic realities are same. Spiritual progress should be natural like growing tree & not forced like frenetic struggle of minor actor to achieve fame. Spiritual path serves purpose of uplifting human consciousness. We hope for rest, joy, relax & for comfort we acquire habit of struggle for more things & we lose capacity to rest at all. You never really enjoy life but move stress. Relate to life & your environment from who you are not from others view. Make best of who you are. Religion teaches not to envy & to be non-possessive Don't draw comparison between you & others. Encourage yourself in your effort to attain highest potential. Religious experiences can be explained with use of figure, symbols, seals, figurine stone, images. At Mohenjo Daro, Harrappa is testimony of religious belief & Practices. The belief in tantra, Mantra is supposed to be Dravidian culture, worship & legacy of demon Aryans believed in transmigration of soul. Hall mark of Dravidian culture is worship of images, symbols, offering flowers, fruits water to goddess like Bull, Banyan tree, mountain like fuji, river like Ganga. Dravidian devoted to wind, rain fire, earth water, ether. There are paradoxes & contradiction in notion of religion. Mans ignorance led him to illusionary beliefs of God to meet his needs. To safeguard man's life & happiness requires specialization cobbler can't treat typhoid, Surgeon can do surgery but cant stop floods or stitch shoes. Religion claims to do all services to man is a cheat. It is illusionary fact that God can't give eyes to blind, rain without suitable weather. God cant cure incurable diseases or can't give child to barren women or can stop natural disaster created by nature. No science can claim to do everything. E.g. physical calamities like flood, lighting, or curing incurable Religion can do nothing about such dangers to life. Karl Marx treated religion as tool of economic exploitation man makes religion, religion does not make man "Religion is sigh of oppressed". Intellect desire, passions, will emotions are inseparable from man as metaphysics, ethics & religion consciousness of sin, old age, death are incentives to make man God ward & moral virtuous life creature, the heart of heartless world just as it is the spirit of a spiritless situation. It is opium of the people." 1) People remember religion when they don't have any work to do 2) their heart breaks. 3) They are in pain depression, disheartened grief. 4) Unsuccess or failure of any ambition or desire of getting material things. 5) When they are oppressed by someone. 6) For relief or achievement for success & prosperity they knock the door of religion.7) People worship nature because they need something from nature rain fertility etc. 8) Human wants & desire have given birth to For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ religion & over anxiety to fulfill wish, will desire, wants. Needs have given birth to blind beliefs which are uncontrollable & undesirable. Unfulfilled, overanxious, greedy-desires & ignorance has given birth to blind belief. Right faith or religion is not sacrificing of children or torturing your body or animal sacrifice to fulfill your desire No religion teaches to be Cruel or torture your body or any other's body. To achieve any goal of life, efforts, & hard work is needed. In case of failure try again. Complete devotion, faith, confidence is way to success. We communicate our feeling through language is not clear. It is without definite concepts carries different meaning & interpretation. No one can verify religious statements it is difficult to describe or communicate religious concepts & statements. The mystical world is world of imagination, illusion, faith, hallucination, is not correct & does not exists in empirical world. Science is systematic exact real feeling, organized knowledge is complete & consistent description of fact & experience are verifiable, understandable of nature's powers & resources are empirical knowledge. Ideaa are screened & investigated marvels of miracles. While religion deals with values, intuitive wisdom, guidance. Newton, capler, Galeleo, Decartes believed in God Newton said God was great mathematician. But Russian writer postoe vaski & Nitsche said there is nothing like God in the world sartre says truth & untruth can be decided by men only. Russell says If there is God then, world would have not be such horrible & problem of evil. Mimansak, Taoists Confucious, Marxists, Jainas Buddhist, Sankhya rejects belief in personal god, universal consciousness or Brahman. Xanophane 510-480 BC. Rejected theory of transmigration of souls. Heraclitus 525-475 BC. Rejected worship of Gods. Anaxagoras, Protogovas, Socrates, Aristotle were deemed antireligious. Pythogoras-believed in rebirth, transmigration of soul recarnation, immortality of soul Heraclitus-everything is flux & everchanging Epedocles-fire earth water & air are the basic elements which can explain universe. Buddha says-How can you see things which does not exist. People are just running behind in search of God like mirage, from his birth child is nursed with thoughts which are written on his mind like lines on stone & he believes what is taught to him/her. Right faith is firm belief which diverts the attention of mind from worldly affairs to spiritual progress & diversion from vices to virtues, ignorance to wisdom, passions to compassion & to attain success faith, knowledge & action are necessary. Faith based on wisdom is never blind it develops horizons, widens & nourishes action derives strength For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ from faith & knowledge, Ethics & morality are evaluative actions are goal oriented performed out of intention & deliberation. Religion is natural inclination to organize men without conflict of action which affect the life of others. Thoughts related to goal aim consequence initiated or performed brings change in life which should not create obstacle in life of others. All actions are to fulfill desire for well-being, get power, politics, economy, enhance capacity towards health & wealth, prosperity, worldly happiness, to satisfy needs & necessities, comforts & luxuries. Naturalist, materialist, humanist work for paradise on earth success is good & potential has power. It is one thing to accept a belief to commit to a belief but live out the belief to act according to a belief to regulate one's life & behaviour under influence to the belief is another thing. It is difficult to live out our beliefs one might not act on belief might believe strongly that adultory is morally wrong & yet commit adutary. Some times it is more difficult to be strong than weak specially when faced with temptation. Failure to act on belief might be due to social pressure or legislution e.g. prevented by law from acting on one's belief that taking drugs is wrong. World views are expressed by certain rituals, practices & behaviour. Rituals like going to temple daily or for secularist, going to secular humanist society. Every month, or participating scientific organisation, we all need rituals of certain kind in order to live & tied to our worldviews. Rituals seems to provide regular reassurance that one's world view is rational. Rituals express the beliefs of the proponents of the world view affirming & strengthening one's commitment to one's belief. Religious beliefs should not be forced by law on those who don't think they are true. One can't impose one's religious beliefs on others: No religion should enshrined in law cause in pluralist society not everyone will accept that particular religion. No body should have to follow belief of a traditional religion of which they are not a member. Laws ideally should be non-secularian. Deism view God as designer of universe but denies that God guides universe or intervenes in any way with its course or destiny Deism allows to develop rational core of religious truths, values could form basis of system of government & can avoid disputes about higher order doctrinal differences between religions & could take what was rational & good from many different traditions. General world view of religious belief is rational world view. Faith meaning commitment to belief or view for which evidence is not certain or conclusive e.g. God exists or believing in something without evidence e.g. faith is not subject to reason. : 7 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Why not one religion? Perhaps one religion can't fulfill spiritual needs No one religion can fulfill everybody's need at every level. Perhaps people are stubborn and stringent not to believe or respect other religion. Guru in every sect of religion teaches not to believe in other God or religion or other sect of the same religion. Their view is limited and not widen. People are not broadminded in name of faith, or religion. Anthropolist study the influenence of religion on events. Historian seek to understand the symbols, docterines. Phenomenologist study rituals. Orthodox people are interested in studying only there own faith & likes to find out truth with reasoning. A religion can only survive if it is able to address the problems of people. It has to change and must be versatile as world changes, mind of people changes. It can't remain stagnant. To encounter evil poverty is never glorified. Wealth is needed to live with dignity. It is indispensable for growth of society, promotion, cultivation of commerce industry, research, discovery. Wealth can destruct evil if not misused misled or retain self indulgence and gratification. Jainism supernatural power is power of omniscience has nothing to do with creation Arhat cant create universe. God for Jainas is not an abstract supernatural entity controlling universe. For Jainas God is an ideal, Liberation of soul is goal. Seawaves can't be created or ended It is natural process same way universe cant be created or ended universe has no begging or end.. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Whether God Exists There is something up what? It is universal force which controls earth water related to each other and you name it God or nature. What is God? Different religions has different opinions. No body has seen God it is just imaginary figure. Different religion has different definition of God Latin word Deus means God. Religious belief has nothing to do with actual existence of God. Vedanta Brahma conditioned by Maya is God Creator of empirical world, Living, or nonliving objects which come into existence live & play on the stage called earth like waves emerge & dissolves at the end of ocean. Saivism conceived Siva as supreme God. Rudra=howler as personification of destructive powers as in storm & lighting. Nyaya-Omitted God because he is beyond & above the phenomenal world. Charvaka does not believe in spiritual values, but content with pleasure wealth Causality world is an effect composed of matter, earth, water light air, atoms of all matters are eternal. Man wanted cause for it & he gave name God. Who combines the atom is inferred. Mandukya - Upnisad says God is creator, destroyer & controller. Veda says God is creator, controller & destroyer but Veda is inferred from existence of God, it is circular argument. Yog Sutra - God neither creates the universe nor rules it. He does not punish or reward the action of man. Judism, Christianity Islam has belief in one God. Yogdarsana Does not regard moksa as state of union with God. In yog system God has no place in transcendental world. Jainism vaishnavism Budhism does not believe in God. Nyaya Veisesika, Sankhya Yog Schools - atoms, space, time, mind, souls, cells, are uncreated, eternal & contain no mention of God. Later Nyaya introduced God but not as creator but just as pot needs potter, God is needed to make world. Mimansa rejects God & hold world is self existent has neither beginning nor end so it does not require creator. Islam - Muslims means submission. Faith involves unconditional submission to the will of God. Who is known to muslims as Allah-an Arabic word meaning God faith was revealed to the prophet Mohammed by God whose words were letter collected into Islamic holy book Quran. They believe in final judgment day followed by an after life no heaven, no hell-They take spiritual guidance from Quran. Jainas supernatural power is power of omniscience has nothing to do with creation Arhat cant create universe. Jainas are atheist have no creator God but have magnificent temples installed idols of granite or marble seated or standing erect in deep-meditation Jainas pray & 9 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ worship idols God is an ideal & not supernatyral entity controlling the universe. Birkley Hame, hocke believe causuality is the cause of existence of universe. Gunratna a Jaina thinker in tark-rahasya-padika gives certain arguments for creation of universe if logically and empirically unwarranted. Theist argues production of things requires, conscious agents.Gunratna answers "In manufacturing of pot we have empirical experience that there was no pot, but in universe we have no experience that there was no universe, then on what ground we need designer or architect when our experience has always found plants jungles mountains grow without conscious agent, whole universe is system of relation & God is related to nothing, produced things are related to each other. Sea-waves can't be created or ended It is natural process same way universe cant be created or ended. It has no' beginning no end. Australion aborigines, people in rural South America, African tribes & inhabitants of specific islands live traditional life style. Adivesis in Assam & other isolated part of globe live traditional life style, believe & communicate with spirit-world. They honour spirit of their dead ancestors. They believe Sky God - Eagle, Sea-God whale & engage in rituals dance, drumming, magic to neal people. In Uganda - circumcision is done to intigate boys into manhood. Brahma born out of lotus flower grew from Vishnuns naval is creator, Shiva-destroys opp of Vishnu protector. In Veda maya is creative energy of Gods, Shankara described Maya as illusion Veda describes four aims of life Kama-passion, prosperity-artha, dharma-moral duty, enlightenment-meksa. Veda is collection of ancient revealed shruti texts four samhittas written by divinely inspired prophets is Rigveda, samaveda Yajurveda & arthava veda. Smriti is remembered literature. Laws of manu are smriti texts. Yog system of philosophy involves physical & mental discipline helps in mind concentration. Efficient meditation, correct posture & breathing control purifies mind and body. Ramayana - great epic in Sanskrit poem.Mahabharata - longest poem tells about war between families of Pandavas & Kauravas is conflict of God & evil.Tantric Hindus tries to achieve liberation through spiritual powers, siddhis, through Yantras-diagram drawn on grounds, stones, cloth worship in form of focus or meditation. Chakras system of wheels or centres of power exists in the body there are many centres of energy flow up & down in the body. Sikhism - believes in one God. They have ten Gurus from Guru Nanak to Guru Gobind Singh. Adinath or Guru-Granth-Sahib described as Guru panth a Sikh community- Sikhs keep Kirpan - ready to 10 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ defend weak & fight for right Kanga - as symbol as cleanliness as they keep uncut hair also symbol of purity & self-discipline. Kesh - indicated person is devoted to God & accepts his will Kachha knee length shorts symbol of moral strength allow freedom of movement. Kara - Steel bangle on right wrist round shape symbol of unity reminds togetherness of Sikh community of unity to go with all things steel reminds Sikhs that they should be strong under stress help needy, read scriptures, give comfort to others is path to spiritual liberation. Ideal earning, honest living, meditation nam simaran or meditation on God is essential part of Sikh worship. Buddhism - admits no soul no God or return to God is not its ideal, it showed path to be free from suffering, cycle of birth-death through enlightenment Buddha taught four noble truth & eight fold path combines moral teaching with guide lines in meditation. Vinayapittaka - descripline suttapittaka-moral scriptural theme, practical advice & instruction in 423-verses-Abhidhammapitaka - Analysis of Buddhist ideas, notions & experience meditation techniques. Three jewels in Budhism - Buddha, dharma sangh. Buddha who has achieved nirvana by meditation, concentration Vipasana Dharms is true reality symbolized law of universe & teaching of Buddha. "Om Mani pad me hum" is mantra used in meditation. Tantric Buddhism is based on mantras, trantras or rituals text words ranging from magic to meditation - aim to bring direct experience of enlightenment. Tibetan Buddhist teachers called Lamas person is initiated by lama's teaching to reach enlightenment. Japanese follow faith from oversea Buddhism in the form of Zen. Confucianism - arrived in Japan from China Confucian originally didn't intend to found a religion his aim was to provide moral instruction & teach people to live well according to values of duty courtesy, wisdom generosity, respect for parents before & after their death. They encouraged practice of ancestor worship. Later sages developed the ideas into religion. Ideas of Kung Fu Tzu known as confacious, together with Taoism & Buddhism. Confacious teaches importance of family & respect five relationship father / son, husband / wife, elder brother / younger brother, emperor / minister, friend / friend are valued for stable happy society. They have five books of canon-literature. They believe everything in universe is made up of two opposite qualities Yin & Yang Yin represents feminine qualities receptive & yielding. Yang is masculine active & unbending. Both need to be kept in balance. I-ching-book of changes is one of the five classics includes sixty four diagrams called Hexgrama each consisting of six divided or undivided lines which are used for divination. Taoism is spiritual path for achieving unity with the forces with the natural world leaving behind the cares and concerns of material 11 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ are world & concentrate on reaching a balance & harmony in one's own life, peace joy, Happiness comes through understanding people. Tao text 1) Tao-Te-Ching-is political text using Tao to help rules to rule wisely. 2) Chuang Tzu-presents philosophy of life. Taoism has three Gods-God of long life, wealth & happiness. Lu Hsing is revered as a bringer of male child & is often portrayed carrying a young boy. Kuei demons spirits who died violent death or buried without proper ceremonies may harm natural world by causing sickness & unhappiness. Wu Wei is higher state of consciousness & harmony with nature. Hs mother goddess of ruler of immoral. Three treasures of Taoism vitality, energy & spirit. Taoist appreciate beauty & nature greater than material world as symbol of immortality, longetivity, constant change & motion of life: Mu wang 1 - - - - Rituals for harmony with Tao & balance between heaven & earth, health prosperity. Let go material world emptying the mind from all tumultuous, tormenting, turmoiling thoughts is meditation by which person achieve harmony with universe & achieve unity with Tao-God as in Hindu Brahma & in Chinese- exercise is a vital was of keeping healthy holy mind & spirit & centre of person's health is one's breathing system & gentle, graceful exercise to control person's breath. Taoist aim to maintain balanced harmonious life to maintain constant flow of vital energy that is chi through their bodies. Shinto Nature religion of Japan is Centre of divine being or forces of nature called Kami worship at home & at public shrine Ise & Izumo are powerful impressive natural objects mountains, rivers, birds, animals can be seen as kami. Give thanks honour, worship, offer money to Kami hope that request may be granted to perform ceremonial dance-kagura to entertain kami. There are 4 books of scriptures 1) Koji ki, 2) Nihongee, 3) Yengshiki, 4) Menio Shioo There is no philosophical, Theological, ideology regarding morality. - Ten rules: 1) obey God 2) don't forget indebtedness to the forefathers 3) Don't commit crime disokeying state. 4) Don't forget obligation & goodness of God. 5) Don't forget your limitation 6) Don't forget whole world is your family 7) Don't be lazy 8) Don't loose your temper 9) Behave like educated 10) Don't be influenced by others. Shinto worship :- mirror, sword, pearl Necklace Mirror is symbol of holiness, morality honesty & the virtues sword-suggestive of bravery, firmness, quality of justice pearl necklace-symbolises beneficence, gentlemanship & virtue of obedience asking for cordial comfort & happiness No concept of heaven or hell. 12 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Judaism - Religion of Israel & Jewish people believe in one God called shema made a covenant based on words of Hebrew Bible revealed his words in Torah-First five books of Hebrew Bible describes how to behave. Hebrew name of Bible is Tanakh made of three books Torah, Nevim, Ketuvim. Torah - revealed to Moses contains 613 commandments. Nevim - describes moral spiritual lesion gods moral demands. Ketuvim - historical narratives to the poetry of the Psalms fore fathers of Jews known as Patriarchs Abraham his son Isaac his son Jacob his 12 sons from them twelve tribes of Israel originated is described in book of genesis-tells how God made a covenant or agreement with Abraham to serve & obey his laws. The book of exodus describes how Jews spent years in exile as slaves in Egypt. Moses led them out of Egypt to the promised land God gave Moses tablets containing the Torah & Ten commandments. Principles - 1) God is one unique creator of man & supervisor of nature & human activity. There are set of laws, precepts & regulations. If rules are violated there is punishment on Sabbath day. Everyone must prefer three prayers daily. There are family laws like marriage & also dietary laws. Christianity - is religion of followers of Jesus. One God in three forms-father, son, holy spirit, making up holy trinity. Teaching of Jesus is love, forgiveness, obey God, love your enemies. New Testament of Bible describes death resurrection of Jesus God in form of Jesus lives as human being had to cope with human problems such as suffering & doubts is doctrine of incarnation, was put to death of Golgotha Hill. Old Testament in Hebrew writing is story of Isralite Creator of universe upto 2nd century. Writings of Jewish prophets are 1st five books knows as Pentateuch written by Moses. New testment is in Greek writing written by four Gospels of Methew, Mark, Luke & John. Bible (1) Western church use Roman 2) Roman Catholic church use Latin. Two schism: < 3) Orthodox church use Greek_rejects authority of pope. (4) Protestant churches - reforming word of Bible 13 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Books of Genesis tells how god made world in 6 days & created Adam & Eve & evil as result of satan's sinful act. Heaven is bond between God & human kind or place inhibited by God & hell is place of punishment, torment where God is absent. It is difficult to prove the Existence of absolute mind & mind that exists without body i.e. God. St. Anselm - The quality of perfection is an attribute only applicable to God. God mean something greater than which, nothing can be thought of. One can clearly think of God & suppose he exists one could conscience of lost island that was most perfect than it must exist. Since definition of island is most perfect then it must exist Anselm's reasoning licences the existence of all sorts of imagery object and therefore be faultly. Aquinas, Decartes & Kant heavily criticized that we clearly can't ascertain whether something exists or not merely by analyzing the meaning of a word or concept. Aquinas gave five way or proof of existence of God. 1. Change must be result of something else a thing can't change of itself, cause of change, caused change that something is God is 1st mover. 2. Causes always operate in series. Thing can't cause itself. That 1st cause is God. 3. Things in world comes to be & pass away but not every thing can be like this for then there would have been a time when nothing exised. That nothing could ever have come into being since something can't come from nothing, then something must have always existed in God. 4. Somethings are noted to exhibit varying degrees of a quality are caused by something that contains the most perfect amount of quality is God. 5. All things aim towards some ultimate goal or end guided by purpose implies some mind that directs, that direction is God. These arguments are accepted by Catholic church though modern philosophy have unanimously rejected all five of Aquinas ways Epicuras complained "Is God willing to prevent evil but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able & willing? Then how can there be evil? No factory will produce defective goods. Aristotle in his ethics says that man is created to fulfil some purpose or goal & that fulfillment of a life consists in striving towards the goal. By contrast Sartre argues that since there is no God or designer to give man a purpose it is up to individual to choose the life they think best Belief in God is personal choice like life & purpose is chosen. The belief in a deity can never be forced upon a person. Even if one were to have the miraculous vision of Abraham it is still upto individual to interpret those visions. Man is never compelled his choice whether to comply or defy. We are responsible for everything we do one can't make excuses or defer responsibility to divine being. To do so will be self-deception or bad faith. 14 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Scientific method as method of investigation of truth-Belief to be true must be consistent with other established truths & must satisfied to be true & must be verified by scientific method. Revelation is unreliable, unsystematic unprogressive & obstruction to progress, requires checkmates. None of the ancient theistic religion had scientific method for truth investigation for belief in God. Aurbindo, Radhakrishna, Radhaswami, Brahma Samaj, Arya Samaj none of them accepts scientific method but practice old method of revelation or mystic experience. Hence they are not true development on ancient religion. They are just re-affirmation of old scripts through fresh mystic experiences, or new interpretation of texts. Buddhism - Nature existed for ever & always remain. Real nature is changeable every moment is changing its entirety. All animate - inanimate, having non living, big small entities always change is accordance with some fixed law of nature nothing happened against it. Miracles are impossible. There is no unchanging reality all is becoming ceaseless irresistible, irreversible & inevitable there is no unchanging God or soul or Brahma. Changes are expression of nature are law bound e.g. Heat expands metal change is due to heat & nature of metal heat does not expand wood. For disease you have to take medicine to restore our condition of health miracles can't happen against nature laws of Karma is causal law in moral field Hindus disagrees with Karmas being causal which is autonomous & if moral governor of universe then it cant be autonomous. Buddha emphasis on attrustic virtues. Man's life continues with physical force, chemical condition evolved in character of life origin as nature has no transcendental origin Nature continues with living forces has no transcendental destiny or world of odied souls eternal entities like God, atma Ghost or spirit. Buddha holds human consequence of his actions hereafter. The existence of God is myth God cant be perceived. The world is made by the automatic combination of material elements & not by God. Buddhism is pessimistic faith suggest how to get light & peace by extinction of suffering decay death. Hope & aspiration are spur of creation & construction despair & depression are source of inaction & destruction Buddhison & Jainism does not believe in a creator or controller of the universe it is atheistic. Chinese Japan are nature centred. Doctrine of momentariness avers that nothing lasts for longer than & moment, all things emerges are impermanent. Existence of thing is between origin & destruction which continues to be the same at next moment. Reality material or spiritual is a flux, 15 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ parents, h a continuous flow & is never static when you dip yourself in river stream at one moment the next moment when you dip yourself the water stream is different your body is also different means it is older by one moment where there is unnoticcable change in both by reaction of surrounding atmosphere river & body is same, but body is changed by flow of blood, generation of new cells becoming old by a moment etc. in river water is continuously flowing so now you dip is in different water same is lamp flame when lamp is burning every moment it is producing new co, by consuming new O, burning new wax or oil also changes size of flame everything may continue as series. Similarity of same members gives our mind illusion of sameness as in flame of lamp appears same at two moment but bas no substantial identity. Doctrine of identity in similarity accept change is partial in one & total in other. James - Spiritualism is affirmation of an eternal order. Decartes - My existence must have cause one might refer to his parents, their parents & 50 on. It is impossible to produce any satisfactory, final explanation of his existence without going beyond the limits of ordinary empirical causation & attributinge it to God as ultimate cause. Kant - Principle of causality is applicable only in the sensible & has no meaning outside it. Hence to attribute the existence of any contigent being or to the efficacy of God as its ultimate cause is not satisfactory explanation. If God is active man can't be free he is determined. If God is spectator man can retain its freedom. There is no need of superpower. What is God? Designer mover, actor, creator, spectator, ruler, personal, impersonal, owner, real, unreal. It is just a faith. In need man created God as super power imaginry thing perfect omnicient being. It is idea a thought of human being, supervisor of mans actions & for judging sin deed & misdeals to decide fate & destiny. God is man made entity Who is architect designer of this complex body mind universe? Was it evolved accidently by chance or causally? G.E. Moore says whole universe is declared to be spiritual means in some sense conscious but there is higher form of consciousness in human which is intelligent is purposeful, & not mechanical. Nyaya - God exists because Veda says & Vedas are true because they are created by God. It is ay circle which has no starting point, beginning or end. Gita - God is dictator under whose supervision prakriti acts. Mimansa & Sankhya don't believe in God as creator of World. 16 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Nyayayika - God is ultimate cause of creation maintenance & destruction of world. He did not created world out of nothing but it is created out of eternal atoms, space, time & 'ether mind and souls. Charvaka - Consciousness ceases apparently with the body when men dies nothing is left to enjoy or suffer. Opponents of Metaphysics - Greek sceptics have declared that doctrine of Metaphysics is false, it contradicts empirical knowledge & is uncertain. It transcends limits of human knowledge is meaningless. It asserts nothing but only theoretical contents, mere words, and attitude of person towards life. Metaphysics is theoretical concern with God soul etc. is beyond physics has goal of apprehension of truth. Arts are production, science is practical, ethics are economics is for direction of human action Physical Science are concerned with nature & structure of material or physical substance living, non living; make up whole world. Metaphysics has immaterial substance. Empirist, Any claim to knowledge requires justification by reference to sensory experience. Object of knowledge is not a thing external to and independent of our cognitive machinery. God does not command universal assent Alheist have denied the very existence of God, Atheist includes-materialist, naturalists humanist, nalist, secularist Materialist & naturalist search after truth & disbelieve in supernatural powers like God. Humanist dedicates his life to the service of being man animal & realize essence of humanity. Altrui means somebody else & term altruism used to denote devotion to the end of others. Secularist may lead the best possible moral life without paying any heed to religious ways of society. Concept of God is not accepted by all. Innumerable heinous misdeeds have been committed in name of God, under grab of religion. In middle ages the Jihads or religious wars of mohamedians against unbelievers in allah, crusades were instigated by the church for alleged religious ends, the claim for partition of India on communal basis are burning examples of atrocities committed in name of God. Knowledge of God is controversial issue is chase after black cat in a dark chamber some declare knowable & assert him as unknown God can't be known as way of knowing are inadequate. Attempts to grasp God go in vain. He transcends speech & reason is beyond human comprehension. Telos - means an end or purpose, design argument of God as a designer of order that prevails in universe. . Nyaya Kusumanjati endeavors to prove the existence of God on ground of combination. All composite objects of world are creation of 17 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ intelligent being who has direct knowledge of subtle atoms out of which material objects are composed. For Gandhiji God is truth. Gandhi Urgues -Everything around me is changing, ever dying all that change living power that is changeless that creates, dissolves, recreates that informing power of spirit is God. Gandhiji also feels a teleological order and design in the universe. As an idealist he cant appreciate blind mechanistic interpretation of the universal order, there is unalterable lau: soverning everything & every being that exists or lives. It is not blind law for no blind law cun govern the conduct of living being Gandhi percieves diyine design everywhere both in the inner & external world. This design leads to postulation of an omniscient perfect being who constantly superwises it is none but God. Modern science tells us that the order system have come to this universe after a long evolutionary process, heavenly bodies rotate on their axis driven by their intrinsic nature God is myth so teleological points fails so God does not exists. Ontos - Real thing logia - discourse so ontology means study of reality. Idea of God & mankind are rowing in same boat human civilization & idea of God has undergone various transformation. Psychological argument faith as firm belief in God. Blind faith is superimposed on our minds by authority & tradition without any urge, but living faith comes from the core of our hearts. It is burning eagerness to attain union of God. This faith is subtle psychic stage which is strictly personal & hence a universal scientific law in respect of it is impossible. Krishmurty - Mind is known can be experienced & known can never know unknown, it can know only what it has experienced taught or gathered. Man is product of environment & of various reaction. Those who accept the view than man is essentially divine that his destiny is controlled & guided by supreme intelligence, assert that they are seeking God, perfection liberation, happiness. Their belief in supreme entity who is guiding man's destiny is based on faith. They say transcendental entity is supreme intelligence has created the world & soul is eternal entity. Concept of God is result of our conditioning belief of believing in God is result of our environment trained to believe in God from childhood. Thought can project anything it likes. It can create or deny God, invent & destroy God according to his inclination pleasures & pains. What he has created is projection of thought. As you can't find security outside, you seek it in your idea, thought, images, & create God. Formulate opinion about God is childish. We should not cultivate belief or disbelief, but understand process of mind. Thought 18 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ cant be ended through discipline control, denial or suppression but by understanding thinking process. It is not retiring into the woods or monastry or isolating. Nothing can exist in isolution Man tortures his mind through discipline control, self denial, abstinence austerity to approach reality in different ways in pattern laid down by priest or sacred books, rituals, system invented by men. Present day climate is he is denying totally authority of priest, belief & dogmas & man lives for present enjoyment, satisfaction, happiness & denying religious conception & is after physical comfort & joy. By not valuing religion we have bred wars, separated man from man & destroyed by causing war & violence. Life is empty, relations are corroded & rooted by misery battle sorrow which we try to fill with music literature, entertainment, ideas, knowledge we are seeking ways to fill up our emptiness loneliness by not having power position, prestige fame, prosperity. We think that if we don't seek strike struggle grope after, we shall wither away. Life is process of withering from the day of birth. Virtue beauty truth, wealth health has no continuity but time & thought continues non stop. We desire to be secure, paramount established happyness & escape from turmoil, pain, confussion, troubles. We don't have to search for light but remove barriers that create darkness & removal requires intention. We have not to search but understand, be aware, & attentive. What others says may be mistaken never influenced by books or teachers if you are influenced you will find only what they want you to find so think yourself. Thought is ever shaping modifying colouring according to pattern of experience. Thought can't penetrate into unknown so it can never discover or experience reality. Disciplines, renunciation, detachment, rituals practice of virtue however noble, are process of thought. Achievement is security, selfprotective certainly of the known. For security mind must be entirely silent, & silence cant be purchased through sacrifice, sublimation or suppression. Mind can be still only when it is not terming naming, recording, storing up memory. Sacred books, churches temples rituals ceremonies are full of ideas of God but not Godly ways. Thoughts are not godly if you exploit to became rich. Freud says when man's strong urge is not satisfied with nature seeks satisfaction through imagination. When life is threatened he wanted security of life. Man failed to control natural forces & was helpless he interpreted natural forces as God. Sacrificing comforts, prosperity, passions was intolerable, so he seek relief from God & gave concept of heaven. 19 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Why Theologist blames Science? Man breaks legal & divine laws to escape from consequences of his wrong doing & to avoid punishment e.g. law or hell, he wants forgiver for his wrong deeds so he created pilgrimages, Ganga river & other holy places where God excuses their sins. It is needed 1st to wash our mind from unnatural thoughts passions & secure our life with satisfaction. Theist has mentality that if any accident occurs, or any one dies during accident surgery, murdered unnaturally, or naturally will say it was pretext, Nimitta, olr destined. E.g. An ignorant man & scientist went to 9000 feet high on mountain, keeps potato to boil on fire, potato does not get soft, Ignorant man imagines God does not allow potato to boil. Scientist has careful observation of data, & ignorant man worship to God; made offerings to allow potato to become soft, after rituals & worship they again tries to boil potato, but failed, potato didn't got soft. Scientist told him to give up his hypothesis of God but he refuses saying "My prayer was not sincere & offerings were not sufficient" he again repeated his prayer with depth & sacrifice goat. After that again he tried to boil potato but failed, potato was not got soften, then he said "my prayer was genuine, but after all god has his own will." Scientist asked then why potatos gets soft, if boiled at the plains? Man replied its God's sweet will. Scientist said what happens to free will of God, when on mountain we put potatos to boil in pressure cooker? Man replies God changes his will when you boil potato in pressure cooker. Scientist asks him what determines will of God to permit potato to soften at plains, & not at great height or allow at great height if boiled in pressure cooker? Man replied, "God is neither determined by laws, logic or facts or principles of morality God has his own will. God is unfathomable. uncomprehensive Miracles can be created by individual. Miracles are thought creation of thoughts & dreams in world of limitless possibilities, which possess electromagnetic energy, desire & dreams create new energy. If any natural calamity is God's will, holocaust in Bangladesh in which millions become homeless, shotdead, hundreds of woman raped & innumerable children were made orphans. Was it God's will? Or sins committed by them for which they were punished? Or was it their destiny? Bomb blast in local train of Bombay, floods on 26th July 2007, terrorist attack on Hotel Taj & Nariman House earthquakes in Kutch. Latur where many killed, became homeless were victims of these hellish drama was Gods will? Nimitta Hundred died in Sunami of Japan were they all sinners or victims of natural calamity is terrorist or God? Is 20 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ God so cruel?Hundred died in Sunami of Japan were they all sinners or victims of natural calamity. How God decrees everything in Human conduct? Or everything is predestined? Why God is so cruel? Accidents can be avoided if traffic rules are better or strict. Tsunami, earthquakes cyclone are natural process geographical condition which involves loss of life & property at colossal state. Terrorist attacks are terrorism which should be destroyed. It is political condition & not Gods will. Galeleo put forward theory in 1610 that planet, moon revolves around sun. He was threatened by Roman church Galeleo was persecuted by the pope for his belief that earth goes round the sun & He was accused of witchcraft. Newton found law of gravitation which explained movement of heavenly bodies as autonomous. Many religion suspected Newton for reducing God's jurisdiction over nature. The hypothesis verified by scientific method alone constitute scientific truthBelief in God was not scientific truth Newton has roundly denied existence of God. Man has created story of God in his own image. Biologist Darwin smashed theology by evolution theory. No philosophy No language is evolved to express God. Beliefs of God are only emotive, mystics & takes refuse in excuse that language is metaphysical analogous or symbolic & means are beyond them. There is no direct language to prove metaphysical terms soul, God, or ghost. It is only vague & emotive in character. Consciousness is always consciousness of something. The illusionary character of religion will either disappear or remain an illusion. A disappearance has no future as a truth. : Human has biology evolved from mammal species there anatomical, embryological, geographical, physiological evidence to show that manhis body & soul has origin in natural order in certain chemical conditions has fructified billions of living organism in plants animals leading to evolution of man Human soul is name for life force consciousness originating from impregnation of ovum by sperm life force shares with other life force to construct its body to maintain, to repair & to reproduce. Order of purposiveness, beauty which are found in nature. This inferred that there is design & so found supreme designer or intelligence. Critics of new language changed, that it is an attempt to inject God & creationism in violation of separation of church & state. Darwinion theory is that all life had a common origin & that is natural chemical process created the life has been challenged by fossil evidence & molecular biology scientists says there is no real debate over Darwins theory of evolution is considered as corner stone of Biology 21 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Objective world & fascinating world are different object world is ovld is real, existing outside our thought. Imaginary figure, form essence, shape in our thought has no existential status. If you push boundaries to expand envelope of things & imaging impossible in deeper insight are invisible fantasies. Like Epoche of Husserl Technique or Anekant theory of Jainism give impartial hearing to many views to arrive at the essence by bracketing, detach & suspend false belief & prejudices ideas of external sensible object & reflective internal sense think without getting clouded by all theories, attach & achieve unprejudiced approach & transparent. Reasons for non existence of God. 1) No satisfactory theory of God is explained by anyone. 2) God is not creator of universe as creation of world is natural process. Nature means motion energy forces, power, natural laws, nature and experience. Natural phenomena are based on science. Laws for materialism-matter is real for naturalism. Nature is real gives more emphasis on motion, energy & not on spirit or nature. It changes with scientific laws & discoveries. Morality does not require existence of God. Good things, actions, deeds are rewarded as in Karma Theory. Natural laws, moral laws, ethical norms, values legal laws improves society. So an individual does not need existence of God. If there is moral order there will be no evil.. Botanist who studies trees discovers properties of different trees but hallucinated tree does not exist has no properties Non existing object can be conceived of having all kinds of properties which they don't have any properties & we can't investigate its relation & properties like God. Religious experiences, miracles, worship, grace are purely psychological man-made & not truth of factual world. It may be hypnotism magic, illusion, hallucination which cant prove existence of God. Miracles can be created by individual by training mind in systematic way to perception visualization Miracles are thought creation & dreams Desires & dreams Creates new energy. World is an effect composed of earth, water, air, light, space time, atoms are eternal why we need efficient cause God, for combining of atoms or potentiality of the atoms to combine. Truth is certain ideas which copy definitely the object agreement with reality when ideas don't copy the facts or object like God or can't be experienced is false idea like God. 7) 22 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 8) 9) 12) 13) 14) 15) 16) 17) Idea of God is belief or truth of ideas which we can't assimilate validate corroborate, verify & can't be experienced. Senses yield illusionary knowledge can give us wrong information & men can wrongly sense the object are mystical experiences. If God has created world, where is he now? How immaterial God can create material world? How could God can create world without raw material? eate world without raw material? If material arose naturally than universe might be its own creation and must have arisen naturally. If God created by his will them how a formless actionless God can create world. God is immaterial without body how could be set matter is motion. If he has no advantage, purpose in creating world then why he has created universe? No one does nothing without purpose or intention behind it. What is supernatural power why he created man and then death. How can creator destroy his own creation? Concepts without precepts, mould without clay, are empty, like Airy castles, air bubbles, airy structures. To find out time, purpose of creation of universe & living being, 1st cell of living being on earth or proving existence of soul, God, Ghost is difficult task. God or anyone can't create anything out of nothing. There is no data for fixing the 15t beginning of universe. The science of astronomy gradually generating belief in vastness of universe the diameter of which is at least hundreds of millions of light years. Each faint nebula is enough for creation of perhaps a thousand million suns like ours. God is beyond time space, senses, prediction form, incomprehensible is highest reality, but unseen untouchable, inexperienced, a perfect being, super natural power is myth, imagination illusion, mystic & thought of psychic mind. It is hallucination. The religious experiences, miracles, prayers worship offerings to God are purely, psychological. Hypnotism, magic, mystic feelings, . passions emotions, faith can't prove existence of God. . You require body to perform action of creation & perfect being can't do anything meaningless without purpose just for time pass saying "come on, I have nothing to do, so lets play & create universe like child creates house from sand at sea-shore but child has matter-sand to create sand-castle & purpose of enjoyment & plans to figure out what he imagines to construct such house for him for shelter while God has no purpose, matter & nothing can be created out of nothing. 18) 19) 20) 23 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 22) 24) 25) 26) 27) 28) Why God should create in his creation, sorrow, pain suffering, evil mind & vices? God has not created God, but man has created God by imagination, thought, concepts by which we can't bring anything into existence. Concepts of God remains concepts. No matter how hard we think about God, but universe disclosed to us by science does not admit God. From raimfall, universe, earth, volcano we can't infer God. Nothing can be verified without perception so existence of God can't be established. Moral & spiritual principles can be explained, without resort to supernatural agency of God. Miracles are market place of gossip to feed antiscientific out of life. Where statues drinks milk, shower saffron, shade tears, & sea water becomes sweet. Belief in God is crude unproven, redundant & meaningless. There are claims in religion by mystics, prophets seers, that they have direct experience of God. Psychologist & sociologist don't deny the authority of the occurances of these experiences of seeing or hearing God. How can we deny drunkard that he is seeing fairies dancing in the glob let or ocean becoming honey by leaving its salty nature or Ganpati drinking milk or Marium Mary cries or on touching of beautiful ladies Hanuman statue starts crying. As it statues have thirst, hunger emotions, passions. But those who are blind with faith can be deceited easily. . Nature is only reality. There is no reality out side or beyond it. No disembodied soul or God. There is no governance of universe by God. There is no place of miracles in natural world Man is product of nature, those who are capable to acquire food & survive. Those fail to acquire food or nutrition fails in their life. If organs of body physically psychologically mentally or biologically are not developed with justice beauty & morals body degenerates. Body degencrates by superstition, blind beliefs doubts, erroneous knowledge, fear, timidity, prejudices & ignorance. All things in world are changeable undergo change, grow decay decompose then how God can be unchangeable. Language is perceptible form of thought & bound to reality by a common logical form or structure meaning of linguistic expression must be determined by nature of world otherwise it is infected with vaqueness, uncertainity. 