take balance for the benefit of not only human but also to all living being's Mutual beneficence life formula is not conflict
Natural disasters, storm, volcano, earth quake, landslide are due to change in atmospheric pressure, injustice done to nature & carelessness of human towards it, Corrupted human mind is source of desires actions motivates the nature.
Technology provides information on all the aspects of life- values, ethics, morals, science, geography nature spirituality which interconnects life globally vows controls population by celibacy vrata, desires, molding conduct, stabilizes will, thought, action which affects the environment.
Wealth without work, pleasures without conscience knowledge without character, business without ethics, science without humanity, religion without duties & responsibility, politics without principles, life without virtues goals morals is deadly sin
Division of race religion nation human being manyness of forms & names has conflicts contradiction disharmony ,sufferings miseries. Due to cosmic order in the movement of planets sun moon stars universe exits. If one steps out of his limited field for self interest, greed disharmonise & whole will collapse. Realization of harmony, inter connectedness of lives listening to cry of plants & animals maintains harmony with natural resources will maintain ozone layer, ecology & environment. Scientists have been warning since long time the quantity of chloroflouro carbons in the atmosphere is continuously increasing & adversely affecting the protective ozone layer fifteen to twenty km beyond & around the earth protects life of earth from the devastating effects of ultra violet rays. If correction measures are not taken large holes will appear in ozone layer. British scientist found that hole had already appeared in ozone layer above Antarctica & was increasing in size. : Local stresses occurred in south America near Western coast a cold water current Humboldt was flowing brought nutritious element from deep sea there was abundance of fishes on shores of Peru & flocks of sea bird. Due to environmental degradation caused by human activity a warm stream suddenly & unexpectedly appeared pushed the Humboldt current far south lacked the nutrient for fish & fish became extinct resulted in death of birds due to depletion of food fish.
Consumerism depletes natural resources polluting & destroying the environment as a consequence it breeds destitution, disparity & discontent leading to terrorism. Basically & essentially we consume to survive comfort & ambition. Ambition over takes need & comfort if not curbed & bridled & suffer. Consumerism has it origin in planned
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