with Ketamine explanation of NDEs are related to hallucinatory phenomena are sometimes rejected by spiritualists because many persons insist that their experiences were real Osis & Haraldson). 30% of normal subject given Ketamine insisted that they had not been dreaming or hallucinating but events are really happened (Rumpf Siegel APA) defines a hallucination has the immediate sense of reality of true perception transient hallucinatory experience are common in individuals without mental disorder. The clear sensorium of some dying patient or hallucination in schizophrenia. occur in clear consciousness & believed to be real. Majority of large neurons in cerebral cortex use the excitory amino acid glutamate as their neurotransmitter. Glutamate is chemical messenger in the temporal & frontal lobe & is central to the function of hippocampus it plays vital role in cognitive process involving the cerebral cortex including thinking formation of memories & recall it is vital in perception. It was not clear whether hallucinogenic properties of Ketamine were due to NMDA or sigma receptors. It is now known that these effects are due to NMDA receptors blockade & not sigma reception Glucomate is excitory when present in excess neurons die via excitotoxicity neuronal cell death, hypoxia, ischaemia, & epilepsy proven to lead to excessive release of Ghecomate.
Psychological - depersonalization
alerts one to threat of death allowing reality to be integrated without panic, protecting nerve cells from ischaemic damage. Regression in service of ego-loss of contact with external world. Reactivation of birth memories moment through tunnels towards light as a memory being born.
Sensory deprivation of memories may normally suppressed by mechanism which acts as a gate.
The white light result from CNS stimulation mimicking light on the retina & lowering of phosphene perceptual Threshold sensory deprivation itself produces a profound alteration in consciousness.
For experiencer their adventures seem unquestionably to provide evidence for life after death is added conformation. For scientist these experience are just hallucination produced by dying brain & nothing but vivid dreams.
So are NDE prelude to our life after death or last experience we have before oblivion? NDE provide no evidence for life after death but it is neurochemistry physiology & psychology just like dreams.
Spiritualist claims NDE as proof of survival but convincing, evidence of survival is lacking culture & religious background influences all such
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