29) 24 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 32) Man is under the laws of physics gravitation, biochemistry. Our behaviour changes if we are intoxicated when we introduced certain chemicals through food or drink. Food affects secretion of Glands which modify our personality. Same way faith introduced psychologically in mind changes our behaviour personality mind becomes dull does not allow us to reach to the reality, truth, facts & when selfish motive to get something e.g. getting son, or becoming mother or getting wealth, you become blind & become ready to do anything like killing, deceiving or do any criminal act for achieving your goal. An ignorant man & scientist went to 9000 feet high on mountain keeps potato to boil. Scientist had careful observation of data & ignorant worship to God, made offerings to allow potato to become soft but failed. Morality explained by Mahavira is dharma work is worship. Which leads your life. Moral of the story is ignorance leads to blind belief and argues non-sensely. They are stringent and not ready to believe in the truth or facts. Behind the false belief they are not ready to see the reality. They are happy being foolish & stupid by closing the eye towards truth is mithya knowledge in Jainism. Theist has mentality that if child dies in an operation or surgery or in a car accident by surgeon's mistake or car-drivers mistake, they will say its "God's will" accident was pre-text, only nimitta for his death. Due to his karma he died his life was written by God was only this much & not more. Tree of living being can't be manifested like pot it grows from seeds which has potentiality to grow into tree, whole from part of it Every living has potentiality to become whole cause of me-my existence is outside of me is my parents & my parents are effects of their parents is unending causal chain demand posit & that is God. But as cause of events in the universe which itself is uncaused. Concept of God negates the whole meaning of the concept of cause. Everything has cause. If you assert God is without cause why we should hesitate to accept the world without cause world is sum total of things & events. If one says he sees God as disembodied spirit we don't question his sincerity but question his assertion that what he sees outside his experience for there is no disembodied being in the universe we have no evidence for existence of disembodied entity. Scientific knowledge is based on evidence & revealed beliefs are not supported by evidence & therefore cant claim truth. The scientist provide truth that earth goes round through verification of eclipses 25 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ science des not support revelation. Science holds matter can neither increased nor decreased it changes into different forms but never disappear or destroyed altogether matter & energy are eternal & existent. Einstein theory of relativity matter & energy don't remain constant when matter is converted into energy matter becomes less & energy becomes more in amount. e.g. water heated evaporation reaching condensation by sun on cold spot Rain water Formation of earth, rotation of heavenly bodies by events within universe cause & cure of disease of humanbody & mind are discovered in universe. Technical intellectual skills for controlling & organizing our impulses organisms cant be produced by mechanical law as if they are product of intelligent being who designed them a super natural power. (Metaphysical entities like immortal soul, God are neither found in heaven nor on earth. They are symbol of human aspirations, a intellectual poetry imagination whose language has to produce induce a sustain, which can't cognitively established hence dubbed as meaning nonsense, which transformed & changed into metaphors, paradoxes & symbols. A fish can know what life is in water but can't know what is in other media would be. We don't know what is beyond stars & planets are & made up of which material stuff? We don't know what is at the centre of earth? We can perceive them only from distance like shining star & imagine from the available evidence infer by surrounding as earth is round is confirmed by eclipses. But we can't give proper description of the appearance or details of its properties. Thunder storm volcanoe, eruption, mighty water falls, starry heaven can't be counted or measured. Nebulla is earlier stuff of the solar system, which in turn is the origin of the earth, earth with certain conditions give rise to life & so on. These series can never be complete order of purposiveness, beauty which are found in nature infers that there is design so found supreme designer critic said it as an attempt to inject God & creationism) in violation of separation of church & state. According to Darwin theory all life had a common origin natural chemical process created life has been challenged by fossil evidence & molecular biology scientist says there is no debate over Darwin's theory of evolution it is considered as corner stone of Biology. What is evolution? Evolution is progress in time of higher value to what has gone before. The emergence of life from inanimate force is evolutionary for life is higher value to chemical compounds. Emergence of man is step in evolution for he has capacity to discover & understand truth to 26 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ create & appreciate beauty. Visualize & cultivate, personal excellences & welfare of society. Variety of roses are more evolved than primitive rose. Anything evolutionary embodies truth beauty and goodness means the emergence of new qualities which exhibits new laws of behaviour. Evolution is not just change into new qualities & new behaviour but appearance of new levels of existence. In Sankhya evolution point is association of emergence of Purush & Prakriti while in Christianity starting point is eve and Adam. Due to change in genes species are born with different characteristics this is called mutation, while species with advantageous features survive & others die is competition of life is survival of fittest. Mutation is natural selection of parts for purpose of survival so biochemistry is in progress to explain rise of life from lifeless matter. Hence there is no reason to postulate God." Whole universe is adjusted to each others mutually good milk comes to udder of cow to feed the calf or butterfly or honey bee sucks honey & helps flowers for pollination. Whole process is purposive & instinctive or seeds grows in plant as it has potentiality to grow in plant or on fertilization of human spein & ovium grow the human being this purposiveness can't prove existence of designer God. Natural selection is free of design, purpose. Our minds, brains, behaviour claims language ideas without calling upon any natural intention designer or ideas of God.. Everything known & yet to be known is surrounded by unknowable. Insight is not phenomenon subject without scientific analysis. Where was the idea before thought? once it was thought science begin the determination of the known, from the unknown. Before it was thought there was no tasks, no path no idea, Ideas, imerge in mind are gifts, of unknowable trophies struggle with unknown. Unknowable exist for some or dont exist for others. It will remain unknowable in accessible. immeasurable as it is just ideas, mental quirk, a fantasy as not worth worrying insight is not phenomenon subject. Our own origin is documented fact about DNA based life on earth.. . 27 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Whether Soul exists What is unknown soul? Is it ghost, celestial being hellish being unembodied spirit, unembodied super soul-God. Atma, paramatma, devetma or human beings - embodied soul? Where is the island of unembodied soul? Are island of supersoul, celestial being & hellish being soul different like heaven & hell? How unembodied soul travel to their own destination i.e. heaven or hell? Are soul atomic, infinitesimal, omnipresent, infinite, shapeless weightless, having no spatial qualities them how they travel? Whether soul gets liberated on death or transmigrate or recarnate or get rebirth as religion says according to their karmas. We can't fathom on creation of world, God's purpose as designer or on existence of God, Ghost, animal as any spirit or soul. Earth is bright jewel, in vast cosmos only living planet-till today with marvelous variety of forms of life, oceans, air soil forests. How universe, Jivas created evoluted? What is soul or consciousness whether it survives after death or not? There is if rebirth what about past or future life? If soul survives death after destruction of body why should we regard outselves as destroyed? We must be able to go on thinking, feeling, willing remembering & go on experiencing, the same life. Why not we live till our all bad karmas are destroyed & till our soul becomes pure so all accounts of papa & punya will be solved in one birth only & no rebirth is required? Incarnation recornation or transmigration is unravel mystery. If mental life - self - soul continue unchanged and become attached to different body he should be able to describe our different bodies like lorry or vehicle driver changes his vehicle can describe the previous vehicle he driven? You can't predict what is on other side of moon unless you reach there & investigate so describe other side of moon will be experience of blind, men without eyes or colour blind men with open eyes who enjoy multicoloured, imagines world of light, color, & sound. Because to describe life after death we have to come back reviving death & no one returns after death. Hinduism, Christianity, Islam believe souls come into existence out of nothing, soul continues to work, enjoy and continue to exist throughout eternity in some form or other is unborn eternal constant, unconstructable unclearable, incombustible neither wetted nor dried. No Philosophy has explanation how soul is entrapped in body. No language evolved to express soul God. Beliefs of soul, God Ghost spirit are only emotive mystics & takes refuse in excuse that language e is metaphysical analogous or symbolic & means are beyond them. There is no direct language to prove existence of soul God, 28 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ metaphysical entities. Soul is only vague & emotive in character. It is strange to assume persistent entity soul inhibits in perishable body. Jiva is conscious substance, its life begins at conception of fetus irreversible cessation of life is death. If liberated soul never born again then world should be empty one day but instead of decreasing population, it is increasing day by day. Continuous march towards desire to win over death gave theory of immortality of soul. Aristotle - Psyche is principle of life & potentiality of becoming whole from egg or embryo is reason for growth. Existence of soul has troubled great minds charvaka, Greek philosopher Thales, Anaximenes Anaximander, Hiraclitus etc. don't believe in soul. Buddha is silent about existence of soul. Opponents say whatever is imperceptible does not exist. There is none to whom soul is an object of direct perception. Scriptural authorities are mutually contradictory. Soul can't be established even by the means of analogy. Soul can't be established by any of the means of valid cognition. Mahavira proves soul on ground of doubt. Epicurus 341-270 B.C. Soul was itself nothing but the movement of atoms in the material body. Some atoms could freely swerve in the void. There is no after life, no avenging God, soul being in accordance with the doctrine of atomism Merely concatenation of atoms which will dispersed upon bodily death. Soul attached to body creates astral not physical which on physical death leave material body. All such theory can't prove existence of soul. Waking state is consciousness. Dream state is unconsciousness with many object & meditation is unconsciousness with one object. Glycopeptide gets accumulated 'upto certain quantity activates the centre in brain & we feel sleepy when glycopeptide lessens we wake up. When hydrochloride is secreted in stomach, we feel hunger, when water decreases we quench of water, feel thirsty so secretary glands on which body functions are chemical, electrical & magnetic when this fails cells stops working & death occurs Brain, Sensory-nerves, motor nerves sences, nervous system all body parts are connected & work co-extensively with mind. Consciousness is awakening of nature from cosmic slumber when we open our eyes we are conscious of colour, shapes, outer visual world. Sensation pain on insult, on piercing thorn, anger, emotions, blushing in feeling of & love, when dentist probe hits nerve, we feel pain, when sugar level drops in blood we start to want food & feel weak. These are neural events, neural physiology. Metaphysical entities like immortal soul neither found on earth nor place within our reach. They are symbol of human aspirations, intellectual poetry, imagination, whose language has to produce, induce & sustain, 29. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ which can't be cognitively established, hence dubbed as meaning nonsense, which transformed & changed into metaphors, paradoxes, & symbols. A countless consciousness is meaningless expression An awareness can't be awareness of nothing consciousness is always consciousness of something. The illusionary character of religion - soul, God, Ghost, spirit will either disappear or remain an illusion. Disappearance has no future as truth. Revelation as compared to scientific method is seen to be unrealiable, spasmodic unsystematic, unprogressive, hurdle or obstacle to progress requires checkmates. None of the ancient theistic religion has scientific method for truth investigation, belief in God or soul Aurbindo, Radhakrishna, Radhaswami, Brahmasamaj, Arya Samaj, none of them accepts scientific method as central to its investigation of truths & crieteria of truth their founder practice of old method of revelation or mystic experience. They still hold scientific method is not appropriate to truth about human soul. Hence they are not true development on ancient religions. They are reaffirmation of old scripts through fresh mystic experiences or through new interpretation fo texts. Belief to be true, must be consistent with other established truths & must satisfied to be true & must be verified by scientific method. Error free path is impossible for anyone in nature. Many religions share creation of myth. Hindu contains notion of forthcoming avatar God Vishnu as creator, brahma as originator, Mahesh as destroyer. Buddhist & Jainism have no such myths. Hindu Jains, Buddhist share idea of existence, consists of continuation of cycle of birth-death rebirth, recarnation Chinese, Japanese share common belief in revering the spirits of dead ancestors. Judism, Christianity Islam has belief in one God, concept of revelation & role played in it by prophets & sacred texts are characteristic in common. Primal religion of world believe that spirits inhibit many aspects of nature & use religious rituals for such functions as promoting fertility. Mediterranean, Middle East, Norse & Celtic culture of Northern Europe worship many Gods-stars, moon, ocean, mountains, love, war farming e.g. they sacrifice corn to make corn grow, worship war-God to win battle. In Egypt Memphis Prah was creator of universe. In Helipolis Ra Atom was the supreme God & Isis & Orisis were rules under the world. Egyptians believe Pharoah as sun-god, scorpion-repellent of evil, cat-goddess of sex Egyption believe souls of dead went to underworld region called Duat. Egyptian bodies are mummified to preserve to use in next world so rich Egyptian were buried with valuable possessions. 30 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Zoroster gave births to Ahura Mazda-Good Anga Mania as evil, He wrote Gatha & hymns-Avesta as a sacred book. Greek & Romans had many God & Goddesses. Gigantic being Titan created by humans Promethous shaped people out of day or by supreme God-Zenus Gaia & Uranos. Parents of Titan Gaia created sea mountains. In Greece highest mountain Olympus lived twelve goddesses. Aphrodite-venus goddess of love, Hephstos-God of craftsmanship, Are'sMars-God of War Jupiter as protector of state, & defender of ustice Lightening & eclipses were the voice of Gods. Africa & Australia practice primal religion has belief that world is full of spirits that have a vital influence in life creator, when people die are said to live on in spirit world, spirit affect their life in bringing disasters diseases, storm, forest fire etc. Human comes into contact with spirit world through dreams, visions, special riluals. Ajitkeshkambi hold man comes from four elements & perishes on death there is no eternal soul. Mental states are physical state are central nervous system & mental processes, neurological process mind is simply connected with body through nerves, gene is responsible for transmission of hereditary characteristic e.g. colour of eyes, habit, nature, colour of skin. Conduct is molecule of very complex chemical constitution which forms nucleus of cell. Mind is cause of passions, action, instinct, drives, motives, behaviour, stimulus, strategies, perception, memory, impulse to environment are neurological mechanism. Developing your qualities progressing on right path gaining knowledge & enlightening lamp of wisdom is in your hand you are master of your own destiny. There is no proof, no evidences, no fossil, no traces no imprints of separate existence of soul, self or consciousness. consciousness dawns in faetus developing organism. Charvaka consciousness is generated by material elements is quality of loving body. Russell - mind-body are composite. James - Body matter arranged psychological & physical, He denies spirit, soul & believe consciousness is limited to body. Nihilist There is no ultimate reality. Sankhya Nyaya Vaisesika, Mimansa, Jainism held soul as separate & ultimate entity-distinct from matter. Advaita Vedanta, Yogacara says consciousness only is one reality. Decartes, Locke, Kant, hold mind & matter as two separate entity ultimate reality, means soul & body as different entity. 31 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Idealist, Fiute, Hegal, Bradley, Boragell, Royee hold. No two different reality but one universal mind spirit. . * Nyaya consciousness is enjoyer associated with body and admits earth atoms which constitutes gross body. Socrates - Soul is eternal, non-material, non-perishable, non-divisible, immortal, invisible & earthly stuff material body is house of divine self. . .Mind is soul essence & is equivalent to the brain or body. What is the evidence, that mind survives death? Charles Tart said, "consciousness may survive but no I who is conscious". Materialist reduce mind to brain & see the death of brain as the end of mind Scientist position is same as materialist. Life equals biology. Mind equals biology. Your thought feelings, hopes fears are all electro chemical reaction in the brain. Your brain turn into mash after you die leaving no more thoughts, feeling so why worry survival? Materialist marvelously rejects the chance of going to hell on rejection of soul there is no after life rebirth or previous birth so they are not worrying about hell. This does not mean you are free to do any wrong to any one. For wrong doings you have to compesate in the same life there no need to repay your good or bad doings you should born again. Rule of science is account of all data, experience information facts gather about something is mind is more than brain. Mind is master of body. Mind functions, survives, grows on received information by the senses infinite capacity & craving for knowledge translates the ideas into action through body co-ordinate with each other, interact with each other & intimately interconnected through nervous system. This relationship is amazing. Survival & progress depends on interaction of reasoning powers in balanced responsive constructive & social behaviour. The regression pushes down towards ghastly beastial attributes, like cunningness, violence ferocity progress is by good conduct, love fraternity, kind & compensate expression & emotions guiding towards better learning & use. Human brain is not largest size is not what imparts it the unique intelligence but much greater complexity of neurons makes man superior & powerful & intricate to any other brain in animal kingdom. Man differs from animal in versatility in communication due to highly developed vocal organs ability to think & conscience. He is conscious of his own existence thoughts feeling, dreams emotions ideas imaginations. Human has capacity to communicate with clarity. Human mind absorbs all For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 2. information, collect, store, & process data affected by outside forces. He is connected with past & future through history, science & genetics. According to science mind & body are not separate. Living body has function to get sensation thought, emotion ideas. Mind experience through senses. Which is not separate from body. Brain cells intricately structured alone is responsible for ebb of flow of mental experience. Creative ideas are stream of chemical & electrical events in brain our brain is massive & quite staggering intricate cerebral cortex consists of network of ten billion neuron each one wired upto thousand others giving us thousand billion interconnection & thoughts & ideas are just brain state consciousness is biochemical reaction of neurons & we are biological body. There are three approaches to define & understand consciousness. 1. Biological regards consciousness as a .by product of neural activity advances are made by neuro sciences (churchland, Damasio) Transcendental approach regards individuals consciousness as but one stream with larger cosmic flow associated almost entirely with religious ideation. 3. Phenomenal approach focuses on direct experience itself. 'The guiding belief here is what we should attempt to describe & understood conscious activity on its own terms. Consciousness is direct experience, consciousness is awareness of circumstances, events, symbols as we perceive them in the moment it is process of perception, or knowing & more or less structured field within which this process operates. The feel of consciousness belongs only to experiencing individual. A thousand of people exposed to same. event but no two people will feel the same relationship between themselves & the event. Consciousness is an activity that is not identical with its contents. If you are looking at a cat & I am looking at two catstthis does not mean that I am twice conscious' as you are. Consciousness is. always moving on it does not depend on relationship of the perceived content to external events & circumstances experience is private & report is public. Human understanding, wisdom, intellect, mind may not venture beyond the bounds of limit. No invention is yet made to observe farther side of moon. Birth - Growth - decay - death is natural process. Nature follows set of pattern with assurance sun rises in east sets in west sea-waves follows cycle of nature, living body has consciousness, feeling, thinking, & willing process in varying nature. We are more than our bodies, our thoughts, our past experiences we also have invisible For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ dimension that we call spirit, who we are beyond our skin? Mind body to gether makes up our whole being. We are not independent from our body. Natural process follows principles of biology physics, chemistry & old dies destructed & new created. Science find no' evidence of disembodied soul or consciousness. Life is evolved under certain physical biological & chemical conditions. Higher animal possesses consciousness feeling willing & knowing. Body is under physical chemical & biological laws which are irreducible acts under external stimuli & internal secretion from glands. If calcium, lacks bones suffers, In imbalance of pituitary glands endchrine secretion growth affects, alcohol or drugs affect our psychology, Alcohol damages our digestive system and thought process. Food affects chemical changes in mind & body, & chemical changes affects brain, leads psychological disorders. What lies beyond the wall of death we cant say. Death is certain so make life outshine like sun find your passions & follow it to forget shadow of death we live to gain supreme happiness, why are we born? Why do we love? What is the purpose of life? Is life worthless & meaningless Death is destiny awaiting us, cause some tremble, anxiety and fear in us. ". Nature is only reality there is no reality outside or beyond it. No disembodied soul or God. * What is soul? According to me is internal voice, our thoughts, passions, desires, ideas which we get from environment our surrounding, atmosphere, our perception through senses. Thoughts created in brain through senses by neurological process eyes cry when you are sad Brain.nerves irritates cell fluid plasma in case of fire burn or thornbite. Soul is mind brain-a part of body working with help of neurons. Consciousness is property of living body conscious means awake of mental or physical act unconsciousness is rest or sleep where muscle loosens. electrical field reduces magnetic force reduces & motor nerves through sense gives senses to sense sensory nerves activates muscles, electrical electrical waves. Without brain-mind senses are nonsense senses are connected through neurons to brain Nerves. activates muscles. Senses can't have knowledge by itself. Psychological / physical, psyche / physical, mind. Body both dies on death & nothing survives after destruction of body. All thoughts, emotions, desires, deeds, relatives it is end of all at death. 34 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Dream reveals..... * Waking state is consciousness & dreaming state is unconsciousness deep sleep is unconsciousness with no object, while Meditation is unconscious with one object. When glycopeptide get accumulated upto certain level activates the centre in brain & we feel sleepy when glycopeptide lessens we wake up. What is dream? Dreams is our inner world. Dreaming is something we all do to maintain mental & emotional health are an intricate mix of memory, wishes, fears, desires. Dreams offer a deeply personal insight into our own minds, our own subconscious, which provides a key to understanding ourselves. Dreams are practical tools to improve self-understanding, to enhance communication to identify dangerous & unhealthy relationship in our life. According to Freud & Jung, dreams are way of rebooting the brain getting rid of any mental clutter, internal conflict, while we sleep. But where the actual images come from? What do they mean? What can they teach us? Dream dictionaries existed since 2000 BCE found in middle Egypt. We have to analyse & understand our own dreams from variety of sources like psychology, experience, myth & global archetypes. There Four stages of sleep. 1. Hypnagogic - where body relaxes & prepare for sleep, sensation of floating or drifting with jumble of voices, images vague landscape & shifting solors. Initially eyes are close, brain is still awake moving towards sleep, generating alpha waves which can enhance * creativity & inspiration. True sleep - brain is generating theta brain waves Deep sleep - are delta brain waves at this stage waking is very difficult & irritable. 4. Dreaming stage is REM - rapid eye movement last about ten minutes initially & increasing to an hour towards end of nightsleep after this dreaming stage brain returns to initial stage & cycle starts over again. Each cycle last around ninety minutes so in eight hours sleep average person will have at least four dreams. . During dreaming body experiences as temporary paralysis, in which we can move only fingers, toes, eyes & face. This is safty measure to stop us acting out our more dangerous dreams like flying running climbing in our sleep sleep-walking happens when the paralysis is incomplete or fails to operate. . . ...35 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Memory of our dream is often vivid on iwaking but fades rapidly, unless we take definite steps to record our dreams. Dream is vital for our health, without it we become stressed, anxious, irritable & unable to concentrate. Our blood pressure rises, we may feel dizzy & sweat more than necessary. Precognitive which tells our future, but most are coincidences. Lucid - Where dreamer is aware of dreaming & may able to take control, directing the dream in direction they wish it to progress, brain will obey, written command.. .. Some dreams are simple easy to understand while some are complex with variety of subject images, events, Some are wholly influenced by something which has happened recently in your waking state of life e.g. a play, film, book, t.v. serial, or any episode which has deeply affected you. Surred dreams have their internal logic, which usually bears little or no relation to waking world. Nightmares which usually start off as ordinary dream turning into unpleasant as they progress. E.g. feeling of helplessness they endanger. Which is reflection of how yell feel about occurrences - or fears in waking life- or punishing for something wrong you have done or have not done. Such actions are happening to you. Or you are watching it happen to someone else - or you yourself performing the action against someone. Everyone has some dark side, unfulfilled unhealthy desire which may reveal in dreams or may satisfy you in dreams like sex-desires or passion for someone. Dreams reveal our inner selves & fact which we may not like. Freud emphasized the distinction between manifest content & latent content of dreams manifest content are sophisticated chemouflage for deeper instincts or wishes that caused anxiety or conflict. Dreams guide, inspire give access to hidden feelings & unexpected needs. Nightmares are fearful dreams that overwhelm us causes us awaken. Psychologist Hart Mann define nightmare as something from inside that awakens us with scared feeling. Nightmares are most direct sources of self knowledge they give us raw uncensored view of very issues that are most unsettled to us. They are indication of inner turmoil may be positive, such as marriage, pregnancy, graduation. When you are most vulnerable & really need those precious hours of sleep nightmares may invade your psyche like terrifying marauders that torture you & leave you shaken. Nightmares involves profound anxiety & threat to our physical safety or survival such as we commit, - 36 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ witness, or threaten by act of violence like chased, paralysed, violently attacked, abandoned, rejected, imprisoned, kidnapped, subject to disaster, such as tidal waves, earthquakes, fire, terrorism or life threatening diseases. We should be aware of potentially toxic impact of nightmare & to recognize when they are contributing to a worsening of our mental health. Pop star Michel Jackson was threatened by his father in childhood by vampires, horrifying faces. & was beaten by belt after hanging him with legs & head down. He use to have nightmares & his sleep was lost by childhood bad memories in his subconscious mind. Who have experienced extreme trauma & was suffering significant depression due to accusement of crime child sexual abuse assault or post traumatic reaction to crisis. Nightmares rub salt on your emotional wounds. For survivors of disasters, accidents, violent attacks each nightmare can be a painful experiencing of horror. During waking hours we avoid troubling thought of bad episode, but during nightmare, we are vulnerable because we can't protect ourselves. Nightmares are more terrifying than waking memories & thoughts. Nightmare exaggerate our deepest fears, but if we explore their themes & symbols, searching for patterns their terrifying grip will loosen. Take nightmare as source of awareness instead of torture. When mind & body are at peace, rest, recuperate your dreams take you into wonderful character in your play you can soar & dive like eagle, swim like fish, defy space, leap buildings, defy time & gravity. In dream impossible & absurd seem effortless real & believable. Sleep is good for us. Growth hormones are responsible for growth tissue, repair & renewal. Sleep deprivation tend to have severe mood swings. Brain produces two chemicals serotonin & nor epinephrine which controls body & brain functions attention & learning. Once you go to sleep slumber it will follow pattern everynight 1st ten minutes is twilight zone neither conscious nor unconscious in one hour you reach deep sleep & most relaxed your heart beat & breathing are slow & regular your blood pressure & body temperature have decreased movement is almost non-existent & the electrical activity in your brain has been reduced. & after 45 minutes you reverse your journey. Your body changes position pulse accelerates & breathing & blood pressure quickens. History of dream Greek philosopher Aristotle believed dreams were augurs of illness. Egyptians, Romans Hebrews believed dreams were messages from Gods, Chinese believed dreams were messages from another world. Japanese emperors took it as political guidance. Psychoanalyst Freud, jung brought new interpretation. According to Assyrians dreams were work of evil 37 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ spirits that contacted the sleeper at night spirit could be dead people or underworld evil spirit.For Egyptians dreams were designed to instruct & advice to predict future & warn of danger or to answer questions. Dreams should be interpreted in opposite. E.g. If you dream of death you are actually dreaming of life. The Greek borrowed liberally from Egyptian Assyrian & Hebrew dream analysts. Greek interpreted dream symbols differently although they agreed that dreams were divine messages. Hippocrates, Aristotle, Plato fascinated by dream Hippocrates thought that there was a therapeutic function in dreaming. He felt that dreams were prodormal signals. He argued that when brain was divorced from external stimuli it became more sensitive to message of discomfort or pain from elsewhere in the body. A dream is way of signaling is uneasiness to sleeper. Plato in contrast forshadowed Freud & Jung Plato believes that dreams reveals peoples true nature & were the products of innermost consciousness symbolizing the for hidden desires that we strifle in working life. Plato He rejected that dreams are divinely inspired as Hipporates believed but he believed that they were influenced by astrological force Plato's pupil Aristole wrote five books on dreams interpretation 1st book suggest dreams were purely physiological function. Mohammed maintained that dreams were primarily working of soul. Dreams represents conversation between God & humans. Islamic approach is not similar to Christian tradition. In Islam only Mullahs were deemed wise & worthy enough to interpret dreams. Christian approach priest took view, dreams were sent by God to inform & command his obedient subject. The Bible & writings as St. Augustine & St. John sprinkled with examples- St. Jerome was tormented by disturbing dreams & possible meaning overturned claiming that dreams were work of devil. Church adopted his theory & condemned most dreams as being satanic trickery that should be disregard. During the reformation Christian suspicion of dreaming reached new heights. During near fatal illness Jerome dreamed that he was dragged before the Lords tribunal accused of being a follower of the 1st century B.C. roman philosefher Cicero, rather than Christianity & hundreds severely lashed. He vowed never again to read pagan literature Sigmund Fread Austrian philosopher believed dreams were predormal but revealed out mental not our physical health. Interpretation of dreams is important part of psychoanalysis. Brain's complex neural net work build up electrical energy like a machine & in order to function it discharges electrical energy by dreaming. Alfred Alder claimed dreams experiences & emotion are associated. 38 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Jung maintained dreams convey dreamer what they are ignoring or are obvious to in waking life Nature of dreams manifest true representation of the inner world of dreamer. There is no latent content (what they really are) that requires interpretation all that is needed is an understanding of the symbolic games that unconscious mind play when creating a dream. There is no reliable methodology for interpreting dreamsymbols or imagery because even dream is unique in itself & to the person who dreams it Chief function of dreaming is to allow the unconsciousness & conscious minds to reach a state of balance & symmentry. Any emotion or urges or sexual instincts operate on unconscious level are not suppressed does not dissipate but lies dormant & waiting for escape: When in sleep conscious mind is not controlled by person & in dreaming unconscious state of mind emotions of suppressed in waking state play in dreams suppressed or ignored can be brought to surface by dreamer. Freud divided our mind into id, ego, super ego. Id represents our animal urge to act upon our instinets & desires rather than from social or cultural conditioning. Ego is our conscious mind which makes rational decisions. Superego is our conscience. Dreams have power to alter the dreamer's future in sense there are possibilities of choices. Persona is face that we wear in society & represent the part that we want to reveal. Dream is mystical connection with universal energy which expands, life's perspective to a non-ordinary state of consciousness we interpret reality through our five senses sight, sound, smell taste and touch. Our awareness is based on input through our five sensory input areas. 39 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Mystical experiences A number of morphic experiences enumerated for proving' existence of soul; God, Ghost in some palaces or buildings or in some human body, or dreams as near death experiences. E.g. Jnaneshvara, Arjun saw cosmic form of God which filled the whole universe or photic experiences such as vision of fire, lightening, dazzling light of crores of suns or various colours of vibgyor. Kabir has experience of all ten avataras present before him in cinematographic show in one night compressed in single moment which * the aspirant with consciousness of infinite power of God. Vision in waking state or dreaming state is just a thought-deep thinking which gives vision of non-existing object. In susupti or dream or your deeply thinking or concentrating on some thought. It is loss of consciousness you are not aware of the outer world you are unconscious and object which you see is non-existing object of dream world which are not real. There are also sound experiences - phonic experiences in which aspirant hears sound which are not struck. Sounds of different musical instruments like drums, flutes, cymbals, trumpet, or words with slender tunes like om in Samadhi or hearing anhat sound etc. Such experiences come in any order, a rumbling cloud or glittering of lightening. There are tactual experiences - where saint touches God. Saint is not satisfied with vision and craves for touch. There is combination or amalgamation of phonic, photic and morphic experiences. Psychologist speak of inter influence of sensations. A very faint light becomes visible when tuning fork is sounded near the ear or auditory acuity is increased when rays of different lights are shown to the eye. There is synchronousness of light & sound. * Devotion is anabolic (ana-up, ballein-to throw) building up attitude of longing for God. It exalts or lift up to divine region. Beauty is metabolic (meta-beyond ballein-to throw) maintains equanimity. There is joy in experiencing beauty at the same time feeling of harmony and equanimity. Sublimity is catabolic emotional ectasy (cata=down, ballem=to throw). It is process of breaking down, humbles down or conquers the mind.. An object is beautiful which brings the mind in state of peace & harmony & maintains equanimity. Mystical experiences must be invalid which does not stand any intellectual clarification of thought. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Humanism holds nature in existence but not creation of nature. There is no reality outside or beyond nature No disembodied souls or god & no governance of universe & there is no place for miracles. No supernatural agency to work miracles in natural world. Humanism holds man is not created by God, but it is product of nature evolved from animal world. Man is good but becomes bad due to unfavourable condition. The evidence for transmigration of soul is market place of evidence, unreliable gossip. There is no evidence under controlled condition i.e. scientific verification. Whatever belief is not verified under controlled condition & is not worthy of acceptance as true. Buddha rejects eternal soul, transmigration of soul, resulting in death. Everything subject to change & decay. Man hates death so invented myth of immortality or eternity of soul. Nothing stay parmanant most loved things has no preservatives against change & decay. in strength & health. Memory gets weak, enthusiasm gets cool, creativity wanes with time. Energies exhausts & it is foolishness to love fast flow of Waves or clinging to , life which will be caught one day in whirl pool of suffering. It was belief that spirit world 'affects human life & bring forest fire, diseases, storms, floods etc. & spirit world comes in contact with human through dreams, visions, & special rituals. Australian aborigines, people in rural south America, African tribes inhabitant of specific islands Adivasis in Assam live traditional life style in isolated parts of globe & believe to communicate with spirit world. Mystical experiences resemble sense experiences but really they are supersensuous The infusion of God in the mind of man leads to supersensuous experiences to which the world is entirely blind. It is not. by our eye that we are able to see God that is what is meant by supersensuous God-vision. . : It is not the eye of imagination but the actual eye of internal spiritual vision. When we shut all sensory organs to outer perception then internal senses open & vast panorama of super sensuous experiences is revealed. 41 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Whether Ghost exist? mitted .. Reasons for experience of ghost 1) Palaces, buildings or residence are taken up by ghost should be checked but rarely are when checked reason of voices or sound heard as ghost are due to friction of metal or stone materials which changes, expanded, or contracted, due to temperature at different rates lead adjoining pieces to move in little jumps & creaking noise. Sun on one side of the house will cause that side heat more in day time. At night cooling down is more rapid on one side than other & so noises are more common at night when change in temperature occurs. 3). In old house pipe & radiator change size as they heat heating duct will amplify sound & transmit them around house. Mice scratching, rats nesting, & human voices can all amplified, distorted & transmitted. Old bearings rafters taking up new strain they adjust, they will speak volumes about their struggles ghostly volumes. Newly exposed, beams are a common source of strange sounds. Pipes of old houses made strange noises. Trapped air pockets & flowing water produce wonderful ghostly serenades. Like heating ducts plumbing can act as transmitted & amplifier of the sound making it seem like it comes from unexpected places. Strange voices & ghostly music rarely heard when there is no radio turned on. Lead strips or other bands of metal can act as antennae, picking up the broad caste will occur only when there is a specific relationship between the length of the metal & the broadcast frequency allowing resonance in the metallic strip. If ghost is external various atmospheric effects can feed the illusion swamp gas, methane CH4 phosphine PH3, are released by decaying matter in swamps & marshes. Occasionally combustible swamp gas ignites spontaneously or as a result of electrical storm activity are called ghost. 9) Reflection or distorted vision of car head lights may be refracted or dispersed by fog or reflected by windows or mirrors within house or nearby buildings. 10) Sometimes cats, dogs, rats_stopping at same spot investigated spot is beneath a nest in the roof, wall, cupboards or cellars for preying bird. 8) For Personal & Private Use Only Forp 42
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________________ 13) 11) Sounds of screaming, whispering, calling or murmuring conversation are often quoted as evidence of haunting house is calls of frogs sound like human conversation or experienced bird watcher screaming of woman or Australian barking owl. Every country has its animal screamers. Unfamiliar sounds are far more likely to be the result of uncommon animal or an inexperienced listener than supernatural source. 12) Psychic frauds damaging reputation of parapsychology & recommend to avoids such trickers, & fraud No firm evidence found despite searching Ghost can be photographed on a black * back ground film is then exposed again at night castle or graveyard is double exposure to fool the people. Judeo, Christian, Islamic religion frowned upon claim of recarnation. They talk of single mortality earth & eternity in the after life. In some psychic experience trickers move objects by magnet hidden under fingers, wrist cloths shoes or watches. 14) Fire is usually generated by Kerosene on wads of cotton, the flame is cool when passed over bare skin it will not burn. Moving fire does not have time to pass on sufficient energy for the skin to burn. Magicians are honest never claiming any skill beyond deliberate deception but those use tricks & claim their deceptions are truth are committing fraud. Frauds discredit parapsychology paranormal field & waste valuable time of psychologist who are searching for evidence. Many UFO sightings are result of the inability or unwillingness of authorities to explain reports because this would release information that is confidential for commercial or military reasons. 16) In many cases reports lacks sufficient detail to be identified is totally imaginary or frustrating & just one of many hoaxes. 17). U.F.O. = is an unidentified flying object does not mean alien object but they are weather pattern, clouds, balloons at high altitude, kites etc. are most common U.F.O. reports sighting of unidentified crafts or lights in the sky. 18) Many are generated by hoaxes & frauds, practical jokers, who are mentally unstable people; or those willing to fabricate events, due to deep felt desire to be part of U.F.O. phenomenon. Vision of godly figures in clouds or on buildings, or crying of statues of God like Marium Mary or Hanuman etc. are all Myths by the pandits. Super soul, soul, or evil soul are not evidential fact. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ e Near Death Experience * Near death experience reported throughout history in all mystical & shamman tradition writers Plato, Pope Gregory great sufi masters, Tolstoy, Jung, speak of near death experience is powerful psychological experience of undermined origin typically occurring to individual close to death, or in situation of intense physical or emotional danger, precipitating events may be cardiacarrest, or unnoted momentary but quickly corrected hypotensive episode with no antecedent event. Thus life threatening situation is reliable trigger for near death experience includes feeling of peace, cosmic unity, joy-sense, living body entering darkness encountering, meeting spiritual being or deceased person, uncrossable boundary, life review, an altered sense of time, long lasting changes in attitude, belief and values etc.. Near death experiences are just subjective picture show of the brain are meaningless illusions, tranquilising, hallucinative, neurological activity. We are mechanistic animal whose consciousness is product of brain, and meaningless hallucination stimulate psychic in sight. . A story told by English historian, "The monk Bede in Britain that monk died in night due to illness but at day break returned to his life & adopted very different way of life. He abandoned all worldly affairs & entered monestry. In this story he had near death experience & result into change in his attitude. . When we are going to bed we remember what we did during day or write diary likewise at death bed we review our life, counting & calculating malicious or meritorious deeds in life & such thoughts & whatever is in subconscious minds are repeated in dream there are visions of dazzling other world scenery overwhelming love acceptance, rapid life reviews & anguished to painfully wounded bodies or our deeper hidden feeling emotions. Near death experience loaded with images often influenced by one's local culture, e.g. Christians see Jesus Hindus view Vishnu, Americans see cities. Africans see elephants Carol Zaleski emphasizes other world visions. It reflects imaginative modes of thought. Imagination is private picture show, a wholely subjective fantasy stimulated by brain chemicals, unrelated to objective thingness. Freud, "N.D.E. are visions like dreams, imaginative portrayals of real unconscious, internal, personal psychological states? Are NDE symbolic pictures of real worldwide collective archetypal themes as dreams visions & Myths" as vibrant color, sense of tunnes of light & pleasant music. What experience lies waiting behind curtain when we die? Does conciousness disappear? What is proof of appearance - 44 . . For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ of depper sense when the veil is lifted? Does soul lift gracefully above physical world into majestic? What is death or NDE? Neurologist Ernst Rodin offers cerebral anoxia or lack of 02 supply to brain. Cause of dying brains near death experience such as anoxia produces a confusing dream like state of delusions & hallucinations. Cardiologist Michael sabom report that N.D.E. involves a clear awareness & more mystical content also occurs in people without anoxia. It is possible that anoxia could be one of several physical component of N.D.E. Brain produced narcotics such as endorphin when body's near death bring incredible pain & terror, N.D.E. surprises us with pleasure, calm, & peace. But Dr. Melvin Morse say patient receiving narcotics similar to endorphins experience no,N.D.E.s He argues that opioid peptide in brain explain less than serotonin in the brain. Alteration of this chemical could activate certain temporal lobe areas that accompany mystial vision, out of body sensation, panaromic memories & vivid hallueination (Morse 1989) Neurologist Michael Persinger argue instability & activity in the brain's right temporal lobe above right ear is responsible for religious experiences of deep meaningfulness, early memories & out of body experiences. Psychologist Susan 'Blackmore builds on his argument that instability in temporal lobe which show epileptic signs is responsible for paranormal, mystical & possibly many other NDE elements. Melwin Morse agrees that right temporal lobe shows N.D.E. like activity but it is mediating bridge for spiritual experience is physical cause. Blackmore interprets dark tunnel with light at the end as an optical illusion, created by the effects of anoxia & drugs creating cortical disinhibition with the effect of random light sports radiating from the centre of a dark internal visual field she also interprets the out of body experience as a drug induced illusion based on experimentation with Ketamine. Michael Sebom - brain neurology is part of N.D.E. soul does leave the body at death, he is not convinced of after life. N.D.E. is mystical experience & indeed every thing encountered on spiritual path are products of brain & the universe of which it is a part. It is our longing for something more that leads us astray. Noyes argues, that psychiatric analysis of N.D.E. was depersonalization stays off merital disorganization during the death crisis, vivid, and accelerated thoughts, a sense of detachment, unreality, & revival of memories. Psychiatrist Ronald Siegel interprets NDE & imaginative visions of after life as hallucination similar to the effects of psychedelic drugs or anesthesia. Both offer vivid ineffable states where one may hear sounds or voices see lights & tunnels or a life review or mystical illumination. Otto Rank proposed birth trauma is behind all neuroses for all anxiety producing experiences of separation reactivates . . 45 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ - the separation from mother at birth, relation of dark tunnel as mother's birth canal & bright light as mother's radiant face or the world outside canal. But Susan Blackmore showed that even people born by caesarian section & naturally have the tunnel experience so it is wrong to say it is birth traumic. Susan Blackwell emphasize NDE is based on mental models, mind creates various mental models of reality based on their experiences. A.J. Ayer - "My death will be end of me there is no God NDE does not have transforming effect." Positivist assumes that anything not verifiable by the senses is nonsense since. N.D.E. marks end of senses. Like Ayer rejects anything beyond sense data observation such as immortal soul or God. Ayer's philosophy is explicitly rooted in John Locke's formula "Nothing is in mind that was not 1st in senses." Mind gets information through senses. One's way, of knowing is methodology epistemology or hermeneutics how one seek to interpret. If way of knowing is senses it is empirical what is observed. During N.D.E. through sensory means or hidden memories of sensory experiences if truth test fails, N.D.E. is nothing but fantasy, hallucination or nonsense. NDEs are for Kal Jensen is brain neurology; Blackmore feeling of bliss, chemicals acting is specific parts of brain. Morse - temporal lobe mediating to N.D.E. but cant be reduce to brain activity - dilectic. Ronald Siegel approach N.D.E. through an empirical methodology. N.D.E. cant be communicated like sensory perception & shared by several observers, cant be subjected to objective, consensual validation as events in the external world, then they must be subjective events like hallucination. Veridical out of body experience * N.D.E. Survivors reports rising out of their bodies & passing through hospital wall to hear what others are saying in other rooms during their death. A Russian Scientist Dr. George Rodonaia died & observed an infant crying in a nearby room. No one could figure out why baby was crying but he could see in the out of body experience the child had a broken bone when he returned to his body & woke up he told the doctors to look for broken bone & x-ray revealed exactly the fracture where he located. Study of blind people from birth who report visual information after their N.D.E.s raises question of limit of empiricism. An alternative to empiricism is philosophical premise that mind contains inherent a priori ideas or psychic patterns that organize experience Kant proposed such a priori noumena behind all phenomena. One can't know noumena behind all phenomena. One can't know the noumena or unconscious directly but only as it manifests through phenomena such as tunnel or light. 46 : For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ According to Michael Grosso Carl Jung's theory of archetype is psychological versions of Kant's Philosophy Similar Phenomena such as being of light found to be repeated from person to person; culture to culture & religion to religion Path of repeating phenomena reveals unconscious collective archetype are rooted in Kant's noumena or underlying structures of mind similar or underlying structures of mind similar to Augustuss store house of eternal ideas. Plato's forms, Jung's archetypal perspective enables one to see one's own visionary & religious symbols in light of similar meaning patterns in other world religions. Robert Kasterbaum explores empirical & phenomenological method. Bulk of N.D.E. texts are self reports lacking empirical verification & allowing elaboration NDE literature should be accepted as description or phenomena as given to consciousness but not assume that they are empirically verifiable by sense data replication matter is seen as form of energy body alternative to the material body could explain the NDE. All language carries social evaluation & exhortation Scientific theories are presented as logical factual objective credible & progressive possibilities as opposed to the allegedly subjective, superstitious, abnormal or dysfunctional view of mystics. Roman catholic theologian Hans Kung argues that people having NDEs don't actually die so the NDE is not proof of eternal life. Recurrence in NDE 1. Ineffability - Survivors of NDE often say ordinary language is : too restrictive to express the power & mystery of experience. 