What is organ Transplant - organ transplant is moving of whole or partial organ from one body to another, from donor's to patients body.
Organs that can be transplanted are -
Lungs life saver for cystic fibrosis emphysema or other end-stage lung diseases
in end-stage liver diseases.
Diseased pancreas in diabetic person can eliminate the need for insulin injection.
in a plastic anemia immune system deficiencies & to help producing remission in certain types of acute leukemia. Bone used in facial reconstruction limb salvaging correction of birth defects, cancer treatment & spinal & oral surgery.
Cartilage & tendons used in facial & other reconstructive surgeries. Eye & Cornea to restore vision for blind people. Heart whose heart no longer works.
Kidney life enhancing & life saving transplants help patients with kidney failure Small in testing used for short bowel syndrome. They restore the nutritional balance of body. Fascia connective tissue
& facial defects.
Skin to save life of burnt patient it decreases paininfection, heat loss, & fluid loss.
Veins They are used in vascular reconstruction to restore blood flow to various part of body.
Scientist believe stem cells could prove body repair-kit with no need for donated organs. IVF embryos, blood from babies ambilical cord, adult bone marrow, excess fat around tummy, contains stim cells that could cure injured knees or from own bone marrow to treat damaged liver.
Jain Education International
to restore, support, repair limbs, soft tissue
From a donors side organ is removed & transplanted in patients body for purpose of replacing the recipient's damaged or failing organ with working from donor's side where organ-donor can be living or deceased, Categorisation
Organ transplant can be categorised as life saving organ transplant &life enhancing tissue transplant. Heart kidney liver lungs pancreas intenstine are organs which can be transplanted. Bone tendon, cornea, heart valve, vein, skin are tissue which can be transplanted.
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