intelligent being who has direct knowledge of subtle atoms out of which material objects are composed.
For Gandhiji God is truth.
Gandhi Urgues -Everything around me is changing, ever dying all that change living power that is changeless that creates, dissolves, recreates that informing power of spirit is God. Gandhiji also feels a teleological order and design in the universe. As an idealist he cant appreciate blind mechanistic interpretation of the universal order, there is unalterable lau: soverning everything & every being that exists or lives. It is not blind law for no blind law cun govern the conduct of living being Gandhi percieves diyine design everywhere both in the inner & external world. This design leads to postulation of an omniscient perfect being who constantly superwises it is none but God.
Modern science tells us that the order system have come to this universe after a long evolutionary process, heavenly bodies rotate on their axis driven by their intrinsic nature God is myth so teleological points fails so God does not exists. Ontos - Real thing logia - discourse so ontology means study of reality. Idea of God & mankind are rowing in same boat human civilization & idea of God has undergone various transformation. Psychological argument faith as firm belief in God. Blind faith is superimposed on our minds by authority & tradition without any urge, but living faith comes from the core of our hearts. It is burning eagerness to attain union of God. This faith is subtle psychic stage which is strictly personal & hence a universal scientific law in respect of it is impossible.
Krishmurty - Mind is known can be experienced & known can never know unknown, it can know only what it has experienced taught or gathered. Man is product of environment & of various reaction. Those who accept the view than man is essentially divine that his destiny is controlled & guided by supreme intelligence, assert that they are seeking God, perfection liberation, happiness. Their belief in supreme entity who is guiding man's destiny is based on faith. They say transcendental entity is supreme intelligence has created the world & soul is eternal entity. Concept of God is result of our conditioning belief of believing in God is result of our environment trained to believe in God from childhood. Thought can project anything it likes. It can create or deny God, invent & destroy God according to his inclination pleasures & pains. What he has created is projection of thought. As you can't find security outside, you seek it in your idea, thought, images, & create God. Formulate opinion about God is childish. We should not cultivate belief or disbelief, but understand process of mind. Thought
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