2. Hearing news often NDEs hear someone to pronounce he is dead. 3. Feeling of peace & quiet instead of intolerable pain - NDE reports surprising feelings of calm relief, relaxed, peace, & quiet. 4. Noise - they often hear noises such as buzzing roaring handing whistling beautiful music of flute, trumpet, drums etc. . . 5. dark tunnel - frequently survivors are pulled rapidly through a dark space like a tunnel, a well or a funnel, a sewer, a valley or cylinder. 6. out of body experience - Many NDEs find themselves rising up above their dead bodies & able to see below, hear conversation & move elsewhere at will. 7. Meeting others - Survivors see other beings who died before them who may aid in their transition to death or send them back to their life. No two people have exactly same experience peace no pain buzzing rushing sound view body, award of other reality Christ, floaring in space blinding light of great beauty_omniscient God. 47 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Appearance of brilliant light as loving, accepting caring, nonjudgemental often angel, Christ, or any God according their religion. 9. All NDE aren't +ve some report terrifying experience of fear, panic, loneliness, desolation, & gloom. One spoke being sucked in vast black vortex like whirlpool, other intence cold, or unbearable heat, noise 'of wild beast, & other hellish vision, pit of hot steam & vapour. 10. A door fence line river or barrier of some kind recognized as line that if crossed allows no return to life. No one to die at near bed has feeling of preventing death. 11. Beauty of other side convinces many that they don't want to come back so waking up back here they take a while to adjust, No one will like to return or wake up from beautiful dreams.. 12. Returnee has no doubt that experience were real but rejection & scorn upon telling others after cause pain conflict & withdrawal. 13. NDE are more philosophical view of life's meaning. 14. loss of fear of death gives new view of death. 15. Survivors often remembers events while they were dead & out of their bodies such as details of medical procedures or words said by grieving family in another room. There are five types of NDE. 1. peace, calm 2. body separation 3. entering into darkness 4. seeing light or entering into light. 5. next common-body separation floating sensation, out of body travel & seeing sensation, out of body travel & seeing one's own body below. A psychiatrist at university of connecticut Bruce Greyson proposed 4 fold typology of N.D.E. 1. Cogrutive involving thought process alterations such as time shifts life review & sudden understanding. 2. affective - involving peace joy painlessness, cosmic unity apparent encounters with loving being of light 3. Paranormal involving apparent out of body travel precognitive visions, extrasensory perceptions & hyperacute physical senses. 4. transcendental involing apparent travel to an unearthly realm encounter with a mystical being, visible spirits of deceased or religious figures' & a final point of no return. Plato reports an ancient NDE in his legend of Er in the republic. Ancient Tibetan book of the dead - suggests familiarity with NDES. Card Zaleski in her book other world journey reports records of many archaic & medieval NDEs & parallels. George Gallop studied the phenomenon statistically & reported in 1982 that about 15% all adult American or about 23 million people said 48 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ they had close brush with death involving an unusual experience means one in twenty American have survived NDE when being verge of death or having close call involved unusual experience Lis t of internatural literature on NDE is small but growing e.g. British parapsychological literature Crookall, Swiss studies of falling mountain chambers (Heim), study of death bed vision in India Osis & Haraldson, Contemporary studies in England (Grey), 'Italy-Giovette, Zambia Morse, China, Japan-Becker, South pacific (Kellehear) & Australia-Suther land, They are ancient as Plato & contemporary as T.V. talk show. Kenneth Ring look differently between survivors of illness, accident & suicide. Suicide survivors have peaceful experience at 1st but later none entering light. Illness victim less likely to feel the initial peace but more likely to enter the light Age, Social class, race & martial status have little influence on NDE explicit & implicit religiousness also had little experience Bruce Greyson - Age gender did not influence N.D.E. but type of death influence. NDE relate to the suddenness of death. Nancy Evans Bush & Bruce Greyson report on distressing NDE identity 3 types. 1. Prototypical NDE with tunnel & bright light experienced as t errifying 2. Sense of nonexistence, eternal void or absurdity 3. Classical hellish, imagery, or tormenting demons & agonizing pain. 4. Their experience of phenomena may be fearful & hellish &: phenomena itself is crucial to understanding. Suggestion who had 'N.D.E. 1) Medical staff should assume that unconscious dying patients may be able to hear what is being said around the bed Be careful what you say. Reason person who is unconscious is not fully unconscious; his brain is working & he may be in state in between waking & sleeping state if he is not instate of deep sleep he can hear what is going on in the surrounding. Respectful touching of outlining the patients body help reorient them back to their bodies. As senses are not fully dead senses have become weak on death bed so if senses are given jerk may get accelerate & health may reorient. 3. Listen for clues of N.D.E. Don't press your own beliefs about N.D.E. onto patients but respectfully listen to them. 2. 49 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Help the survivor of NDE to clarify his own interpretation of NDE. Respect the NDE as an extremely powerful agent as transformation. 4. Label NDE as a pathology symptom is not accurate or helpful. Honesty & confidentiality are critical and essential to establish trust. Encourage NDE-to extreme emotions have evoked by experience. If person is upset by a NDE help him to identify what part caused problem. There are examples of NDE in Bible including mystical powers of God's light. Paul heard a divine voice in light on his way to Damascus. He was stunned, & blinded for 3 days & Paul's life was totally transformed. Jenny :Yates points transfiguration of Christ he appeared to the disciples & his face shone like the sun & his garment be came white as light. Roman Catholic theologian Hams Kung. "NDE is not proof of eternal life" He is very skeptical of parapsychological reports. Nilkerson - Some Christian consider NDE very much like biblical resurrections. A study of Christian educations concludes the NDE is an authentic experience of transcendence that promotes religious life & does not contradict doctrines of heavens & hell so it can enrich Christian tradition. Morse - Electromagnetic field fills human body Morse proposes that radiant light seen in NDE realigns the charges in this field. So that somehow brains wiring is renewed NDE bring miraculous cure & also give survivors psychic powers. Greyson Morse report psychic experiences as a result of their NDE are 4 times more likely to have psychic experiences than those who have not had them. One girl who attempted suicide at age of twelve & had a NDE now regularly has precognition dreams. She says I dream what will happen the next day NDE have a strange effect on thinking NDE have a strange effect on thinking which surrounds death end of life. Sometimes NDE survivors begin newly transformed lives. What is death? What is life? What constitute consciousness? Does it include unconscious elements? What is truth? Certainly empirical fact! World wide pattern of phenomena. Patients at dead bed are in intense pain when ribbon is cut off means on death there is in real sense painless peace, equanimity.e.g. in cardiac arrest some researcher theorizes that brain when in intense pain releases self made chemical that stops pain or nerves which realizes pain are dying, so unable to produce feeling of pain. Out of body experience, feels rising up and viewing his body - Most people say they are not just some spots of consciousness when 50 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ this happens they seem some kind of body out of their physical bodies. The spiritual body has shape & form unlike our physical body as cloud of colors or an energy field. One NDEer said he was composed of light with Tiny structures in them. Tunnel experience happens after bodily separation, tunnel opens up & they are propeller into darkness. In starting going through dark space & at the end come into the brilliant light some go up stairways some describe going through beautiful ornate doors some hear whoosh as go into tunnel or hear an electric vibrating sensation or humming sound Once through the tunnel person usually meets beings of light glow with beautiful intense luminescence permeate everything Jung when had heart attack he rise rapidly far above earth then one child talked passing through stars with angels zooming up & seeing planet & earth below like blue marble. Materialist reduce mind to brain & see the death of braint as the end of mind life & mind is biology your thoughts feelings hopes fears are all electro chemical reactions in the brain. The brain obviously turns into mush after you. A woman who suffered cardiac arrest reported "I was going down, down deep into earth I felt horrible everything was grey, noise was fearsome, snarling crashing like maddened wild animals gnashing their teeth (Grey). In Tibet who had NDE called delocks - means returned from death. Traditionally deloks are people who seemingly die if illness find traveling into bardo, visit hell realms where they witness judgement of dead & suffering of hell & sometimes paradise & Buddha realm. After weak delok is sent back to the body with message from lord of death urging them to spiritual & beneficial way of life. The tradition of deloks continues in the Tibetan Himalayan regions today. Tunnel to brightest brilliant light didn't hurt but was soothing to eyes. When Jung had heart attack then he had near death experience. He experiencing out of body & envisioning earth from 1000 miles out of space. He could see Arabian deserts, snowcapped Himalayas, huge meleorite floating towards him it was curved line, Hindu temples numerous flaming lamps, to the right Hindu man meditating wearing white gown on lotus posture on stone bench a spirit who was died in his place called him back to earth & he returned. Other recount they not only see the light but enter into light & felt no sense of separate identity. A woman undergone two operation told only my essence was felt, space was filled with bliss, bathed in radiant light & immersed in aura of rainbow all was fusion sounds were in order harmonious... 51 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ The light immediately communicates to you in an instant telekinesis your thought waves are read regardless of language, pure love, feeling emotions just perfect, you feel warm. NDE begins with OBE this coincides with said in Tibetan Book of dead: "I find myself out of body looking down at my carcass I was aware of being a brain & eyes." Kenneth Ring - I was in space & just my mind was active No body feeling just like my brain was up I had nothing but my mind - weightless I had nothing bardo of becoming the dead are able to see hear their living relatives but unable to communicate. Swiss Geologist Heim collected experience mostly of Alpine Climbers had fallen while climbing they were facing death were free of fear had an unusual clarity, increased speed of thought panoramic memories or life review resistance to death & life review are symptoms of psychological responses to threat to death. . Rosem (1975) interview seven survivours of suicide had tranquil feeling during their jumps as well as transcendental experiences with spiritual rebirth Rosen suggested that absence of resistant to death of panoramic memories may be attributed to volitional & planned death. There is no clear medical or scientific explanation. Physiological changes during cardiac arrest are similar in all patients. Belief, stress & different culture has important influence in NDE. Some claim their mental processes were remarkably clear when separated from their physical bodies, they escape death & consciousness seem to become detached from the body. Which remains dependent on life of body for its continued existence. Veridical extrasensory or autoscopic experience near death don't tell us about postmortem conditions. NDE may be analogous to presently recognized transitional states of consciousness that occur between sleeping & waking - hypnagogic & hypnopompic states. Garfield reported demonic or nightmarish visions of great lucidity. Lindley & Conley collected partly -ve or hellish NDE One contains extreme fear, panic or anger contain visions of demonic creatures that threaten or taunt the subject. Lifeless or threatening apparitions Barren or ugly expanse threats screams silence danger & violence & torturous feeling of extreme heat or cold, sense of hell. Are NDE real significant & legitimate data ? Do NDE Prove survival of death? It is most ancient widespread & persistent human belief. Survival after death, eternal soul is belief deeply entrenched long before 52 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ NDE. Death is not end we don't like to die hence belief of immortality of soul to satisfy our desire not to die. Sporadic reports have described a distressing events characterized by feeling of fear or despair nightmarish or hellish. Selom (1982) noted NDEer reported transitory feelings of fright or bewilderment which were replaced by tranquility as experience unfolded Grosso (1981) noted Christian & Hindu iconography were replete with examples of postmortem horrors including dangerous encounters with evil forces even the being of light is described in Tibetan book of Dead as terrifying. Zaleski (1987) has documented an abundance of a journeys to hell or purgatony. Rarity of such experience is due to reluctance of individuals to report or reluctance of olinician & researches to hear them person merits determined type of experience i.e. heavenly & hellish comes to those who have earned them. People who have distressing experience may rest talking about them to avoid reliving a personal horror, or from a sense that others must be spared a knowledge too dreadful to bear. It may seem impossible to be open about dark and distressing experience they take many sessions to open up than patients with peace. Fear enxiety & sense of vulnerability may follow a distressing experience. Rawling (1978) noted variety of distressing experience in contrast to peaceful nature. He finds distressing NDE are less consisteat in contents than peaceful nature & are quickly forgotten or repressed. Rogo concludes that hellish experience might be hallucination produced by the witnesses minds as a reaction to the violent physical ordeals such as chest pounding & electrical stimulation techniques. Negative NDE contains extreme fear panic demonic creative that threatens or taunt the subject sense of hell or torment. Their respondents described such as featureless forbidding faces, being who were present but not comforting, feelings of discomfort, emotional unrest & confusion a sense of being tricked into ultimate destruction & fear about finality of death. Lindley suggested distress may reside in the transition between a peaceful experience & normal consciousness. Grey defined NDE as feeling of extreme fear or panic emotional or mental anguish, desperation, intense loneliness & desolation, dark & gloomy environment or barren & hostile, unpleasant event like definite source of some evil force. such as threatening demonic creatures, intensely hot or cold, sounds of torment. Grey reported distress experience follows sequence of 1) fear panic 2) cut of body experience. 3) entering in black sensing evil force 4) entering hellish environment. .. . 53 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ onment. . This mimics Rind's (1980) temporal model of prototypical NDE unfolding in stages of peace out of body experience entering tunnel seeing light entering heavenly environment. Atwater (1988) noted heavenly pattern to peaceful prototypical NDE elements as lifeless apparitions, Barren expanses, threats or silence danger of violence sense of hell coldness are contrast to peaceful experience. Beautiful environment, conversation, acceptance, overwhelming love, feeling of heaven & love warmth are peaceful experience. Flymn - peaceful NDE are profound, durable with long term values & attitudes. 3 types of distressing NDE differing substantially in phenomenology. Similar features to protolypical peaceful NDE but interpreted terrifying Paradoxical experience of nothingness; or existing in an eternal featureless void, blatant hellish images begins with a sense of falling down a dark pit. . Phenomenological prototypical NDE terrify bright light tunnel out of body experience life review but these are interpreted by individual as terrifying rather than comforting. e.g. case 1. I was taken to emergency for reaction to black fly bites with eyes swollen shut & difficulty in breathing. I was given injection of Benadryl & I. V. of adrenalin after few minutes my body began to shake, I saw myself on table, doctor & nurse whom I had never seen before & my husband. I became frightened. I shouted, I don't like this but was not heard by those in room. I then started to breathe easily & eye apened, people were there exactly as I had seen during floating sensation. Case 2. Man reported during surgery for aneurysm at age 64 - saying wind was pulling into funnel shaped opened at both end I was flying at the end of light were blinding & crystal flashing was unbearable. I was trying to stop myself from falling into flashing crystal I felt I don't want to go on I remember screaming to God I am not ready please help me when I screamed an arm shot out of the sky & grabbed my hand & I was kept from falling off the end. Another example phenomenologically protolypical but distressing convert to peaceful ones. e.g. A nurse had temp. 1050 F & pelvic abscess after hysterectomy she respected, after a week my body began to shake next moment I was not in my bed but I was not in solid human form but energy, mind was surrounded by a misty gray cloud then began to see light flashing in circular shape advancing towards me at a rapid speed repeatedly I 54. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ was frightened I felt as if I were transfixed then I began to talk to myself nonverbally. "You can handle this, you are strong, you will be okay" continued to repeat this & pray to God. This is just like Preaksa meditation theory of Jainism by jain acharya Mahapragyaji. I felt near death then suddenly overcome by a feeling of complete peace my feeling were that I was safe beautiful weightless. I loved it. I felt joy ultimate peace of mind & body. My body was there but where was I? 2nd type of distressing experience involve paradoxical sensation of ceasing to exist entirely or of being condemned to a featureless void for eternity unlike 1st this contain fewer features of prototypical peaceful NDE & don't appear to convert to peaceful e.g. delivery of child at age 28, labor had begun 3 weeks early, 3 pitocin drip started, she was fearful depressed & panicky finally given nitrous oxide. She was unconscious, her blood pressure dropped she reported I was aware moving rapidly upward into darkness, hospital & world were receding below me very fast. I was rocketing through space like an astronaut without capsule with immense speed & great distance small group of black & white circles made clicking sound as they snapped black to white & white to black. They are jeering & tormenting - not evil but more mocking & mechanistic message in clicking was your life never existed world, your family never existed, you were allowed to imagine it & to make it up. It was never there. There is nothing here, there was nothing there. It was all joke. There was laughter malicious. I argue on my part trying to prove world & I existed. It was dark but I could see them events had no sense of life review but trying to prove existence. 2nd ex. A Nurse reported two experience at age 24 & 26 on 1st delivery labor were induced by three pitocin & she was given ether, she reported, "I passed through different stages of torment voices were laughing at her telling her all the life was a dream, there was no, heaven hell or earth all experience in life was hallucination". She passed through type of terrible thirst & voices kept laughing & telling you think this is bad? Wait till the next stage she found herself hurling towards finali torment. She was suspended in a total vacuum with nothing to see or.. do for eternity thing brought her around words you have a girl & she thought tormenting stages were giving another stage teasing you don't have to stay in vaccum. . On 2nd delivery of child she had a retained placenta & inverted uterus_ she was given ether, & same horrible dream stages of torment 55 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ feeling of hurtling towards the vacuum brought her around the words you have a boy she was experiencing was only night mare & tormenting pain was pain of while delivering child & in 1st case of may be pain of having a girl child. Another example reported by an artist having no religious upbringing, . lost control of car on a snowy winter it did into a brook & hit his head on windshield & lost consciousness. He described living his body & watching icy water filled the car saw ambulance coming, people trying to help from car to hospital at that time I was no longer in my body felt warmth & kindness of people felt their compassion & good feeling it was very powerful & I was afraid of it so I didn't accept it I was uncertain & did not feel comfortable so rejected it at that moment I felt planet I see myself going away, way up in the air then beyond solar system beyond the galaxy & out beyond anything physical I did go with it see where it went & stayed calm but then as hours went absolutely no sensation no pain, no hot, no cold, no light no taste, no smell, no sensation, only slight sensation of traveling at fast speed & I was leaving the earth & all physical world at that point. It became unbearable, horrific no feeling, no sensation, no sense of light. I started panic & struggle & pray, think of struggle to get back, communicate with sister who passed away & I went back into my body & I was in hospital. Many cases of eternal nothingness experience were reported during anaesthesia. Common theme include eternal emptiness experience of being mocked & sense of all of life being an illusion experience leave the individual with a pervasive sense of emptiness &fatalistic despair after event. A manager at age 24 during child birth exhausted in sever pain lost consciousness then found herself floating in a narrow river towards a beautiful arched bridge made of large stones, the shadow of bridge made of bridge getting closer "I was flotting with body all down in water except head above & bobbing up &down. It was very peaceful - after I reached the shadow I was in the heavens ,but it was no longer peaceful feelings it had become pure hell. I had become a light out in the heavens & I was screaming but no sound was going forth it was worse then my night mare I was spinning around & screaming I realiesd that this was eternity for screaming within my own body which was small ball of light I felt emptiness of space the vastness of the universe except me a mereball of light screaming Hellish imaginery dreams or ND E includes more graphic hellish symbolism such as threatening - demos or falling in to a dark pit. Whether prior mental status or religious 56 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ belief system prior knowledge influence NDE ? Studies indicate individual's who have received medication or anaesthesia are less likely to recall NDE than those who were drug free (Osis & Havaldson Ring Sabom. Grey son) Role of neurotransmitters is considerable in NDE Physiological such as anoxia, hypercapnia & limbic or temporal P lobe dysfunction remain ambiguous Psychological explanation - such as depersonalization regression in the service of ego, cultural conditioning wishful thinking is still lacking. NDE suggest comparison with post traumatic stress disorder Is NDE psychophysiological reaction to stress & do after effect? Answer is yes. Or it is more akin to spirit soul repenate from body & trying to prove by NDE that body is different from soul which is eternal & body is perishable. Most recognize soul as self as an immortal self-soul. Which is currently resident of material form body is like jacket worm by soul & trying prove recurnation. A 4 year old boy drowned in swimming pool emergency crew were called & after 15 minutes boy revived. He spoke of meeting his little brother otherside. His parents assume his child is hallucinating but his mummy made a mistake when she was 13 & had an abortion & confirmed the boy's revelation. The dynamics of human spirit defy what can be proven scientifically or even what can be defined by our reason & sensory faculties. NDE phenomenon & after effects tries to reveal more about life than death & aliveness of power above & beyond anything. There is large gap between direct experience of paranormal death experience & reports of it which includes old memories 'rumors, even fabrication of definition of death is notoriously vague clouds interpretation. Survival & persistence of soul Do you believe is divine purpose at work in the cosmos? Are NDE real significant or prove survival of death? 4 types of NDE 1. Initial experience involves elements such as loving nothingness, a living darkness or friendly voice or out of body experience. Unpleasant hellish experience revolves around inner cleansing & self confrontation encounter with threatening. Void, scenes, haunlings from one's own past, usually experience by those who seem to have deeply repressed guilts, fears & angers or those who expect some kind of punishment or discomfort after death. . . 57 Jaln Education International For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 3. Pleasant or heavenly experience leads to reassurance of self validation. Heavenly scenario of loving family reunions with those who have died previously, reassuring religious features or light being. Transcendented experience are expansive revelation alternate realities exposure to other worldly dimensions & scenes beyond individuals frame of reference sometimes, includes revelations of greater truths. All 4 types can occur during same NDE can exist in varying combinations or can spread out across series of episodes may seem as positive or negative. The value & meaning of an NDE depend on each individual involved & his response to what happened. Psychological after effects 1. Unconditional love - perceive themselves as equally loving, openly generous. 2. Lack of boundries familiar codes of conduct can lose relevance or disappear unlimited avenues of interest & inquiry take priority. Timelessness experience begin to flow with natural shift & time rejecting clocks & schedules as they exhibit heightened awareness of present moment & importance of now. Psychic insights extra sensory perception like in Jainism there are five types of knowledge 1) Mati gyana 2) Shrutgyan 3) Avadhi gyana 4) Manaparyaya & 5) Keval gyan. Out of which later three knowledges are extra sensory knowledge. While mati & shruti gyan are knowledge acquired through senses. Various type of psychic phenomenon become normal & ordinary person's religious belief which don't prevent expansion of faculties or enlargement of perceptual range this can frightened the unprepared & misconstrued as devil's. Reports can be fabrication, friction or attempt to receive attention or recipient reports can be amassed. A direct experience can't be gathered. A person keenly interested in NDEs may never have had such experience is forced to rely on reports from other people. NDE are also reported by people whose life were not in danger. Production of NDE requires central nervous system that is still in working order means reports are not made on round trip journey to the realm of death. Permanent cessation of life is followed by a blissful spiritual state but NDE provide no such evidence Russell Noyes concludes that most reports shows both a state of hyper alertness & state of depersonalization on psychological level depersonalization may be interpreted as defense 58 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ against the threat of death find themselves calm in otherwise frightening situation but hey also felt detached from what was happening the depersonalized state is one that mimics death, a person experience himself as emply, lifeless & unfamiliar. In a sense he creates psychologically the very situation that environmental circumstances threaten to impose. In so doing he escapes death for what has already happened can't happen again he cant die because he is already dead. Russell Noyes suggest these contrasting strategies hyperalertness & depersonalization might be mediated by the same neural mechanism whose function is to help the organism to deal with danger by intensifying alertness while at the same time inhibiting potentially disorganized emotions. NDE tends to occur when the individual can do nothing directly to improve his or her chances of surviving the crisis. The sense of serenity is associated with an NDE serves to quiet the nervous system & conserve energy. It is probable that production of brain opiates endorphins is stimulated by these circumstances. In short when we perceive a dangerous situation we take practical action. When we can & when we can't get it is time to seek refuge in a pleasantly tinged state of withdrawal. It is also reasonable hypothesis report as well as experience serves a useful function text is created when individual is recovering we construct a story to describe & a/c for what happened.. NDE reports are texts not our direct experience we are limited in type of data available to us. NDE texts are subjected to analyses. Morse proposed a fascinating but untested neural model for NDE. It is worth nothing that brain areas & functional networks to be mostly responsible for such experience. & also involved in imagination, creativity & fantasy Texts can vary with respect to their factual & imaginative content. Karl Jensen psychiatrist supports neurophysiological arguments that NDEs are side effects of flood of brain chemicals he proposes that amino acid glutamate which is key chemical messenger in brain floods the brain in crisis times such as death threats becomes toxic Recent research suggest that the drug Ketamine can reproduce the characteristic of NDEs cause it prevents this toxicity. If brains natural chemicals acting like ketamine such as apiateen like endopsychosins do block the toxic glutamate flood they can provide the neurophysiological explanation for NDE. 59 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ NDE is altered state of consciousness reproduced by Ketamine via blockade of a glutamate (N-Methyl D appartate NMDA) receptor over. activation of these receptors by a glutamate flood occurs under the same conditions which precipitate NDEs resulting in neuro toxicity. Ketamine prevents this neurotoxicity. Endogenous substance in te brain (e.g. endopsychosins have similar actions to Ketamine conditions which trigger an NDE may also trigger an endopsychosin flood to protect cells. The NDE is a side effect on consciousness with psychological functions. NDE is altered state of consc. (Stevenson & Greyson sebom Ring Jensen Irrespective of religious beliefs the NDE can never be evidence for life after death on logical grounds. Death is defined as the final irreversible end & anyone who returned did not by definition die. Mind is produced by brain. The effects on the mind of adding drugs to the brain & the religious experience which sometimes result provide further evidence (Grinspoon & Bakalar) Morse noted contradiction which after life must resolve that spirit rises out of body experience leaving the brain behind but somehow still * incorporating neuronal functions such as sight hearing & proprioception NDE can be reproduced be Ketamine. Imp. Of NMDA receptors in cerebral cortex temporal & frontal lobe, role of these sites in cognitive processing memory & perception, their role in epilepsy psychoses, hypoxit, ischemic & epileptic cell damage (excitotoxycity) prevention of this damage in Ketamine & discovery of subst. in the brain called endopsychosis which bind to the same site as Ketamine. NDE typically include a sense of ineffability is real that one is actually dead & feeling of calm & peace or fear & panicky. There may be analgesia apparent clarity of thought a perception of separation from body, hallucinations of landscapes, being such as angels people including partners, parents teachers, friends, religions & mystical figures hearing noises. Ketamine is short acting, hallucinogenic, dissociative anaesthetic Ketamine & phencydine (PCP) are aryl-cydo-hexyl-amines. It is relatively safe an uncontrolled drug in most countries & remains in use as an anaesthetic-(white). The effects are different from the psychedelic drugs such as L.S.D. Ketamine can reproduce features like NDE from rapid trips through dark tunnels into light & connection that one is dead, seeing spirits telepathic communion with God & auditory & visual hallucination, out of body experience, mystical status, peace & tranquility occasional frightening, becoming disembodied mind or soul, dying & going another world. Childhood events may be relived, loss of contact with ordinary reality, dissociative experience NDE effect closely match 60 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ with Ketamine explanation of NDEs are related to hallucinatory phenomena are sometimes rejected by spiritualists because many persons insist that their experiences were real Osis & Haraldson). 30% of normal subject given Ketamine insisted that they had not been dreaming or hallucinating but events are really happened (Rumpf Siegel APA) defines a hallucination has the immediate sense of reality of true perception transient hallucinatory experience are common in individuals without mental disorder. The clear sensorium of some dying patient or hallucination in schizophrenia. occur in clear consciousness & believed to be real. Majority of large neurons in cerebral cortex use the excitory amino acid glutamate as their neurotransmitter. Glutamate is chemical messenger in the temporal & frontal lobe & is central to the function of hippocampus it plays vital role in cognitive process involving the cerebral cortex including thinking formation of memories & recall it is vital in perception. It was not clear whether hallucinogenic properties of Ketamine were due to NMDA or sigma receptors. It is now known that these effects are due to NMDA receptors blockade & not sigma reception Glucomate is excitory when present in excess neurons die via excitotoxicity neuronal cell death, hypoxia, ischaemia, & epilepsy proven to lead to excessive release of Ghecomate. Psychological - depersonalization alerts one to threat of death allowing reality to be integrated without panic, protecting nerve cells from ischaemic damage. Regression in service of ego-loss of contact with external world. Reactivation of birth memories moment through tunnels towards light as a memory being born. Sensory deprivation of memories may normally suppressed by mechanism which acts as a gate. The white light result from CNS stimulation mimicking light on the retina & lowering of phosphene perceptual Threshold sensory deprivation itself produces a profound alteration in consciousness. For experiencer their adventures seem unquestionably to provide evidence for life after death is added conformation. For scientist these experience are just hallucination produced by dying brain & nothing but vivid dreams. So are NDE prelude to our life after death or last experience we have before oblivion? NDE provide no evidence for life after death but it is neurochemistry physiology & psychology just like dreams. Spiritualist claims NDE as proof of survival but convincing, evidence of survival is lacking culture & religious background influences all such 1) 2) 3) 4) - 61 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ experiences may be mystical, out of body or near death or in normal condition experiences. Our culture traditions religions believes in spirit, soul, super soul, & evil soul that could leave the body & is immortal undestreyable & permanent. Science & certain religions has no place of soul theory. Ideas of soul have no measurable consequeness, no testable predictions. There can't be another body that is vehicle of conscienceness. If something really leaves the body in out of body experience then you expect it to be able to see at a distance. What relationship there is between this world & the other one? I other world is an extention of physical, then it is ought to be observable & measurable. The ideas are complete empty even though they may sound appealing. Of course we can never prove that astral bodies don't exist but may guess, it don't Another theory of dying experience is analogous with being born. Cent of body experience is reliving the moment when you emerged from your mother's body, tunnel is birth.canal & white light is light of world into which you were born. The birth canal is stretched & compressed & baby is usually forced through it with the top of his head. Also it does not have the mental skills to recognise the people around this capacity changes during growing up. According to this theory people who were born by caesarians section should not have such experience but people who were born by caesarian also have same experience of tunnel. So it is not one's own birth that is relived. This reduces the Theory to complete vacuousness. Imagination or hallucination if are not our own experience then why these kind of hallucination? Why tunnels? Some say tunnel is a symbolic representation of gateway to another world? Tunnels do not only occur near death They are also experienced in epilepsy, migraine when falling asleep, meditating, or just relaxing with pressure on both eyeballs, with certain drugs. It is as though the whole world becomes a rushing roaring tunnel & you are flying along it towards a bright light at the end. Brain activity is normally kept stable by some cells inhibiting others slow dough. Disinhibition produces too much activity in the brain because of lack of oxygen or drugs (LSD) which interfere with inhibition. Cowan uses an analogy with fluid mechanics to argue that disinhibition with induce stripes of activity that move across cortex using mapping it can easily shown stripes in the cortex would appear like concentric rings or spirals in the visual world. In other words if you have stripes in cortex you will seem to see a tunnel like pattern of spirals or rings. Theory shows how the structure of the brain could produce the same For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ hallucination for everyone. Cowan's theory does not explain the bright light at center. Blackmore & Troscianko developed simpler theory In the cortex there are lots of cells representing the center of visual field but very few for edges this means you can see small things very clearly in the center but if they are out at the edges you can't. Computer starts with thinly spred dots of light with more towards middle & very few at the edges gradually dots increases mimicking the increasing noise it expands until fills the whole screen. It is known that random movement in periphery of the visual field are more likely to be interpreted by brain as outward than inward movements brain infers our own movement to a great extent from what we see. Out of body experience are not confined to near death experience. They too can occur when just relaxing & falling asleep with meditation epilepsy & migraine & can "induced at will". These experience seem quite real people don't describe them as dreams or fantasies but as events that actually happened we need theory that involves no unmeasurable entities or untestable other worlds but explain why the experience happen & why they seem real. As perceiving creatures we know our senses tells us what is out there by constructing models of the world with ourselves in it. The whole of the world out there & our own bodies are really construction of our minds. This construction model of reality is real while other fleeting thoughts we have are unreal we call rest of them day dream imagination, fantasies & so on. Our brains have no difficulty distinguishing reality from imagination our brain has to make itself by deciding which of its own models represent the world out there. It does this by comparing & choosing the stable one as reality. By comparison when you are almost asleep, very frightened nearly dying the model from the senses will be confused & unstable. If you are under terrible stress or suffering due to oxygen deprivation then the choice wont be so easy, all the models 'will be unstable so tunnel being created by noise in visual cortex will be stable model, so they seem real. Fantasies & imagery might become more stable than sensory model & so seem real Theory says out of body experience world is only memory model, only match the real world when person has already known about something or can deduce it from available information. Some claim near death experience can actually see things that they could not possibly have known about. e.g. American cardiologist Michael Sabom claims that patients reported the exact behaviour of needless or 63 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ monitoring apparatus when they had their eyes closed & appeared to be unconscious. Reason may be they were not fully unconscious or people really being resuscilated could probably feel some manipulations being don & hear what was going on. Hearing is the last sense lost you can imagine a very clear visual image when you can only hear something so dying person could build up fairly accurate picture. Worlds beyond tunnel & out of body experience in this state the outside world is no longer real & inner worlds are, & whatever we imagine will seem real. : What we will imagine when we know we are dying? It is world they expect or hope to see. Mind may turn to people they have known who have died before them or to the world they hope to enter the next like other images these seems real." NDE gives people to glimpse into nature of their own minds that is hard to get in any other way Drugs can produce mystical experience NDE can strike anyone & show them what they never knew before that their body is only a lumps of flesh Lack of oxygen produces increased activity through disinhibition but eventually it will stops this activity produces the mental models that give rise to consciousness. . There will be no more experience no more self NDE are simply one of many experiences mediated by right temporal lobe variety of clinical situation trigger psychological experience. Which are similar to NDEs including dying child birth, severe child abuse, severe emotional or physical stress, premonitions of death, after death visitation, religious prayer & spiritual meditationl. When experience occur? Do they occur in the few minutes between the death of body & brain or are the artifacts of resuscitation & secondary falsifications after the fact? (Morse & Neppe) Physician interpret NDE as 2nd an falsifications, distortion of man's perception of his environment while the brain is malfunctioning Negovsky speculates - auditory perception may be preserved when areas of cerebral cortex serving vision has ceased functioning & after motor activity ceased without any mystical explanation we can understand why the dying & then revived person can tell us they heard the voices of physicians. The fact that resuscitated people in different countries can recall similar images seen by them during dying or resuscitation does not prove life after death. It can be dynamics of disintegration of cerebral function due to different resistances to anoxia of various areas of nervous system. 64 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Man near death - departure of spirit from body. A dualistic term separated spirit looking down its former dwelling place with in different or contempt. After living body visionary finds himself hovering just overhead & watching the scene of crisis in a mood of detachment, other world journey signaled by motifs of visionary topography & travel paths valley, tunnels, Both medieval & modern journeys visionary confronts himself by means of various graphic representation. He meets his thoughts, words, deeds, review his life like reading book or seeing play or movie, motifs of paradise topography are much same in both periods, shining edifices, gardens, meadows heavenly cities when the dramatic action of the other world journey seems to be suspended & unmediated awareness floods in play resumes messages is formulated & visionary feels compelled against his desires to return to life upon revival the visionary is physical & spiritually changed. In both period other world journey narrative evolves through the visionary's conversation with others & narrative shapes whether sermons, allegory, chronicle, polemic tabloid testimonial, stalatical study. Blackmore has developed computer model of images the brain receives from the retina at point of death. The macula is doubly innervated & may cause a persistence of light images as the brain dies an increase in cortical irritability could destabilize the uniform visual image that we perceive & result in the perception of concentric rings lines & tunnels. Out of body experience result from the dying brain attempting to reconstruct a model of the universe from limited sensory input we are constantly constructing a model of reality from a wide variety of competing sensory input when that input ceases we rely on memories & frogments of perceptions to reconstruct memory model of reality seem perfectly real. * Any time brain is confronted with memory gaps & pieces of information don't seem to fit it will attempt to make its best effort at creating a memory & will believe it to be true we don't precisely remember dreams & memories but are constantly recreating them memory expert Elizabeth Loftus has convincingly shown that false memories are fairly easy to create this respective falsification model depends on fragments of perceptions of a chaotic disorganized brain which is psychologically &/or physiologically stressed coupled with a secondary reorganization into coherent story. . NDEs are either disfunction or normal 'function of temporal lobe. Coma involves cessation of cortical functioning & wipes clean state of consciousness (Plum & Posner 1978) Researcher describes NDEs are normal temporal. Jobe activity (Morse). 65 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Patients with temporal lobe tumors noted to have vividly real hallucination superimposed over ordinary reality.. Case report - Girl having migrane headaches stated she had an intense headache & felt she had to lie down while pain she felt herself sucked out of body & into long tunnel she flouted to ceiling of her room looked down at herself all miserable & in pain. She then traveled into heavenly realm with bright colors seemed to be flowers saw a shining castle she did not encounter spiritual being or light she thought her mother would be sad if she would die & slayed in this realm so she made decision to return to her body. The neurological & physical exam were entirely benign Her EEG read by neurologist blinded for clinical details showing abnormal right temporal lobe activity. NDE validates other death related visions including premonitions of death, pre-death vision, post death visitation. It is part of spiritual events which happen to the dying is mystical spiritual experience super imposed over ordinary reality. Yale pediatric oncologist Diana Kamp reported children who had reported pre-death vision except experience occurred in dream, visions prayer infrequently brain dysfunctional at the time. 7 year old girl dying of leukemia sat up & said, "The angels, they are beautiful cant you hear them singing mummy" prior to death. Osis & Haroldson surveyed 5000 doctors & nurses in U.S. & collected pre-death visions similar to NDE. typically of brief duration. Baretl, Doyle, Madrid, report that dying adults have marked increase in hallucination of opportunities in final week of life (1990 Shared spiritual experience with dying patients e.g. 1) An off duty nurse described a vivid dreams in which she accompanied one of her patients through tunnel into a spiritual light which occurred at the same time her patient died in hospital. She stated during dream, "We burst out into the open bright light all around us I felt incredibly peaceful & good then I thought I cant stay. It is not my time I have things to do I looked she had already become part of that white light. 2) A teenager girl shared dying experience of her brother who died when a car struck him while riding his bicycle she was at home when he was fatally injured. His mother was called at Harbor vies hospital in seattle & return home to tell her daughter she found her daughter sitting & stating that she was floating out of her body & in heavenly realm with her brother who show accident & death she was able to communicate with both her brother & her mother. 66 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 3) Premonition some parents reported spiritual vision similar to NDE including spiritual voices telling parents that child was to die, out of body visions, including angels who predicted the child's death. Post death visitations described as grief induced hallucinations similar to NDE & predeath vision typically described in the context of a dream or waking vision involving vividly real hallucinations of dead relative patient or friend include spiritual intuitions & visions of a mystical light. The anthropologist D. Lewis interviewed London nurses found reported experiences with dead patients ranging from vague feeling to visual & auditory hallucinations (1987). Departed spouses in waking state Haroldson reported visual encounters with dead. Dying can be depersonalized spiritually degrading dehumanizing process. They feel useless & burden to family often draining financial resources for terminal care of minimal benefit dying & comatose patients are often conscious & capable of emotionally & processing information. Spiritual visions can empower the dying patient. Why some choose return to life & others don't? Mourning involves - 1. accepting reality of loss 2. waking through pain of grief 3. adjusting the new environment without deceased 4. Emotionally relocating the deceased & moving on with life. Death related vision can affirm spiritual intuitions & faith Death related visions can restore a sense of order to the universe imply purpose of & meaning to death. Premonition of death involved vague perceptions or feelings with nonetheless can reestablish faith in order of universe & that death has meaning. Post death visitation often involved dialogues with the dead which anecdotally have been reported to facilitate grieving by allowing the loss to be accepted as well as allowing the survivors to reinvest emotional energy (Morse) NDEs have the power to restore meaning to the process of death because of their mystical role within our society. In the pivotal episode of both medieval & modern journeys the visionary confronts himself by means of various graphic representation. He meets his thought words & deeds learns the weight of his soul reviews his life in play book Moore. 1. Religion experience is in variably social in that religious life & thought are shaped by linguistic & social forces. 67 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 2. Religious tradition reflect & promote social order in many culture tend to value group over individual In archaic society religious experience is profoundly collective the individual feels his identity secured only when merged with community reenacting. The mythical acts of its foundation purging himself of idiocrasy many of historical religious traditions also have communal focus the Hebrew Bible is story of people's response to God's acts not the diary of a solitary seeker social character of religious experience is a variable rather than constant. Smith argues it is misleading to generalize fundamental significance as religious community on the basis of particular situation. To make archaic religion the standard is more reasonable. 3. Religion experience is invariably individual smith says to be religious is an ultimately personal act. No matter how communal their society may be human beings are essentially alone in the experience of life & death & in encounter with transcendent values social conditioning is not altered by changing condition of social structure. NDE records genuine & irreducible personal experience of individuals it is nonetheless a product of the social religion imagination & sign of social character is its individualistic message Pragmatic method is ideally suited for dealing with testimony that can't be verified in other ways should not apply James Pragmatic method without stretching it to include attention to working of religious imagination & the cultural forces that shape it. James calls cash value of religious conception depends on state of economy in which it is circulated & can't be measured against any universal or timeless rate of exchange. We can interpret NDE visions with renewed sense of rightness of treating them as socially conditioned imaginative & yet nonetheless real & revelatory experience. This approach allows us to respect the visionary claim that he experience death even if it did not meet medical criteria. Shock of danger or expected death opened him to a discovery of what death means to him at core of his being when he stepped on to the stage of otherworld which is inner world, turned inside out he confronted his own deeply held image presentment of death. Perhaps just as he will at the time as his actual death. Thus we say visionary met his death. In every day speech, expression dormantly has potential to spring into full blown imaginative experience we have reason to accord validity to visionary claim. :Same logic applies to survival of death though proves nothing about life beyond the grave. We are entitled to accept an individuals report that he experience of something in himself that surpasses death. 68 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ NDE is composite that its individual elements may be explained by physical psychological & social facts. Imaginative beings from meaningful wholes out of elements of sensation perception, language, memory & so forth. In acts of telling, retelling NDE takes shapes of unified & unifying whole. NDE depends on treating them as symbolic expression that can never be translated, into direct observation or exact concept. Religious experience is symbolic rather than descriptive. Vision convey something real there is no reliable way to formulate what that something is their visions are too culturally specific. We cant crack their symbolic code when you are almost a sleep very frighted or dying the model from the senses will be confused & unstable fantasies & imagery might become more stable than sensory model & so seem realsusan Blackmore. Conclusion Our thought has dramatic effect on our body mind is wonderful oursome thing. Think of overange slice, juicy flow, aromatic smell, imagine picking up & putting into y our mouth & sucking juicy fruit your mouth will become watery. Measure your Blood pressure think about episode which made you angry after 2-3 minutes measure blood pressure, certainly it will be slightly high. Do opposite think happy moments which releases & relaxing neurotransmitter in brain shows +ve effects like wise when you think of heaven, hell God, or after life what we have learnt since childhood, thought at near state of meditation or Samadhi or sleep, conscious or unconscious we get vision or dream, illusion, or hallucination of God, or life review or vision of heaven, hell tunnel light phonic of photic different or any type of experience feeling emotion which satisfies our desire. . NDEs like various drug effects produces varied experience dissociated, chaotic, idiosyncratic, which are more orderly, logical definable, practical whose memory is clean & memorable. NDE is denial of death, a hallucinating wish fulfillment, defending the ego. NDEer review, his whole life at nearing death & when he has guilty feeling or emotion he regrets fro misdeeds done in his life & fear of hell gives him thoughts of hellish activity & he experiences dreadful & horrible dreams or visions. 1. feeling of peace & tremendous well being which you feel during sleep. 2. No bodily sensation as in dream or sleep 69 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 3. Kind of visual awareness of environment is in dream or sleep; when you are at rest 4. You are watching all frenetic activity below you with detached feeling of objectivity. Your nerve-cells are dying gradually, some parts of your body nerves or senses are not working properly you are traveling towards unconsciousness nearing death. So moving through blackness. Function of brain is slowing deron. During birth it is developing, during death it is lowering destructing After birth cells goes on multiplying nearing death cells are subtracting, so functioning less Body is leaving its consciousness gradually & suddenly. It may be fighting with life to regain its consciousness. You see godly figure or light or sounds beautiful or horrifying 'visions which was your knowledge gained during your life about God, soul, super soul or evil soul heaven or hell. & As you nearing death your mind knows you are now going to die to meet your ancestors or God to heaven or hell. Your thoughts, imagination are visible during your sleep or at relaxation in dream or in day dream with open eyes at nearing death or any stage of life thoughts never slops it is from conception continuous flow till death of brain. It works every moment of life in consciousness or unconsciousness your thoughts configuring during your sleep or unconsciousness. Your emotions feeling thoughts are emerging in your mind quality & patent of thought depends on your culture, religion surrounding, situation, circumstances, knowledge atmosphere etc. No`human eye can stand to brilliant light but in dreams anything any illusions are possible. You can travel anywhere you like, cover any distance in a moment your thoughts subconscious mind communicates with you. There is no sense of judgement or reason you are watching as spectator, pattern of your life unravels before you. You grasp essential meaning of your life at the moment of realization you see with clarity you must go back for family, your work, your struggling between life & death. NDE is dream or hallucination or imagination not real or objective. in Mystical experiences, phonic photic experiences near death experience or out of body experience dream or day-dreams conscious or unconscious state of mind brain inner world of human sub conscious mind. -ve experiences are of those because of who are afraid of death, future calamity, fear of something bad to happen or whose life was negative may report idiosyncratic experiences usually hallucinative in character. . 70 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ NDE is parallel to dream Both influence social background prior beliefs, prior knowledge, religion, spiritual back ground individual or social factor. It might be thought that people who have pre existing or strong religious orientation or already believe in some form of postmortem existence would be more prone than others. Atheist & agnostics also recount NDE, but their interpretation is apt to be different. Prior knowledge don't increase probability of N.D.E. Despite some degree of cultural variation there may be certain universal constants such as out of body experience, passage through realm of darkness, travel towards brilliant illuminated area, & encounter with celestial being or dead ancestors. These theories can be divided into 3 categories of often offbeat 1. biological 2. Psychological 3. transcendental. Reductionist are intermediate Empirically unstable but compatible antisurvival NDE fails to give generally accepted interpretation it remains shrouded in clouds of obscurity & contentiousness. NDE tends to change the lives conduct and character of those who survive it NDE is adhere to a common pattern of change tends to highly positive & specific in its effects so possible to interpret it as indicative of generalized awakening of higher human potential. Investigation & findings rests on statistical analysis of specially designed questionnaire as well as qualitative data from personal interview. In biological after effects are change in self-concept & personal values people emerge with hightened appreciations of life a greater responsiveness to its natural beauty also pronounced tendency to be focused intently on present moment, concern aver past grievances & worries about future problems tend to diminish. Enhance attentiveness to environment & freshness of perception, change follows concern for welfare of others, increased tolerance, compassion & patient. .. 2) Psychological change of NDE spiritually deep inward change feel closer to god express unconditional belief in life after death for everyone. 3) Transcendental change is psychic awareness NDE serves as trigger an increase in psychic sensitivity they claim to have more telepathic & clairvoyant experiences or more precognitive experience. NDE play catalystic role in personal development like meditation self-realisation occurs to promote spiritual awakening of growth. In dream what we say is never heard by others NDE like preaksha Meditation 71 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ in Jainism guides you, cleanse your heart & self realization occurs any such experiences i.e. morphic phonic or photic mystical experiences, out of body experience, near death experience cant prove existence of any embodied or disembodied soul, God or Ghost. These are just human aspirations, ideas imaginations or illusions & just a psychological condition. NDE provide no evidence for life after death. It is neurochemistry physiology & psychology like dreams. NDE are hallucination produced by dying brain : NDE are disfunction of temporal lobe. NDE are texts not our direct experiences. Involves imagination creativity & fantasy. Neural mechanism helps organism to deal with danger. Sevenity in NDE serves to quiet the nervous system. NDE proves nothing about life beyond the grave NDE reports transitory feelings of fright of the near death experiencer cant prove life after death or existence of soul. 72 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Jainacara & Health History Every religion & philosophy has it's own code of conduct Acara means morality, dharma, duty & ethics Dharma and acara both are comprehensive when man lived in forest there was no family society & no need of any moral rules. As man progressed he felt the need of rules & regulation to bring order & inculcate culture values in society. In conflict of duty & rights need was felt to impose ethical restraints which took shape of religious precepts -dharma First founder tirthankara Rsabh formulated rules, which were modified by Tirthankar Neminath& Tirthankara Mahavira. Buddha, Rama & Krishna devised their own rules later they were embodied in shrutis, smritis, Kalpas. In west Christ, mosessio, Mohamed are proponents of commandment or rules of conduct. Bible, Quran Look on Practical side of Life Quran emphasis given to charity, Fasting, obedience to god & tolerance to religion. Different Religious Views of acara: Mahabharata people flourished not because of constitution or coercion or law giver but flourish because guidance norms or prescribed rules by religion. Plato political constitution has not sprung up from rock as a tree or disposition of citizens which turn the scale but constitution as the men are to grow out of their character. Acara pity truth love compassion to others, no violence Anekantvada, and ahimsa aparigraha. etc are Jain ethics rooted in Jain life-style & tradition has enthroned ecological harmony & non-violence. Jainism & Buddhism has highest goal of destruction of ego lay control systematic discipline & self-culture based on ethics. Jain- definition of Acara Acarang sutra, Sutrakritanga sutra, Dasvaikalik sutra, Uttaradhyan sutra etc describes how to follow acara. In Acaranga sutra five acaras are explained in details ontological knowledge is jnanacara, right view, attitude with out doubt is right darsan & darsanacara, ethics as right conduct is charitracara- twelve vows of external & internal is Tapacara & fifth Viryacara religious activity khavittA puvvakammAI saMjapeNa taveNa ya / siddhimaggamaNupattA tAiNo pariNivvuDA / tti bemi / Means on annihilation of karma by Tapa, jnana acara follower is on way to moksa or liberation If you sow love compassion you reap happiness, peace tranquility resulting in to Good heath. 73 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Ethics & Psychology Have something in common psychology deals with human behavior and conduct psychology deals with mental states such as emotion feeling volition dissatisfaction failure wants unfavorable situation arouse anger Man digs mines. Wells & piercing earth yet it gives gold silver diamonds water grains fruits flowers. Anger is madness does not let sanity prevail & give rise to tension mental torture unhappiness may spoil health. Morality functions in society, conducts acts in spiritual plane. . Vedas acara in smriti jainas caritra in Acaranga sutra Buddha's vinaya in vinaya pitaka, manu says good conduct gives self satisfaction Harita smriti says faultless person's conduct is worthy as being emulated Patanjali sutra gives eight steps of spiritual growth in which pratyahara resembles Jain's unodari-vrata. Tapacara. Twelve penances external & internal are Anasana unodari vritsankep Rasatyaga related to food kayaktesh sallinata relates to body prayasehit vinaya svadyaya vaiyavach relates to mind meditation & Kayotsarg relates to soul... How Jainacara related to Health psychologically & physically Truth-tetting gives internal happiness keeps away of guilt, conscience keeps tension free e.g In business if you adopt dishonest means such as show beautiful sample & dispatch ugly one will arise conflict & may ruin business will spoil your health psychologically & then physically Helping Others - Charity to needy satisfies us and gives happiness Penance - gives control over desires passions Self study - Meditation discipline our mind and body eating less keeps healthy body Eat nothing at late night Late evening eaten food is not digested properly Libido & hunger should not be given free reign which obstructs spiritual growth & may affect health Fasting Means renunciation not only of food but also of passions & carnal desires, chastity Fast is an effort to control desire for food Body benefits from periodic fasting . Fasting is abstinence from food in process of self purification & spiritual meditation elevate individual morality, spiritually , Physically & mentally. By allowing the digestive system to cleanse itself As well as the liver is stimulated to release toxins which then travel through the blood stream & migrate south to exit body. Fasting helps to purity the state of mind cures physical as well as mental diseases. 74 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Eat when you are hungry & not for taste, I'll health culminates premature death. Eat what cheers avoid excess, uneatable exciting food, spicy food, eat at fixed hours, with happy mind. "Health heads list of ten pleasures" sthananga sutra, "Health is valuable riches" says Buddha Unodari is light eating at every meal Jainas are expected to stop eating before they are full snacking in between the meals is prohibited eating once or twice a day or in Ayamkil eating food only once cooked without ghee oil spices, curd milk product only salt is allowed such vratas are based on scientific principles This practice helps us to gain self control & promotes good health by enabling us to maintain a comfortable body. Weight and reduces lethargy commonly experienced after heavy meals Fasting excretes internal waste purifies body from gaseous product, cough,acidity. Drinking fittered & boiled water discards worms & water automatically This practice renders drinking water safe by eliminating bacteria & heat sensitive chemicals consuming un-boiled water will be harmful in terms of health & in terms of number of bacteria killed which is violence - Health is physical & psychological means mind & body both affect each other & to be healthy both should be healthy Vegetarianism is reverence for life produce a compassionate non violent life style veggies even don't use milk products Jainas regard plants as living organism non vegetarian diet is totally restricted on ground as violence A diet containing meat, fish, chicken, alcohol produce passions which are harmful to mental state or health eggs are rich in cholesterol fats is considered as major risks factor in heart disease fish & egg contain large amount of protein which is not useful to body & burden to kidney is thrown out. A meat diet may be low in dietary fibers the lack of which causes diseases of gastro intestinal tracts. Meat may contain harmful chemicals tranquillizers hormones which may have been fed antibiotic which will enter the body who takes such food vegetarian food decreases morbidity increases morality & spiritual health. Human beings have intestinal tracts about 8 to 12 times larger than the body. Carnivores have intestine 3 times longer than their bodies. Humans have much dilated HCL in gastric juices & large salivary glands carnivores have a high concentrated HCL Humans & herbivores have small teeth with flat molars where as meat eating animals have large front teeth & no flat molars. The anatomy & physiology of humans particulars facilitates the digestion of plant products & is best suited to vegetarian food. 75 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Chauvihar - not to eat after sunset This practice aids & contributes to a more satisfying sleep & keep healthy body weight No food at night : From religious spiritual & physical point of view it causes many diseases In dark ant may be eaten which ruins intellect, if fl.y enters to causes vomiting If louse were eaten it causes dropsy If lizards any part is eaten causes leprosy If hair is gulped may cause serious break in voice Thorn nail or piece of wood get stuck up in the throat may cause death of food taken in day no question of talking life of insects or minutest dangerous things are quite visible again at night digestive system of man shrinks so food cant digest properly sun rays destroys subtle being in air, so no violence taking them in our bite of food. Food taken at night takes time to digest, late dinner disturbs the sleep. Even in electric light insects cant be saved altogether. Kayotsarga is to leave body attachment by which acidity & heat of body decreases & nervous system is rejuvenated also increases oxygen in blood. He learns separateness of body from soul by Kayotsarga. Samayika or Swadhyaya is abstinence from sinful activities Learns humility from vandana. 48 minutes meditation sama-balanced or equanionous state of means free from attachment or hate. Aya means on the path of liberation, & ika means aspiration. Samayika means aspiring for liberation through equanimity is a religious activity integrating deep meditation & yoga is method of attaining peace of mind through self-restraint & spiritual path aimed at searching for the true self this tapa reduce mental illness cures & purity mind. Confession pratikramana prati means towards and kramana means to go or visit is designed for introspection of self while acknowledging & making aware of offence we commit during our activity our routine. Life confession must result in repentance for transmigration renunciation of evil thoughts or action resolution to gain strength to prevent such offence in future. Tapa is for control of desires which purifies our soul & body by food-take anasana to avoid eating for varied period at time unodari-to eat less than hunger vrritti sankes (yrazialu) to take limited items. Rastyaga (2214131) is avoid tasty food. To make body fit for spirituality kayaklesh (siusdu) & Sallinata is (zidladi) various postures & steadyness are for displining the body. Repentance, Respect to elders & virtuous vaiyavachh to help needy & sages, study spiritual study etc. purifies our mind. While meditation & kayojsarga means to leave the body attachment purifies our soul. Including vegetarinisum fasting drinking boil water , non violence, eating before sanset are rites for physical health. 76 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Worship, samayika , pratikramana visiting temples or shrine are for inspiration for spiritual progress to develop healthy mind through self -control Asking forgiveness for destruction of life during food preparation & human transgression towards earth & mother nature, Ask for forgiveness from all being that are hurt or killied during production of food they are about to consume which reminds our duty towards the well being of the entire universe Mind body relation Health means proper balance between mind and body. In absence of which tension intensifies. Relax your body, take easy pasture & take long breath is kayotsaraga, which rejuvenates your nervous system. : Mind body relationship is inevitable Dr. Herbert benson of Haward university says more than sixty percent illlnesses presented to doctors, don't respond to medical intervention, as they are related to mind body, effects. Metabolism rates in twelve to seventeen percent of his subjects decreased through act of meditation with in three to five minutes, beginning of their brain waves altered significantly, blood pressure lowered, & respiratory heart rates decreased through act of medition. Similar changes occurs in deep sleep & relaxation Selfish activities, jealousy, greed, lack of consideration for others, may give pleasure for temporary period but these are causes of miseries, conflict, & there will be no peace of mind, & if there is peace no of mind no good health. If your mind and body are heathy' whole world is beautiful. . With strength of non violence world of human being can become friendly & rich in sympathy, love, spirituality, happiness & bliss which makes man healthy Nature climate Ecology environment Adipurana epic poem of 1st tirthankara Rsabh underlines importance of forest that moderate climate minimize thunderstorms, floods, hot & cold waves of winds they provide excellent medicine - e.g cinchona ree keep water level high &. provide panaromic view scenic beauty. water keeps wind calm & cool Adipurana says forest like saints create better welfare for all. They remove fatigue & every life form feels, heerful. * Ecological disturbance due to industrialization, population growth, wer extraction, over use misuse, of natural resources, increase of lestruction of plants & animals, deforestation, waste disposal, over roduction, environment i disturbed & because of human & industrial vaste the health & wealth of human & other living species is in danger or which jair ethics of parasparo graho jivvanam, vegetarianism, reverence For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ for other living being, penance, fast helps in saving food & nature, ecological balance which indirectly help in creating better health. Air pollution causes respirctory illness cough skin cancer. Water pollution causes gastric diseases. Noise pollution causes desensitization of auditory organs & irritability Non-violence is unlimited tolerance & mental disturbance Jain ethics of non violence is spiritual ecological & biological, teaches live & let live. To be healthy physically & psychologically means mind & body both must be healthy. If we disregard the existence of earth, air, water, vegetation, our existence will be destroyed. Pollution in air, earth, water, vegetation may affect our food we eat, air we breath and affect our health. Environmental concerns require non-violence life style by cultivating helping attitude, detachment, universal friendship attitude of restraint, minimal use of natural resources & consumables, cultivating habit of carefulness in all activity, tolerance. Wishing welfare of all gives peace, tranquility, satisfaction. Modesty, discipline, compassion, charity are essence of Jainism. Frustration, corruption, lust, black marketing are rampant exploitation. Jainism is renunciation & not for cardinal pleasures, reconsolidation & not confrontation, parity & not disparity purity & not impurity, love & not hatred, revenge indignation or unhealthy competition. Jain ethical life-style lead to good health false. notions, passions, vitiates his life. Nutritious food makes body healthy. Good thoughts makes mind healthy. Life is one unit cant be compartmentalized you pretend to be a good man in monastery or at funeral but moment you come out of it you are hypocritical. There must be harmony between materialistic progress & spiritual advances. If gain whole world but you are loosing your own soul & after that what? Jainas believe in minimizing needs with idea of final destination. When river is flooded its banks are washed away. Addicts lose sight of decency & decorum. Desire to be rich overnight gave birth to gambling vice haunts the gambler. like ghost. Non stealing- No thief can enjoy stolen things. He is always in fear of being apprehended & spoils his health due to tension & mental illness. Science has made life confortable & disease -tree but works in material sphere. Internal devotion is spiritual journey within difficulty to conquer hunger & mind it purities both mind & body. Gandhiji said it cures bodily ills & boosts moral. Corrupt person is never at ease he harbours physical & psychological ills. Tranquility is not his lot. Good conduct means observing five vows resulting into peace of mind & sound sleep without taking recourse to compose. People feel 78 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ apprehensive, since their life has become very insecure because of treachery, ill will, animosity, envy & such other degrading passions. All invention & discoveries are physical. Man's gaze is fixed outside his life is so fast that he has no time to stand & stare. Poor & rich both are discontented for different reasons. So is boon & cures both. If science used against your conscience will be still horrendoun & destruction of life & property. Turn and gaze inside is rejection, contemplation. Your mental disposition or emotion is merely a mental wave. No ship can sail without support of wind no culture prosper without nonviolence & unmindful of others weal & is positive in enforcing discipline, purity, tranquility & friend liness extended to all alike negligence generalist passion which deceives soul. Vow of celibacy If observed you can avoid venereal diseases like ganorea, syphilis ,,HIV.AIDS AIDS is not airbourne disease it can be avoided by restriction & care by avoiding extra marital affairs taking vow of celibacy & avoiding sex other than his spouse or unnatural sex -e.g homosexuality or anal sex. Truth-telling vow of not hiding facts that he has AIDS & not to involve sexual activity with anyone as it may harm others & will inject others will spread the disease Conclusion So jaina acara is spiritual development and spiritual development is mind & body purification by different vratas, vows, penance, fast,right knowledge & right path. And Survival of health is in pure psyche & body. i.e physical & moral values based on scientific reason principles, ecology & morality, justice & self realization & self purification cleanse not only from outside but inner soul deep inside . So follow jain acara to be healthy wealthy & to achieve highest goal. . Attachment. Pride natured jealousy etc are mean mentality which leads to mental illness pain such attitude creates turmoil in our life which starts with attachment desires for comfort & material things one struggles more & more, day and night,& then to be successful he give birth to deceit, stealing, bribing, cheating. To be wealthy in over night he becomes corrupt which ends in sain instead of pleasure by loosing mental & spiritual health he also ooses physical health. Source or origin of pleasure & pain is same lesire, attachment, possessiveness which leads to violence & violence eads to suffering, losing peace, tranquility & good health. leads to wiele de painkile also 79 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ All these frustration, failure, fatigue & faults leads me to destroy my physical & psychological spiritual & ethical mind & bodily health. So if you want to be healthy physically, wealthy by good thought, follow Jain acara. Every one has their own way of thinking, attitude destiny, behaviour, nature, wishes, desires. Let others live in their own way & give up the bad thoughts which gives you pain. Always smile, be happy & healthy. Conquering as five vices violence, falsity, astylar, aikido & possessiveness me mine my leads to purifying your soul & body. These five anuvratas are 1st step towards moksha. Jain life style with Jain achara develops spiritual path elevates mind toward spirituality & self purification. paNayA vIrA mahAvIhiM logaM ca ANAe abhisamiccA akuobhayaM / / 21 / / Achanga sutra -21 meaning conqueror of passions acquires control for achieving moksha. I am in pain 'cause crockery broken was mine. I am in pain 'cause one who died was dear to me. I am in pain 'cause desire to be rich & famous was not fulfilled. I am in pain not because thousands died in disaster but I am in pain 'cause one who died with whom I was attached. I am in pain cause I am unable to keep my dear ones under my control. . Weakness gives birth to anger, hatred, vengeance, negative attitude of mind & body, which blocks fulfillment of desires & cause sorrow & pain. Disease is absence of health, energy system out of balance body that is not recognising it's natural grid or code for proper functioning blocks energy which can't flow freely throughout body. 80 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Ecological Violence in Jainism Human race considers itself highest production of nature. His attitude towards other creatures is callous. The dilemma is, he cant do without material things. His basic instinct is possessiveness by tendency. On other side his existence is threatened as we are trapped into environ mental & ecological crisis. How? Due to carelessness in industrial growth, technological advancement, increase in human population, over exploitation of natural resources over extraction, over- use, over - misuse, over population, over industrialization, over consumption, over production of material goods, environment is disturbed. Brutality of humans towards other living beings is interfering with the laws of nature. Who is responsible for ecological disturbance ? Who is destroying the existence of other species for personal needs? Who is greedy & over desirous to kill the eco- system ? Who is destroying the beauty of earth- nature & playing with natural- resources? Human creed is at the center of all these disturbance. We need to protect environment & ecology not because we hear the cries & feel pity towards plants and animals but because of our own life, we are worrying about thinning of one layer, by poisoning the air, soil, water basic elements needed for life sustenance. Depletion of substance will give legacy to next generation infectious diseases, & destruction of plants & other living beings. Teaching of Mahavira is equanimity to all reverence, respect, & tolerance to all forms of life . ... All living being has capacity to feel pleasure & pain in different degrees. They also have right of freedom to live .All sentient creature love happiness, wants to live. No one wants to die. Buddhist eat meat since Buddha was meat eater. This encourages violence. Why toss two day old chick in grinder or cook frogs & Lobster by throwing alive in boiling water or few day old calf to produce tender veal dine to derive pleasure? Acharanga sutra 12.: 3 says : Hodara yod Fiat Ho HIT : savve bhuvA na haMtavA na paritAveyavA Uttaradhyan sutra : One must balance towards all living being whether friend or enemy. All rivers meets sea, like wise all virtues meets in ideal of non- violence. 81, For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Every religion preaches non-violence but Jainism is unique Jainas are committed not to kill tiniest insect or dangerous creatures like snakes scorpion or wild animals. Some religion accepts killing for religious sacrifice, fun, games their have lost their sense of empathy. when they dine turkey chop & veal enjoy feasting on animals, derive pleasure in killing innocent calf for food Jainas view is if non violence is practiced it help to survive eco system. . Acharanga sutra expresses vegetation has life just as human being & plants has growth, emotion, reproduction requires nutrition-minerals light water air to breath. One who disregards existence of earth, air, water for vegetation disregards his own existence. Jaina has prescribed twelve vratas are disciplinary, for self control and carefulness for not to harm natural resources by words, thoughts or physically in any action while walking, talking, breathing, eating, which interferes with nature. Any movement or action which destroys nature is forbidden & promotes to be careful in relation to other living or non living things & remain in perfect harmony with nature. Jainas are dissuaded from throwing waste into river lakes, seas and guard the life of all creatures Mahavira had concern for ecology which comprises a balance between plants animals & humans. Murderer of human is punished but slaughtering of animal goes unpunished . Forest moderates the climate, minimize thunder storms, floods, protects the surrounding area from hot & cold waves, provides shelter for wild life and fodder for animals Forest provides raw material to industries, excellent medicines, keep underground water level high, rain forest provide panoramic beauty. Adi purana pays that the forests are like saints who overcome all obstacles and create better welfare for all .Serene view of jungle rain forests removes fatigue and bring joyous ,cheerful feeling as they create distinactive type of eco system consisting of trees. It is our duty to protect, preserve & plant new trees . Adpurana says one who plants tree will always remain close to God. Environmental & ecological issues in jain scripture are beautifully associated with daily rituals . Vow of non -Possvession is related to eco-system over use of nature, accumulation of things reduces natural resources affects the ecology Vow of non violence with idea of avoidance of injury to animals plants, insects, macro & micro living beings teaches not to be cruel to living being as nature Not to consume goods which destroy plants, animals e.g leather, cosmetics ,fur, silk etc. Limiting needs, possessions, 82 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ desires greed ,wants consumption waste, misuse of material things, reducing it to reasonable limits, accumaulation of limitness unwanted possessions killing animals for sacrifices or torturing living being for food yagya, religious purpose e.g. Kasturi is used for worship AT Balaji cats named Binova species are tortured or holy fires on day of Holi Festival which produce gases which affects the ecological order produces heat, temperature raises. Or because of blindbelief animals even human are sacrificed. Killing of animals for hobby, sports, haunting shoting to decorate walls of drawing room with tiger skin, all such cruelty must be stopped life is dear to everyone nature is for enjoying & not for destroying. Enjoy it as honey bee sucks honey from flower. Nature is not your fathers property to use it the way you like. Tatvarth sutra environmental philosophy PRITET Figur is internationality accepted for environmental protection. Violence is not to be performed but prevented Mahavira's campaign for protection of ecology & nature is not only for preservation of human life but due to concern for pain that animal & vegetative world suffers. The entire jain way of life is in harmony with the environment by adopting vows laid down in the jain discipline for inner development so one can live peacefully in perfect harmony with nature unquestioned & unplanned technological advances are considered to be the major reasons for ecological Imbalance Jainas require to take twelve vows for spiritual progression Bhogaupbhoga vrata relates to limiting one's use of resources clearly forbids involvement in fifteen trades e.g. livelihood from destruction of plants ,trade in animal by products, liquor ,alcohol poisonous weapons spade etc. Which are dangerous to life or pollute the environment. Limiting the resources & possession accumulation for personal gain should be minimized using any resource beyond one's need is restricted jain path of purification is concept of non- violence & promote peace, 'everence, justice tolerance for all beings. There is fandom parable in jainas There were six friends travelling in forest got lost. After a while hey were hungry. They searched for food and finally found a apple ee. One of them said " Let us cut down the tree & enjoy the fruits econd one said," Why to cut whole tree let us cut down one big ranch 3rd friend said why do we need big branch? A small branch is nough for us " Fourth traveller said," We don't need to cut off any anches just pluck bunch of fruits' Fifty person said, why pluck 83 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ bunch & waste just pick fruits we need to eat." Sixth said, " I differ with you all, If we desire we can satisfy our hunger by fruits which have already fallen on the ground'.. Here greed & destruction is reducing form 1st person to sixth one. Sixth person is like a honey bee without causing disturbance to nature like to satisfy his hunger He is pious minded While 1st person is most greedy & destructive by nature he want to destroy the whole tree by causing greatest violence. By his action he is disturbing nature as well as misusing natural resources .His over use is taking someone else's * share & hurting life of apple tree harming eco- system virtue of for giveness, mutual beneficence, equality to all souls leads to non-violence. From the moment we are born we are related to nature we have interaction between ourselves & the environment around us with each factor around us. Environment or nature has originally attitude of love, affection attachment to give, share love with each other, but when we try to disturb or intervene with the nature man has to suffer natural calamities. Tree gives support to creepers shade to small plants honey bees butterflies, birds helps plants in spreading pollination. Complete physical mental & social well being is health every living organism depends on air water food available in consumable form. ... A balanced diet is helpful to life & discipline without causing intoxication neglegence nutrition for physiological & biological needs of life cycle for energy required for various function of body - Herbivores - plants as staple diet Mammals Carnivores - flesh as staple diet - Omnivores-diet of flesh & plants. Balance is maintained by nature sunlight pours on forest, algae in pond gives energy provided by green growth by photosynthesis Plants Algae Chlorophyll Sunlight. Animals Hebeyores Plants Carnivores Dead nitrogen bacteris soil nutrient 84 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ There are infinite varieties of living organisms 1) pulsating with life activities 2) lying dormant 3) performing specialized function food consumed depends on adaptation of the anatomy of particular species & ecology In order to live or sustain life we have to eat nutritive food which cause least violence i.e plant life is acceptable. Food which effects our body i.e one excites physically & mentally or imparts which produce undesirable effect should be avoided e.g wine tobacco. If food is not obtained by destroying life, but after eating it pushes one to irrational or destructive behavior it should be considered worst. killing for ones own benefit is certainly violence & should not be committed. Man sees through glasses of selfishness is prone to selfishness who totally neglects others well being. Who are ready to trample on it & don't hesitate to exploit, suppress, molest, or inflicting pain to others. He possesses brutal & demonical attitude. We are inhabitants of same planet, share common solar system, All being affected by interplanetary relation. Man has to understand his relation with other living beings & leave in harmony with them. When each man behaves in a 'right manner then automatically peace will be there We need proper ecological cover this thought has given birth to feeling of co existence Unholy trinity class color, creed has divided humanity. One cant survive by remaining indifferent to other being either. I shall remain or you shall remain is violence you as well as I will live is co existence. Non violence is training of mind to balance emotions mental disturbances like fear, anger hatred lust, agony, as response to particular stimulus is non violence we have interaction between. Ourselves and environment. We are connected with sun, moon, stars, other planets, earth ether, electrical waves, heat cold waves other beings, plants air, water, light. rays colour raws soil radio belive rays magnetic waves etc. , We are related to nature from the day of conception chemicals administered on plants animals & foods is carried to human through neat & partially through plants. Fatty acids in eggs cause high cholesterol count. Alcohol the senses & faculty of reason provoke irrational behavior his affects the vitality of soul is violence Anything that produce toxicity on consumption & into body hould not be consumed when you are not involved in act of killing & nimals that die naturally such flesh also should not be eaten & if you ay yes can we eat human flesh after he dies naturally or killed by omeone? No taking of such food becomes a matter of habit. Tendency 85 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ towards unrestricted eating encourages others to indulge in providing such food for commercial gain whether you kill or not, if you consume others will kill for you & is undesirable & violent. Even natural death does not after the toxicity of meat. Rejecting something has the inherent meaning of accepting it's opposite. Negation of harming life obviously is revernce for life Don't tell lie contains tell truth Don't destroy means protect & foster life. Callousness & hardness to harm some one keeps on increasing . Realistion to pain to others on harming anyone awareness of harm & pain caused will abandon. Destruction is evil, construction is good. Curbing of destruction antagonism can be achieved only with construction of sympathy, compassion, equanimity cultivation of feeling of fraternity by winning over feelings of envy, jealousy, competition. Fight only when necessary for survival. When you can win otherwise withdraw, which saves energy for using in right direction when enough has been done. or factors which are undesirable, harmful & unalterable Efforts to change them or convert them are futile, situation of attraction of short term gains is ultimate loss. Equanimity to prevent falling into trap is required ny encompasses feeling of compassion philanthropy benevolence equanimity This is not one sided relationship we are related to others & others are related to us. Every action movement taken by us has great effect on others but we fail to perceive interaction. We take it for granted that whatever nature has given is our fathers property & we can use it the way we like, we never own responsibility for what happens around us by any action. We do produce certain effect on people environment plants air water our surrounding. Food Chains - plants - Herbivores - Carnivores. This killing of animals has disturbed whole environment Human culture can blossom & bloom on ground of non violence Jainism advocates respect to all life lead to better environment, better mind less intensity of passion greater happiness. If carnivorous decreases herbivorous increases & if herbivorous increses plants. Mental violence converted into physical violence activate selfishness jealousy greed lack of consideration for others. It may give pleasure but it is ultimately real cause of miseries By industrial waste atomic waste earth water are directly affected plants produce in such soil will also be weak & not nutritious they may carry harmful chemicals atomic particles plant eaten by animals, small change in environment will create great effect in whole eco system. Degradation of animals plants in simple substance nitrogen, carbon all these substance return to nature and again are available for the living 86 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ organism, and natural cycle is disturbed. All the organisms are disturbed when excess of crop are taken nutrition is taken up by plants If more population more crop is taken more nutrition is take up by plants from soil & soil becomes imfertiled & unsuitable for crops by which quality of food is affected. To keep harmony in nature- 1. Allow nature to express 2. Let nature be as it is. 3. Follow non- violence 4. Allow every living organism to express it self 5. Allow every creature on earth to live. You are not owner of it to spoil or destroy it 6. Respect humanity. Animals possess consciousness and are aware of pleasure, pain, but cant speak human language. Have kindness towards them. Don't attack on their freedom 7. Don't mistreat for research experiment food, fur, cosmetic, riding, keeping pets, watching tricks, in circus, sports, shooting, hunting, putting, them behind zoo. Don't be cruel to animals, nature and environment 8. Don't justify your cruelty towards animals Animals has right as human to leave peacefully in the universe. As animals has no language to communicate with human, it is duty of human being to act for animal welfare, to avoid harm to animals, turn to vegetarian, avoid domestificatin of animals & using animal products, obtain required nourishment & energy with minimum possible violence. Even to one sensed being of the plant world as greater and higher. The senses greater is the violence, Taking vegetarian diet is in accordance with the natural law & disturbance to environment is less. Industrialization, materialization, increasing population, over extraction, over use, pollution of natural resources, destruction of plants animals, deforestation, soil erosion, depletion & over production of industrial good creates ecological imbalance. Polluted air, water, soil destroys plants & animals species. Chemical fertilizers pesticides waste from industry computers. t.v, mobiles, chemical factories hospitals, sewage pollutes air, water, soil. If we disregard basic elements of life force we disregard. Our health & existence. We should develop level of spiritual ecology & environment. Spiritual life style by practicing vratas. like non violence, non possession. Minimal use of natural resources, celibacy non stealing love compassion, friendliness reduce need or consumption, satisfaction helps ecological crisis to balance 9. Food pollution Injecting buffalos to get more milk, inject plants, fruits, vegetables to grow fast in a night to get fast money, preparing ghee from bones & fats of animals & sell it as desi ghee sprinkling powder or coloring fruit & vegetable to look green & fresh e.g coloring reddish with orange color which can be cause of disease like cancer why all these. Noise pollution - high pitched or high decibel noises for long hours on festivals like Ganpati etc., irritating loud sounds may 87 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ cause auditory organ to become desensitized, one becomes mentally disturbed, spoils environment. Nuclear bomb explosion spreads heat, poisonous gases in the air Unsatisfied souls for political purpose or for some other reason put to fire national property produce heat carbon, lessening oxygen, wasting national property also imbalance ecology. Industrial gases, coal liquid fuels pollute air and natural cycle cant maintain the equilibrium causing global warming truelty, dissatisfaction, intolerance in human affects eco system Air pollution affects green house, depletion of ozone layer leading to warming global atmosphere, UV radiation, deforestation due to acid rain, falling of trees, cutting down jungles for selfish motive imbalance the nature diseases in human via respiratory illness, cough, cancer, viral disease are due to pollution of air plants life & natural world is destroyed due to acid rain, toxic effects like union carbide tragedy in Bhopal was due to .poisioness gases from factories . Industrial waste, washing water toilet water, degergent, over loaded sewage system, fertilizer, chemicals & human mind is responsible for ecological disturbance Aura protects the body like of ozone layer protects the earth & for holes in of one layer ecological imbalance is cause. If temperature rises global warming, sea level rises due to dumping of chemicals, dirt, waste from different sources, soil becomes useless. Rivers are polluted by dumping sewage sacrifices during worship washing body, cloths & poring dirt into river, cleanse you but pollute the river water you drink, folluted waste dirt returns to you by giving diseases by river, Nuclear disarmament, hydrogen bomb, atomic bomb all produce poisionous gases harmful to living beings nature has no speech power of human language but can express its anger by heavy rains, causing floods, by sky. Earth quake, volcanic eruption is anger of earth, storm tornado is anger of air, Tsunami is anger of ocean. You will get what you have given to others. Your every action movement has effect even at distance stars or planets, moderate , humble, compassionate loving behavior of yours gives peace, joy, happiness rhythem, nutrition to yol. Mahavira revived Jainism & declared that all beings of the natural world have equal potential for progress in 'cycle of transmigration & all are dependent upon one another for their mutual survival .Jain conviction teaches that all forms of life are bound to gather in mutuality & interdependence Michael. Tobias author of life force declares the jain ethics non-violence is spiritual ecological & biological ethics. Give & :. 88 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ take balance for the benefit of not only human but also to all living being's Mutual beneficence life formula is not conflict Natural disasters, storm, volcano, earth quake, landslide are due to change in atmospheric pressure, injustice done to nature & carelessness of human towards it, Corrupted human mind is source of desires actions motivates the nature. Technology provides information on all the aspects of life- values, ethics, morals, science, geography nature spirituality which interconnects life globally vows controls population by celibacy vrata, desires, molding conduct, stabilizes will, thought, action which affects the environment. Wealth without work, pleasures without conscience knowledge without character, business without ethics, science without humanity, religion without duties & responsibility, politics without principles, life without virtues goals morals is deadly sin Division of race religion nation human being manyness of forms & names has conflicts contradiction disharmony ,sufferings miseries. Due to cosmic order in the movement of planets sun moon stars universe exits. If one steps out of his limited field for self interest, greed disharmonise & whole will collapse. Realization of harmony, inter connectedness of lives listening to cry of plants & animals maintains harmony with natural resources will maintain ozone layer, ecology & environment. Scientists have been warning since long time the quantity of chloroflouro carbons in the atmosphere is continuously increasing & adversely affecting the protective ozone layer fifteen to twenty km beyond & around the earth protects life of earth from the devastating effects of ultra violet rays. If correction measures are not taken large holes will appear in ozone layer. British scientist found that hole had already appeared in ozone layer above Antarctica & was increasing in size. : Local stresses occurred in south America near Western coast a cold water current Humboldt was flowing brought nutritious element from deep sea there was abundance of fishes on shores of Peru & flocks of sea bird. Due to environmental degradation caused by human activity a warm stream suddenly & unexpectedly appeared pushed the Humboldt current far south lacked the nutrient for fish & fish became extinct resulted in death of birds due to depletion of food fish. Consumerism depletes natural resources polluting & destroying the environment as a consequence it breeds destitution, disparity & discontent leading to terrorism. Basically & essentially we consume to survive comfort & ambition. Ambition over takes need & comfort if not curbed & bridled & suffer. Consumerism has it origin in planned 89 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ exploitation of human need by terning it into greed A confidence bolstered by notion that our planet is a vast unending storehouse of natural resources we have milking it for ages our of ignorance & then by habit expoting nature as if it is our fathers property for food, fianancial technological research & invention purpose, petrol oil, metal, minerals, gases, water, food, air, nuclear armament vegetatative, air, water, land were used callously & corelessly every where on earth & space. Rapid movement race competition & ambitions has chances of committing mistake. No desire, no action, no motion is also violence Balance of ambitions comsumption, limiting needs, possession is non violence environmental ethics considers limitation on the freedom of excercising property rights & concerns further extention of our ethical duties to the environment we have ethical obligation to all of nature to recognize the interrelated nature of eco system which are composed of living & non living entities. Both living & non living matter have in herent value & standing for ethical consideration hand ethics carries duties to the environment including duties to love & respect the land & its inherent value A thing is right when it tends to preserve the integrity stability & beauty of the biotic community. Use of DDT caused damage to penguin but harm to penguins in natural environment not to human is simply irrelevant. Ethical questions are unique to human & are meaningless elsewhere. Although pollution can damage the environment & creature, it is not of moral concern unless it harms humans. . . Land ethics enlarges the boundaries of the community include soil, water, plants, & animals. We can be ethical only in relation to something that we can see, feel understand love or we have faith in. Plants absorbs energy from sun. this energy flows through circuit called biota. Each successive layer depends on below & each furnishes food for above layer. i.e. soil - plant - insects - birds - animals. Man shares intermediate layer with bears raccoons & squirrels which eat meat & vegetables. Evolution has added layer after layer land is not merely soil it is fountain of energy flowing through a circuit of soils plants & animals. Food chains are living channels which conduct. . Energy pyramid death & decay return it to soil circuit it not closed some energy is dissipated in decay some is added by absorption form air, some is stored in soil peat's & long lived forest but it is sustained circuit like slowly augmented revolving fund of life there is always a loss by downhill wash decay of rock deposited in the ocean & raised to form new lands & the pyramids when change occurs other 90 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ parts must adjust. Evolution is a long series of self induced change " changes are slow & local. Fertility is the ability of soil to receive, store & release energy. Soils depleted of their storage or of organic matter which anchors it wash away faster than they form. This is erosion Water like soil is part of energy circuit. Industry by polluting water or obstructing them with dams may exclude plants & animals necessary to keep energy in circulation Transportation- Plants & animals grown in one region are now consumed & returned to the soil in another transportation taps energy stored in rocks & in the air & uses it elsewhere we fertilize garden with nitrogen fish etc. 1. Land id not merely soil 2. Native plants & animals dept the energy circuit 3. Man Made changes of different order than evolutionery changes have effects Every person should be free to do whatever he wishes to do in context where his actions do not interfere with the interests of other human beings waste is bad thing There is scarcity of available resources our aggregate labors our skill so none of these resources of labors or skills should be wasted. Everyone should receive by continuous redistribution some minimal share at aggregate wealth so as to avoid a level of privation is non possession Environment is derived from environs meaning in circuit or turning around und indicates an external relation without a context, a relationship of organic into dependence. Environment is better expressed by Chinese philosopher shengsheng-pu-yi in cessant activity of life creatively to understand depth of meaning of environment we have to understand life & living process of life & constitutent & condition of life means we have to understand the Tao contents & tao process in environment way of life creativity in cease less movement in multi tude fact. Modern man's conception o environment is founded on the surface meaning of environment typified by technology & science with materialism. dualism naturalism is objectified, mechanized, rigidified, dehumanized, deenlivened & so deenvironmental surrounding the physical perionery & material condition visible, tangible external environment is more than visible, tangible external Chinese focus on the internal relation of man to his surrounding & harmony between man & world. Nature of completed work of mechanical forces with one dimensional natural laws 'controlling its working man as the consumer of nature express continuously the beauty, truth, & goodness of nature & articulates 91 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ them in moral or natural cultivation of human life & nature man, does not stand opposite to nature in a hostile way. For his own growth & well being Man has to cultivate the internal link in him between his self & mother nature to conquer nature & exploiting it is a form of selfdestruction & self-abusement for man. .. Nature an organism of continuous Growth & decay but never devoid of internal life. Men can't treat nature as an isolated & atomic part without regard for totality involving past & future man has to interact with nature realizing that there is no single linear chain of causality there is always many to many relationship between cause & effect man has to consider potentical needs of man to nature man has to naturalize & humanize nature treating nature as equal. as family member. It connotes heaven earth, something not static but dynamic, visible & invisible Tao is everything beyond our perception. Tsu-janmeans doing something an its accord of natural spontaneity Man - earth - heavn - Tao - Tzu-zan it is movement of Tao-unity of all things. Things change & transform without interfering with the process of change & transformation of other things is mutual movement rise & decline, ebb & flow, in things of nature. Man has to develop knowledge, civilization, science, technology not out of pace to relate things & other humans Beauty of corals:- Nearly 20% is destroyed because of living organism . 24% is in danger because of human danger & 26 % are in danger in future. Means nearly 50% are in danger of destruction. Use of coral :1) During tsunami corals save destruction from high tides. 2) Wash out of land & water slogs. 3) It is provider of food trade in fishing is basic need. It attracts travelers, visitors which is source of foreign income Approximately there are ten lacks kinds of corals islands is available some chemicals are used for cancer treatment & HIV drugs development. These islands are getting destroyed because of 1) digging for fishing or development of sea shores. 2) Waste water disposition. 3) During clash of steamers oil drained from it. 4) Forest cutting or destruction . 5) Agricultural developing countries where coral islands are present population is increases & putting worlds islands in danger. 6) For food & aquarium coral islands demand is increasing From our seas this valuable life world is vanishing . Fishing trade in Asia use bottle bomb which destroys corals. In Indonesia , Philippines 92 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ they anesthetize fishes by cyanide & use heavy trollers which destroys life world from the bottom of sea. Due to global warming it is believed that heat increases by one degree Celsius & destroys small living organism & plants which gives food & color to coral life would becomes white. On destruction of color they die. Because of Al-nino & la-nino change in air 16% of coral islands in Indian ocean suffered loss. To prevent this steamer anchoring should be stopped and restrained from destroying corals. Steps are taken for protection of coral islands by Australian & American govt. 93 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Biological Violence Deliberate feticide is killing.... What is abortion According to Jainism abortion is the act of extracting the unborn human being from womb an extraction that usually rips him or her to pieces is physical violence to a Jiva Doing something that causes someone harm, doing something to assist someone causing harm is violence, even if it is not intended. Jainism is based on principle of non-violence, causing death even if it is side effect is morally & religiously impermissible. It is wrong in all circumstances Abortion is immoral in the same degree as to kill you & me. Why Wrong? 1) Killing the fetus deprives it of its future. 2) It deprives the victim of all the projects experience enjoyment, & his, valuable future. 3) Choice to have to perform or to help abortion is morally wrong. 4) It is wrong to prevent child from coming into being, is wrongful act of killing which is punishable under law. Conservative view - regards all abortion morally unjustifiable. The fetus is regarded as full fledged human person from the moment of conception. Any attempt to interfere with natural process of gestation & birth is morally unjustifiable. If child is unwanted, adoption rather than abortion is morally acceptable solution. Reasons for abortion. 1. poverty. 2. dangerous work environment. 3. Medical ground - life of mother in danger. 4. child - fetus is disabled. 5. woman unfit for conception. 6. rape or incest. 7. desire to have opposite sex i.e. baby boy or baby girl. 8. undue burden on woman. What is killed in an abortion, is living entity Human embryo is indeed human being Human embryos & fetuses are complete though immature human being, Life of an individual begins with complete fertilization which yields genetically & functionally distinct organism. In normal conception & sex cell of the father a sperm unites with a sex cell of mother ovum. Within chromosomes of these sex cells are DNA molecules which constitute information that guides the development of the new individual brought into being when 23 chromosome of each sex cells fusing together produce entirely new & distinct organism. In 8 to 10 weeks fetus has fully formed beating heart brain & a recognized human form fetus feels pain, cries & even suckthumb. Embryo is complete, whole organism, though immature. 94 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Marquis argues it is wrong to kill fetuses as they are potential person. He says contraception is equally wrong because sperm & ova is also potential person. Answer to this is sperm & ova separately can't create future person. Sex cells are manifestly not whole, or complete organism, not only genetically, but also functionally, identifiable as parts of male or female potential parents. Sperms are destined to either combine with an ovum or die. Somatic cells, skin cells, muscle cells, like sex cells function only part of a large organism while human embryo possesses from beginning active disposition to develop himself to full maturity, in suitable environment & nutrition. So human embryo is not distinct from human being. He is not an individual of any nonhuman or inter mediate species. It is in early stage of development. In abortion what is killed is human being, a whole living member of species of homo sapiens. The fertilized human ovum even youngest human embryo has body which has specified undeveloped capacities opt for understanding knowing & choosing. It even has biological capacity appropriate to supporting specific human specific human operations such as self consciousness, rationality & choice. So he is human being & human person with potential & not merely potential human person or potential human being. So According to Norman Fort unlike Tooley & Donceal personhood begins when an individual with a truly human nature begins at fertilization. At fertilization an ontologically individual & biologically human entity the zygote begins genetic constitution & gender will begin about 16 days later & will thereafter survive as one & the same individual until death. The one cell human organism originating with the substantial change which occurs upon the penetration of human ovum by human sperm develops as one & the same individual. 1. Every attempt to harm innocent person violates nonmaleficence & justice. Intention of killing an unborn child or terminating its development is an attempt to harm even if carried out with reluctance & regret. 2. Killing either as an end as chosen means to some other end is always gravely wrong. 3. Every living human individual has right to life. 4. Every living human individual must be regarded & treated as a person. 5. Every innocent human person has right never to be killed. Human fetuses & infants has right to life. 6. The unborn can never be considered as aggressor for the concept of aggression involves action. 7. Anyone who commands directs advices, encourages, prescribes, approves or defends say if doctor refers consultant for abortion is immoral. 95 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Victim of rape is entitled to defend herself against continuing effect of attack. They seek to prevent conception not as the coming to be new human life but as the invasion of her body by her assailants bodily substance. It is solely to relieve the mother of continued bodily effects of the rape which would be unjust to the unborn child who is wholly innocent of father's wrongdoing. Examination of sex test done to allay anxiety or curiocity are justifiable only if they involve no significant risk to the child. But if sex determination test done with thought of arranging or carrying out abortion, i) the result show something undesirable is already willing conditionally abortion violates justice, law, religion & morals. ;: Anne Warren argues fetuses don't have consciousness, reasoning power, self motivated activity, capacity to communicate & self awareness, so can't be considered human persons, but are only potential persons having merely potential rights & cant over ride woman's right to control her body. Answer to the argument is that fetus is a human being & therefore abortion is murder. Mere ownership of body does not give right to kill innocent people whom you find your property. Fetus is separate individual entity gestating in your body. It is unjust to expel innocent person from your property if doing so will result in death. It is inappropriate to describe a woman's body as her property & is mistake to argue for right to abortion is derived from the right to own & regulate property.. It is universal assumption that if fetus is human being with right to life then abortion is wrong except when necessary to save woman's life is ought to be prohibited. Potential person has right to life, & destroying is unjust. Abortion with rare exception is seriously immoral; & same as killing an adult human being. Anti abortionist allow in some cases such as rape, multiple pregnancy to save remaining fetuses life, or when mother's life is threatened means to save one life, other's life is sacrificed. or in case of handicapped or disability in prenatal diagnosis found, may be morally permissible. But every religion in any case don't permit abortion. All religion regards it as killing or murder. Moral community is set of being with full & equal moral rights. What sort of entity is inalienable rights to life, liberty & pursuit of happiness? Human being is full fledged member of community and fetuses are human in moral sense. Whatever genetically human is also morally human Genetic humanity is sufficient for moral humanity. Traits 96 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ of personhood are not developed enough, aware enough, intelligent enough to be considered people, but resemble in some respect more like person, being genetically human having human facial & physical features, detectable brain activity, or capacity to survive outside uterus. Seven months fetus has powerful protective instinct as small infant, is also more person like, than very small embryo. It is somewhat more like person can apparently feel & respond to pain & has rudimentary form of consciousness its brain is quite active Nevertheless it is not fully conscious even infant of few months can't reason or communicate messages & he has no self awareness. Even fully developed fetus is less person like than average Mature mammal so rational person must conclude that if right to life of fetus is based upon resemblance to a person can't have more right to life. Right to life on basis of person likeness has no legal restriction but potentiality that when fetus is nurtured & developed will become person gives right to life. It is fact cant be denied that fetus is potential person has life & destroying life is unjust for reasons like going trip to abroad or figure of woman may get spoiled. It is indecent for woman & immoral to abort after plantation of embryo. Abortion may be granted in case of 1) before implantation 2) woman's life is threatened 3) In case of rape 4) In case of multiple pregnancy or disability 5) to reduce no of fetuses in uterus i.e. selective termination as invoking right to kill fetus to control one's body means carry out a selective reduction of pregnancy i.e. to destroy one or more fetuses, in order to give remaining fetuses a better chance to life & create space for other fetus. Elhical issues are same in multiple pregnancy spontaneous conception or infertility treatment less person like than is the average mature mammal so rational person must conclude that if the right to life of a fetus is to be based upon its resemblance to a person can't be said to have any more right to life. Even a fully developed fetus is not person like enough to have any significant right to life on the basis of its person likeness. No legal restriction upon the stage of pregnancy in which an abortion may be performed can be justified on ground that we should protect the rights of older fatus. It is unjustified & indecent for woman to obtain abortion just for a trip to Europe would be immoral & should not be permitted. If fatus is nurtured & developed will become person gives right to life. You can't deny the fact that an entity is a potential person has right to life & destroying is unjust. 97 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Social, political & biomedical ethics issues arise in selective ermination of pregnancy must be understood & evaluated. Need & demand for selective termination in fact is created & elaborated in response to prior technological intervention in women's reproductive processes. In Abortion pregnancy ends. Whereas in selective termination pregnancy continues with one or two fetuses still present. Women will be permitted to choose how many fetuses they must retain Individual women demand selective termination of pregnancy places all moral responsibility for the procedure on the woman themselves. Infertility is not merely physical condition. A prevailing ideology that women must reproduce, men must acquire offspring. Multiple pregnancy comes largely from treatment of infertility. The use of fertility drugs to prod women's bodies into ovulating & producing more than one ovum at a time results in an incidence of multiple gestation. GIFT - Gamete intrafallopian transfer using several eggs & in vitro fertilization-IVF with subsequent implantation of several embryo in the woman's uterus to increase the likelihood that she will become pregnant may also result in multiple gestation "try anything" mentality is festered by IVF patients are not adequately informed about success rates. Women's attitude towards selective termination is similar towards abortion Abortion is solution to the problem of unwanted pregnancy, the general availability of abortion. Women who abort are after all undergoing surgical invasion of their bodies. some may also experience emotional distress. For some woman the death of the fetus is a source of grief, when pregnancy is wanted & abortion is sought because of severe fetal disabilities. Those who resort to this procedure surely don't desire the invasion of their uterus nor do they make it their aim to kill fetuses. Women who request abortion because their pregnancy is unwanted. or in selective termination woman are originally pregnant by choice & achieved at psychological & economic cost, after a lengthy struggle with infertility. For such woman procedure that risks the loss of all fetuses as selective termination may be troubling. The procedure is still experimental & outcomes are unknown. A attempt to reduce the no. of fetuses is experimental & result in miscarriage, infection bleeding etc. may damage remaining fetuses success is limited. Woman's good is to gestate one or more healthy infants. Why not women who seek selective termination simply continue their pregnancy why choose to reduce no. of fetuses? 98 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Multiple pregnancy means preterm delivery, prefaced by early & lengthy hospitalization higher risk of pregnancy-induced hypertension, polyhydramnios severe anemia, preclampsia & postpartum blood transfusions minor discomforts are increased & women may suffer severe nausea & vomiting or become depressed or anxious likelihood of cesarean delivery entailing more pain & a longer recovery time after the birth. Infants born of multiple pregnancy risk premature delivery low infant birth weight, birth defects & problems of infant immaturity including physical & mental retardations. These infants may suffer lengthy costly process of dying in neonatal intensive care. Thus woman carrying more than one fetus also faces the possibility of becoming a mother to infants who will be seriously, physically, impaired or will die. Mothers gestating a child has been compared with donating kidney or other organ. We are not required to donate organ to others analogously a woman is not morally required the fetus the use of her body. This is objected that woman has special responsibility to the child rrving. The mother may have voluntarily performed an act which she new may result in a child's conception which generates such responsibilities. Argument - consenting to gestate child if conceived is distinct from consenting to pregnancy & care. Abortion is chosen as a means towards ending of pregnancy requesting termination of pregnancy. E.g. an actress may wish not to be pregnant because her pregnancy will change her figure or woman may dread the discomforts pains & difficulties involved in pregnancies. In both cases motive is ending pregnancy. It is not intentional is misleading. As choosing of not to provide life support of body-womb is there. It is actively expelling the human embryo from womb. Abortion is act of extracting the unborn human being from the womb. An extraction rip him to pieces, causing death is morally in permissible. Causing death is morally permissible - if pregnant woman is discovered to have a concrous uterous & is proximate danger to the nother's life it can be morally right to remove the cancerous uterous. with baby in it even if baby die or in ectopic cases pregnancy mother:hild both are in danger. Child has serious respiratory disease & father is told his smoking vill cause her death. Here father's smoking is unethical as it is harming etus. Continued smoking is immoral or city air pollution is danger for hild & he should move to another city. So smoking & not moving to nother city is 'unjust and wrong as side effect. 99 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ It is special responsibility of parents that they at least refrain from performing act that cause terrible harm to their children. Parents have responsibility to make sacrifices for their children then if voluntarily not assumed or given consent to personal relationship with child. I have a duty to do something with my life that contributes to the good of the human community. Harm caused is worse than harm avoided Abortion involves distribution of something we have no right to destroy. Abortion is morally impermissible because it is murder. The fetus claimed is person not just a life, creature of full moral status imbued with fundamental rights Abortion is violation of right to life. 2 weeks - blastocyst cluster of 140 cells. 6 weeks - embryo 12 weeks - fetus Abortion involves not just loss of hopes of various parties have invested in pregnancy but loss of something valuable in its own right grief sorrow that life begun is now ended or actions needed to help those cells develop into person would have compromised. * Morality of early abortion involves assessing not just welfare but intimacy not just destruction but creation. All human embryo clonning. cloned upto blastocyst is invention 135 years ago u.s. abolished slavery making it illegal for any human being to own another human being as property after births. Now British patent office has opened the door in which a developing human being can be owned in the form of intellectual property in gestational stages between conception & birth. It is shocking company might be able to own a human embryo as an invention. If human embryo as an invention if cloned human embryos are in fact considered to be the human inventions then what becomes of our notion God the creator? What will future generation say when their children ask where do babies come from? Will they say they are invention of scientists & property of life science companies? It is neither slavery nor possibility of physical ownership of human individual. : Amendment of U.K. came into force on July 2000 provides. 1. An invention shall not be considered unpatentable solely on ground. a. product consisting of or containing biological material. b. A process by which biological material produced possessed or used. 2. Biological material which is isolated from its natural environment or produced by means of technical process may be the subject of an invention even if it previously occurred in nature. 100 i For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 3. Following are not patentable inventions. a. human body at the various stages of its formation & development & The simple discovery of one of its elements including the sequence or partial sequence of gene. b. Processes for cloning human being. c. Processes for modifying the germ line identity of human being. Inserting the mature nucleus of an adult cell into denucleated egg turn the cells. Cradicles the firm divide between germ line & somatic line nuclei because each adult cell nucleus is in principle translatable into a germ line cell nucleus by transferring its nucleus & creating a clone. Defenders of abortion says if fetuses are human being but embryonic human being are not yet persons but it is not wrong to kill always a human being who are not persons. Other argument that human being in the embryomic stage are not persons because they don't exercise higher mental capacities, or functions. What is person? Entity that has self-awareness rationality? Is based on false premise. Human / person are physical organism & human organism comes to be at conception' we are living bodily entities. If living body performs bodily action then it is physical organism. Sensation is bodily action. Judith Thompson compares right to life with right to vote we are not yet valuable in special way that will quality us as right to life special kind of value we acquired after we come into existence. He facts to advert the fact that some rights vary respect to place circumstances maturity. ability & other factors. Right to life does not come & go with one's location or situation it belongs to human being at all times that he or she exists. May we use animals in medicine in order to enhance & to extend our lives? Genetic engineering, xenotransplantation, cloning are continue to take place in animal models before being attempted in human & trial & error is likely to result in increasing no of animals created. We were successful through genetic engineering & eventually gene therapy in elminating Huntington disease. Are we justified for happy out come through using animals. Whether it is permissible to use animal suffering & lives in order to benefit humans. In Jainism all lives are equally valuable. Religion would never permit abortion but even contraceptive means are not allowed. No religion is aloof of society. Anuvratas celibacy causes are for medical purpose. Cloning of human embryo is used for 101 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 1) to harvest stem cells for medical experiment. 2) for giving birth to baby. 3) 12 day old embryo for producing cells & tissues is morally acceptable. Causes for abortion for medical causes aresuggested by surgeon. Personal cloning techniques are opposed because of safety, opposition that is based on the fact that cloning techniques are still unsafe & could pose a risk of producing malformed baby. Even though the clone will have the exact same genetic make up as the original he may develop differently because the social & environmental context within which his life unfold will not be the same as donor. Clonning is an act of production & not creation using new biotechnologies a being is produced with the same degree of engineering. If we think of engineering, quality control & predictable out comes in mind is same about cloning a human being. Clonning child is not creation but engineered reproduction. Suggestions Using cloning technology to create humans is in principle unethical are entirely without foundation 3 objections to clonning creation. 1) It is claimed to be unsafe 2) It is claimed to be harmful to resulting child... 3) It is claimed that duplicating a given gensome is some how bad thing. Safety is not powerful argument. Procreation as even giving birth in normal way is not safe procedure. Degree of safety is unacceptable relative to human gains. Birth of our pregnancy is gift bestowed by God or beneficient nature. Where we judge the circumstances of a future person to be less than ideal but not so bad as to deprive that individual of a worthwhile existence then we lack the moral justification to impose our ideals on others when there is absolutely no empirical evidence of harm & simply feeling that there could be such harms we would have no children, if we were very poor children should be brought up free from poverty & want. If 14 year old girl prospective mother chooses to have child. Because she is young she is giving bad start to child's life. Or a woman chooses to have a child through cloning because she chooses to conceive in this way she gives the child bad start. In both cases it is better for these children that they live than not live at all. Is it wrong or even bad to duplicate a human gensome? Popular belief of hysteria of cloning human reproductive cloning is a process with which humanity has had vast encouraging experience. Identical twins are nature's clons they have been part of human experience 3/ 1000 births involve identical twins. Where is the evidence that they are 102 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ cruel to produce such identical genotypes where is evidence that twins owed lack individuality or are harmed by the existence of another with identical genes? Genotype is not phenotype genes influence but don't determine what traits people will have. It is claimed that duplicating the human gensome is contrary to human dignity. Conclusion Religion would never accept or permit abortion. Even contraceptives means are not allowed is some religion. No religion is aloof of society. Jainism or any other religion is appeased of abortion. Anuvratas like celibacy, passion control penance are for controlling desire. Causes of Abortion are due to following reasons. 1. Medical cause - suggested by Gynecologist. 2. Personal for pleasure, career, economical 3. Legal 4. Social for to get lid of girl child, or in case of rape or women victimization. Medical reason if there is any defect in fetus etc. abortion is not allowed as fetus is person is not justified. When mother or child can be saved then question is whom to save? Both have right to live then how abortion can be permitted? Conservatives will say it is wrong to kill human or innocent human being. Therefore it is wrong to kill. Liberal premises - personohood? - In Liberal premises-personhool. Till actual birth or human being depends upon mother's body either to retain or discard it. Blood group does not always match coz it is energy that is transferred from mother to child & not material. Thus child is right from day of conception a different individual. Since It's different personhood, how can mother be one to decide fate of unborn child? Dravya Sangraha - Jain traditional argument once Jiva is out of igoda only 48 human births & from 48 human births out of which 24 angani when aborted one of the chance to liberation is restricted. Deleberate abortion of any life would definitely not be supported. 'reat human fetus as independent entity right from conception. How do ou differentiate air in room outside & inside? According to Jainism vow of non-violence or pranatipata doesn't low abortion. Guilt of killing is not killing as not to harm ten pranas in some tuation harming can be permitted but abortion is deliberate violence. Choice between mother & child can be called suicide which is also >t permitted then. How can one be allowed for abortion of abnormal 103 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ child, if diagnosed as abnormal. Disabled child has right to live. Disabled child does not want to die. If enough precautions are taken & efforts are made but still one conceives then abortion should be illegal & unethical & so must not be aborted. On religious perspective it would in which so ever case not accepted - Religion is rigid about not killing or not to abort in any case. Not only religion but out laws also does'not allow abortion and regards abortion as killing a Jiva. To kill disabled child is selfish thought for economic reason, and care required for such child. In some cases out of affection & forgetting the child's view that it wants live in this world & may be after treatment will be abled child. We need lies if we are avoiding inner truth. You have had an abortion but are in denial over fact that you have ended life. 104 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Life pass it on - organ transplant What are ethics? Derivative of Greek word "ethos" meaning character are study of norms to decide what is right, wrong, good, or bad are voluntary action by choice concerns with human conduct. Ethics meaning customs or manners, concerns with human conduct & human values. Morality comes from latin word moralis. Ethics is science with morality of human acts through medium of natural reason. What is bioethics? Bioethics is branch of ethics or applied ethics, are study of value judgement pertaining to human conduct in area of biology. Bioethics in corporates our obligation to others issues arising from biological & medical sciences. How ethics applies : Doctor should never assist their patients to die but sometimes doctors should assist their patients to die. It is always wrong to kill human being but abortion is not always wrong eventhough abortion kills human being. These facts are always complex & changes with different human heads from multiplicity of choices, intention, actual action, results. Telling truth is Jain ethics, one of five mahavratas means telling truth is duty but only towards him who has a right to the truth. But no one has right to truth that injures others. Duty of telling truth corresponds to right. Where there is no right there is no duty to tell truth. Occasionally lying is justified. You cant apply any hard & fast rule. We have to act according to situation. If someone comes to your house for shelter for hiding to save him or her from the followers who may kill or molest her & the followers ask about her & you refuse of knowledge about her hiding-such telling of lies is not wrong. Not telling the truth is same as telling a lie. We have to face the truth, may be severe disease or bad disaster but one must tell truth about fact in proper condition & situation. We can't reach the right ethical decisions unless we are well informed about relevant facts.... It is wrong to resuscitate a terminally ill patient against his or her wishes or wrong to kill with his consent individual has different opinion which depends upon fact & individual's thinking. Ethical relativism or cultural relativism, it is individual's attitudes that determines what is right or wrong; but according to attitude of culture in which one lives each nation thinks their own customs best. There can be no objective right or wrong beyond the bounds of one's own culture. Morality is relative to culture. When people from two 105 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ different culture disagree about ethical issues then there can be no resolution of disagreement. In one country people greet by joining two hands, in other by rubbing nose, or still other by shaking hands or by hug or by bending upto chest. If ethical relativism is true then it is impossible to say who is right or who is wrong like slavery or burning of widows on funeral pyre of husband Every one must do in interest of people or society & not only in his own interest. Rightness or wrongness depends on how it affects others & its consequences. Utilitarian view of Singer believes that morally correct actions are those that results in greatest aggregate good means cost. & benefit to all sentient being potentially affected by particular actions must be calculated & only those actions taken that maximize total pleasure & minimize total suffering. If some animal have to be tested with drug for research or organ transplant must weigh the cost to animal in terms & suffering associated with captivity experimentation & death equally with the benefits that will accrue to human. Every now & then society faces ethical issues some religions believe these issues are under their domain of & rush to come up with new edicts, encyclicals & fatwas, new directives accepted by congregation but some cause emotional crisis, some confronting issues are gender equality, same sex marriages, gay, lesbian right euthanasia, capital punishments, the use of animals in medical research, genetic modification, cloning, nuclear. Weapons, dominance of religion in affair of state, drinking, drug, premarital sex, abortion, intensity varies by place & culture. jahA dumassa pupphesu bhamaro AviyaI rasaM Na ya puSkaM kilAmeI so ya pINei appayaM / / 2 / / In Dasvaikalika Sutra second gatha's meaning-The way butterfly sucks honey from different flowers without hurting or harming them it satisfies its appetite. In same way organ transplant should be without causing any loss or harming the life of donor. This paper highlights man's faith in science & technology as solution to all problems, But science can not provide ethical issues, science & technology has not been able to do what is expected means provider of morals or removal of suffering. Modern world is sick of problems suicide, euthanasia, unbearable pain, frustration, loss of values, dissatisfaction, stress, strain, immorality for self achievement etc. Religion concerns with after life & science deals with material needs & life today & survival depends on spiritual values of religion with logical philosophy as science, 106 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ What is organ Transplant - organ transplant is moving of whole or partial organ from one body to another, from donor's to patients body. Organs that can be transplanted are - Lungs life saver for cystic fibrosis emphysema or other end-stage lung diseases Liver in end-stage liver diseases. Diseased pancreas in diabetic person can eliminate the need for insulin injection. Bone-marrow - - - in a plastic anemia immune system deficiencies & to help producing remission in certain types of acute leukemia. Bone used in facial reconstruction limb salvaging correction of birth defects, cancer treatment & spinal & oral surgery. Cartilage & tendons used in facial & other reconstructive surgeries. Eye & Cornea to restore vision for blind people. Heart whose heart no longer works. Kidney life enhancing & life saving transplants help patients with kidney failure Small in testing used for short bowel syndrome. They restore the nutritional balance of body. Fascia connective tissue & facial defects. Skin to save life of burnt patient it decreases paininfection, heat loss, & fluid loss. Veins They are used in vascular reconstruction to restore blood flow to various part of body. Scientist believe stem cells could prove body repair-kit with no need for donated organs. IVF embryos, blood from babies ambilical cord, adult bone marrow, excess fat around tummy, contains stim cells that could cure injured knees or from own bone marrow to treat damaged liver. - - - - - - - to restore, support, repair limbs, soft tissue From a donors side organ is removed & transplanted in patients body for purpose of replacing the recipient's damaged or failing organ with working from donor's side where organ-donor can be living or deceased, Categorisation Organ transplant can be categorised as life saving organ transplant &life enhancing tissue transplant. Heart kidney liver lungs pancreas intenstine are organs which can be transplanted. Bone tendon, cornea, heart valve, vein, skin are tissue which can be transplanted. 107 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ t. . . Destination of organ transplant. Organ or tissue is transplanted from dead to living organ or tissue transplanted from living to living when organ donor is dead - no moral concern arises. Transplant of organ from loving donor to another person must following criterias1. Risk if any to donor should be removed in such transplant. 2. Must be proportionately good if obtained by recipient. 3. Removal of organ must not seriously impair the donor's health or bodily function. 4. Prognosis of acceptance is good for recipient.; 5. donor must be informed of risk involved. 6. After receiving all information donor should give free decision & permission for donation of organ. . Transplants classified 1. Autograft - transplant of tissue to same person e.g. hair skin. 2. Allograft - organ transplant from genetically non identical member of same species. 3. Isograft - transplanted from a donor to genetically identical receipient. 4. Xeno - one species to another. 5. Split - deceased donor one or more recipient. 6. Domino - arstic fibrosis. Problems - Economic issues 1) Transplant of embryological tissues from animal to human is developing rapidly since transplants might allow dangerous pathogens from animal to human. Safeguard should include improved test for pathogen protocols to quantine patients. Creation of colonies of clean animals is needed. 2) Tissue transplant from animals is violence towards animals & Jainism believes in non-violence, compassion. Towards animals or any Jiva. 3) It is violence toward animal for material gain. 4) Stealing of valuable life threatening organs from human when they are in coma or during operation, breaks vow of non-stealing of Jainas. It stresses the need for introspection on above issues enhancing the importance of values that are lost in modern world. 5) While transplant about distribution & assignment of organs to waiting recipient essentially number of recipient exceeds number of available organs. While no perfect system can ever exist. 6) Plan of assignment should not be discriminatory based on race, sex, age, social status or utilitarian ground based on work capacity social usefulness, but should strive on to recognize intrinsic value of each person. 108 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 7) Selling of organs violates the dignity of human being commercialization of human organ as a object violates dignity of individual person. 8) Organ transplantation of solid organs & tissues is distinct from blood or cells removed from body of one individual & placed into the body of another. Solid organs are scarce & ethical issues have raised by scarcity. When one is distributing scarce resources the primary focus is on kind of criteria that determine who should have access to the resources as resource can't be made available to every one. Blood is different from solid organs. Although it is vital resource it can fairly, easily be made available by healthy individuals be given to others who might die without it. The donor's body would replace what is lost in blood donation. 9) Kidney transplantation is economically more cost effective than continued renal dialysis of patients organ transplantation depends on availability organs. All countries are experiencing an acute shortage of human organs for transplantation Hundreds of people waiting for lease on life. All countries doing their best to raise organ donor awareness. 10) Lack of suitable organ may mean death & wastage of organ & every organ counts. 11) Some countries treat human organs & bodies as commodities that belongs to the individual person & that may be sold by these individuals for a valuable consideration. .. 12) People have close association with their bodies that to consider bodies & organs as property is tantamount to considering the people themselves as chattels hence they maintain that neither bodies nor body parts may be bought or sold. 13) They believe that if the ownership of bodies or body parts were to be allowed this would lead to a state of affairs where the rich would take advantage of the poor by offering such high prices for human organs that poor would unable to resist the enticement. The poor would therefore become the walking organ banks of the well to do. While this might alleviate the organ shortage in case of affluent persons, in need of organs it would be nothing about the transplantation needs & availability of organs for the poor. There is less or no poverty in western countries so there much more shortage of organ as no one comes for ward to sell their organs. 14) Many potential donors are unaware of the options of donation. 15) A refusal to donate which finds its basis in religions conviction short of changing the tenets of relevant religion or prohibiting adherence to the religions itself. 109 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 16) Practice of buying kidneys from the vendors it aroused such horror that all professional association denounced it & nearly all countries have now made it illegal. The well known causes much suffering of death. 17) Prohibition of sales does even more harm than first seemed harming vendors as well as recipients. 18) Vendors are not competent to make genuine choice within a given range of options. 19) Poverty has so restricted the range of options that organ selling has become the best & therefore in effect that range is too small, neither argument works as a justification of prohibition. Social problem 1) Cadaver donation after legalization in India cadaver donation of brain dead person which was rare has increased. Major hurdle is lack of awareness people should be told "Don't bury your heart gift it to someone, save a life", & secondly there is no co-operation between private & public hospital where most accident cases where patients suffer brain failure and can donate body parts. Thirdly the heart has to be retrieved without wasting time. The kidneys & liver can be removed after short gap but if heart stops for more than three beats it becomes useless. Ethical issues raised - 1. Whether organ transplant is to be treated as a commercial commodity or social resources. Richard M. Titmuss holds that voluntary donations are social expression of the abstract ideas of "free human gift" that serves an important function in complex modern societies. Individual have a need to act for the good of community. The gift relationship in context of blood procurement system makes clear & Titmus believes it would work equally in context such as procurement of solid organs. Admistrating problem - Organ transplant required massive blood transfusion so donors have to be screened everytime when come to give blood or organ as 1. blood or organ deteriorates after three weeks in refrigeration this perishability presents technical & administrative problems, problems crossmatching storage, labeling, diseased blood serum hepatitis, AIDS etc. transmitted from carrier donor to susceptible patient. Jain Elhics 1) truth telling in answering question about health, medical history & drug habits becomes vital. 2) Honesty of the donor on which depends the life of recipient of his blood or organ. Problem Can honesty be pursued regardless of the donor's motive for giving blood or organ? What systems structures, & social policies 110 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ encourage honesty or discourage & promote voluntary & truthful gift relationship? Gift - Gifting of organ or not to give, to lend, repay, buy or sell organ are choices which leads us to social economic life. Forms & functions of giving embody moral social, psychological, religious, legal & aesthetic ideas. Gift or giving organs may reflect, sustain, strengthen or loosen the cultural bonds. Gift is to buy peace, to express affection, regard, or loyalty to unify fulfill obligation, & rights symbolize human sentiments. Religious vies on organ transplant & relatives problems Jains parsis also donates body after death but some communities have opposed it on religious grounds some believe that our bodies are the property of Allah & we can't donate things belongs to Allah ParasisJarthostra throw dead body as food for vultures. One person's body when donated can help upto two hundred people. 16 people die each day in U.S. because they could not get organ for transplant to prolong their lives. Every religion believes in helping others but some religions are against donating parts of the body. Some believes that in next life you may not get whole body if not burnt as a whole. Organ transplantation is right to benefit people if we can, & wrong to harm. Organ transplant gives opportunity to use resources for beneficial purpose. If resources are wasted we have powerful, moral reasons to avoid wastage. Christianity teaches person may dispose of his body for benefit of others with noble desire to aid the sick & suffering. He can make decision with respect to his own body. If organs of deceased person can help save & improve the life of living person then such transplant is praiseworthy. There will be no shortage of organ if everyone feel to help such person after his death by donating his body. After death which is otherwise will burnt to ashes will be used to nearly 200 people. But problem is donor should not be declared dead prematurely. His death should not be hastened for selling organs & utilize by harming the donor. Donor must be dead before organs are removed from his body. Transplant of organ from living donor another person is more complicated. Person may donate one kidney & still can survive but he shortens his life. because of overloading of work on one kidney. This sacrifice is only out of love. Person cant donate his eye while living & become blind, this impairs bodily function. 111 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Religion supports organ and tissue donor as charitable act of love and gift giving. Buddhist organ donation is matter that should be left to an individual conscience Gyomay, Masao Kubex, Tresiw & founder of Buddha temple of Chicago minister says people who donate their bodies & organs to the advancement of medical science & saving life's. Important is letting ones know your wishes in stress. - Cathotism It is an act of charity fraternal love, & self sacrifice. Transplant are morally & ethically acceptable to Vatican City. Pope Paul II The catholic Church would promote fact that there is a need for organ donors & that christian should accept this as challenge to their generosity & fraternal love so long as ethical principles are followed. Christian Church encourages organ & tissue donation stating that are created for God's Glory & for sharing God's love. A resolution adopted by general assembly encourages member of Christian church disciples of Christ to enroll as organ donor & prayerfully support those who have received an organ transplant. Islam Muslim believe in principle of saving human lives & permit organ transplant as a means of achieving that noble end. Hinduism No prohibition by religion from donating organ in fact mythology of Ganesh where head of elephant was fixed on Ganesh's human body. 1 Jainism has principle of compassion, charity, helping needy, fraternity, Mruduta softners etc. Saving life of others by donating his body organ is helping to needy by charity of organ out of compassion & Karuna. In Jainas great vow is Aparigraha i.e. non-possession theaches not to be greedy if body is also possession then one should not be greedy being possessive & should help by donating body after death. Jainas differs on ground of destiny, laws of Karma theory puts forth nam-karma, physical psychological, Tejas & Vaikriya body build up due to past Karma. So individual is into his current state because of his past deeds & present circumstances are outcome of his past deeds. Due to which one is ill functioned & deprived of certain organ so individual has to suffer the way they are without modifying their current state. Counter argument - Might be it was pre-destined that the individual has to suffer only till that certain period later he has shed of those karmas & now its his destiny to betterment of organs. How hypocrite way to answer the same argument in same manner in different situation. No religion can deny an individual to go for betterment of his life Jaina preaches about non-possiosion means non acceptance & non 112 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ attachment & organ acceptance is attachment towards body & inclination would lead to again rebondage of karmas is spiritual way ot thinking. But practically, scientifically, morally or ethically when your life is in danger towards end or unbearable suffering then there is nothing wrong in accepting organ without harming others. Argument is analytical, same religion preaches that body is vehicle which would lead final goal so if vehicle is efficient enough the journey gets completed at a faster pace so it is not about being attached to body or body oriented behaviour but its about living a better life so that the individual lives his life to the fullest & can have no reasons to be abacked from getting into the route of reaching final goal. Karmabandh - paryaya - one can make best efforts to reach to betterment of life but expectation be lesser & acceptance of whatever fruit comes must be adopted. Its about doing your best to change fullest of efforts with regards getting things done but at the same time not being mentally involved only with that purpose. After all day to day life must also pursue a higher goal of not being involved materialistic world but to fetch our higher spiritual purpose. Also one needs to be aware about the fact that freedom of free will is also acceptable. Thus individual is allowed to decide upon what ever one wishes to do for life or its betterment. Here one can only help the purpose known to have purpose to fetch higher life. For living a stress free & complete fulfilled life physically & to get more benefits from present life so as to serve higher purpose in life to fetch a higher spiritual goal must be the aim of an individual when one decides upon to go for organ transplant is acceptable ethically & morally in religious boundries Jainism has no informative text. Considering nonviolence in organ transplant individuals life is saved would definitely be allowed by not taking such means he is surely harming his own body which can add few more years to life so not accepting organ adding life to him can be called violence to himself or herself. In kidney transplant if donor is relative he is reducing his own life & adding life to recipient is out of affection generally proper kidney match only in near blood relation. If kidney donor is other than family member who is doing this out of poverty for money so in accordance with religion it is reducing life of someone so individual has to be sensitive enough not to be selfish & harm other for sake of self. But in case poor person who is selling his kidney who has no other means to survive. then instead of being selfish one should come forward to help him economically, asking nothing in exchange. 113 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Organ transplant from dead is absolutely acceptable so far as dead one's is used by living individual. Exploitation :- 15 thing organ transplant from living like kidney is harmful to donor as he is reducing his life as one kidney has to function for two & due to overload of function. Kidney failure is nearer means life of kidney is reduced in such case asking kidney to donate at low price is unjustified & exploitation. In one case one brother donated his to his brother out of love & affection or compassion & after few years father lost his both the sons. So question is should living person donate his kidney & die early or face the situation as in above case if not donated one son would have ended his life immediately, if donated after few years both son lost their lives. Such decisions are complex & can be decided on surrounding facts. Truth 1. Fair means through which organs are borrowed can be considered. 2. Doctors bribed in order to get the rare organs without consent of patients must be checked. Greed - Relative's consent given for selling organs for making money out of old or unwanted person to get rid of who is no more useful to them. Non stealing vrata - Precious organs of patients are stolen without consent or knowledge of patient living or nearing death for great amount of money. Jainism restrains from passions like greed attachment, pride, etc. No person has right to take away vital organs of other living being who is not at all aware. He does not know what is happening to him. He is in stage of absolute unawareness & coma. Then removing organ from his body is stealing. Aparigraha - our body is our possession even if it is rented house we have to take proper care of property belonging to others. If you consider body as a vehicle then you cant drive your vehicle rashlessly you have to provide the vehicle proper fuel & proper treatment, repairing as and when it is needed & such repairing by organ transplant or any other genuine means is not at all unacceptable. Acceptance of organ by Monk :Whether monk can accept solid or liquid or any vital organ? In Jainism Monk renounce all worldly possession accept white cloth (three piece). Kamndala for food & water & broom except these allowed articles, he cant accept anything other then food & Medicine. Monks cant go to hospital or clinic or travel by any vehicle. They walk one place to another. So During monkhood Muni or sadhviji can't go - 114 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ for surgery in hospital if only Minor surgeries like cotract or hernia are performed in upasrayas by doctors, which does not require hospitalization. But in unbearable pain, life threatening diseases or in accidental cases if required, if they wish can renounce or break monkhood & acquire again mundane world life & go for surgery as mundane being & not as a monk. After recovery of health & procedure of repentance if they wish can again accept monkhood i.e. After surgery is done if he has recovered fully & able to perform his duties & vratas of monkhood then in that case from mundane life he can again take vow of monks & can become monk. In such cases some sects are very much conservative, some are some what liberal, & some are liberal. But in no case they can accept organic organ transplant. Inorganic transplant like steel is accepted. But with organic organ transplant no such surgery is allowed, monk will prefer to take Samadhi maraon or sallekhana but will not accept blood transfusion or organ transplant. Recently Acarya Tarunsagarji is suffering from brain tumor but he refused to leave monkhood & go for surgery rather he prefer to take Samadhi. Conclusion : At certain moment a doctor will determine, That my brain has ceased to function & that for all intents & purposes my life has stopped, when that happens don't call this my death bed, call it my bed of life & let my body's each & every inch use for giving to many & let me live separately in many units. Give my eyes who has never seen, Colors, rainbow, & blooming flowers. Give my heart to throb, feel, love & joy. Give my blood to soldiers, who fights for nation. Give my kidney to teenager who has yet to see world. Give my bone marrow, who is suffering of leukemia. Give my bones who has broken limbs in accident. Give my liver to those who has pain of liver diseases. Give my pancreas who is suffering from diabetes. Give my brain who is suffering from paralysis. Give my veins in vascular reconstruction to restore blood. Give my tissue to repair limbs & facial defects. Give my bladder to boost muscle tone & reduce leakage Give away every fibre, tissue, vein to make crippled child walk, Explore every corner & use everything for giving life. What is left burn to ashes and spread on land, where heap of flowers grow. 115 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ If you must bury something let it be my faults, my weaknesses unwise prejudices against my dear one. Give my sins to fire to burnt out & my soul to God. If this is done I will live for ever. 1) Organ transplant is for benefiting others life without harming donor or recipient without corrupt means for saving life is always good, ethical, moral spiritual. Helping near ones, dear ones, society by individuals own body is highest & spiritual thinking. But you should be careful in living person to living persons organ transplant. 2) Donor must be true & honest. 3) Administrator of organ or blood institute must be proper & genuine. . Aparigraha would contradict our position. In this view body itself is our possession. It somewhere tresses us to rise above our material body & to stick to all our transcendental true self. Here focus will be soul oriented final goal is self realization & in observing vow of sallekhana one willfully desires to donate his body after death is also accepted as one does not own his body but just dwells in it as a mediator of soul. Jainism says in Acaranga Sutra - 74 - vimuttA hu te jaNA je jaNA pAraNAmiNo lobhamalobhaNa duguMchamANe labdha kAme NAbhigAhaI / 74 / means who has conquered passion by compassion (Karuna) Mruduta softness, Rajuta-straight forwardness, satisfaction (shanti-santosh) etc. have achieved liberation. One who has no attachment to body or greed for longing their life by corruption or harming others will not take organ by bribe-or paying heavy cost for vital organs to poor & for his own sake & put his life in danger or will shorten his life. Vaiya Vachh - To help needy is vow out of twelve vows, external penance according to which helping the needy one who is in need of organ otherwise life of recipient will be in danger of end of life or he may cost his life to give someone life by donating organ is one of the most noble charity. 116 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Death is certain but - Euthanasia Compared to lifeless, living being shown better organization order, motion, reaction to stimulus, development, reproduction physico-chemical constitution, energy relation, dependence on water, continuity, adjustment to environment living experience & sentience. Dead rocks are composed of atoms which are colonies of subatomic organism their components are same i.e. electrons protons, neutrons revolving with tremendous speed round nucleus. Death doesnot spare anyone Death is completion of all problems putting full point to all problems, end of problems. Problems starts with birth & continues Life is valuable because of death. Death values life Death is loss of life sorrow for those who left behind. We experience pain of death of others not of our ownself we can't suffer death of ourselves we can only see the end of life of the person approaching to death nearer gradually. Death means end of all relations. Man may come, & go, the world goes on for ever as it is. It makes no difference to the world, whether one comes or goes. It remains as it is. Coward dies many times, but experience of death can't be experienced twice in one life, & can't be described, as he is no more to describe. Life & death are invariably connected. Even rocks die say geologists. They come into existence live for sometimes & then die or disappear from existence there is very thin line between living and nonliving whatever is in existence is never dies means substance remains constant basic stuff out of which universe is composed remains constant & does not undergo any increase or decrease. Biology too believes that life never comes to end though it experiences mutation in order to evolution. Human life is s part of entire existence & hence the death is nothing more than mere transformation. It is transformation of substance only & not the loss of it Death is unavoidable unescapable, inevitable. According to Kant conscience is pure reason one borns with body, dies with death peterioration belongs to body & not to soul. Death is occasion of mourning, gloomy. We have to face reality which man tends to ignore perhaps he cant embrace a living death. Life & death have perpetual association he who born must die, with birth starts process of death counting every day & lessening of each day from life. How life is ended or how life is passing on with problems, Solving problems, fighting with problems when problem is disease like cancer. it is incurable. Life ends with pain or ended willingly by request. to 117 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ medical doctor is Euthanasia. When psychologically due to frustration, unsuccess, defeat in love, great loss in business, poverty, failure, life is ended willingly is suicide. Sallekhana - a ritual vow which is laudable where there is no desire for life & aim is of moksa. When person is killed by someone is murder. Death is caused by some other person. without or against one's wish is murder. Death is natural which comes naturally accidently unnoticed. Abortion when person is killed in the womb at any stage after conception is killing of human being in has fetus stage inside womb before his development for social reason if fetus is girl child, or pregnancy is by rape or accidental, or unwanted, or for economic purpose, or pregnancy is outcome of pleasure & no commitment is made by parents, or abnormal defective or because of congenital defect means any medical problem is foretold. All such death murder, suiside, Euthanan sallekhana, capital punishment, abortion are killing human being & nothing less than killing. What is Euthanasia? It means "good or happy death" term is often equated with "mercy killing." Euthanasia means easy death, without severe suffering by intervention of medicine, to reduce final agony, for purpose of putting life to an end, or ending suffering, or saving abnormal babies who are mentally ill or incurable,`sick from the prolongation for many years of miserable life which could impose too heavy burden on their families or on society, & may by Euthanasia all the sufferings are eliminated. There is right to life but is there also a right to die? What do we do when right to life conflict as in situation where not everyone's life can be sustained due to scarcity of medical resources? Life is boundaries between life & death. . "Right to life" is violated by self or by others is voluntary or involuntary. E.g. in capital punishment, sallekhana, abortion, selective termination of life in pregnancy, in multiple pregnancy, murder, Euthanasis, mercy killing, in case of infertility in process of GIFT or IVF, cloning, suicide. What is life? Life is from the day of conception after female ova is fertilized by male sex cell sperm called zygote or embryo is potential of becoming human being is ending in death. One is dead when his heart stops beating but people can sometimes be revived from this state so now death should be defined in terms of irreversible loss of all electrical activity in the brain, or it should be defined in terms of irreversible loss of consciousness. It is necessary condition of being 118 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ conscious to be alive. While loss of all brain activity guarantees loss of consciousness. Person incurably in a vegetative state normally have some electrical activity in some part of brain. Taking life is intrinsically wrong & the state of being alive is itself intrinsically valuable. People who are miserable or in great pain without any hope of cure might be better off or dead? Life has value but we feel this destruction only in evils of illness or old age. Value of life changes in different culture, situation & looking at way of suffering & death. Medicine has increased its capacity to cure & to prolong life in particular circumstances give rise to moral problems. To obtain easy death, shortening suffering from serious illness, anxiety of old age or in congenital defects ending life with dignity is social issue. This declaration to die wile meet approval of many people of good will. Most people regard life as something sacred & hold no one can dispose of it at will but preserve & make fruitful. Intentionally causing one's own death or suicide is wrong & crime as murder. Refusing love for self & denial of natural instinct to live is flight from the duties, justice charity towards family, society, & nation. No one & any one can in any way permit the killing of an innocent human being whether fetus, or embryo, or infant or an adult or old person or one suffering from an incurable diseases or a person who is dying. Different kind of death. In abortion or multiple pregnancy or IVF or GIFT life is taken away by woman or parents. In Sallekhana life is taken away or ended voluntarily by giving up food water with spiritual emotions, desire to live is omitted is not accelerating death is vow. In suicide life is ended in frustration, depression, failure in achievements action done by self is psychological factor. In capital punishment life is taken away by state laws by judiciary for committing serious crimes like murder etc. In cloning embryo are used for the betterment of other life organ cloning for saving other adult life or curing diseases or producing full fledged baby. Euthanasia is death by medical doctor is psychological plus medical doctor's advice in extreme situation by concerete action nothing beyond medication, death given on request. No one is permitted to ask for act of killing either ownself or another person entrusted to his or her care or consent to it either explicitly or implicitly. Nor can any authority legitimately recommerd or permit such an action. It is question of divine law an offense against dignity of the human person a crime against right to life & attack on humanity. It may happen that by reason of prolonged & barely tolerable pain for deeply personal reasons people may be led to believe that they can legitimately ask for death or obtain 119 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ it from others. In case of guilt or good faith does not change nature of act of killing. The pleas of gravely ill people who sometimes ask for death are not to be understood as implying a true desire for Euthanasia. In fact it is almost always a case of an anguished plea for help & love. The human & super natural warmth with which the sick person can & ought to be surrounded by all those close to him or her parents, children, doctors, & nurses. Death does not always come in dramatic circumstances after barely tolerable sufferings. Nature itself has made provision to render more bearable at the moment of death separation that would be terribly painful to a person in full health. Hence it is that prolonged illness, advanced old age or a state of loneliness, or neglect can bring about psychological condition that facilitate the acceptance of death. Death is accompanied by severe or prolonged suffering naturally causes people anguish physical suffering is unavoidable element of the human. Everyday is very imp. To protect at moment of death. Right to die don't mean the right to procure death either by one's own hand or by means of someone else as one pleases, but rather to die peacefully with human dignity. Ethical principles pertains to the conscience of sick persons, authorized person or doctor who decide moral obligation & aspects. Everyone has duty to care for his health or seek care for others. Resources are necessary for remedies. One is never obliged to use extraordinary means. If there is no other remedies it is permitted with patients consent to have resources to the means provided by the most advanced medical techniques even if these means are still at experimental stage & are not without certain risk by accepting them. It is also permitted with the patients consent to interrupt these means where the results falls short of expectation with family's consent & competent doctor's consent. Life is gift of God & death is unavoidable. It is necessary that without in anyway hastening the hour of death should be able to accept it with full responsibility & dignity. Death marks the end of our earthly existence but at the same time it opens the door to immortal lifetherefore all must be prepare themselves for this event in the light of human values & faith. Can one be killed against his will ? Can we force anyone to stay alive against his will ? Is right to die is unnatural? Should people be allowed to decide to end their lives whenever they wish? Should the rest of us have to assist them in their decision to die with the same vigor as if the person's right to life were at stake? 120 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ The intentional termination of the life of one human by another is contrary to medical profession. A patient who is dying of incurable cancer of the throat is in terrible pain which can no longer be satisfactorily alleviated. He is certain to die within a few days even if present treatment is continued but he does not want to go on living for those days since the pain is unbearable so he asks the doctor for an end to it & his family joins in the request suppose doctor agrees to withhold treatment as the conventional doctrine says he may. The justification for his doing so is that the patient is in terrible agony & since he is going to die in anyway it would be wrong to prolong his suffering needlessly. If he holds treatment it takes patient longer to die & he may suffer more than he would if more direct acti were taken to end a lethal injection given when once decision is taken not to prolong life & end suffering then active luthanasia is preferable. Doctrine of passive Euthanasia leads to decision concerning life & death made on irrelevant grounds. Now in case of infants with down's syndrome babies lives on the operation to remove an intentinal obstruction is not difficult. Then, why such operations are not performed? If the life of such an infant is worth preserving, what does it matter if it needs a simple operation? What happens to have an unobstructed intestinal tract? Here matter of life & death of being is decided on irrelevant grounds. . . In .active & passive Euthnasia has difference that people think killing someone is morally worse than letting die. In one case one evening child is taking bath & his uncle drowns the child & arrange things to look like accident. In 2nd case one plans that child slip & hit his head & his face fall into water & child drowns by himself accidently he watches him drowning & does nothing. In 2nd case one merely, let the child die. In 1st case one kills the child. Both man acted from same motive is personal gain had same end in view when they acted. In Euthanasia doctors don't involve personal gain or destruct normal healthy child. Doctors are only concerned with patients life has become, or will soon become terrible burden has same moral position in killing & letting die or giving lethal injection. This decision is wrong. If patient in fact is curable then decision is regrettable. Mercy killing - cessation of treatment is intentional termination of life. In passive Euthnasia doctor does nothing but let him die'. When 121 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ doctor gives lethal injection has himself caused patients' death. If he merely ceases treatment, the cancer is the cause of death. "let die" is a kind of action that one may perform by way of not performing certain other action e.g. insulting by not shaking hand but morally it is type of action. Wise, or unwise compassionate or sadistic right or wrong, but motive is there. If doctor deliberately let a patient die who was suffering from a routinely curable illness, the doctor will certainly be blame if he had needlessly killed that patient. Charges against him would then be appropriate & it would be no defense at all for him to insist that he didn't, do anything. He would have done something very serious. Fixing the cause of death may be very important. From legal point of view to determine whether criminal charges are to be brought against him or not. It is considered bad to cause someone's death. Active Euthanasia is condemned in many societies intention or motive behind any crime or killing is examined before any verdict in judicature, or in ethics. Can doctor act of ceasing life prolonging treatment as one involving intentionally bring about death of patient? In Netherland various forms of Euthanasia have been practiced without major difficulties Physician assisted suicide has advantage of keeping things under a physician's scrutiny also gives patient a greater range of autonomy. In Germany physician assisted suicide are succeeded but active Euthanasia is not allowed. Carl Becker debate Buddhist perspective unlike westerners Buddhist don't regard death as an evil, or even as something to be avoided. Buddha has said to have praised certain persons who committed suicide. For Buddhist what is most important is that person be mentally & physically prepared to die then only morally relevant question concerns how these persons can best die with dignity. To keep someone alive who is prepared to die is generally considered inhuman in Japan where Buddhism is very strong. Refusal to save one's life is euthanasia; but when medical resources are scarce & person is refused of medical help is not Euthanasia; as there is no consent. John Harris asks, what would be wrong if one person were killed so that his organs would be used to save two other people who would otherwise die? He argues it may be justified to kill this person & morally unobjectionable for selecting those to be killed in some form of lottery but insoluble to decide who should die in lottery? Euthanasia & physician assisted suicide such practices are condemned by medical profession. Medical ethics are to save life at any cost & fight to save life till last breath. 122 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Great Britain & U.S. legislation pursued to change the law forbidding Euthanasia & P.A.S. but nothing much happened. The laws remained unchanged & medical profession continued to condemn such practices. Halland has already made Euthanasia legally acceptable. State of Oregon has now legalized physician assisted suicide. But not Euthanasia. A voluntary Euthanasia Bill was recently passed in northern territory of Australia. In Euthanasia people die of growing fear of long lingering death or more chronic illness & old age. The AIDS epidemic cases of young people dying miserable deaths as it is noxious & degrading disease turning to suicide to relieve that misery. Those who are not willing to suffer accepts Euthanasia, is cowardness, intolerance, incapability to suffer, lack of courage, which leads person to end his life i.e. suicide, Santhara, Euthanasia etc. It is always wrong for a doctor to kill intentionally even if the patient is suffering & ask for death. There is moral difference between intending to hasten death & forseeing that life will be shortened or between killing & letting die or euthanasia and assisted suicide. Voluntary & involuntary Euthanasia without request. Is life benefit for those in a persistent vegetative state or should their treatment & feeding be stopped? Euthanasia is connected with the way we understand is morally & should legally be permissible. But if voluntary Euthanasia were to be legalized would inevilably lead to involuntary euthanasia & legal possibility of euthanasia will put pressure on those who are old or terminally ill to opt for euthanasia the knowledge that doctor will perform euthanasia will undermine confidence in the medical proession. Euthanasia is implementation of decision that particular individual's life will come to end before it need to do so-a decision that life will end when it could be prolonged. Decision involves in active Euthanasia direct interventions or passive euthanasia withholding of life prolonging measures.If decision coincides with individuals, own wishes and he has consciously & expressively approved the decision of is voluntary Euthanasia. When individual concerned does not know about the decision & has not consciously & expressly approved it in advance is non voluntary euthanasia. Tony Bland's (foot ball team of Liverpool) brain was damaged & he became permanently & irrevocably unconscious resulting condition was persistent vegetative state. A state in which he was doomed to remain indefinitely without hope of recovery which is not fatal so long as feeding is maintained & can remain alive for 30+ years. They asked English court to declare that it should be lawful for medical staff to 123 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ withdraw feeding and other life sustaining measures so that he would die. Tony Bland had permanently ceased to have a life in any meaningful sense. A person is a creature capable of valueing its own existence. Persons who want to live are wronged by being killed because they are thereby deprived of something they value. Persons who don't want to live are not on this a/c wronged by having their wish to die granted through voluntary euthanasia. Non-persons or potential persons can't be wronged in this way because death does not deprive them of anything they can value. If they can't wish to live, they can't have that wish frustrated by being killed. Creatures other than persons can be harmed by causing gratuitous suffering. The morality of ending their lifes will have to take a/c of wishes & interest of others. The individual is said to have come into existence when the egg is 1st differentiated or sperm that will fertilise that egg. This individual will gradually move from being potential or a pre-person into actual person. When he/she becomes capable of valucing his/her own existence & if she/he permanently loses capacity of valucing he/she will ceased to be a person? The harm you do in taking a life is harm of depriving somecone of something that they can value. But you may also be wrong to those who care about them & those who value life intrinsically. Harm of ending life- Is harm to individual. Harm of depriving that individual of something that they value & want them. Voluntary euthanasia will not be wrong is view prioritizing the individual's autonomy & liberty to pursue may be termed as liberal view of euthanasia, abortion & experiment on embryo are after cast in the terms of value of life There is 1) Respect for life 2) respect of their welfare 3) good wishes 4) intrinsic value of their lives & interest. Our own choices, decisions, preferences helps to make us what we are. - Each can shape value, confirm & modify their character & can develop & understand ourselves. So autonomy as the ability and freedom to make choices shape our lives. We need welfare in terms of health, freedom from pain, mobility, shelter, nourishment. .. Nature itself makes an investment in terms of time, trouble, & natural resources when life is created & such creations are most valuable. These investment increases in linear way as the life continues & investment of other people who invest time, effort & resources in creating & sustaining that life. On these views Euthanasia & abortion is wrong. Squandering this natural & human investment people who prioritise the natural contribution 124 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ may believe that prolonging the life of patient who is riddled with disease or no longer conscious does nothing to help realize the natural wonder of human life that nature's purposes are not served when plastic suction & chemistry keeps heart beating in a lifeless mindless body, a heart that nature on its own would have stilled. There are many hearts which beat today with pacemaker, with transplant of heart or other vital organs, or aid of antibiotics which nature on its own would have stilled. The death of adolescent girl is worse than death of infant girl because it frustrates the investment made in her life, ambitions, expectations, plans & projects, love & interest, emotional involvement. In my view investment criteria is wrong, Every life has equal right to life & when question of life comes policy of businessman attitude measuring the life in terms of investment, profit, loss. Usefulness of person, costs, is unjustified. We must try to save each & every life, without seeing its use, intellect age. Problems of Euthenasia is the tragedy of premature & unwanted deaths of thousands of people in society who die for want of medical & other resources or who are allowed to die or are killed because others believe their lives are not worth sustaining. An idle & perverse arrogance to frustrate the wishes of those who want to die or to preserve the indefinitely the lives of those who have irrevocably lost personhood. When the wishes of people who don't want to die are consistently, callously disregarded. The Dutch medical profession & civil authorities define euthanasia as killing at the request of the person killed is voluntary Euthanasia. Where person killed is not capable of either making or refusing to make such request is non-voluntary Euthansia. Where person killed is capable of making such a request but has not done so is involuntary euthanasia is deliberate killing of person. Killing by use of techniques or instrumentalities for hastening death & killing by omitting to supply sustenance or treatment for the decisions & intent to terminate life. In Nazi Euthanasia was any killing carried out by medical means or medically qualified personnel whether intended for the termination of suffering or the burden or indignity of a life not worth living or for some more evidently public benefit such as eugenies racial purity & hygiene or minionising the waste of resources on useless mouth. Racist eugenies are condemned though one comes across discreet allusions to the burden & futility of sustaining the severely mentally handicapped. Some sort of lifes are not worth living or demeans the 125 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ patients dignity & maintaining it insults that dignity, proper respect for the patient & the patients best interests requires that life be brought to an end. Life is terminated on ground that it would be better for him doing so would be beneficial by alleviating human suffering or burdens whether proposal arises within or outside the context of medical care. Select committee on medical ethics-unanimously rejected any proposal to cross the line which prohibits any intentional killing which we think it essential to preserve. 1. Prohibition of intentional killing is corner stone of law & social relations. 2. Understanding of nature & importance of intention rightness or wrongness of administering analgesics or sedatives in the knowledge that dose will be both to reliese pain & to shorten life depends not upon the intention with which the medication is admistered & only upon the comparative value of the respective outcomes. The professional judgement of the health care team can be exercised to enable increasing doses of medication to be given in order to provide relief even if this shortens life. In some cases patients may in consequence die sooner than they would otherwise have died, this is not the view a reason for withholding treatment that would give relief. The doctor's intention & evaluation of the pain & distress suffered by the patient are of crucial significance in judging double effect. If this intention is the relief of pain or 'severe distress of treatment given is appropriate to that end, then the possible double effect should be no obstacle to such treatment being given choosing to kill with drugs in order to relieve than of their pain & suffering & choosing to kill someone of their pain & by giving drugs in a dosage determined by the drugs capacity for the pain relief forseeing that the drug in the dosage will cause death in 3 days. The former choice is legally & morally murder in mitigating circumstances. Latter may still legally culpable not by virtue moral & legal norm which excludes intentionally terminating life. Distinction between what is intended as means or end & what is accepted as a side effect don't depend upon whether side effect is desired or undesired, welcomed or accepted with reluctance someone welcomes death as it involves as end to misery or is envisaged as the gate of heaven what one intends / What one accepts there is free choice. Real problem of euthanasia is the tragedy of the prematured & unwanted deaths of thousands in every society who die for medical 126 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ resources & deliberately treating intention to kill as irrelevant. Money can always buy life. Saving resources almost everyone who spends money on anything other than such resources is deciding to kill & killing. 1)Decision that particular individuals life will come to an end would be taken in good faith. 2) Decision to bring an individuals life to an end 3) Decision executing a choice or intention to terminate life. Demand of Euthanasia is wrong for some as it involves the frustration of critical interests, but because it is simply a form of tyranny an attempt to control the life of a person who has his/her own autonomous views about how that life should go. The evil of tyranny does not require explication in terms of the nature of sanctity of life but rather in terms respect for person & their autonomy. Why it is wrong to admister pain killing drugs for the purpose of relieving pain & no way intending to kill but knowing that the dosage is liable to kill someone who might otherwise recover from their illness. It can be perfectly reasonable to feel that death would be a welcome relief for someone suffering from hopeless debility or illness or from intense & interactable pain & to wish for that relief from suffering which death promises to bring. It can't be reasonable to form judgement that all things considered this person will be better off dead or the world would be better off it this person were dead or this person is someone who should die Nor can it be reasonable to rely upon that judgement. Religion has strong views leave the Question of life & death in the hands of Almighty; Euthanasia is encroachment on Almighty's right for men to dispose of their own lives. The law is not in effect, the codification of the will of people when there is tension between legal verdict & people's thinking then it is time to rethink to reconsider the law. To consider ethical, legal & clinical implication of a person's right to withhold consent to life prolonging treatment & the position of persons who are no longer able to give or with hold consent. To consider whether & in what circumstances actions that have as their intention or a likely consequence the shortening of another person's life may be justified on the grounds that they accord with that person's wishes or that person's best interest. Passive Euthanasia is allowing an incurably ill patient to die eventhough medical intervention would postpone the death. While in voluntary Euthanasia deliberate action is taken to shorten an incurably ill patients 127 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ life at the patients steadfast request & involuntary Euthanasia where the justification of the act is not the patients wish but it is judged by others to be in the patients best interest. Voluntary euthanasia & involuntary euthanasia is supported by different arguments. In voluntary euthanasia choice is there & confine to entirely to medical help to die given at the patients considered & enduring request. Nazi misuse word euthanasia to mean the destruction of handicapped people regardless of their wishes led to widespread avoidance of the word. * John Dawson said the word euthanasia is hopelessly overloaded with emotional connotation British society continued to use voluntary euthanasia in its original greek derived sense of gentle death & means of bringing about voluntary & involuntary euthanasia. British society was 1st New York abandoned word. euthanasia in favour or choice in dying. Australians & Newzealanders call their analogous society which make up world federation of 'Right to die' societies. Many people flinched at the stigma attaching to death by suicide & extra grief this will cause their since it is criminal affence to aid abet caused or procure a suicide the death must be accomplished alone & a availed & for many this is no longer physically possible. Group of doctors filed a suit in Washington declaring that the denial of physician assisted suicide was unconstitutional since it discriminated against those unable to act for themselves. In Germany Switzerland & Sweden aiding a suicide is not crime & doctor can provide appropriate drugs to an incurably ill patients though not admister them. In Australia Bill has been prepared which would allow doctors similar powers. Newzealand & Britain court have treated leniently friends who provided assistance to incurably ill & suicidal patient. Legalising the assistance of suicide in Britain might be more acceptable to the medical profession then making it legally possible for them to participate directly in the action that bring about death. Most philosophers agree that allowing to die & helping to die are morally equivalent behaviour. For the doctor in that both recognise that gentle death is the only remaining good thing that can happen to this patient whether the doctor then expediates death by action or inaction, does not affect moral quality or responding to the recognition. 128 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ A institute of medical ethics said, "A doctor acting in good conscience is ethically justified in assisting death if the need to relieve intense & unceasing pain or distress caused by an incurable illness greatly out weights the benefit to the patient of further prolonging his life." Many doctors find feeling of reluctance to do it. They find that the practice is intuitively wrong is against their profession. Only God can give or take life we cant play God or nature's role must take its course then whole medical practice could be defined as one long struggle to prevent as in birth control contraception Nature taking its course but is laudable that are made to restore health those hovering on the brink of death. In voluntary Euthanasia patient is decision maker But in Britain tradition It has been for the doctor to decide, Doctor orders rather than advice, this give rise to the frequent assertion but voluntary euthanasia will inevitably lead to involuntary euthanasia. We shall start by putting patient away because they are in intolerable pain & haven't long to live any way & we shall end up by putting them away because its Friday night & we want to get away for week-end. Action of this kind without the patients explicit request would continue to be outside law. Netherland is only country whose medical profession & courts have openly recognized the widespread desire for the avaibility of voluntary euthanasia & by means of ease law developed agreed guidelines for its careful practice. Intentional termination of life of human being is contrary to medical profession & American medical association (AMA) (AMA) maintains that people have a right to die with dignity so it is morally permissible for a doctor to allow someone to die if that person wants to & is suffering from an incurable illness causing pain that can't be sufficiently alleviated the AMA is unwilling to countenance active Euthanasia. Patient dying of an incurable diseases accompanied by unretivible pain wants to end his prolong miserable existence why doctor can stop treatment on request but cant provide lethal dose? Answer is patient has right to refuse treatment No one can legally compel you to undergo treatment doctor can't force patient to take treatment forceably. If one has right to refuse life prolonging treatment then consistency demands that one have th right to decide to end his or her life & to obtain help in doiong so. Idea is right to refuse treatment implies right to voluntary euthanacasia Right to refuse treatment has been considered by legal writers as an right to privacy or right to bodily self determination. You have the right to decide what happens to your own body & right to 129 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ refuse treatment is an instance of that right to your body as you are to suffer unbearable pain, others are just watchers. So its you, who decides that you want to suffer pain any more or just end by ending life. You have right to decide what happens to your own body & to determine what you should do? Should you have right to choose to end your life & agony, or to get help in doing so? Right to refuse treatment is not same as right to voluntary euthanasia even if both can be derived from the right to body, self determination right to refuse treatment is not right to die. Administer therapy as long as patient responds .well & has the potential for a reasonably good quality of life but when all feasible therapies have been administered & patient shows signs of rapid delerioration. The continuation of therapy can cause more discomfort than the cancer, surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy relieving pain & condition stabilize & he could gain some good time. Confucious treating body is gift from heaven & from one's parents must be buried whole & never cut. Why not to be permitted Euthanasia? 1. Patient don't always receive adequate pain & symptom & their families adequate psychological & practical support. 2. Hope is essential part of hospice palliative care & stretches for beyond cure & survival. 3. desire to end suffering pain are generally associated with transient mood, disorder, depressive by illness or delirium. 4. Careful evaluation is necessary whenever a patient expresses suicide thought. 5. allowing nature to take its course & not intervening with heroic measures is good practice medically & ethically. but practivally it is not always right. 6. Many elderly people are concerned that legalized euthanasia would exert subtle & not so subtle pressure on them to get out of the way. Euthansia even if voluntary is wrong & is against religious, moral, intellectual & spiritual ground. Hope is essential part of hospice care while there is life there is hope & where there is hope there is life. Hope can be defined as expectation achieving a goal. Passive Euthanasia withdrawal of life support, acting & doing nothing facilitates the persons death. Daniel Callham define Euthanasia means direct killing of a patient by a doctor by means fo lethal injection. This definition does not include voluntary euthanasia even if one's intention is precisely the same as one kills person to enable to escape from suffering that he is undergoing. 130 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 2nd case where doctor administers a dose of Morphine it is known will cause death via respiratory failure do not classified as Euthnasia since killing is not direct Doctor's intention is to relieve the pain and not to kill. Even though doctor knows the action will kill the patient. 3rd case person is not greatly ill but suffering greatly from pain that can't be relieved is not euthanasia. This definition seems ill-advised in extreme where terminally, ill patient is allowed to die indicates indirect killing of a terminally ill person to die is morally unproblematic & are morally permissible but direct killing of a terminally ill is morally wrong. Arguments Voluntary active euthanasia & assisted suicide are not morally wrong. 1. If person is suffering considerable pain due to incurable illness & death is in their own interest than committing suicide is also in person's own interest. Assisted suicide & voluntary euthanasia are never morally permissible. If a person is suffering considerable pain due to an incurable illness then person's death be in his interest than committing suicide is also in persons own interest. Person commits suicide when he is frustrated. Assisted suicide & voluntary euthanasia are never morally permissible. If a person is suffering considerable pain due to an incurable illness then person's death be in his interest than committing suicide is also in his own interest catholic church holds suicide, masturbation, premarital sex activity homosexual sex & use of contraceptive within marriage are moral sins. Committing suicide also satisfy condition, it neither violates anyone elses right nor wrongs to anyone or it does not make the world a worse place ending life will not only end one's own suffering but also end the emotional suffering experienced by those who love one, so ending life will make the world a better place not a worse one. What do we do when rights to life conflict as in situations where not everyone's life can be sustained due to scarcity of medical resources? Those who demand the right to die are opposed to that the right to life is too precious to be compromised scarce medical resources also involve the right to life since when not all can be saved. If one can be killed against one's will or if one can be forced to stay alive against one's will or if one an be forced to stay alive against one's will then autonomy does not amount to much Is not the right to die in some sense unnatural? Should people allow to decide to end their lives whenever they wish? Should rest of us should assist in their decision? Who should be saved? 131 For Personal & Private Use Only -
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________________ 62 year old hospital administrator had a lymphoma which didn't respond well to chemotherapy, disease spread, one day he said to stop taking chemotherapy and asked oncologist to kill him. He was in much agony. He was exhausted & depressed & asked for lethal drug to get out of misery. He cant kill himself. Suffering, expenses, & burden on his family & medical care he felt ashamed & embarrassed by his dependence. He & oncologist began to discuss comfort rather than cure patient began to feel more optimistic as his fever erythema & pruritus. He fell stronger, slept better eat solid food for one month & readmitted with pneumonia deteriorated rapidly & died latter. Psychological well being is impossible if patient is trouble by severe physical symptoms. 2nd case An old man was dying from disseminated being cancer his symptoms were well controlled & he asked he could go home & die. His four children refused to take care in name of humanity there house was empty & nothing was saved, Everything was lost in cost of treatment Persistent Vegetative State (PVS) condition of drastically impaired consciousness patient has periods of wakefulness & sleep in coma patients are in sleep like condition. African perspective an older patients life is valued over that of younger patient & where both can't be saved older must be saved is (investment). In west favour young Equality also is highly valued is true in form of lottery such as 1st come 1st served basis as values need or equality ahead of usefulness. When gender race & class debate-one is male white wealthy & one is female poor or both female & not white who will obtain scarce resource? Active & passive Euthanasia is thought to be crucial medical ethics withhold treatment & allow patient die is never permissible. The intentional termination of the life of one human being by another-mercy killing - is contrary to that for which the medical profession stands & is contrary to policy of American Medical Association. A patient who is dying of incurable cancer of the throat is in terrible pain which can no longer be satisfactorily alleviated is certain to die within few days even if present treatment is continued he does not want to go on living for those days since the pain is unbearable so he ask doctor for an end to it & family joins in request suppose doctor argues to withhold treatment as conventional says he may justify in doing so as that patient is in terrible agency & since he is going to die in any way it would be wrong to prolong his suffering needlessly. Withholding treatment take patient longer to die & he may suffer more, than if direct action were taken & lethal injection given. Once the 132 . For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ initial decision not to prolong his agony, active Euthanasia is preferable. & also contrary to humanitarian impulse. Another case - Eight months after cancer was dignosed. After 6 months doctor had indicated that he would die a painful death in less than 3 months. He wrote after cancer was diagnosed his health deteriorated rapidly he was bed-bound by pain & weakness having been drink only water for six weeks. He felt desparate, isolated, & frightened & at that time he wished, euthanasia to be administered. He knew his death is in evitable out after coming under the care his pain has been relieved completely. His ability to enjoy life restored & fears of an agonizing end allayed. He is still alive to day. His weight & strength have increased since treatment made it possible to eat normally & living full life worth living. This case convince that even if voluntary Euthanasia is fundamentally wrong religiously, morally, intellectually. Two extremes of dying in agony & being killed don't exhaust the possiblelities for sticken patient hope is essential. If confidence is lost, if psychologically you are broken, your mind & heart is broken & it is intolerant. If sympathy hope of friends relative doctors have lost then patient becomes more vulnerable & ask for death. Today Cancer, AIDS such dangerous diseases can be cured medical science has developed many techniques medicines which can conquer the diseases but it requires confidence, hope for life love, compassion, of relatives, faith of attending doctor, you should not be desperate & have faith pain is never tolerable we should fight with death till last moment. Surrounding atmosphere, environment creates ray of hope in patients life. There is moral difference between not doing something to assist someone or doing something that causes someone harm even if harm is unintended side effect. "Allowed to die", "letting die", can be relative by slow & painful where as being given lethal injection is relatively quick & painless In U.S. 600 babies born with Down's syndrome some born with only usual padiatric care they will proceed to normal infancy some are born with congenital defects such as intiatinal obstruction that require operation if they are alive sometimes parents & doctors decide not to operate & let the infant die when surgery denied & try to keep the infants from suffering while natural forces sap the babies life watching a salvageable baby die to the most emotionally exhausting experience dehydration & infection wither a tiny baby for hours is terrible ordeal for doctors & staff. This is reason people oppose Euthanasia or favour destroying 133 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ babies or patient quickly & painlessly why anyone should favour letting hydrate & infection wither tiny being & may not be given injenction that would end to life without suffering seems so patently cruel as to require no further refutation operation to remove an intestinal obstruction is not prohibitively difficult why such operation are not performed reason is doctor & parents judge that it is better for the child to die. If life of such an infant is worth preserving what does it mater if it needs a simple operation? Matter of life here is decided on irrelevant ground & so doctrine must be rejected killing is worse then letting die doctors has no personal gain only concerned with patients & has only. & unanitarian ground. Two provisos 1. It is patient who at his own free will, will make an explicit & deliberate request for euthanasia. 2. Doctor must check the diagnosis. ' 3. Patient refusal of further life prolonging treatment. :: The dying patient & his doctor are central figure in voluntary euthanasia but we must not forget the welfare of the surviving family the dignity of their relative's chosen death. Decisions about medical treatment & the end of life are more complicated such decisions are now more frequent more difficult & widely debated then past.' Reason is advance in medicine & application of medical technology as a result patients live longer where in past would have died at earlier stage of their illness. Medicine has overcome many life threatening condition, more & more population are surviving longer & facing the chronic degeneration condition which old age may bring. The social implication. This are enormous. Since to care adequately for the resulting large no. of sick & elderly patient is difficult & costly. . For some too old age may entail a weariness of living & wish not to have life prolonged by medical means. Some people can't accept that their lives could continue to have meaning & value if overtaken by serious illness, disability & dependence. Question is whether deliberate can ever be justified by will of person killed or by intention to be merciful? When it is appropriate to discontinue or not to initiate medical treatment? To avoid misunderstanding we set terms & meaning attached euthanasia means nothing more then gentle & easy death or deliberate intervention undertaken with express intention of ending life to reduce intractable suffering. Passive euthanasia the withdrawal or withholding of some treatment necessary for the continuance of killing letting die in certain circumstances 134 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ patient ill with cancer & expected to die very shortly so withdrawing or not initiating or treatment limiting, administering pain killer or sedative drugs for relief as patient or severe distress. Knowledge of probable consequence of prescription is a shortening of the patients life is incorrect it is double effect. Voluntary Euthanasia death brought about by his own request. Non Voluntary Euthanasia killing him who does not have capacity to understand what is euthanasia & can't form 'request. In voluntary Euthanasia - competent to request but does not do so. In competent patient may be the result of mental illness or handicap, may be conscious, but unable to make or communicate a decision or may be unconscious advanced dementia. Assisted suicide - a competent patient has formed a desire to end his life but required help to perform the act because of physical disability is physician assisted suicide. Assistant might be lethal dose of drug for patient to swallow. Advance directive living will document executed while patient is competent. Proxy decision maker - some who is appointed to make decision on behalf of someone who is unable to make decision for him. Decision about medical treatment may be made by doctor in patients best interest. Terminal illness - An illness which is inevitably progressive the effect of which can't be reversed & which will inevitably result in death within few months. Irrevesible condition cerebral palsy or spinabifide which is not progressive & does not lead to death. Chronic progressive disease - Rhematoid arthritis or multiple sclerosis in which early death is not inevitable though deterioration is. Deliberate killing is criminal offence. Killing to relieve suffering is deliberate killing with a merciful motive should not be murder but a new offence mercy killing should be created. Offence of murder.embraces deliberate killing which vary enormously in their character vary in degree of moral gift. Difference in Murder & mercy killing - has cross line which prohibits intentional killing. In murder motive is revenge, anger, aggression, greed wealth, agony jealous. In murder no consent or voluntariness while in mercy killing motive is pure to help the person to reduce his suffering the person killing gains nothing. He is not benefiting in any way in ending the sufferers life. Murder is attack on person while mercy killing is gentle death committed by assistance. All life belong to god so destruction of anyone's life violetes God's right to life. Difference in Euthanasia & suicide - Sucide is committed by failure in life when person is frustrated in life by, poverty, illness, unsuccess. Failure in love, business, or any goal or examination person by himself in disparity end his life: 135 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ While in Euthanasia it is not failure but disease like AIDS, Cancer, which are irrevocatable & his life is in danger in near future he is going to die in few days or months he requests doctor to end his life or stops taking medicaments or life support system due to economic condition poverty who are unable to bear the cost of hospitalization end their as otherwise also their life is valueless & full of agony, pain & suffering. Pain due to incurable illness & death is in their own interest committing suicide is also in persons own interest it neither violates anyone else's right nor wrongs to anyone it does not make world worse place but it is wrong to assist suicide. Difference in Euthanasia & Sallekhana :;' Both aims at ending the life. Both are intentional killing. In both there is consent & both are voluntary. Euthanasia is compassion - motivated, it is deliberate rapid-& painless termination of life. Someone afflicted with an incurable & progressive disease his life is ended by lethal injections or by stoping medical treatment. Euthanasia refer to any action where person is intentionally killed or allowed to die because it is believed that the individual would be better off dead than alive or else as when one is in irreversible coma at least no worse off what action morally acceptable & legally permitted? In voluntary euthanasia person undergoes has requested. In Sallekhana also person took vow requests & has feeling of detachment towards world. In both willingness to end life is there but in non-voluntay Euthanasia person is unable to indicate whether or not he wants to under go euthanasia e.g. person in coma who is permanently unconscious state or infants. In passive euthanasia withdrawal of life support acting & doing nothing. In Sallekhanan person concentrates his mind & body in religious mantras he not only stops medicament but also stops taking food & water. In both when patient is ill or due to old age life is burden. Only difference there is that Salleckhana is on religious ground allowed by consented by ascetic. Acharya Muni, euthanasia is assisted by doctor. What is Sallekhana? - Sallekhana is penance when soul realizes truth determines to end & liberate itself, tries to curb the influx of Karmas by disciplining and controlling its mental, vocal, & bodily activity purify by giving up all passions, worldly pleasures, No stealing, No violence, no indulgence in physical pleasure No greed no harming others, No desires, No hopes, No pain, No name, no fame, No to everything except spiritual elevation. Even no food, no water, no welcome to death No desire of breath, a vow taken for fast unto death is Sallekhana, which is laudable. 136 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Fast is religious practice, discipline, process of self purification, elevation of self spiritually morally, physically, & mentally. Vow of Sallekhana is observed differently in different sects. In Euthanasia there is no religious sect or schism but different culture who has born has definite death, no one on earth can change the cycle of birth-old age-death. You cant borrow purchase smuggled lien or steal a single breath cessation is certain you can improvise or liberate the soul by spirituality doing mentorious deeds by elevating soul achieve highest perfection. Jainism describe seventeen types of death while in MulacaraKundkundacarya has described three kinds of death. Pandit Marana where person dies in shukla dhyan; is Salekhana. In Salekhana body is tortured by hunger, heat, thirst, cold considering body is not belonging to you. In Hindus jala samadhi, fire Samadhi or earth Samadhi & in Buddhist Samadhi in some by strangling in a care to achieve god brahma or liberation has many times challenged in court of law. Death is uninvited, unprectable, uncertain, unnoticed reach at any time any moment without saying so. Vow of Sallekhana is taken when one is in calamity or femine or unable to get food & water or suffering from incurable disease when it is impossible to save his life.or when he knows his life is very near to death or old age on seeking permission from Guru voluntarily accepts death. In tathvarth Sutra of umaovati's commentary by sukhlalji has enumerated custums called Kamalpuja, bhairava puja, jalsamadhi, fire Samadhi etc. there is gross appearance of destruction of life. All acts are similar differ only from one another as mental feeling actuating them. There is no material aspiration or other greed mere impulse of devotion or mere tendency to surrender them. A situation where in Sallekhana no impulse or greed is present only feeling of devotion built up on basis of metaphysics. Jainas devotion is aimed at not surrendering oneself before someone, or pleasing someone else but mere self purification. Thus refined version of the various old established religious customs involving a destruction of one's own life a vision devised for the sake of fulfilling the aim, is in Question in Jain sect. When end of life appears to be drawing near for certain is the case in both sallekhana & Euthanasia. When religion or other duties are in danger perishing through non observance when no sort of vicious meditation is present there at all. 137 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Socratis great philosopher while consuming poison as punishment of death in Greece said to his followers who were crying, "Friends soul is eternal, this poison is not going to do anything wrong to my soul, the which will die is body which is otherwise also perishable is made of five elements why we should have craze for this body. This body will die but truth for which I struggled whole life is not going to destroy. It will spread more after my death so don't cry". Person who has used his every moment like lotus he will not fear of death. Everybody- Has to die one day. You have to use every moment of life for you or for others well-being Life achieved is not to die before the death knocks your door. In Jainas vaiya Vachh-means rendering service to others, help others who are needy, charity or helping others & not harming your neighbour is in even in Christianily. Islam, Hindus every religion talks about charity, helping, not hurting, render services to needy etc. Way out of world is not ending your life help yourself don't leave hope & lead your life with human dignity. .. Tolerance & to face the truth & calamity with courage is another principle given by Jainism or any other religion. According to Jainism or Indian philosophy or Hindu religion miseries are given by God or by your previous Karmas & you have to shed your karmas by suffering its fruits, so euthanasia is wrong & unjustified because progress is not in inviting death & running away from pain & miseries but heroic step is face the calamities & come out of it struggle & effort done towards progressing with tolerance by action, motion dynamics & not in static death. Every individual's progress is national progress which lies in work. Work for fifteen hours will lead nation on the way to progress development. Great philosopher Plato & Aristotle criticize this kinds of death by inviting it as an act of cowardice judiciary it is an offence against state. Mahaprasthana, sati, Jauhar, kamalpuja, Agnisamadhi, Jala Samadhi, to go on top of the mountain & falling down, salleckhana all acts are for the devotion of God & with spirituality with permission, decision taken in peace. Buddhist condemn suicide but surrender culminating in death was held in great honour is many Buddhist countries. Christianity also forbids suicide in ten commandments. Thou shall not kill, neither thyself and not another. Life & death are natural cycle of life. One who had born is going to die one day. One has to take effort to break this cycle of birth & death which-are two ends of our life. Every Indian religion has shown 138 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ path to salvation. When death is before your eyes one if desires to elevate his soul has to leave all passions, worldly pleasures, do penance to control desires like anasana, unodari, vritsanskep, Rastyag for purity of food, kayaklesh, & steadiness for purifying his body, repentance, respect elders, help needy, spiritual study scriptures etc. for mind's purity & kayostsarg & meditation for souls purity vitrag feelings reciting navkar mantra willing to get happy death without tears boldly ready for the next journey from this perishable body. Forgive all & forget all with friendly feelings for all, knowing that soul & body are different. Soul has rented this body for some time which is over agreement is ended. So what is going to follow him should be worshipped, good deeds only going to follow soul nothing else. Euthanasia is not on spiritual ground but is on ground of economic or unbearable suffering, pain, agony in incurable disease or old age or defamation in disease like AIDS. Both differ in motive & feelings for ending life. Similarity is only that goal in both or result in both conditions are end of life. Body is made up of cell unit. In sallekhana if you end life by not providing food water you are killing millions of cells which are living, & each cell unit by combining forms organ & then system when you don't take food & water each cell gets srunken & dies. Is this not killing of living organism- a microorganism-one sensed Jivas. To elevate your soul you are killing millions of micro-organism in rented body which is not yours. Sallekhana is religious thought Euthanasia is practical life. Sallekhana is to break the cycle of rebirth & achieve liberation with pious motive. Euthanasia is to break pain agony suffering section 309 of Indian penal code says an attempt to commit suicide is an offence punishable by law. In I.P.C. also gives punishment for death occurred in case of accident but considering no motive behind it punishment is less. But every killing intentionally or unintentionally with motive or without motive every life taking action is punishable under law. Only punishment differs according of to gravity of crime, motive, negligence or intention behind it by weighing circumstances & guilt. A law is rule of conduct for society & religion is also for good in society. Indian constitution guarantees right to life saying "No person shall be deprived of his life or personal liberty". In Tattyarth Sutra Pujyapada says, "A person who kills himself by means of poison, weapon swayed attachments, aversion, commits suicide. But he who practices holy death is free from desire anger and delusion hence not suicide. 139 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ But when you take vow of Sallekhana. you know that leaving food & water will end his life. Or by this vow you will achieve salvation. So without intending intention is there, motive is there, to end life for good in his next life. So it is not desireless but with desire. It is voluntary & when after taking vow you don't allow to break the vow then it becomes involuntary ending of life. When you are eating food & drinking water & breathing air of this world to get life you should give back something to the world by your effort, work according to your capacity & ability till death occurs. Life & death are natural process & we should not intervene. Sallekhaha Euthanasia & suicide all three are voluntary due to weaknesses, old age or disease, with spiritually. or due to suffering suicide is not dignified while Sallekhana is dignified & respectful. If sallekhana is laudable why vow is taken in weak circumstances like no one cares, who is suffering of incurable disease or burden to family because of old age unable to do their function or to earn name fame & attention of public. If person has all the happiness, worldly pleasure, health, wealth, respect, care, love, amenities to fun & joy will never think of sallekhana. Begger has nothing to detached from his life it will be real detachment when you have everything & you are getting detached from it is true spirituality. To be loyal to your work is spirituality to be lazy & lethargic a static situation is loss to you your family & your nation so live & do something till your last breath. Don't loose the game try again & again & win. Don't return back from journey, continue till end of life with effort & result will be success. Spiritual goal should be effort & not ending life. If you take vow of sallekhana because of incurable disease & after taking vow you recovers your disease is cured & you are willing to break the vow & discontinuance is objected is wrong as he is not willing to end his life and so it is killing. Whatever may be the intention or motive behind the death disappointment, frustration, emotional or sentimental loss, love affair, depression, disgrace, failure, sickness, old age may be voluntary with or without permission for good or bad religious back ground, devotion, elevation, of soul. Spirituality, gradually or hastily with impulse or non impulsive for self purification or ending of suffering, gradually or hastily actively or passively net result is destruction of life where decision taken because of momentary temporary Vairagya in unstable mind. You name it as cowardice, pious, heroic, holy, spiritual, religious, deginified or undignified there is prior ending of life before death. 140 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Old chess champion belonging to Hydrabad Vyanklesh was willing to end his life voluntarily but he could not full fill his desire of "Mercy Killing". This thought was originated by Gandhiji in 1928, when he killed a calf by giving poisonous injection through a doctor. It was major subject of discussion. Many institution dealing with Jivadaya panjarapole raise great opposition on this issue condemn as act of cruelty In Ahmedabad Poet Nanalal Dalpatrai in his chairmanship of public conference Gandhiji was called And Gandhiji made statement, "that even if my son or my relative would have been suffering from such life taking disease where there is no hope for his life being saved then I would have done the same thing". Vyanketesh was suffering from his childhood muscular destrophy a horrible discase so that he has to remain in bed for his life time with support of artificial breathing his mind was not working although he was conscious. He requested doctors to remove life saving instruments & "let him die" Doctors showed laws of ethics & vow taken by them & refused to do so then he applied in court that he is willing to die & wants to donate his body. But in India there was "that no parts of the body can be removed from living body" is existing even today but in changed definition that when heart & breath is active till that time man is living & organs could not be removed but now if brain stops working but heart is working then liver kidney can't be removed according to law of cardevar transplant act has been enacted. But in case of Vyanktesh his brain was working so mercy killing or organ transplant. According to act of cardevar transplant Act, lawfully was illegal till his brain stops working it was not possible. In mercy killing & voluntary death line of differtiation is very thin. When patient is unconscious & unaware of everything disgusted of his disease, frustrated lost firm life & gets desire ending his life is voluntary death but Question is, is he powerful enough to declare his wish to end his life or relative who is tired of taking his care of now is burden for them so it is relative's wish & forces the patient to declare wish of dying voluntarily who will come to know? Person who is on dead bed is weakened having no energy to oppose will be ready to sign paper as there is no way for him. How one can know whether it is patients own real wish? Even if patient is voluntarily willing to die can we give him such right? Whether he should be encouraged? Or we should give him ray of hope? A ray of hope can be some times a miracle happens & he will be recovered & his life will be saved doctor patients & relatives should not leave the hope till ast moment & not let him die before death. 141 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ On one hand religion believes in no violence even by mind, speech, & body even micro-organion. On other hand how can we end life voluntarily with whatever may be the Motive? There are millions of parasites, nigodh jivas & living cell in the body. Our constitution has not given "right to die". Whatever may be the motive person can not take his own life voluntarily. How relatives, doctors or gurus can give permission or assistance to end their life? If doctors & relatives are given right then in todays world mercy killing will be mercy murder & old, unwanted obstruction to their life for whom they have to spend money & time, restriction in their enjoyment, unuseful hurdle in their way burden for them will be killed without hitch & will sell their body organs for their benefit. It will be dangerous suggestion to law by society for the "right to die with dignity" institution movement whose secretary was Minu Masani in sansad of India was to enact law Sadanand Vadai ex-education minister is its head. In 1994 High Court had given verdict that constitution which gives right to gives also gives right to end the life. Supreme Court has rejected saying constitution sections are for construction & not for destruction same way whatever nature or Karma h as given to you is for construction do food of cant, at least don't destruct. No religion encourage destruction in any circumstances. Some says soul is eternal, body is perishable so. I end my life spiritually & I fast unto death and destroy this perishable body like soldier. But soldier ends his life by fighting till end for saving others life for nation not for his own sake & not by putting hands down like coward. The law of Euthanasia is passed in Holland but if passed in other country will be boon to selfish progeny. Mahavira has told, "No one on this earth is willing to die" even if he declares wish to die his internal voice never permits, it is only temporary state of mind in frustration person is unable to take decision which is not with cool & sound mind is not valid, as validity comes from fair & sound mind. Desire to die whose desire ? is important die voluntarily or kill voluntarily. Ritual deaths are common in shamanic cultures In Siberia shaman lies unconscious for seven days & 7 nights. In Australia aboriginal tradition the shaman karadgi undergoes a harrowing initiation of death goes in special cave where spirit pierce his 142 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ all parts of the body with spears & removes vital organs. No need to say that these spirits are meat eater of human. Native Americans - Spiritual seeker goes out into the wilderness alone digs grave in and lie in it throughout night without food & water explored to the elements & surrounded by the menacing darkness fears wild bear or ghost, lonely filled with doubt, face personal fears of death, those who undergo such initiation often reports with terrifying demons. Tibetan Buddhist teach such demons are manifestation of the initiates of own fears that are appearing so. Tibetan books of dead teaches "Apart from one's own hallucination in reality here are no such things existing outside one self as lord of death or God or demon or bull headed spirit of death. According to St. Paul Christian Baptism through total immersion in water is type of ritual death in which entering the water signifies death immersion beneath it means burial emergence from it is resurrection. The enlighted masters masters understand that the body is not our true identity having abandoned the 'I am the body' but just another object is awareness, consciousness which is undying because it was never born. I will say if body is not yours you have no right to misuse the rented property which does not belong to you. You are not the owner of the body. Another ritual death is custom of self-mummifying by Buddha monks for the good of society purification having heroic determination terrible powerful & spiritual act which is laudable monk mummify ownself in a box by tying rope around neck sitting in a way that knees are near chest and so difficult to breath & feel choking & one gets strangled this self mummyfying done even to day in China, Japan, India (Dehradun). In ancient religion in some countries child & lady were the objects for sacrificing for holy purposes. Hunger is violence starvation is also violence A living cell is unit in construction of any living body Many parasites are also living in such living body if you don't provide food & water to these cells, cells dies out of under nutrition thirst & hunger. Is it not killing of millions of cells in our body? When your body is also not yours. Mahavira says when you can't give life you have no right to take other's life then how can you take life of anyone same is in Euthanasia, suicide, mercy killing, sallekhana. The image of slippery slope is called up as warning to those who ake easy step without looking to see where the next may lead or concepts themselves are slippery escaping sideways from the effort to grasp them problems of accelerated death demand intellectual honesty 143 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ rather than unfocussed right thinking & an emphasis on duties as well as individual rights. The steepness of slope & its treacherous footing are often concealed by an emollient vocabulary. Euthanasia is a word derived from Greek mean Gentle & easy death. Euthanasia involves 1. decisions which have the effect of shortening life. 2. It is limited to the medical context. 3. Involves patients lives being shortened by doctors & not by relatives. 4. has belief that death would benefit patient, that patient will be off dead because patient is suffering gravely from a terminal or incapacitating, illness or because the patients condition is thought to be an "indignity". Without 4th feature euthanasia would be nothing but cold blooded murder for selfish motives. Doctor doing something which he foresees will shorten the patient's, life. But doing something intending to shorten the patients life intention is used here in sense of "aim" oy purpose". : 'Human life is worth valued & wrong to shorten of ill or disabled new baby or woman with advanced senile dementia ethics prohibits shortening of life & requires its preservation human life is to be preserved at all costs. Judaeo Christian traditions doctrine holds human life is created by God in image of God so possessed dignity which should be protected, one must not intentionally kill an innocent human being. The court grants right to refuse medical treatment including life saving medical treatment even refused will result in death. Patient's and doctor's intention for withholding & withdrawing treatment need not be ending life core justification for VAE is thought to be respect for patient autonomy. This is surely logically inconsistent with a requirement that patient be suffering unbearably, bearably or not at all. Individual autonomy encounter a logical problem insist that VAE be limited to patients who are suffering unbearably. For if VAE justified by respect for patient self determination. How can it be right to deny it to any patient, who autonomously asks for it, whether or not they are experiencing "unbearable suffering"? or bearable suffering but which the patient doent not want to bear not qualify? What if a patient earnestly asks for VAE because say, he is suffering for some incurable condition such as severe arthritis which is painful & debilitating & which even though it may be bearable he does not want to bear? e.g. A rock-climber fanatic who has been paralysed from the neck down in a climbing accident & who requests VAE because he say that he does not want to live trapped n a useless body". Why should he be 144 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ denied release if he believes that life has lost its value? Some prominent writers on medical ethics have agreed that what gives a person's life value is its being valued by that person" If patient no longer thinks that life has value, then why VAE is denied. It is ultimately, the patient who decides whether his life is worthwhile. The doctor's role is an one of ensuring the patients request is autonomous & considering the merits of the request, what would those merits be other than a judgement that the patient would indeed be better off dead? Why should they deny their incompetent patients the benefit of euthanasia when they are in same situation as their competent patients except for their ability to request that benefit? E.g. x & y twins with painful terminal illness & suffering to an identical degree x is competent to pleads doctor for lethal injection of K+ chloride. Because suffering is unbearable Dr. agrees that death would indeed be a benefit for x & admits to give him merciful release. X request same for y who is in competent that he too must be experiencing "unbearable & useless" suffering. Is Dr. to deny y the the same benefit he has agreed to confer on x? if so what has become of the doctor's duty to act in the best interests of his patients? . Doctors are not robots who mindlessly comply with their patient's wishes. They are professionals. Who form their own judgement about the merits of any request for medical intervention. A responsible doctor would not agree to kill patient just because the patient autonomously asked. The doctor acting professionally, would decide in each case whether the intervention was truly in the patients best interests. Responsible doctor would no more kill a patient who had in the doctor's opinion a life worth living. .. VAE goal is inherently inconsistent, a procedure for death which provides ample safeguards against abuse & mistake & which is quick & easy operation. How doctor's competence & good faith can be proved & how incompetence dishonesty to be prevented? VAE resists affective regulation. To devise procedures to ensure that VAE must be performed after a genuine clear & free considered request by patient & only where it is last resort, it should not by depression. In some cases patients may be misdiagnosed & inaccurately told their condition is terminal or will be correctly diagnosed but will be given a false prognosis the doctor will mistakenly tell the patient there is no hope of cure or even when doctor arrives at a correct diagnosis & prognosis, he will simply lack sufficient expertise in palliative care to know what relief it can offer the particular patient. 145 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ How many doctors have the expertise commitment, time & resources to consider the quality of each request for abortion in appropriate depth? How many requests for abortion have been granted which are really the result of depression or pressure from spouses, partners, or relatives? How many women experience lasting psychological harm & psychiatricillness as result of abortion whih was really someone else's choice. In VAE life at stake is full human being while in abortion it is not. Strict guidelines would forestall any slide down empirical slope which ensure that 1) each request was properly checked 2) diagnosis & prognosis were confirmed. 3) alteratives were fully investigated. 4) Patients suffering were truly unbearable? But how? 5) Ensure that request is truly voluntary. How to know considered & informed wishes of the patient, or result of pressure from relatives? Doctor who intentionally shorten the life of patient whether terminally ill adult or child with Down's syndrome is killing. It matters not whether shortening is brought about by an act or an omission by withholding treatment or food, water, or warmth is no less wrong then injecting a lethal injection. Any conduct which is intended to shorten a patients life whether as an end means to end with whatever motive is killing. Worthwhileness of the patients' life is below quality threshold because of disease injury disability. This valuation of human life that certain lives are not worth living, life of incompletant patient such as elderly, woman with advanced dementia & death would be benefit is wrong in ending life. Mary is suffering from coronary disease & advanced Alizheimer conductive is terminal, disease is progressive & irreversible she is likely to suffer further heart attacks & to die within weeks. even then it is wrong to kill. Dr. Vitalism) explains he thinks that human life is an absolute good & that it should be preserved at all costs regardless of the expenses of medical treatment or pain, discomfort whether patient is young or old able-bodies or disabled curable or incurable. It is always unethical to shorten human life or fail to try to lengthen it He advocates long live vitalism, keep everyone alive." Dr. Quality of life) views at opposite ethical pole to these of Dr. V. states human life is not an absolute good but only an instrumental good that end is leading a worth while life. If mental disability deprives the individual of the ability to think rationally. A human being who lacks 146 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ the ability to reason may not even qualify as a person it is wrong to terminate persons with worthwhile lives but not wrong to kill these whose lives are not worth living. Dr. Q recommends Mary's serious mental disability which renders her unable to think rationally & make decisions her life is not worth living, her continuous care is waste of health care resources which could be better spend on someone with intact mental faculties. So if permitted by law should be ended her life. This is ethically wrong. Dr. I (nviolability life) dis agress with both & offer an ethical middle way explans human life is neither an absolute good nor merely an instrumental good but is basic good & others such as friendship knowledge & the enjoyment of art & beauty. Thinking that keep able person and kill useless person is wrong as if human is a furniture throw it if it is of no use. You can't treat person like factory product. If not possible to alleviate suffering, treatment is futile no hope of therapeutic benefit or would involve excessive burns to the patient excessive pain or expense there is duty of doctor to treat patient. Human life is basic aspect of human flourishing is not money like instrumental value & must be respected & must never be intentionaly shortened. Human life is not a mere means to an end & that it must never be intentionally taken but need to be preserved at all costs. Angels is baby born with Down's syndrome & an intentional blockage can be removed by a straight forward surgical operation & if it is not so removed Angela will die. Dr. V. life must be preserved at all costs blockage should be removed so that Angela will live. Dr. Q. life is not worth living so blockage should not be removed is wrong view as treatment would be successful & it would save life. Jainas- you have no right to take life if you cant give Dr. l-operation should go ahead treatment will involve only minimal burdens such as usual risk & discomfort associated with surgery. Different people adopt different approaches to the valuation of human life. Law has never accepted quality of life that only those with worthwhile lives have a right to live. But law has traditionally adopted the inviolability it has always been murder for a doctor actively & intentionally to hasten patients death. It is murder however compassionate the motive of the doctor whatever age health condition, or wishes of the patient to kill aged, terminally ill, cancer patient who pleads for death as it is to kill a young 147 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ person in the prime of life who strenuously clings for life. There is liability to preserve life it is murder to omit to discharge a duty to preserve life with intent to kill or encouraging to commit suicide for aiding abetting, counseling, or procuring suicide.. Law has historically embodied the middle way not only on value of life but also on individual autonomy & continue to prescribe euthanasia as wrongfulness & harm upon others or exposes oneself to harm or risk of harm such as snorting cocaine driving vehicle without wearing seatbelt. Criticism on law 1) VAE, PAS are common that legal prohibition is largely unenforced & lack of enforcement betrays an attitude of hypocritical sympathy. They are common while there is some evidence that they occur. In a survey where doctors were asked, have you evertaken active steps to bring about death of patient, who asked you to do so? 9% replied affirmatively & asked if they would be prepared to withdraw or withhold a course of treatment from terminally ill patient knowing the treatment might prolong the patient's life? 65% replied affirmatively. In U.S. who had performed VAE or PAS was 6% this really is not happening very often It's rave event. There steps intentionally to end or help end patients lives A doctor who did so would be liable to a lengthy term of imprisonment & erasure from the medical register. 2. needs to show that the law is largely unenforced. If there is sufficient evidence & prosecution would be in public interest. 3. Even if VAE, PAS are common, many criminal laws are broken not minor only but serious offences like rape unlike rape VAE is victimless crime on Victim consents or requests. and no one is harmed. It doesn't mean that it is not illegal because it is consented. Dutch Health Council has listed conditions. 1) request of euthanasia (VAE) must come only from the patient & must be entirely free & voluntary. 2) Request must be well considered durable, & persistent 3) Patient must be experiencing intolerable not necessarily physical) suffering with no prospet of improvement. 4) Euthanasia-must be last resort other alternatives to alleviate the patients situation must have been considered & found wanting. 5) Euthanasia - must be performed by a physician. 6) The physician must consult with an independent physician colleague who has experience in this field. 7) Having performed VAE, the doctor must not certify death by natural causes. To do so would involve the criminal offence of falsifying the death 148 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ certificate since death has been caused not by nature but by the doctor. Doctor must keep death certificate incomplete & call in the local medical examiner to investigate. Physician's report + medical examiner's report five regional inter-disciplinary VAE review committees. Unbearable suffering to patient & as last resort when doctors were asked which reasons patient most often gave for requesting VAE their replies to question for ending life in 57%, was loss of dignity, in 46% not dying in a dignified way, in 33% dependence", & in 23%, tiredness of life only, 46% mentioned pain. To injure someone negligently, breach of contract, or agreements to engage in sexual immorality is illegal but not criminal offence. To claim that such conduct is lawful is misguided. It was parliament's intention to condone suicide & purpose of legislation was not to help the suicidal to commit suicide but to help then not to commit suicide. Which is a grave wrong. 4th hypocrisy concerns the patients right to refuse medical treatment including life-saving medical treatment even if refusal result in death is the law not allowing patient to commit suicide & if so how doctors are prohibited to assist suicide by handing the patients syringe filled with potlasium chloride? Refusing treatment to end life or by lethal injection to end life motive is same in both cases. Doctors intention is simply to respect patients consent or refusal which are suicidal. There is not moral difference in commission or omission in giving lethal pill or switching off the patient's life-support machine? Intention is identical without difference. In 1996 case before course court of Appeal in Amisterdam. A new born baby with spina bifida hydrocellaphus, a spinal cord lesion & brain damage. Doctor decided not be operate on spina bifida because of bad prognosis. Baby was suffering so parents asked for ending life & she was killed after 3 days of birth, court held doctor was not guilty of murder as he enjoyed the defence of necessity as infant is suffering intoterably with no prospect of improvement and suffering is incurable & can't be alleviated The Board of Dutch society for voluntary Euthanasia asserted that NVAE was murder & will be procuated & sentenced as such In termination of life of incompetent patients, either comatose or new born is not euthanasia as Euthanasia means killing on request. So those who can't express will because of age ill health or mentally handicapped are not part of Euthanasia. Roman catholic view human life is cacred no one has right to dispose of it at will. Islam-Person don't own their life & have no right to end or ask others to do so.: 149 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Babies as Fast Food No laboratory can produce baby on sperm & egg can do that. Lab. can make clones by moving nucleus of frog's cell into cytoplasm of unfertilised egg & letting resultant reconstituted cell develop into embryo. Woman unable to have children is profound grief & great unhappiness. Fertility drugs are given to women to enhance the production of egg can lead to multiple pregnancies when woman carry more than one fetus infants frequently borns prematurely or may have to spend long periods in neonatal intensive care there is increased risk of brain damage or other disabilities so it is necessary to reduce the number of fetuses good for children which gets born . There is vast Development in reproductive medicine present control over fertility contraception, sterilization artificial in semination, vitro fertilization or surrogating mother. What is surrogation? Like fast food - some one cooks for you & you eat, enjoy dishes served to you. Babies also can be achieved ready made by some one who is taking labour for you gestating your child such.woman are called surrogating mother. Where woman agrees to bear a child for another person or couple & paid for the services is surrogated mother. A woman is inseminated with the sperm of man to whom she is not married when baby is born she relinquishes her claim to it in favour of man from whom sperm was obtained she provides egg so her biological input is at equal to that man she takes on burden & risk of pregnancy for another person or couple. Or embryo is developed outside & only womb of a woman is used for developing the embryo till the child is born or say fertilized egg is transferred to a woman who agrees to develop the embryo - is called surrogating mother. Good reasons for transferring the burden or risk of pregnancy may be 1) Some love some hate pregnancy for the fear of pain of labour. There are high risks in pregnancy. Which woman wants to avoid. 2) Pregnancy interferes with work. 3) Due to serious genetic diseases by carrying. 4) Some woman don't want to spoil their figure which is necessary for their acting field or other work area. 5) Couple where woman is in capable of carrying the child or unable to give birth to the child & hence womb is rented just for developing fetus. Womb is hired for contracted period. - 150 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Whatever may be the reason for surrogation this practice is ethically wrong because1) A woman rents out her body for a given period of time in exchange for money. 2) It is not different from which we may use our body for remuneration. 3) Contractual surrogacy based on empirical assumption that surrogacy would be done by poor unskilled or unemployed woman this involves exploitation. 4) Surrogacy is different from other forms of employment that are open to poor woman. 5) Unmarried woman are free to bear & rear children some single or lesbian woman biologically infertile or who having intercourse with another man in order to become pregnant is unacceptable socially, spiritually, religiously, legally. No religion allows marital relation outside the marriage relationship. 6) Being born into home of single parent or lesbian couple harms child mentally and their future is shoiled. So such birth should be prevented for children's sake. As lesbian's child may disabled. Parents ought to ensure that any children they are going to have possess normal health for leading satisfying life. 7) If woman takes money she is considered to selling a part of body is morally and also socially wrong. 8) It is social aspect engendered acrimony about exploitation, destruction of family & baby selling. 9) It is wrong because it betrays women's & society's basic interest separating sex & reproduction, reproduction & marriage, reproduction & child rearing. People favours it for 1) alleviating infertility one who is unable to become parents surrogation may bring happiness & create joy in their life. 2) Transferring of burden & risk & getting readymade babies by paying for services she has done like servants are paid for their labour. It is wrong to take on burden of pregnancy for another for pregnancy can threaten comfort, health even life & Jainism says it is wrong to hurt or harm anybody physically or mentally is violence. For our self interest exploiting anyone economically weak person is also violence. Under Vrata of celibacy selling body as commodity, doing sex out of marital relation, is demeritorious act which is forbidden. Issue is we transfer the burden from one woman to another but we often do this, elevated risk rates by exposure to dangerous chemicals 151 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ & machinery. It is not that contracted pregnancy merely shifts the health burden & risk. It is associated with pregnancy from one woman to another but in infertility it makes impossible possible. One infertile couple gets happiness of having his own child, whose sperm & ovum it is; & in potentially high risk pregnancy the net risk is lowered. Scarce resources can be made available for others needs thus benefiting society in general. One is paid for his services who is willing to give her service in turn she gets economic help or earning to fulfill her requirements of life to fill her tummy or to get comforts of life. Services given here are renting bodily parts internally. Taking physical labour is in every Job you use your brain, art, or skill or ideas or doing clerical job allotted to you. Risk is everywhere in our life. So helping other by renting your bodily part in one view you are making someone happy. We can say as in altruism which is every religion preaches. But what is wrong is exploitation, exploitation of poor woman by rich men. When she has to hand over the child after birth, her attachment which is natural to the child is exploited. What is difference between prostitution & surrogacy prostitution is sex without reproduction. Which is not permissible in any religion Jaina provides celibacy vrata for this while surrogacy is reproduction without sex for needy. Contracted pregnancy is not prostitution it is way of exploiting their own natural resources womb is used up as commodity. Contracted pregnancy are more a real job option then selling one's blood or one's gamete are once bodily organ. Real job option is not based on any social arrangements that preclude earning a living wage doing these things but rather on the moral judgements that they are wrong because they constitute serious, personal & bodily alienation. Woman who work as surrogates are deprived of any expression of individuality she has no right over that child. Individuality is interchange able, they have no choice about whose sperm to harbour. It is disposition of what she produce with both mind & body which is created by her body organs. It is wrong to separate one who produces that is mother & child. Where feeling may get hurted. Woman normally expect to become especially attached to the product of this kind of a labour. Such attachment is desirable but if they are to be reared by others who equally has attachment. If maternal instinct really exists & if it does 152 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ whether suppressing feeling is right? It is wrong because even five months fetus can hear sound, recognise voice of mother, bonding with baby is natural. Our habits are biologically determined. Our culture is permeated with pro-natalist natural so tendency to such attachment is desirable and natural. Special rights have special responsibilities. Payment done in contracted pregnancy is Controvercy is commercial term, charge means that it is baby-selling. Which is ethically or even socially or religiously wrong. Woman are merely making available their biological services. Woman are paid little or nothing if they handed over dead or unhealthy child. Normal child bearing provides no guarantee of live healthy child. Women are selling their services & not babies. In factory if product is defective it is not sellable like wise if in gestating the baby, baby has any problem or defect in product she may not be paid for her services. So chances of exploitation is there even after taking labour of pregnancy. Another issue is respect, or reputation of surrogating mother. In eye of society such services are counted as low or seen as prostitution. Again it is child-selling then children are not property or commodity to be sell. It is difficult to create baby & give away. We own sperm & ova yet we don't own fully developed child, is separate individual. If we are trafficking in person is wrong, slavery is wrong, baby-selling is wrong. Surrogating mother deprives from baby to whose sperm or ova is owned, both are not seller or purchaser to treat the child as commodity so selling babies is not right description. She is giving up her parental right to have relationship with the child. It would be egoistic & immoral to sell friendly relationship with an organism. Your body has created but with which you don't yet have a unique social bond is great deal. If Bond increases after creation. You don't give up the created baby is also wrong as it is breach of contract. If such acts are motivated by altruism & compensation for services rendered is not accepted then it is morally or religiously, can be said to be helping the needy.. Conclusion - Woman cant be involved in contracted pregnancy without harming is difficult without lingering concern. If one conceives in order to provide parents who are desperately wanted child without any compulsion or greed is actually act of compassion towards needy parents. It is sacrifice of love of new born 153 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ baby. Her own creation, giving up her own gestated child to desperate parents is great & noble donation to the needy if not attached with any man-intention. It is wrong to coerce woman to engage in practice or inadequate pay for risks discomfort or penalize for birth of defective or diseased child or dead baby though no fault of her own. Lesbian woman & gay men, divorced woman or single woman chose to conceive their children by artificial insemination by donor in such cases lesbian can't be allowed to reproduce for social & psychological reason or psycho-pathological reasons are inadequate in mother. Such children of lesbian mothers may be victim to negative psychosexual development. Lesbian woman are not normal & surrogation in such lesbian woman is socially or morally and medically unacceptable. . At experimental level animals womb are used for surrogacy. There is risk involved is, creation of such experiment may be demonic because it is nourished by animal blood though sperm & ova are human. Another problem is ownership. In one case contract was made with surrogatory mother & after months the parents who owned sperm & ova are separated divorced. Now who has legal right over child? Child having two illegal mother still without mother. So surrogacy under certain circumstances is acceptable & not in all Babies are not fast food so any one can cook & serve or just go & get it readymade. Surrogating mother must be morally psychologically or physically fit to give a healthy child with good moral character. What will you say surrogation is earning or donating? Is it help to needy or, is giving & getting in exchange? Is it fullfilling desire, who are desperately in want of baby's smile who are in profound gried, unhappy unable tog row lovely roses. Is surrogacy blossoming flowers, and greenery & coloring life of others? Is it pure hearted given noble, services to great creation or prostitution, degradation, destruction & exploitation Beauty lies in eyes of beholder, take it the way you like. 154 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ What is AIDS? AIDS is the plague. "acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It is believed to be caused by the human immano deficiency virus (HIV). We don't have an effective medicine to counteract HIV. With many viruses of HIV than people have the AIDS disease virus does not tell us who has the disease AIDS. Those who have AIDS do not survive the disease for they will die of other ailments caused when their immune system is break down. How AIDS transmitted? AID virus is transmitted through blood or samen or other bodily fluids most people contract AIDS from anal or vagical intercourse, from intravenous injection, blood transfusion, from their infected mother at birth, male homosexual contact. Many conservative portray AIDS as revenge on those who choose the unacceptable life style of homosexuality which is growing fast. How to curtail? 1) To curtail AIDS require identification of those who carry the virus & the isolation of those people from the rest of population. 2) To identify all of those who have virus would require massive testing. Ethical question 1) confidentiality of doctor & patient relation. Coercion & fairness. Privacy & confidentiality should not be there it must be informed voluntarily or forcibly attempt to obtain information about those who carry virus would involve either a breach of patient physician confidentiality or violation of privacy rights of AIDS virus carrier. 1) AIDS is not airborne disease & contracting AIDS to matter of choice can be avoided by restriction & care. 2) AID testing & quarantining homosexuality or closing gay practice punishing homosexuals. 3) There should he no confidenlity. 4) Celibacsy - as restricted in Jainism in five mahavratas. HIVI & HIV II has very low infection rate & transmission normally requires contact between excretion or blood from on HIV injected person & the blood stream of an uninfected person. There are no insect or other animal vectors carrying this virus. HIV transmission between persons 'only occurs through certain sexual practices, through direct blood to blood contact by transfusions, needle-stick injuries or needlesharing & through vertical transmission between mother & fetus. HIV carrier represents no risk to others in normal, social, & commercial life. In health care sector where bodily interventions & the 155 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ attendant risk of blood to blood contact are parts of normal daily activity needle sharing of drug users, & needle-exchange & HIV infection to sex partners AIDS caused by HTLV III when HTLV III virus enters the blood stream it begins to attack certain W.B.C. (Thymphocytes) which are vital to the body's immane defenses. In response to infection with the virus the W.B.C. produce antibodies) A person generally develops antibodies 2 weeks to 3 months after injection. AIDS is hard to transmit It stubbornly sticks to certain high risk groups engaged in sexual promiscuity & intravenous drug abuse. Only way to protect citizen involuntary infection measures 1) right of personal privacy & confidentiality regarding medical & sexual information. 2) Right to free movement within one's country & associate where & how one chooses. 3) Right to pursue one's economic good without limitation based on relevant grounds. 4) Disease reportable by law to either local or national health authorities. Jainism & AIDS 1) Celibacy - AIDS is not airboune disease it can be avoided by restriction & care by avoiding extramarietal affairs taking vow of celibacy avoiding sex with other than his spouse or unnatural sex - e.g. homosexuality or anul sex. 2) Truth telling not hiding facts, practicing full celibacy if he has AIDS. Not to involve sexual activity with anyone as it may harm others & will infect others will spread the diseases. 3) Doctors ethics of confidentiality, should be broken if it is harming others & by breaking confidentiality of patient will save others life is non-violence. 4) Greed - non-possession with Greed of wealth making money very fast medical staff uses same vials, needless which spreads blood. 5) Blood transfusion & blood collection - for money blood is collected from AIDS patient or who is suffering from Aids gives blood for money. 6) No proper care is taken to examine the blood before collection & innocent person are caused to suffer without any fault. :: In USA in Nevada state hospital 40,000 people were suspected for AIDS because of needle-sharing the fact came out when six person were diagnosed as AID patients from the same batch. If in economically rich country we find cases like sharing needless vials. What about poor country? 156 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ StrawsonPerson is bodily attribute & something else perhaps soul. Willium James Consciousness is process of awareness attention & memory Searle consciensness is neures biological process it is brain structure | mom'st person is conscious organism & living body. Decartes-mind-body is seperate entity Buddism conscious is momentary in aggregate of strands. ; What is Person Consciousness : Materilist non-material out 'floow originater from matter. Aristotle-non living is potentical. Soul can't be described apart from body nor identified Reid-something which thinks is person. 157 For Personal & Private Use Only Socrates self is divine, immortal & body is mortal Hume-who reason, perceive & reflect is person. Neurolgist-Consciousness is synaptic activity. Mental images cant be weight, photographed measured or spectro chromatocily recordied. Plato soul is imprison in body Biological Science mind body is different & one body. survives long as living cells tably organised to sustain biological function. Science-mind is function of brain consciousness is brain function if brain cells Idies person dies his awareness to environ ment sensory in put & motor output dies. Behaviourist behave in complication way physical description name or behavious verbal or bodily appearana body memory physical psychologial thoughts, attitude.
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________________ Nyaya & also knowledge Sankhya bondages belong to Prakriti Earthly life is full of pain Mimansa attainment of heaven by disappearance of merits & demerits Prabhakara liberation as state of soul-Kumarila Yog dissolution of all aflictions self becomes pure & isolated samadhi kaivalya Christianity Jesus soul comes from darkness to light bondage to freedom destruction of false passions emotions by true knowledge is absence of pain cessation of suffering is liberation Highest goal is bliss-ananda liberation of soul-Nirvana-Najat Islam-turning sinful life to will of god by good deeds For Personal & Private Use Only 158 Dissolution ignorance disappearance of false out look dissolution of egoism ignorance Extination of suffering Ignorance dispelled by Ratnatrayi right knowledge faith & conduct bondange does to Karma bondage is for suffering is life bondage due to ignorance bondage is due to merits demerits. UWorldly life - darkness - impure soul | Advait Vedanta Shankara Advait Vedanta Shankara Buddhism Jainism
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________________ Non Violence Non Violence begins with the self in one's own thoughts, language, actions and positive way of life. Compassion is guiding force. Non violence is heart of all religions vrata and virtues. Creative art is not only drinking, boiling or not eating at night or being vegan or vegetarian or performing vituals blindly without knowing it's meaning but is conflict inside our mind, thought and action. It is love and love is creative, hatred is destroyer. It is not talking of world peace and creating missiles on other side. Non-violence is universal concept around which almost all religions have developed variety of ideas useful to humanity. By being non-violent you are not obliging others but you are stopping yourself from going against nature. Every action affects our surrounding as well as yourself our own feelings & sentiments. Non violence is pacifism every crusade revolution, civil wars are violence and immoral. Untouchability, non-co-operation, corruption, exploitation, child abuse, slavery, degradation of women, aggression towards child by parents or teachers, suppressing weak or poor people showing muscle power, money power or your position of chair is social violence & is misuse of your power for which Jainism has given doctrines of vegetarianism, celibacy, non possession, truth telling, non-stealing & parasparograh jivanam for eco-friendly view, all includes non-violence. Non-possession makes man tolerant, accomodative, so society can sustain & we can live together with compassion. To be non violent, being non-possessive is essential. Breaking is easy, even child can do it, but joining or creating is difficult. Taking life is easy in anger but giving life is impossible. You can prevent it by replacing greed with contentment, hate with tolerance, killing with reverance for life. Violence grows with acquisitiveness. Economic systems are based on promoting wants rather than curbing them is having disastrous results. All micro.or mini breathing existing, living being whatever should not be strained, treated with violence, insutted, tortured or driven away ill-treated since no-body wants to be hurt or killed. If you can't give life you can't take it.. Cruelty and killing of even small creatures brutalises a man. So wants should be minimised and no grabbing at any level. Syadvad and anekant vada teaches even opponent may be right. If one acquires this attitude, one will be tolerant. Life moves on. People come and go. Events takes place, thoughts ideas intersect, previous understanding. My depression, anxiety shadow achievements, rewards 159 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ parents siblings are integral parts of journy successful people are happy respected in society. If we wish to be more productive, successful cheerful charming you have to go on fighting. People with jealousy may try to supress our success. But path of ethics & morality leads to success and satisfaction which requires non-violent thoughts and behaviour. We never view things quite the same as others, picture we create of world is never the same as what is out there we create our own view and meaning of the world by the way we maniputale at various level of brain and transformed into perception as information comes in through senses our awareness at intensity level-information may be right or wrong views can differ so anekantvada which teaches to respect opposite concept of views in one of factor of non-violence. * Other factor is forgiveness - when you grieve you feel combination of anger sadness fear, despair and anxiety. Dwelling on painful thoughts about the loss of betrayal is another part of grief you need to move on from negative emotion and turmoil of the grief stage & start living the rest of your life at this forgiveness comes into play it is natural. Next step after you have articulated the wrong done to you and fett the pain. It wraps up the grief but does not prevent inevitable suffering. Forgiveness comes into play after experiencing emotional psychological suffering found waiting or better off. Forgiveness is not substitute for grief but it allow your grief to ebb so you can move on, and live. It is lubricant can restore health of relationship. Forgiveness is not condoning unkind actions or forgetting what happened but is reconcilliation-reestablishing relation with who has hurt you. Forgiveness is making peace with bitter past and no longer blaming your experiences. You can forgive and give another chance or forgive and move on. Choice is yours. Whether to increase enmity and pile up anger or leave in peace with love. Forgiveness not deciding that what happened to you was okay. It is not that you condone person's unkind, inconsiderate selfish behaviour, but to forgive is let to of extra suffering you have imposed on yourself after normal cycle of grief. You don't have to be doormat in order to forgive you and make it okay to treat you unkindly. Forgiveness is not forgetting because remembering allows you to ensure that something bad does not happen again. Forgive doesnot mean you give up your claim to justice or compensation forgiveness is for you & not others, like non-violent thought. It is your healing, improves your mental and physical health. Forgiveness is becoming hero rather than victim. Choice is yours whether constantly expressing displeasure & to be stressful and self-defeating to complain & rum mate about things which you can't change. Forgiveness 160 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ allows love to flourish and corroded by resentment and complains. Annoyance kills happiness, Resentment in the form of comments, scorn, lack of support of sense of someone had been ripped off will never make our hearts more open. Realise preciousness of life we cant change other's action or thoughts of people what happened in past what we can change is ourselves becoming forgiving helps change focus from our wounds to the present and future happiness so accept, acknowledge and heal. Earth is a bright jewel in enormously vast cosmos. It is live planet endowed with marvellous variety forms of life and with atmosphere of fertile soil, forest, water and oceans. Humans are linked with other living being and forces of nature in a divine web of interdependence. The universe belongs to all of us in equal measure as such as plants and animals as it does to human community. This marvellour heritage can be preserved by global commit of non-violence. It is time to bid farewell to violence. Which threatens to terrorize us all. Gandhi wrote, "No religion of the world has explained the principle of non-violence as deeply and systematically in its applicability to life as Jainism". Archaranga Sutra, "He who ignores or negates other beings ignores or negates one's own self. He who wish to inflict suffering is eventually yourself you can't kill or harm others without hurting yourself." Awareness of non-violence is increasing for universal sustaiability and co-existence. Animal Violence - Millions of animals are undergoing experiments which are cruel and risk their life or longevity only for testing household products for human beings every year more than 14 millions animals. Suffer and die in painful tests in attempt to determine safety of cosmetics and household products such as toothpaste, lipstick, dish-washing liquid and furniture polish are tested on animals such as dogs rabbits. Every time company changes its ingredients or advertises new or improved product substance is retested. Two of most common methods of testing are Draize eye irritancy test and lethal dose 50 or D50 test. Draize test is used to test substance that might get into human eye. During this test certain amount of concentrated solution is placed into eyes of conscious albino rabbits. Their eyes are held open with clips and many rabbits breaks their necks and backs, as they struggle to escape. The damage to the rabbits eyes is then recorded at intervals over a period of several days. Reactions to the irritants, include swelling of the eye lid, inflammation of iris, ulceration, bleeding and blindness. They usually receive no anesthesia or pain relieving drugs during the tests. D50 test measures the amount 161 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ of toxic substance that will be a single dose, kill half of the animals. Substance is forced into animals throats or pumped into their stomaches by tube, sometimes causing death by stomach-rupture or from sheer bulk of chemical dosage substance are also injected under skin into a vein or into lining of abdomen. They are also often applied to the eyes, rectum or vagina forcibly inhaled through gas mask. Why don't you try on man to save your mankind? Whatever nature has produced does it belong to you? or is it your father's property, if animals are commodities, man becomes in human and forgets that animals have same feelings as humans & they are hurted by your cruel attitude. Do you think man is supreme and most intelligent creation, has every right to do whatever he likes? Snakes, Scorpion or wild animals also never attack unless they feel danger or for hunger, which is their natural instinct. Then who is superior? Why don't you test drugs on yourself to save human beings? Why animals? Only because they are weak to protect thenselves against your muscle power? Man harasses animals only for pleasure for bull fights, cock fight, Lion attacking bulls or cows & spectators enjoy this cruel games or hunters enjoy hunting. Someone is trembling with fear. Seeing their death nearer is fun for the man eating live lobster or frog, by throwing them in boiling water, they get pleasure in dining such live animals. What a cruelty. Such unfair and unequal encounter in sports is addiction and criminality. Animals don't exists for our sake nor their sacrifice is natural and inevitable. Death means suffering even for animals. Why does fish flop on fishing boat? Why chicken beats its wings as its neck being wrung? Because they are suffering & if you say it is necessary to live, as if human life is precious is selfishness and arrogance Animals we kill must be cursing us for our cruelty. They must be feeling all bitterness of human condemned to death. Violence arises out of darkness of mind. The cultivation of friendship, love & compassion for all the creatures, delight in virtues and indifference to vicious is human religion or world religion, not only Jainism. Every proposition is true under certain conditions i.e. hypothetically & every individual due to imperfection is liable to error & he can at a time grasp fragmentary truth of object and can't claim finality of his knowledge. So one should be ready to admit the truth of others views, tolerance for view is a feature of non-violence. Truth never takes help of others but rely on your own reason. It should be accepted if it appeals to reason and if it is contrary to the reason, must be rejected. We should be guided by our sense of just our own self alone. We should follow rationalism & condemn blind dogmatism as obstruction to truth. Blind adoration is valueless, embarassing & 162 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ often painful. Every individual has spark of divinity & spirituality. Hence rational by nature. Strike the right chord & you bring out the sweet music chariot. Can't move on one wheel. So in success, personal endeavour plays a pivotal rdole. Religious Violence Innumerable heinous misdeeds have been committed in name of God under garb of religion. In middle ages to Jihad or religious wars of mohamedians against unbelievers in. Allah crusades were instigated by the church for alleged religious ends in the claim for partition of India on communal basis are burning examples of atrocities committed in the name of God. Knowledge of God is a controversial issue. It is chasing after a black cat in dark chamber, some declare knowable & some assert him as unknown. Prophets, seers, avataras, Tirthankaras, all preached non-violence, as violence is suicidal & dooms truth, harmony, brotherhood & justice. Violence is sunset defeat, non violence is victory. Man is inherently non violent although he becomes violent owing to surroundings & circumstances. War in Mahabharat & Ramayan glorify violence for restoration of justice. Celibacy chastity, continence is mental condition outward behaviour of man. Possession breeds jealousy, animosity burglary, dacoity in society. Untouchability is a blot & cancer of society. Inhuman deprivation of so called untouchables in every sphere of life unavailability of rights status privilege are still recorded in society. Some take pleasure in violence of disliking showing hatred towards group of people & having anta gonistic feelings towards others. We should not breath jealousy, hate, anxiety, fear or terror. Everyone wants peace, riches & beauty. Religions have tried to tame violence but have not succeded. Sharp words, bad gestures is also violence. One says violence is innate in man. Others say violence is a result of the social cultural heritage in which man lives. Most common expression of violence is anger when my dear ones are attacked when my country or religion is attacked or my ideas, my principles, my way of life is attacked, my habits & opinions are attacked or you tread on my toes or insult me, such anger is morally justified. We can look at anger without any explanation, justification without saying I must protect my good. May be I was right, wrong or stupid. Violence created by environment, inherited, produced by society or circumstances, but it is possible to be free from it. Sex, Food, position, power, comfort is corrupting you or destroying the world. But you are responsible for your anger or violence. You have to learn how. to look 163 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ at the situation & condemn or justify because it is part of a social structure you live in. You are conditioned as German, Indian, Negro, American to discover something fundamental, you must have the capacity to go deeper. If you have blunt dull instrument you can't go deep. So sharpen the instrument which is your mind, your thoughts. You can penetrate, only if your mind is sharp as a needle and as strong as diamond. Dont' build barriers between human beings. You modify yourself slightly live little more quietly, affectionately. See the details & then jump. Don't distract your energy by fictitious ideal. An in ward tranquility knows no disturbance, at any moment in daily life is not possible. There is not a single spot in our consciousness untouched by conflict. In all relations, intimate personal neighbour, society, at all levels of our being, there is conflict. May be minor, major, superficial or devastating because of competition, jealously, greed, acquisitiveness or aggression. We accept structure pattern of society as life must be a battle field. Monk takes vow of non-possession, one meal on robe are rich, still seeking position & prestige, live in the divisions of culture tradition. There is violence but there is also desire for peace to be kind, mild & gentle. World is becoming more & more efficient & therefore more & more ruthless. You can influence the world if you yourself are not violent. If you lead your life peaceful, not competitive, ambitious or envious and does not create enmity. The work of non-violence movements in 20th century led to independence in India, Equal rights for African Americans and South African democracy in Poland and the removal of dictators in Philippines, Chile and litany of other countries. Islam & Terrorism - Mark Grabriel Jihad is command to all muslims enforced by Quran. Focus of Jihad is to overcome people who don't accept Islam. In Mohammad's day, Jihad was practiced against christians & Jews as well as people who were idol worshippers or any one who didn't convert to Islam. Surah 4-89 The noble Quran - "Those who reject Islam must be killed If they turn back take them & kill them whereever you find them" Surah 47-4 "So whenever you meet those who disbelieve smite (their) necks, till when you have killed & wounded many of them then bind a bond firmly on them i.e. take them as captives. Surah 9-123 Noble Quaran - You who believe, I Fight those of the disbelievers who are lose to you & let them find harshness in you and know that Allah is with those who are Al-Mullaqun (the pious). Surah 8-67 Allah commanded the prophet Mohammed to enforce killing rather than taking prisoners. 164 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Muslim were told to prepare themselves to fight against the unbelievers. Let not the unbelievers think that they can get better they will never frustrate then make ready your strength atmost to your power war to strike terror in heart of enemies of Allah to Ali translation. Surah 8-59/60 - At 1st the Quranic revelation encourage Muslims to live at peace with christians but after Mohammed moved to Madina, the revelation People of The book became hostile. Final revelation overrides all others. Surah - 839 Noble Quran - Fight until no more Fitnah (worshipping others beside Allah) & religion (worship will all be for Allah alone in whole of the world). Surah 5-52-57 & Surah 4-89 - Emphasized when fighting christians Quran says punish them severely so they will leave their homes & be force christians and Jews to convert to Islam with very strong and direct words. Allah told Mohammed to go out & conquer the world, encourage the people to fight Jihad. Surah 4-95 Noble quran 9.81 Ali translation. Allah promised paradise to who fought & who did not participate in Jihad were threatned with hell fire. In Surah 4.95 you can see that killing or Jihad is not an option. It is must because it is Allah's command (Surah 9-29) (Surah 4-95) Every muslim must do it to fulfill his faith. The only exceptions are those who are disabled, blind & crippled (4-95) Jihad is carried out in order to achieve the ultimate goal of Islam to establish Islamic authority over the whole world. Islam is not just a religion, it is government too. Islam teaches that Allah is the only authority, therefore political system must be based on Allah's teaching & nothing else. Quran states if any one who do fail to judge what Allah has revealed they are unbelievers and rebellion. People fighting Jihad consider themselves to have suceeded. In Afghanistan Taliban, in Iran Ayattollah Khomeini revolution & Sudan under Hasan Turab, Islamic fundametalists are actively working to gain control of the secular muslims government of Algeria, Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Palestine, Iraq, Labnon, Saudi Arabia, Lybia, Malaysia and others. President Anwar Sadai pronounced there would be no politics in Islam." This statement was unacceptable to Sheikh Omar Abdul Rehman who was spirilual leader of the Egyptian terrorist organisation al Jihad and has declared that President was infidel renegade who should be killed. Following Islamic law al Jihad carried out the declaration of its leader & shot the president to death. Sadat paid ultimate price-his 165 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ life-in an effort to stop Islam from becoming the governing authority in Egypt in 1980. In 1980 Islamic groups focused their attacks on their own governments. Now these organisations are turning to attack the west directly. There are different kinds of muslims, just as any other religion. Secular muslim - they believe in nice part of Islam but reject the call of Jihad. Traditional muslim-one who study Islam know it and practice it but they have stumbling block with the concept of Jihad. Some consider Jihad to be a spiritual battle like the muslim. Sufism movement 2nd type who that Jihad is fighting non-muslim but they don't take action because they don't have the ability to do it by themselves. 2) They are concerned about what will happen to their lives, family and children if they join a fundamentalist group or 3) They want to live a nice life on earth instead of dying. Fundamentalist Muslim - One who perpetrate terrorism they have long beards and head coverings. Their goal is to practice Islam as Muhammed did. Though we call then radicals, they are practicing their Islam. Muslim saying on T.V. or print media that Islam is religion of peace. It is not taught in quran to kill but it is person who wishes it were or to deceit with the intention to attract, convert the people to Jihad; and practice different ways. Instead of killing the enemy you convert them with lies. In Oprah Winfrey show, to westernized queen of Jordan Oprah asked her to comment on whether women in Islam were equal to men? Queen and other muslim women on the show acted as if they were the highest authorities on Islam with great conviction the quen stated, "Islam views women as full and equal partners to men so women's rights are guaranteed by Islam." Her answer makes western viewers feel good but they don't accurately reflect the teaching of Quran regarding women 1) If women are equal to men why Quran says, "Muslim man can be married to four women but muslim woman can marry to only one man 2) Men have right to ask for a divorce but not women. Surah 2-229 3) Women only inherit half of what men inherit Surah 4-11 4) Women may not serve as imams and they are not allowed to lead prayers in presence of men. 5) Men must always be above women according to Surah 4-34. 6) A woman is not allowed to answer the door at home if her husband is not there even if its her brother or a relative at the door. Surah 33-53. 7) Women should stay in their houses Surah 33-33. Many muslim women can't travel without permission of their father or husbands. 8) Why women are required to remain in veil & not men? 9) During Jihad when man dies he goes to 166 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ heaven and Allah rewards him with incredible energy to enjoy sex with seventy virgins. The 1st night what happens when a woman dies in Jihad? What is her reward to be one of the seventy's? 10) To Whom the queen was trying to convince-herself or the world? The Prophet Mohammed once said "A cheap rug is more valuable in a man's home than a woman" Oprah also questioned Queen Ramia about the veil (hijab) that muslim women wear. The Queen said, "It is personal choice. Some people out of herself that she chooses not to wear one. Quranic verses, "Command women to cover themselves. "O prophet tell your wives if they appear unveiled before their father or their sons or their sisters or their own woman." Islamic leaders doing their part for Jihad when they fool majority by getting them to believe that Islam is not for killing, it is only religion and not a political system. It is for peace, love, forgiveness and so it is fastest growing religion. Muslims declared Jihad worldwide. Every guns, bombs and another is using words and lies to increase the number of muslims world wide and capture the whole world. Muslims hung the American flag over their centres, schools, mosques, They are posting signs saying "God bless America." In the mean time their fellow muslims in middle east were burning American flags and posting signs supporting Bin Laden and his acts of terrorism in America. Mohammed brought new message that he must fight for every tribe in Arabia and make them all submit to Islam. He declared, "There will not be two religions in Arabia. Arabia will submit only to Islam. Dr. Salah Serea say, "Jihad should carry on message alive, it should practiced inside & out to the world to destroy and overturn governments that don't comply with Islamic law and establish Islamic nation." He felt muslim leaders are corrupted enforcing fasting prayers, built mosques but not Jihad and keeping Islam away from heart of people. Shokri Mustafa 1942 was from same religion of Egypt. When sayyid Qutb father of Jihad was hanged he was twenty five & when Dr. Serea was sentenced to death he was thirty five. Mustafa was put to death by Egyptian government in 1977 for Jihad activity. Each member of Mustafa's movement would be willing to sacrifice his own life to fulfill the responsibility that Allah has put on their shoulders to spread the message of Islam across the earth and reinforce it with sword and in this mission he should prepare to meet Allah. He believed everything on this earth is vanity & that he simply wants to accomplish his mission and leave this earth. In Macca mohammed was persecuted. For Mustafa Egypt was modern and Macca persecutor of Islam, place that imports Evil blasphemy & error, country of infidels.. 167 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ His quest to spread Islam would lead to worldwide nuclear war and most of the world would be destroyed but his followers would not be killed. They would hide in caves in isolated mountains. After desolation his followers would emerge from the caves & inherit the earth and rule it by sword complete mean destruction inherit everything. Moustafa replied his source of philosophy is Quran & Allah knows everything and Allah speaks from Quran. Allah knows but you don't know Surah 2216 Noble Quran. He killed Prof. Dr. Husein El Thehaby of Al Azhar university because he led a team of professors to condemn & stop Mustafa movement, considering him as enemy of Allah infidels, taking side of government and compromise Allah to please man. Mustafa declared in his book, existing government of Israel, U.S., & European countries are enemy of Allah, they should be fought through Jihad until they submit completely to Islam." Iranian muslims in 1979 started Islamic movement. They were against Mohammed Raza Shah, Pahlavi and his government. Prior fundamentalist Iranian muslims didn't express their belief that they were in tremendous fear of government. They followed Al-Tokiya method of hiding their faith. Inside I hate you but outside I pretend to be your friend, please government Muslims regained their spirit of martyrdom that was burried inside of them. They remembered how al-husayn son of Alilibn Abitalib and grand son of Mohammed went to fight his enemy even though he knew he would be killed. They abandon Al-Tokiya and adopt spirit of martyrdom-Ayatollah Khomeini was leading this movement through cassettes his teaching, beliefs & plan for revolution to brainwash. Thousands of Iranians were killed in this revolution which overthrew the government and succeeded in establishing the Islamic government. In university of Egypt, students protested violently and declared Islam should take over Egypt like Iran. They shouted you are puppet of Americans since revolution in Iran has supported all Islamic fundamentalist groups that have terrorized the world. One of the groups that Iran planted and supported was Hizbollah-shiite group in Lebanon whose mission was to overturn government and establish an Islamic nation Lebanon was country led by christian Iran supported in Sudan, Hasan-al-Turabi overturned Sudanese government and also supported Egypt, Algeria, Tunisla and many other Arab countries. Iranian threatens exploiting revolution in Arab country. Saddam Hussein of Iraq had no intention of sharing his authority with fundamentalist, muslim or anyone. He led regional defense against the Iranian revolution and invaded Iran. All Arab countries and rest of the world supported him. Iranian took the war into Traqui soil for six years. 168 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Iran/Iraqi war killed almost one million muslims from both sides, two million wounded. Iranian revolution sent a new hope to all Islamic movements in the world that Islamic would take over the earth and lead the world. In 1980 Egyptians believed it was time to join with Sudan - and Iran who had already established Islamic state and get invasion of Arab world. Members of the group who opposed unity went to their follow members homes, knocked the door and stabbed the people of house to death. Before the victim breathed his last breath he was told he was betrayer of Allah. Islam punished delayed Jihad. They slaughtered the wives, and children through bloodshed and terror. Out of I.G.M. other smaller groups, Al-Jihad emerged, led by Mohammed Abdul Salam Farag. In his book he questioned the leadership of many muslim countries. He wrote muslims should not mix with anyone else and if they do should be killed. He condemned all other religions activities in Islam as fasting, prayer and charitable works because they keep muslims so busy that they ignore call of Jihad." He wrote, "Before Islam, Allah dealt with infidels and heathens with fire, floods, tornadoes etc. Allah command muslims to take law in their own hands. It became their responsibility to torture and kill the enemies of Allah. Jihad is not negotiable nor can it be compromised." Al Jihad needed guns, bombs, weapons and transportation & were under tremendous pressure. To raise fund Al-Sharif suggested that the movement should take the possessions of the Egyptian's & christian's property who were in minority. This hellish idea did not question about morality & decided to rob them, enforce taxation for :unbelievers or use extortion. Christian citizens has industry of production of gemstones, jewellery and idea was to attack the business and kill the christians and confiscate all money and merchandise. Al Jihad killed, robbed and stole from christians as they were taught by Quran regarding the people of the book-Jews & christians Fight acknowledge not the religions of truth i.c. Islam among the people of the scripture. Jews & christians until they pay tax with willing submission & feel themselves subdued. Surah 9-29 Noble Quran. When you throw a stone into water the ripples go in all directions. Egypt is. like the stone that was tossed into water. It was at the centre of modern terrorism, reason for that Egypt is capital of Islamic education for the entire world. Al-Azhar sends missionary everywhere to spread Islam. If there are religious questions in muslim nations anywhere in the world they ask Al-Azhar e.g. when to start Ramzan depends on sighting of moon. Al-Azhar will declare that they could see moon cairo the world could start Ramzan. Thousand of libyan muslim men were inspired . : 169 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ by murder of Sadat & were willing to die in the name of Allah for Jihad which travelled from Libya to Tunisia. Why America special target? because 1) America represents those whom Quran calls people of book. Jews and Christians & 2) America supports Israel. 3) America is source of all muslim's consider to be evilpornography, alcohol, homosexual rights, evil music, evil fashion and evil culture. 4) America supports christianity all over the world. 5) America - is government of the people, by the people and for the people which makes its a heathen govt. in muslim thinking, because Allah is to be the head of all government And in Islam's view America and western countries are true enemies of Allah and west is always helping Arab's government to kill muslim fundamentalists & destroy their organisations. Also west helps Israel to fight & kill the Arab. Osama Bin Laden Saudi millionaire, he left his home country because of persecution of government & went to Sudan just as Sheikh Abdul Rehman did In 1946. He left to go to Afghanistan to unite with Dr. Ayman-al-Zawahiri and other original members of the Egyption Al-Zihad to establish the Al-Qaeda organisation. This is an international organisation that includes non-arab members such as Chechnya, Kashmir, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Kenya and many others. People are different but goal is same-Israel is condemned for representing Judaism and America is condemned for representing Christianity. Al-Qaeda is repackaging, re-grouping & re-organising of Egyptians. Previous islamic movement believed to overturn homeland first & then overtake the world. But after failure to control. Egyptian in eighties, Dr. Jawahiri & Sheikh Abdel Rehman concluded that it would be better to go for world wide Jihad. America & Europe supported Egypt to destroy Islamic sects and U.S. supported Iraq to fight fundamentalist of Iranian revolution. U.S. is still supporting Israel to fight Palestine. Al Qaeda's target was police force, military government & now civilisation, economy, security of the world's source & power means America & European countries. Killing civilians, destroying economies but it is still in accordance with Quran. Laden was multimillionaire, Taliban was helped by weapons from Russians & vast destruction. President Obama following Gandhian principles is great who succeeded in killing Laden in his own home. Secularists are suspicious of religious belief and regards religious believer irrational and religious people believe it is prejudice attitude if religious attitude like Jihad. Terrorist are dangerous to society and should be restricted. You might believe your religious contents are superior but you can't force your thoughts, concepts or ideas on others. No one is born with unchangeable destiny of becoming extremist. All Abrahaminic faith provide bit of textual material and pushing people in wrong direction. 170 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Faith can't be forced. It comes from heart & head and not by terror and horror with intent of grabbing power, prestige, wealth and world. Jihad is specified condition for rebellion & does not fit the requisite of religious conditions. No individual can declare another to be an apostate. Argument that terrorist aggression is self-defense is baseless. It is against Islam to lynch non muslim citizens of muslim state for blasphemy. It is not religion, deserves blame. But crime associated with religion is fanatism. Jews lost their rights because in biblical days they were not loyal to God or observant of religion and were trying to harm muslims whatever animosity there is between Jews and muslims has no impact on God. Each individual will be accountable for their own wrongs, muslim or non-muslim. So you can't blanket entire caste or creed terrorist Jehadi who believe that their deeds are virulent & have a religious basis for their atrocties cruel activities give them rejoice and defense is religious base & their leader convince them & no one can be dissuded once so convince them & no one can be dissuded once so convinced. Islam has koran prophet Mohmmed founding faith religion & legal tradition, but no suicide bombers like Salab Ghandour, Kasab, no incendiary leaders like Hasan Nasrullah, no militant Sheikhs like Yusuf-al-Quradhavi, no murderous conglomerates like Hamas and AlQaeda who claim that Islam is violent and destructive faith. Hasan Nasarullah told on T.V. across Arab, "It had gone wrong with Islam, problem is too much moderation. According to Hazbullah if fatwa of Imam Khomeini against apostate Salman Rushdie carried for writing novel "The Satanic Verses" those depicable people would not have dared to insult the prophet Mohammed in Denmark, Norway & France. After the Danish newspaper published controversial cartoon dealing with some cases potraying prophet Mohmmed. Nasrulla spoke of boycotts, diplomatic effort. solitarity protests would not be enough. If we tolerate God knows what. They will do later. This is about their prophet." Sheikh yourself at Quradhani of Qatar declared "nation must rage in anger." Muslim cleric Iman-al-Shafi said, "who never was angered & did not rage is Jackass". from similar sentiments muslim leaders. called for death of cartoonist. In Yemen one Imam said "anyone who insults the prophets must face, the sword." When Islamic court issued Fatwa condemning twelve cartoonists to death. Religious leader Maulana Mufti Abul Irgan defended & claimed that koran clearly states anyone who insults the prophet deserves to be punished. In Afghanistan crowd chanted, "If they abuse prophet of Islam again we will become Al-Qaeda." Salim Mansur a Canadian muslim interprets differently, says "Since God neither compels nor takes offence, it is 171 For Personal.& Private Use Only
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________________ reasonable to believe followers should behave in similar manner. Cartoon controversy wound down, business lost millions editors had been fired and Jailed" artists were hiding, government officials stepped down. Danish didnot reprint but across the country reprinted images of Piss Christ-Andres scrrano's photograph of crucifix with Jesus christ submerged in glass of artist own urine on ground that it was art. One of the Danish Cartoon was with bomb in mohammed, turban was ludicrous, it made in sense to declare Mohammed a terrorist likely interpretation based on belief that terrorism derived spiritual ammunition from Islam. Doug Marlette drew cartoon showing in his own words a man in Middle Eastern apparel at the wheel of Ryder truck hauling a nuclear warhead. The caption read what would Mohammed drive?" Muslim believe they are required to carry out a violent holy war. (jihad) against infidels. Problem is not religion but interpreters of religious books & religious extremists which seperates constructive religious impulses to destructive one who are corrupting the religion too. Problem is not religion but fellow religions. Europe was torn apart by an unending series of brutal and cruel wars based on small differences. Bosnia; Middle East, South Asia are samples of religions continuing potential to inspire blood-shed. Religion itself is source of problem in religion people fall prey to extremism. In middle east where Islam's strict medivial Sharia law reduces everyday lice to one repression, cruelty & paralysing fear at best and at worst, terrorism, honour killing and death by stoning for relatively minor offences and sometimes for no offences surrogated with stiflingly rigid and intolerant religious code. When social structure becomes weak. bad elements encouraged and protected by selfish leaders, Fanatics create fanatics and terrorism thrives. Religious life of extremists cry oui for psychological analysis. Osama Bin Laden was loved and respected in Jalalabadm Afghanistan because in their view he was combating injustice and wanted to liberate islamic lands. So riches & money was put at service of community and spent on other extremists in every faith arrived at their fanatism through combination of personal pecularities and religious ideology. Destructive faith is not only religious ideology but role of faith played in individuals. Psychological make-up. Hitler has hypnotic ability to pronounce a message that people wanted to hear his message wa: partly political & partly psychological. Laden's ideology, common to muslim to muslim population drawn to extremism by idiosyncrasies by their psychic make upextremism prime personalities common among many fanatics. Extremists are unwilling to compromise with those who disagree & for them any inhuman means is justified. Too much freedon can be psychologically threatening to some. 172 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Political Violence In Iraq - Saddam Hussein on coming to power in 1979 silenced all political opposition and converted one party state. Over more than 20 years his regime has executed, tortured, imprisoned, raped, terrorized & repressed Iraqi people. Iraq was once rich in culture with history of intellectual and scientific achievement. Saddam silenced its scholars as well as women and children with unimaginable cruelty. Iraqi dissidents tortured, killed or disappear in order to deter other Iraqi citizens from speaking out against government or demanding change. A system of collective punishment tortures entire families or ethnic groups for the act of one dissidents. Women were raped and often vidcotaped to blackmail their families. Citizens are publicly beheaded with unspeakable atrocifies in daily life. Why didn't Iraqis complain publicly? Because of Saddam's decree in 2000 authorising government to amputate the tongues of citizens who criticized him or his government Saddam Hussain used chemical weapons for mass destruction against his people. In Zimbabwe in Africa - When marxist Robert Mugabe was elected in 1980 as Prime Minister. Zimbabwe was gradually transformed into hell on earth. Thousands of white-owned commercial farms have been stolen by hordes of government sanctioned thugs. Owners were brutalized, tortured, murdered: Christians churches were bulldozed. Burma & Sudan - are ruled by brutal militancy dictatorship & mass slaughter & genocide are normal. China - Chinese goods may be cheap but life is even cheaper. Government imprisons. anyone who dares to criticise, has suffocating communist dictatorship. There is no free press. News organisations being largely ruined and owned by government. They even censor the internet. One child policy enforced by' mandatory sterilisation, forced abortion and infanticide. In Russia - freedom has deteriorated in political court, rules of law, freedom of expression etc. Most Government from East Africa to South Africa are corrupt, predatory power, hungry perfumes its tyrany with an idealistic such as communism or Islamic fundamentalism. Terrorism is motivated by political religious or economic reasons because persecution, in-justice, or oppression. Tool of terrorist is creating Terror. They become terrorist as freedom fighters pursuing nationalistic goal. Such acts are seen in their eyes as heroic acts and they feel them as martyrs, In 1944 bomb plot against Hitler, epoch changing status 173 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ save 6 million Jews & thousands of soldiers by death of one person. However Hitler viewed it negatively as all of terrorism. Conclusion : People who follow path of violence promote violence. Non cooperation, strikes, Bandh, stone throwing, looting and put ships con fire are very common now-a-days only on trifle issues. Why? Basic reasons for this is hunger for power; encroaching land of other nations from houndry lines is greed. Child abuse cruelty to woman is muscle power. Corruption is again greed. Everybody wants to eat up the weaker one, exploit the situation. Selfish and selfcentric attitude leads to violence and can't visualise other's pain, woundcry or suffering. Place yourself in the other person's situation & judge it. You will get the right answer for the problem. Live with ethics (i.e. Niti) which includes all five principles of Jainism. 1) Ahinsa, 2) telling truth, 3) Celibacy, 4) Aparigrah, 5) Non-stealing. Darwin's evolution or Herbert Spencer on survival of fittest, the laws of jungle is a stark reality. Some argue, "It is natural state of affairs. Only way we can live is by taking lives of other creatures since continuity of life depends on other life for sustenance. This is despotism and terrorism. Apology is gestures of empathy. Express regret for offending someone elses feelings Apologizing implies you are aware of feelings of another and can emphathize when we apologize we acknowledge that we did something and work at repairing damage. It should be thoughtfully conceived, clearly stated and heartfelt and we know our actions and not looking for excuses. This is non-violent attitude. Be honest with each other. Negotiate, discuss & compromise. Ethical and reasonable people, whether religious agnostic or atheistic will disdain & reject destructive violence perpetrated in name of religious faith & ideology. Roots and origins of religious militancy is a reaction to poverty, deprivation, frustration, mistreatment, insanity and psychopathology. Reason for extremism. 1) In some religion some doctrines practice by wrong interpretation of fellow member and inspire hatred. 2) People who commit evil acts in name of their faith are corrupting true message of religion. 3) Co-religionist should bear responsibility of fellow believers in name of their religion. 4) Aggressive, frustrated poor people are more prone to extremism. 5) Certain societies are breeding grounds for extremists. 6) Cultural minorities differ from our norms, practices inimical to our way of life. Peace & security inconvinient to accomodate religious differences. Treat religious scruples tenderly & delicately. All men must be tempered by due regard for protection & essential interests of nation. 174 For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ 6) Most bigotries and atrocities blamed on religion are actually chargeable to wicked intellectual. The spirit of dogmatic domainion, passion for laying down law in theoretic system. Some offences are associated with antisemitism villaam James pragmatist link to basic human tendency to hate people & things that are foreign and different, intensely loyal and narrow mind is once grasped by feeling that certain super human person is worthy of its exclusive devotion than vocabularies are exhausted & languages altered in attempt to praise him enough. Trouble starts when slightest affront or neglect of worshipped one must be resented, deity's enemies must be put to shame People with narrow mind & strong will power urge to protect deity & to attack those who offend his name can become an engrossing preoccupation & result can be crusades and massacres. When behaviour towards others is violent or destructive, it causes suffering. It is sure your religion has been corrupted & reform is desperately needed. You should be careful when believer claims to possess complete, unchanging & absolute truth. If demand, blind obedience or claim to possess mandate of God because authentic religion encourages questions and reflection at all levels. Religious impulse sometimes operates benignly & constructively help people to deal with the inescapable & terrifying challenges of life. All religions of east or west can provide fertile ground for the growth of close mindedness, hatred, bigotry, violence. Bin Ladens views were extreme so they inspired evil & his end was evil. Religious life of extremists cry out of psychological analysis Osama Bin Laden was loved and respected in Jalalabad in Afghanistan because in their view he was combating injustice and wanted to liberate islamic lands, riches & money was put at service of community and splendour others. Extremist in every faith arrive at their fanatism through combination of personal peculiarities and religious ideology. Destructive faith is not only religious ideology but role of faith is not only religious ideology but role of faith. played in individuals psychological make up. Hitler has hypnotic ability to pronounce a message that people wanted to hear his message was partily political and partly psychological. Laden's ideology was common to muslim population drawn to extremism by idiosyncrasies by their psychic make up to extremism prone personalities common among many fanatics. 175 . ion International For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Suvarna Jain is a versatile writer. She is well read and has touched many topics. She has raised various ethical issues, and how religious principles helps to give solutions, for the problems, pertaining to the present day world. She is extemper poetess, painter, author and artist. She has studied M.A., M.Phil in philosophy, yoga, Preksha dhyana, science astrology, Jain Darsan. Law which reflects in her writing because of her thirst for knowledge she is always accompanied by philosophical, religious books pen and painting brushes. I wish her all success in all her endeavours. : Dr.(Kum.) Utpal Mody, vice principal & H.O.D. in phili. Dept. Bhavan's Hazarimal Somani College, Suvarna Jain's contribution in literature field is increasing every day. Her articles are published in Mumbai Samachar, Janmbhumi, Asha, Vedanani Shrusti, Samudra Kinare, Nirdoshater, Prabudhdha Jivan, "Jain art and literature in history and manu other books. She has won prizes from different association and Essay Competitions. She wants to fly very high in the sky and says "sataraMgI meghadhanuSI kalaramAM A jIvanasapharane to raMgAvavuM che." saranAmu mAnava hRdayanuM maLe to amAre tyAM mamatAnuM bIja nAkhavuM che.' She is very mixing and friendly by nature while travelling in different country with different people she increases her stock of knowledge. She can hear musical notes in nature's scenic vies & says. "Sel all E27 4stus ada, ke haraeka laharamAM ekara gIta TAMkavuM che" athavA bAdalo ke jhUlome, bhAgake meM to jhulane jAu Hulles el plast ola bilsiell audl 926."Science laws & philosophy asks for verification for facts. Being degree h older of thie she has produced verified truths. My heartiest congratulation & best wishes for her further contribution in literature. 2. Dr. Kokila Shah MA. PhD (Gold Medalist) Hon. Somaiya Jain Centre, and Bombay. University. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Book by Suvarna Jain 1. sauMdarya tanamananuM 2. hRdayanI kSitijo jiMdagInA vividha raMgo Whether soul supersoul Evil Soul exists 5. Religion in practical life. e politications 6. virodha vidroha ke visphoTa 7. bALaucheramAM kyAMka bhUlatA to nathI? 8. nArInuM sthAna kyAM che? 9. AtmasudhAramAM dharmano phALo 10. zodha nibaMdha saMgraha. For Personal & Private Use Only
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________________ Death's behavior is outrageous. You may ask it to wait a while but in vain. Death is monster beyond human power to budge or to hold in check. Any outcome we construct by whatever hardship and toil will be quashed in final act of life as a curtain comes crashing down. It is like blowing bubbles however giant a bubble you may contrive to blow it is destined to burst at end. So we must live life with Niti (ethics) which includes all five principles of Jainism. Niti is dharm one word for religion is non-violence, non-possession, truth-telling, non-stealing, celibacy. Anekantwada, Syadvad, Maya helps to solve today's problem. Eg. Dowry is greed exploitation or child abuse, aggression towards child is social violence which is prohibited in any religion. So lit your life colorful with smile & ethics, love and affection. - Suvarna Jain e Publisher : N. M. Thakkar & Co. 140, Princess Street, Mumbai - 2. O 2201 0633, 2203 3128. For Personal & Private Use Only